Theresa May’s new government was kicked off just after 12.30pm on June 9th with an exact Full Moon square Neptune conjunct the Descendant, which is hardly auspicious – impractical, disorganised, lacking will-power, a tendency to give up or give in too easily rather than meet problems head-on, prone to self-deception, lacking in commitment to alliances (or unreliable partners).
To some degree that weakness may be strengthened by the Saturn conjunct Moon opposition Sun, which is the driving rod of a Fire Grand Trine of Node trine Saturn trine Uranus. But it looks all muddle, guddle and panic frankly. With an unhappy populace given Saturn in the 4th.
There will be activity in fits and starts with an ambitious (and bossy) 10th house Mars; and a forcefully confident, grandstanding 5th house Pluto square Jupiter – but it’s all very disjointed. And will, in the short term, lead to toxic disagreements as tr Mars moves to oppose Pluto on July 2nd and then square Uranus on July 18th. Plus tr Neptune will square the midheaven along the way of this year and next, depending on the exact agreement time, which is undermining.
She’s now hauled Michael Gove, a definite Brexiter, into her Cabinet, presumably with an eye towards inclusiveness, and to keep a dangerous rival off the backbenches. But there’s no way any cohesion is going to be achieved with such a split cabinet – the Scots Tories don’t want out of the single market, the DUP want an open border with the south, Philip Hammond has acute worries about the economic effects of a hard Brexit etc etc. Her relationship with Gove is angry and blocked from mid July to early Sept, and late October/November this year.