John Boyega – talented Pisces storming ahead



John Boyega, the young British-Nigerian actor, who plays Finn, the stormtrooper, in the latest Star Wars, has been soaring the heights since his late teens. Born 17 March 1992 in London with a Penetecostal preacher father, he started studying for the stage aged nine and hasn’t looked back. Now at 25 he’s world famous and a producer as well as a thespian with two Star Wars under his belt.

He’s a filmic Sun in Pisces in a robust trine to Pluto; with his Pluto in an even more determined square to Mars Saturn in Aquarius. Custom-built to play tough roles and not a personality to be overlooked. His creative Venus in Pisces is in a charming opposition to Jupiter (Moon) in Virgo, softening down his hard-man approach. With his upfront Mercury in Aries square an inspired Uranus Neptune in Capricorn.

His next film Pacific Rim Rising, a sci-fi monster movie, in which he stars and co-produces, due out spring 2018, may not live up to Star Wars heights since his Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his Saturn, with Solar Arc Uranus following 18 months later. So perhaps a regroup and rethink phase for his career.

His 7th Harmonic is notable which is spiritual with artistic skills. Though it needs peace to flourish.

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