Damian Green – old feud returning to haunt him



Damian Green, the UK Cabinet minister and stalwart inside supporter of Theresa May, is embroiled in a complicated wrangle over allegations of inappropriate behaviour and having porn on his office computer (not illegal) – all of which he strenuously denies. His allies claim he’s being stitched up because of an old feud with the police; and his best buddy David Davis is threatening to resign if Green is forced out (now there’s a prospect.) If he does go it leaves May even more isolated than ever.

Green born 17 January 1956 in Barry, Wales does have quite a strange chart focussed onto Neptune and a Mars Saturn conjunction. His Capricorn Sun opposes Uranus squaring onto Neptune, which can be fanatical or not always open to rational argument. A confident Jupiter Pluto opposes Venus in Aquarius squaring onto Mars Saturn in Sagittarius; and his Sun Uranus opposition is in a wedge, sextile/trine Mars Saturn. Quite an oddball mix of practical, executive abilities, determined, disciplined – and head-in-the-clouds and prone to mishaps from Mars Saturn which latter being in Mutable signs can also be a malcontent.

His relationship chart with Theresa May is business-like and pretty locked together with a composite Sun Saturn opposition Venus square Pluto so it would take considerable pressure to separate them. The composite Sun Mercury square Jupiter brings good feelings and perhaps a tendency to overlook flaws. Though there is also a composite Mars square Neptune which suggests their personal ambitions don’t always coalesce.

He looks rattled at the moment having just moved through tr Uranus square his Sun, returning in spring 2018, before moving on to oppose his Neptune and square his Uranus – so one way or another his life will be unsettled in a major way for another 18 months at least. He looks seriously aggravated this month, perhaps from the 13th for a few days (depending on his birth time). If an early morning birth could be exactly now.

There’s nothing much on his relationship chart with Theresa May (without birth times) to suggest much movement before the spring. Though their chemistry will sour badly in 2019/2020 no matter what the outcome of this typhoon of bad press coverage.

Julia Roberts – a wonder-filled career



Julia Roberts’ latest pic Wonder about a disfigured boy who has to face the world has received generally favourable reviews. Variety said it has a “disarmingly level-headed empathy that glides along with wit, assurance, and grace, and has something touching and resonant to say about the current climate of American bullying.” The Guardian on the other hand saw it as a “ manipulative feel good drama, with a hefty dollop of treacle, with all the depth of a fridge magnet.” Rotten Tomatoes gave it an audience score of 91% and the box office so far indicates it’ll make a healthy profit.

Julia Roberts born 28 October 1967 12.15am Atlanta, Georgia, is still looking good at fifty, with three children in their early teens. She’s got a fairly tough chart with her Sun and two other planets in Scorpio in the 4th; a challenging Yod of Jupiter sextile Sun inconjunct Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries; and her Saturn in a disciplined, edgy square to a hard-working 6th house Mars. Her Jupiter is well aspected being conjunct her Leo Moon trine Mars and sextile her Sun so she’d have enough optimism and luck to offset the setbacks in her chart.

She’s had an award-strewn career and now produces as well as acts and has hefty beauty sponsorship deals. She looks slightly deflated at the moment despite the film’s success, perhaps family and relationship concerns with her Solar Arc Mars opposition her Moon now and tr Saturn squaring her Sun/Moon midpoint before the year end. 2018/19 look a tough slog with tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Saturn midpoint. But she’ll bounce up later in 2018 with Jupiter moving into her 5th house of entertainment and fun.


Matt Lauer & Geraldo Rivera – it just keeps rolling



Sexual harasser Matt Lauer’s exposure – now fired as Today show host and in full PR apology mode – seems to have been more of an upset than some. Though his secret-button locked door mechanism which trapped unwary female visitors in his office is enough of a shock to persuade even the most sceptical.

Born 30 December 1957 in New York, he’s a Sun Capricorn trine Pluto, sextile Neptune Jupiter with his Pluto square Mars. No shortage of controlling, power-hungry elements in that. His singleton Moon in Aries would suit him for a public career, and is either trine Saturn or trine Pluto – in either case not a woman-friendly Moon. It is probably being assaulted by tr Uranus at the moment as his star plunged to the ground. His Venus is in Aquarius – dislikes intimacy but feels free to experiment.

Geraldo Rivera, another talk show host, quintuple married, spoke up in support of Matt Lauer and was then outed by Bette Midler on #metoo. The Daily Beast skimmed through his 1991 Memoir describing it as a “Horndog’s Bible of Workplace Harassment.” Born 4 July 1943 12 am New York, he’s a Sun Cancer, though more pointedly has an attention-demanding 5th house Pluto conjunct Jupiter and late Cancer Moon – so again Pluto’s need to dominate figuring strongly. With his Moon in an angry square to Mars in Aries, with Mars trine Venus in Leo – not exactly sensitive especially to the fairer sex.

Saudi Arabia – Uranus heralding radical change



Is King Salman of Saudi Arabia about to step down and hand over the reins of power to his imperious and impulsive son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)? Reports from mid November say it is imminent.

If so, it would certainly fit the astrology of his Reign chart, 23 January 2015 1am Riyadh, closing the square between Saturn and the Moon to exact (on the same minute of a degree) at the moment. He would continue as a ceremonial figurehead. From mid 2018 tr Uranus squares his Reign Sun into 2019 which also points to an approaching upheaval. On his own chart, 31 December 1935, his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Pluto by early 2019 which for someone of his age and poor health, would indicate an upset.

Commentators say that once crowned king, MBS will focus on Iran, a long-standing rival oil empire to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, with fears military action is possible. He will also enlist the help of the Israeli military to crush Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia supported by Iran. “MBS is convinced that he has to hit Iran and Hezbollah, contrary to the advice of the royal family elders. Which is why the ruler of Kuwait privately calls him ‘The raging Bull’.”

The unified Saudi Arabia chart of September 1932, either 21 or 23rd, in either case has a formidable T Square of Pluto in Cancer opposition Saturn square Uranus in Aries, all last decan. That has just undergone a Uranus Return, so a significant game-changing moment in the country’s history. And the pressure for a radical transformation will continue as tr Uranus continues in 2018 to a high-tension square to the Saudi Saturn; and by 2019 tr Pluto starts a long and difficult haul in aspect to this T square until almost the mid 2020s. The Saudi of the later 2020s will be a very different country. Tr Uranus is also within days of being square the Jupiter Sun in Capricorn of the 1902 chart.

Wars between countries are notoriously tricky to pinpoint from the astrology, though tr Uranus square the Mars/Pluto midpoint on the Saudi 1932 chart in early 2018 and then the Mars might suggest violence; with worse in 2019 with Solar Arc Mars square the Saudi Saturn (though could be earlier depending on start date of chart). Both relationship charts with Iran suggest tensions mounting at the moment and through 2018, though again 2019 looks the more stressed.

[See also post November 10th 2017]

Trump-mania reaching new heights – mad. devious or both



Donald Trump is either descending into paranoid psychosis or he’s up to his usual game of diversionary tactics to render reality irrelevant; plus his narcissistic urge to keep attention focussed on him. Although his return in private to obsessive conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, Hillary not winning the popular vote and it not being his voice on the Access Hollywood sex tapes, might hint at the former. Both are also possible since even the mad can be smart and devious. He’s under growing pressure, possibly more than we see, with the Mueller Russia investigation circling closer to the family; sex allegations against himself and Moore; his hotels losing business; and generally being unloved except by his fan base who continue to cheer even his most rancid and ludicrously unbelievable tweets.

From this weekend tr Uranus moves to square three of his key midpoints until early February. His Sun/Mars – even more impulsive than usual and given to reckless macho reactions; over-strain (cardiac troubles). His Mercury/Pluto – fanatical pursuit of plans, nervous breakdown through overtaxing strength. Venus/Saturn – lonely, quarrelsome, high-tension. Plus his Progressed Moon will conjunct his 12th house Pluto over this New Year – pent up pressures, power-struggles, opening up old psychological wounds, resentful.

It won’t ease up in early 2018 for him,  with February seeing tr Saturn square his 2nd house Neptune, bringing financial concerns, forcing him to face a sobering reality, returning till late 2018, worse in 2019 with tr Saturn square his 2nd house Jupiter. Tr Saturn just before in this coming January moves into his 5th house of children, fun and speculation – so all three areas will have Saturn’s repressive and separating hand landed on them for three years ahead. February also has tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint bringing disappointment, undermining his bullish confidence/social standing and brewing up more deceit than usual, returning late in the year. And the explosively disruptive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars grows ever closer, exact in six months’ time.

His relationship chart with the USA 1776 will continue at high tension through 2018; and with a sense of a growing gulf from mid this December as tr Saturn squares the composite Neptune and more so in mid January with tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun, which returns on and off till October 2018. 2019 is when the more challenging upheavals show up with tr Saturn opposition Venus, Mercury, Mars and conjunct the composite Moon; and tr Uranus opposes the composite Pluto and trines Saturn. 2019 is also when tr Uranus squares his Solar Arc MC and his Solar Return is beyond horrible from June 2019 onwards with Saturn Pluto in the 10th opposition a 4th house Mars.

Mars opposition Uranus – red hot ire wanting to blow



Mars moves to oppose Uranus in the zodiac this Friday which is a touch like a volcano about to explode. It tends to stir up an argumentative, intolerant mood with everyone kicking against restrictions and flaring up over other people’s actions and behaviour. Mars is assertive not to say aggressive when confronted or hemmed in; and rebellious Uranus adds a thunder bolt of lightning to the mix. Often when the pair merge or clash what is experienced is a threat to one’s ego. In order to bolster self-esteem, the immature (or normal) response is to leap into reckless actions or words in a display of machismo which prove to be unwise, even leading to accidents on occasion.

So general frazzle, stresses, strains and emotional tensions. It does come round maybe twice a year so isn’t terminal, but very irksome all the same. There has been a run of aggravation and challenges recently since Mars squared Pluto on the 19th and for the days in the run up before that, so it has been a testing time for nerves.

It can coincide with computer and tech failures as Mars Uranus overloads circuit boards with bad temper; or surgical operations; and usually with violence somewhere in the world (when is there never not?) but more marked than usual.

There is an upside, as the high energy levels can lead to unusual achievements, though it is trickier to handle in an opposition.

Davina McCall and other relationship pluses and minuses



Davina McCall, the UK television presenter, has split from her second husband with whom she has three children. She had a difficult childhood, being sent to grandparents very young when her parents split, had a fractious relationship with her French mother, and a serious drug and alcohol problem as a young adult. Born 16 October 1967 she’s a Sun Libra with an exuberant Mars in Sagittarius sextile her Sun and trine Jupiter in Leo. Though her Mars also squares Pluto Uranus in Virgo, which would give her anger/angst issues and major challenges. Her Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries may be conjunct her Moon.

Her about-to-be-ex Matthew Robertson, also a TV presenter, is a Sun Sagittarius with an Aries Moon, and Jupiter Uranus Mars in Libra; so it isn’t, at a simple level, that bad a match. Though his Saturn in Aries does oppose and block her Sun. Their relationship chart has a passionately affectionate composite Sun, Venus Mars sextile Jupiter; with Uranus Pluto sextile Mercury Neptune; and a tricky, strained Yod of Pluto sextile Mercury Neptune inconjunct Saturn. There are certainly a fair number of pluses which held them together for 17 years. And it will have been under pressure in recent years with tr Pluto square tr Uranus hitting on that focal point composite Saturn.

Usually what holds relationship together over time are 1. Affectionate Sun Venus aspects; 2. Enough Saturn for endurance and longevity but not so much it puts a damper on feelings; 3. Jupiter aspects as a morale booster to smooth out rough edges; and sometimes a composite Sun Moon which makes the two feel more whole when together. Composite Saturn Pluto aspects can also help to bind couples together though it doesn’t always feel comfortable.

Johnny Cash was with his wife June for 35 years; and their relationship chart has a composite Sun Venus trine Saturn and sextile Jupiter; and Saturn opposition Pluto. I can’t imagine it would be an easy relationship but there was enough glue to hold them together. He was a Sun Pisces with a Scorpio Moon while she was a Sun Cancer with a Capricorn Moon.

Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas who split and came back together have a composite Sun Venus Jupiter trine Saturn; and Saturn square Pluto. They are both Sun Libras with her Moon in Pisces and his in Capricorn. There may be a blip or two coming up for them with Saturn moving into Capricorn.

One couple who were married for 66 years and died within 8 days of one another, Aurlo Bonney, 4 March 1916, and Virginia, 10 Nov 1918, didn’t have that great a relationship chart. It had a competitive, argumentative composite Sun square Mars; a cool and suspicious Venus opposition Saturn Neptune; though it did have an adventurous Jupiter square Uranus (Moon) and trine Sun. Their synastry was better with her Scorpio Sun Venus trine Jupiter in Cancer which connected to his Pisces Sun and Moon. But those were different days, when people were more inclined to hang on in there through the good and the bad.

The classic example always quoted was Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, married for fifty years, since he was a Sun Aquarius with a Pisces Moon and she was a Sun Pisces with an Aquarius Moon, so their yin and yang were balanced. But their relationship chart wasn’t that straightforward. There was a composite Sun Moon, which is very positive since they would complement each other, and that opposed Neptune which is good for the movie business and creating an aura, but not necessarily for everyday living. There was a lively composite Jupiter midway between Mars and Uranus, so fun and adventure; but the Mars was trine Pluto and square Saturn, so I’d imagine one side had to grit their teeth and fit in rather than assert their individuality.

Most relationships that survive just need more pluses than minuses. And much goes back to the individual charts involved. Bad relationships do survive because one side has a no-choice or stubbornly-enduring or overly-submissive chart. Whereas a strongly Uranus person will be an uncompromising bolter. It takes two to tango and if only one partner wants to relate then it requires a masochistic of a high order to stick around.

Harry to marry – an earthy Virgo with a lively Leo



Happy news day – a spring Royal wedding up and coming to distract from the drear. The UK chart does look enlivened from late March to late May so the country will be in a jubilant mood.

Prince Harry does have tr Jupiter criss-crossing his midheaven in early 2018 so he’ll be on a high with admiration coming his way; and with tr Pluto trine his Taurus Moon in 2018/19 he’ll be not just moving house but also making positive changes in his emotional life. He has tr Pluto in a passionate square to his 9th house Venus (= bride from abroad) exactly now; with his Progressed Moon moving through his 7th house of marriage which is often when people settle down. Though it will be into his 8th by the time of the marriage which will see two years thereafter of wrestling with himself about what he really values. Tr Uranus opposes his Pluto from mid May onwards for a radical change in his lifestyle; and with tr Saturn heading for his Ascendant from 2019 onwards he’ll want a less pressured life for several years ahead with more time for personal interests, such as children and a family.

Meghan, 4 August 1981 Los Angeles has a birth time from astrotheme of 4.46am though I’m not sure how sound that is. She’s a Sun Leo with a Libra Moon, so very different in personality type to Harry who has a Virgo Sun and Taurus Moon. She’s Fire/Air giving her lively enthusiasm with his more practical Earth. But her Venus is in Virgo chimes with his Sun; and her Libra Moon with his Venus, so there will be an affectionate cross-over. Her Mars in his 7th suggests a lively relationship with frank exchanges of view; her Sun and Venus in his 8th for passion and a deep connection.

She has been looking understandably unsettled this year with the prospect of such a dramatic change to her life’s direction, but is jubilant through this December/January. Born a few days after the not-altogether-positive Eclipse which oversaw Prince Charles and Diana’s wedding, she has a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra close to her Moon. So she will be idealistic as well as ambitious, evidently now wanting to focus away from acting onto her charitable efforts in Africa.

Their relationship chart has a passionately affectionate composite Mars Venus conjunction (undergoing a minor dip later this December); a chained-together Saturn Pluto conjunction, suggesting the burden of duty will be weighty; a needs-space or needs-an-unconventional-lifestyle composite Sun square Uranus – both need to retain their individuality so she won’t just be arm-candy and walking submissively behind him; and Neptune square Venus Mars which is a minor worry, suggesting when the shine wears off there will be some disappointment and perhaps a clash of conflicting ambitions. The composite Jupiter may be trine the Moon (if her birth time is sound) which will help smooth out problems and foster mutual support. Tr Jupiter will give the composite Jupiter a boost in late April which would fit.

I wouldn’t have said it was absolutely ideal, but relationships need to be cut from a different mould to withstand the rigours of a Royal marriage, with a rabid tabloid press and tricky internal family dynamics and rivalries.

China – the imperial dragon breathing fire everywhere *Updated



China’s infiltration abroad is escalating stealthily to a scary degree with multi-pronged strategies. Offers of infra-structure investment to central and eastern European countries (16+1) are causing alarm in Brussels; with Africa’s development being largely fuelled by China. The NY Times headline this morning – Beijing Hinders Free Speech in America – points out the degree to which Chinese students abroad are being threatened into silence. “Chinese students who are seen with political dissidents or dare to publicly challenge Chinese government policies can be put on a blacklist. Their families in China can be threatened or punished.” In Australia journalists have detailed how Chinese money has infiltrated the political process. And back home, the Xi regime is tightening its grip over its own people with a planned Citizen Trustworthy Score, collecting personal info about all areas of life, interests and activities – described by a commentator as “Amazon’s consumer tracking with an Orwellian political twist.” Or as Wired put it ‘Big Data meets Big Brother’. (Urls below.)

Xi Jinping’s initial Presidency chart, 14 March 2013 11.51am Beijing, showed every indication of being a game-changer with a status-quo upsetting 10th house Uranus square a 7th house Pluto, which latter wants to remake others in their image. But more pointedly there is a Yod of a determined Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in the 12th – which certainly has the urge to influence the masses. Tied into Saturn Pluto it does suggest social fanaticism, since an afflicted Jupiter rarely doubts the rightness of its belief. It can trip itself up through allowing a personal ego-trip to get out of hand.

There’s another Yod of Jupiter sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn, which is tough to handle well, and will get a mighty jolt in 2021 as tr Uranus opposes that Saturn.

China itself is deeply secretive and determined with a Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn in the 8th and Jupiter in the 12th; and belligerent with Mars Pluto in Leo in the 7th, so prone to hostile and bullying relationships. It looks to be bouncing to even more prominence in 2018 with its Solar Arc MC conjunct the Ascendant; and roaring ahead in terms of finance and confidence in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto conjunct its Jupiter. Although 2019 also has tr Uranus square the China Moon, suggesting an unsettled population which impacts on the country’ image. Where the real problems crop up are 2021 to 2023 with tr Uranus squaring the 7th house Mars Pluto, which looks agitated, explosive, and a radical upheaval both in diplomatic relations and internally.

Add on: Contemplating Pluto in Capricorn and its tendency to produce strong leaders: On the previous run after the mid 18th century, the Chinese Emperor Hongli was a capable and cultured ruler running a thriving empire. During his reign the Qing Empire reached its most splendid and prosperous era, boasting a large population and economy, with military victories which expanded the dynastic territory to the largest extent by conquering and sometimes destroying Central Asian kingdoms. Although after Pluto in Capricorn moved on the empire started to stagnate.


