John McCain, Arizona senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee is recovering after surgery to remove a blood clot in his brain. There are concerns his recovery may take longer than expected. He has a history of malignant melanomas, the most recent in a location near the eye which had been causing him problems.
He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five and a half years, badly injured and severely tortured.
He has a successful (especially in later life) Jupiter in his 10th which is square his Virgo Sun and trine Mars in Leo, so despite being pushed past his breaking point by the Vietcong, he’ll always have harboured a nugget of optimism inside about the future. He’ll be 81 this September so it’s a miracle he’s done as well as he has given the ordeal he went through.
Tr Uranus is square his Pluto this year suggesting a significant change of lifestyle; and what is minorly worrisome is that the early August Lunar Eclipse will be exactly in opposition to his 6th house Mars; and the late January 2018 Lunar Eclipse is conjunct his Mars. He’ll be lower in energy and enthusiasm with tr Neptune square his Jupiter in 2018. He may not feel like battling on with his old vigour, but hopefully will be around pitching in his contribution for a while yet.
His victim/healer 12th Harmonic and his grittily-persevering 16H both have Saturn Mars Pluto tied together, so he’s got courage in the face of brutality. His 17H is even more marked suggesting his influence will live on.