Bernie Sanders has been pushing for a new Medicare government-run healthcare plan, cutting out private insurance, in which everyone would be covered, although it isn’t clear how the trillions of dollars in new spending would be financed. It’s a European/socialist type scheme which is unlikely to play well in the US and which even countries who’ve been running such a setup for decades are now finding overly expensive.
Sanders, born 8 September 1941 with a speculative time of 12.27 pm New York, came up through old-school socialist activism, had a complicated early emotional life about which he dislikes comment and did not hold down a steady job until he won his first election aged 40. He had a brief first marriage, then a son out of wedlock and has been married to Jane Sanders for thirty years.
He has a 10th house Virgo Sun in an expansive, idealistic square to Jupiter in Gemini. With Neptune in an innovative, creative trine to Uranus Saturn. His Venus in Libra is trine Jupiter and opposition Mars (Moon) in Aries.
Not having an accurate birth time doesn’t help. But on this one there’s a lack of solidity and substance about him with a 10th house Sun in hard aspect to Jupiter – good with words certainly; and outspoken with his Mercury in Libra trine Uranus and Saturn. But it’s the Moon Mars opposition Venus which points to a lack of emotional sensitivity and consideration for the other. That stands in contrast to his political views which purport to be caring about poverty and inequality; and Venus Jupiter can be fairly shallow, all surface charm and not much underneath.
The birth time may be out and there’s nothing much on this one that suggests great secrecy about his emotional life which he’s always been keen to keep screened from public view.
He looks disheartened through this autumn with tr Saturn square his Neptune; more so with tr Neptune opposing his Sun in 2018; and blocked in by 2020 with his Solar Arc Pluto opposing Mars.