Bill Clinton – ploughing ahead regardless



Bill Clinton isn’t in the greatest phase of his marriage. He and the Mrs have been looking out of sorts earlier this year with tr Uranus opposing their composite Venus repeating through April and December 2018 and January 2019. Plus tr Saturn is square the composite Sun Mars this December, which will be irritable and chilly. If both birth times are accurate then 2018/19 will be strained also with tr Pluto square the composite Moon. Their respective Sun/Moon midpoints (the marriage significator) have been getting pounded in recent years by the tr Pluto square tr Uranus; and there’s one last assault on that midpoint in 2019 from tr Saturn in hard aspect. Though they are fairly lashed together and have survived through these sorts of times before.

Exactly now he has his Solar Arc Venus opposition his Uranus, which won’t contribute to snug togetherness. His next three years is a mix of undermining Neptune transits plus some confidently upbeat Pluto to Jupiter, or to Jupiter midpoints. In many ways he looks in better shape morale-wise than Hillary. Though tr Neptune is moving through his 6th which will lower his energy. Tr Saturn will square his Mars Neptune in 2018 and his Venus Jupiter in 2019, which will be downbeat at times. And tr Uranus is square his Saturn from mid 2018 for a year will give him a few jolts.

New York Attack – Mars rolling towards a Pluto clash



The deadliest terror attack in New York since 9/11, occurred yesterday at 3.05pm when a truck drove down a cycle path in Lower Manhattan, killing eight and injuring 11. The driver Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbek immigrant, reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar”, and a note was found inside the truck referring to the Islamic State militant group (IS).According to reports he was born February 1988. He was shot by police, injured and is now in custody.

The attack chart has a 13 Sagittarius midheaven, which is almost exactly the degree of the Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto in Sagittarius of 9/11. Yesterday for this atrocity, Saturn in self-righteous Sagittarius was in the 10th in a Fire Grand Trine (giving unshakeable self-belief)  to North Node trine Uranus, focussed onto an 8th house Venus – emotionally driven to a shocking result. With Sun Jupiter also in the secretive 8th, and Mars on the cusp. The Moon was square Saturn for loss; and Pluto was conjunct the relationship Sun/Moon midpoint which is often heavily aspected in disasters. Mars was square the Saturn/Pluto midpoint which points to a violent, ruthless malcontent and Pluto was opposition the Mars/Uranus also violent, destructive and forceful.  Now that I look tr Mars is moving to square Pluto, exactly on November 19th; and it often happens that, even when out of orb, this especially brutal aspect makes itself felt.

The New York City Inc chart, 1 January 1898 12am, has tr Uranus conjunct the Moon now for a shocking emotional upset and square the Capricorn North Node.

The driver, Sayfullo Saipov was born in Uzbekistan in February 1988, which is just on the cusp of Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius moving to join Neptune in Capricorn, with Mars also in late Sagittarius. The triple conjunction generation are very highly-strung and rebellious; add Mars into the mix and it becomes angry and explosive. He also had Jupiter in Aries trine the late Sagittarius/early Capricorn planets, so not short of confidence and fairly pro-active.

The New York Inc chart has Mars Venus in final degree Sagittarius and a Capricorn Sun – so it would spark off his volatile Mars Saturn Uranus.

Hillary Clinton – getting dragged into an unwelcome spotlight



Hillary Clinton’s misdemeanours are being brandished in a distraction attack to deflect attention from the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia.

She’s hardly on a par, not being president, but she may still be damaged. Solar Arc Saturn is within weeks of being in a setback/discouraging conjunction to her Scorpio Sun; and even tr Jupiter moving across her Sun, Venus, Mercury may not be enough to balance out the negatives. She’ll get a jolt as tr Saturn opposes her (8th house) Uranus from 6 to 15th of this month. Then tr Uranus moves to oppose her Solar Arc Mars in Dec/Jan 2018, which is insecure and unstable with likely reckless reactions. In January 2019 tr Pluto opposes her Mars/Uranus midpoint which could bring violent attacks, is a real test of nerves, and could have health implications. That runs on and off till late 2019.

Tr Uranus then moves on in Feb 2018 to oppose her Solar Arc Pluto for another upheaval, at the same time as tr Pluto picks up a two year stay in square to her Sun/Neptune which is scandal-prone, brings great confusion and suffering.

So despite any glee she may feel as the net tightens round the Trump campaign, her path ahead is a minefield for one reason or another.

Guy Fawkes – from terrorist to scarecrow



‘Remember, remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot.’ The annual bonfires and burning of a scarecrow-effigy have been turned nowadays into a fun barbecue. But the 17th century plot was deadly serious, part of the virulent war between Protestants and Roman Catholics.

‘Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, ’twas his intent

To blow up the King and the Parliament

Three score barrels of powder below

Poor old England to overthrow

By God’s providence he was catched

With a dark lantern and burning match.’

Fawkes, born 13 April 1570 JC York, England, was a defiant Catholic, part of a plot to assassinate the Protestant King James 1 (James V1 of Scotland) and restore the monarchy to a Catholic, the 9 year old Princess Elizabeth. He had already fought on the continent for Catholic Spain against the Protestant Dutch. He was guarding a store of gunpowder beneath the House of Lords when he was discovered, interrogated, tortured and executed.

He had a Taurus Sun on one leg of an Earth Grand Trine to Uranus in Capricorn and North Node in Virgo and an Air Grand Trine of Saturn in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius trine Neptune in Gemini – undoubtedly talented and capable. He also had a flamboyant Mars in Leo trine Venus (Mercury) in Aries giving him passionate enthusiasm for his cause.

His Mars was square Saturn/Uranus and his Pluto opposed Mars/Saturn – both of which indicate violence; and his Uranus was conjunct his Saturn/Pluto midpoint, making him unafraid of danger.

When the conspiracy was uncovered in 1605 there was a rebellious and shocking Uranus opposition Sun in place; a fight-against-authority Jupiter square Pluto; an ‘adventurous’ and lucky Jupiter trine Uranus; and Saturn was quincunx Uranus as the status quo was defended.

The England 11 May 973 chart was also being heavily rattled by tr Uranus conjunct the England Sun Mars in Taurus and square Pluto; with tr Pluto opposition the England Neptune bringing a sense of panicky confusion.


Fats Domino – a shy superstar



Fats Domino, who one of the biggest stars of rock and roll in the 1950s and one of the first R&B artists to gain popularity with white audiences, has died. He was born 26 February 1928 in New Orleans where he stayed till he died. He appears to have been a humble, unassuming man which is perhaps why he gained less attention than he should but even Elvis Presley said he stood in awe of him and he was hugely influential on the Beatles amongst others.

He had a Sun Mercury in musical Pisces with his Mercury opposition musical Neptune; with an enthusiastic Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mars in late Capricorn and a lucky, inspirational Jupiter Uranus in Aries. It’s a chart that really needs a birth time to anchor it. Though the harmonics make sense of his talent with an exuberant 7H, usually strong amongst musicians; a determined 11H and a notable super-star 22nd harmonic. His 11H and 22H drew together Jupiter Pluto into a conjunction giving him the confidence and luck to make his mark.

Paul Manafort – the dominoes start to tumble



Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman and campaign official Rick Gates have been indicted by a federal grand jury as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. They were indicted on 12 counts, according to court documents, including conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.

Manafort, 1 April 1949 is a go-getting Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury in Aries trine Pluto, so no slouch when it comes to heading for what he wants. He looks shattered at the moment with tr Neptune square his Mars/Pluto midpoint into Jan 2018, with more Neptune to follow and a downbeat tr Saturn in Capricorn square his Aries planets in 2018. Though he’ll get one boost from tr Uranus square his Jupiter through 2018 – the theory being he’ll be offered a deal if he rolls over on information against others in the Russia investigation.

His relationship chart with Trump looks pressured this month; devastated at the point where Manafort gets a lucky break in April 2018 and December 2018/January 2019; and hits its nadir in 2019 with tr Neptune square the composite Mars.

Manafort’s Uranus is conjunct Trump’s Sun and his Saturn sits on Trump’s Ascendant so he could be a catalyst for a major disruption in DT’s life and career trajectory; plus put a damper on his image. Manafort’s Aries planets are all in Trump’s hidden and secretive 8th house of joint finances. [See posts: August 15 2016 and August 11 2017]

Tr Uranus is square Trump’s Venus from mid this week which will bring an emotional shock of sorts; with tr Pluto squaring his Jupiter this month and November putting him into pushy overdrive, with little regard for social niceties or rules and regulations – it also carries the association of conflict with governmental authorities. [See post October 19 2017.]

Kevin Spacey & Mark Halperin – physical and fixed *updated



Kevin Spacey has apologised for a drunken sexual encounter with a 14 year old boy thirty years ago which he says he doesn’t remember. He says he has been bi-sexual in the past but is now gay.

Born 27 July 1959 5.51am (questionable time) South Orange, New Jersey, he had a Nazi-obsessed father who abused his brother, and with whom he had no contact in adulthood. He is a Sun and Uranus Mercury in Leo with a challenging and driven Earth Grand Trine of a 10th house (public career) Taurus Moon trine Saturn trine Pluto Mars (and Venus) in Virgo. The domineering, ruthless father certainly comes across loud and clear.

If his birth time is right, he’s running into heavy weather career-wise with House of Cards now cancelled and there’s probably more allegations and stories to come out. Tr Pluto is about to square his midheaven around now which often accompanies damage to reputation; and tr Neptune from mid 2018 is square his Solar Arc MC, undermining his career as well. He’s running into his Second Saturn Return over this New Year, which is a grow-up-and-reassess time. There may be financial disappointments with tr Neptune opposition his Venus in January 2018. From mid 2018 as well tr Uranus will conjunct his 10th house Moon and trine his Pluto thereafter, which will jolt his career considerably. 2019 if anything is more worrisome for him with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Saturn and tr Uranus in an insecure trine to his Mars. Showbusiness can be very forgiving viz Woody Allen, but he’s not improved his chances by upsetting the gay community as well as everyone else. He’ll probably bounce back after 2019.

Mars Pluto is described by Ebertin as the tendency to proceed in a brutal manner or the misfortune of having to suffer violent assaults, attainment of success through excessive effort. It’s a dominate or submit influence, victim or perpetrator – which brings up great inner frustration, fear and angst. Mars Pluto is courageous and resourceful in crisis and often occurs in the charts of individuals who work in high-risk jobs where their lives are in danger – viz soldiers or war correspondents. And it is a recurring theme through several of the headline names in the latest round of allegations.

Harvey Weinstein has Mars in Scorpio square Pluto. Mark Halperin, 11 January 1965, US TV political analyst under investigation, has Uranus Pluto and Mars in Virgo, though only widely conjunct. His Pluto Uranus is trine Jupiter in Taurus trine a Capricorn Sun, with maybe a Taurus Moon. So again very earthy, grounded in the body, with the Mars Pluto drive and Jupiter Pluto also tends to give an extra layer of pushiness. And an emphasised Venus square Mars suggests a lack of sensitivity to others’ needs.

Robert Scoble, 18 January 1965, a US tech blogger also accused of harassment, has virtually the same as Halperin – a very Earthy chart with a Capricorn Sun, Uranus Pluto and Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus.

John Leslie, a UK TV presenter, accused on several occasions of sexual assault, though never charged and hotly denied, 22 Feb 1965, is a Sun Saturn in Pisces, but with the Uranus Pluto Mars conjunction in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus.

Bill Cosby, has Mars in Scorpio trine a Cancer Sun Pluto; with an Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus. Roger Ailes is lacking a Mars Pluto, but does have an Earthy chart with four Taurus planets.

Jimmy Savile, the UK paedophile predator, had Mars in Taurus opposition a Scorpio Sun Venus, trine Pluto with a predominantly Fixed chart.

There’ll be no one signature that defines such behaviour. Though both Earth and Fixed planets in abundance can focus energy on physical outcomes – which needn’t mean sexual assault – but they will tend to be more body-oriented. That plus Mars Pluto – seeking power over another to negate early feelings of being suppressed – is obviously a factor. But there are always choices about how to live out a chart and all of the above can be turned to constructive ends.


Freddie Highmore – a super-charged career and education





Freddie Highmore, the lead in the new TV hospital series The Good Doctor, following on from his success in Bates Hotel, has packed a great deal into his 25 years. Born 14 February 1992 with a talent agent mother, who manages Daniel Radcliffe, and an actor father, he made his film debut at 7, appeared in Finding Neverland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory amongst others, before moving into an award winning five seasons in Bates playing a mentally ill teenager. In The Good Doctor he plays a high functioning autistic savant surgeon to good viewing figures and reasonably good reviews. And he still looks about 16.

He has an Aquarius Sun Mercury in a determined square to Pluto; with a highly-strung Uranus Neptune conjunction and Venus and Mars all in Capricorn; his tinged-with-genius Uranus Neptune trines Jupiter in Virgo, bringing him confidence and luck. He has a singleton Moon in Gemini/Cancer, which would point to a public career. He’s got quite a chart and had quite a career – I’m not sure where he managed to find time for school, but he went on to Cambridge and got a double first in Spanish and Arabic (acc to wiki). So certainly high-functioning.

Tr Uranus has been bouncing across his Capricorn planets with more to come early in 2018; and tr Pluto is now conjunct his Uranus Neptune, moving on in 2020 and beyond to cross his Venus and Mars. Interesting that his Jupiter natally is retrograde which obviously hasn’t stopped him.

Trump & Brexit – a spider’s web of connections



Trump and Brexit – the two great shocks of 2016 – are being seen as linked to a spider’s web of alliances between the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, Robert Mercer’s UK-based Cambridge Analytics of which Bannon was vice-president and Brexiteer Nigel Farage – with Russia hovering in the background. One treads warily in these litigious and murky waters so for further details and complications see the Guardian URL below, which will have been heavily lawyer-ed.

Nigel Farage, ex-UKIP leader, is regarded by the media and public at large as more clown than arch-strategist. Then his side won the Leave vote and he appeared last November as a close Trump buddy much to everyone’s surprise. He appears regularly on RT, the Kremlin-funded media outlet.

Born 3 April 1964, he’s an impulsive, pro-active and very intense Mars Sun Aries; with an upset-the-status quo Uranus Pluto on his Virgo Ascendant opposing Saturn squaring onto his Gemini midheaven. He’s in for a few successes and one major shock within seven months with his Solar Arc Sun moving to square his Uranus. Tr Saturn square his Mars early in 2018; and then his Sun and Jupiter in 2019, will dent his enthusiasm.

Arron Banks, a former financial backer of UKIP and co-founder of the Leave campaign, has his wealth largely stashed in opaque offshore jurisdictions. Born 22 March 1966, Northwich, Eng, he’s another assertive and aggressive Sun Mars in Aries; with the mid 1960s rebellious Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn squaring a lucky, expansive though can-be-irresponsible Jupiter in Gemini. His Jupiter is square Saturn and inconjunct Neptune making him fearful of failure, very up and down in mood, and prone to over-inflated schemes. Like Farage he’s in for a few setbacks from the New Year with tr Saturn square his Sun, Mars; and a tough, confusing slog from tr Pluto sextile his Saturn and Neptune in 2018/19.

The Mueller investigation in Washington may bring more details to light about the US end; in the UK the Electoral Commission are looking into potential offences in the Leave EU’s campaign spending and for taking ‘impermissible’ donations. It was substantially funded by five of the UK’s wealthiest business men.

Pots, kettles and whose swamp is the deepest and darkest?