George Clooney – hitting an identity crisis



George Clooney’s latest directorial movie Suburbicon starring Matt Damon has got blisteringly bad reviews – ‘an embarrassing Coens-inspired trainwreck’; ‘not as smart, clever or funny as it seems to think it is.’ His previous outing behind the camera ‘Monuments Men’ also fell between two stools as it tried to be a caper and serious at the same time.

All this with tr Saturn starting to move across his midheaven when he should be reaching a peak. He does have a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in his chart, which yearns to find a balance between his activist ideals and commercial success, but he seems to have fallen down the gap between the two and ended up with neither.

Tr Neptune is now crossing his Ascendant giving him a minor identity crisis which won’t disappear in a hurry. Is he part of a celebrity couple, now blessed with twins; or a silver fox star; or a serious movie creator? He looks confidence-dented at the moment with more jolts, jangles and setbacks in 2018, some of which may be family related as tr Uranus squares his Moon and Saturn in late Capricorn and also squares his 5th house Mars, increasing his sense of insecurity. Luckily all is not lost. He’ll bounce back in 2019 as tr Uranus squares his Jupiter and is conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint and Jupiter also moves through his 10th house of career and reputation for glowing reviews and a sigh of relief from his ego.

Al Franken & Charlie Rose – a stressed Moon leads to issues with women



Al Franken, the Democratic Junior Senator from Minnesota, has issued another apology after two more women made allegations of inappropriate touching. He said “I’m a warm person; I hug people. I’ve learned from recent stories that in some of those encounters, I crossed a line for some women — and I respect their feelings about that.”

Born 21 May 1951 6.15pm New York, he was a comedian and writer before turning to liberal politics in 2009. He has a 7th house Sun Mars conjunction in Gemini, so is a communicator, sociable and feisty; with his Sun Mars opposition his Sagittarius Moon; and Pluto on his midheaven trine his Moon – he will be fairly controlling with that Pluto with some issues around women from Moon Mars as well. His Venus Uranus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries which will make him quite fickle emotionally and given to turning on the charm when it suits him.

He looks confused and uncertain at the moment with tr Pluto square his Neptune until early December and his Pluto is being rattled by the recent August Eclipses as well as those next Jan/Feb, so he’s having to rethink his approach. He isn’t standing on solid ground till early January, with his confidence dented, though he says he won’t resign. And despite a few blips next spring will be pushing ahead after a few lucky breaks through 2018/19. Though with tr Saturn moving through his 1st quadrant he’s not as successful as he was and is having to face unresolved psychological issues.

Renowned news broadcaster, Charlie Rose, 5 January 1942 5.50pm Henderson, North Carolina, isn’t faring as well, having been fired by CBS and now having various awards and honours being revoked. He has an ambitious, pro-active Mars in Aries in his 10th trine a Leo Moon; with his Moon opposition an 8th house Venus in Aquarius squaring onto Saturn Uranus in Taurus. Emotionally intense and changeable; and a stressed Moon in aspect to Mars, Saturn and Uranus does suggest issues around women.   Tr Saturn has been opposing his Solar Arc MC as he fell from grace; with tr Uranus in an insecure conjunction to his 10th house Mars through 2017 and early 2018. He looks understandably discouraged this December; and worse after mid 2018, with a ‘shock’ Solar Arc Mars opposition his Capricorn Sun in early 2019, which could be a health issue.

Egypt’s worst ever atrocity – heading for 2019 high noon



300 have died in Egypt’s worst ever atrocity as insurgents attacked a mosque in North Sinai where Sunni Sufi Muslims were worshipping (seen by some as a heretic sect) and tribes who have been supporting the security services against militants. ISIS, having been effectively driven out of Iraq and Syria, has now moved its base of operations. When President al-Sisi took over power after a coup in 2014, he claimed he would end “terrorism” in Egypt, though he’s not winning, despite jailing 60,000 political prisoners and an undetermined number of murders and disappearances; and air strikes against terrorist positions.

Al Sisi, himself, is not a man for turning, with a ferocious Mars in Aquarius opposition Pluto squaring onto his Scorpio Sun Venus, and Saturn Mercury also in Scorpio’ plus a can be fanatical, though also lucky Neptune square Uranus Jupiter. Where he faces his greatest problems will probably be in 2020 with his Solar Arc Mars opposing his Neptune bringing a panicky sense of failure.

His presidency chart, 8 June 2014 11.18am, Cairo, has a similarly crisis-ridden, explosive T square of Uranus Mars and Pluto as Mnangagwa in Zimbabwe (see previous post) though in this case widely aspecting Jupiter which will help marginally to provide escape routes from problems. 2019 looks to be the riskiest with an explosive Solar Arc Mars opposition Uranus coming exact; and an undermining tr Neptune square the presidency Sun from April 2019 onwards till early 2020, when the warlike Saturn Pluto conjunction is in place.

2019/2020 is also when ISIS (15 October 2006) looks to be running into destruction with the tr Pluto Saturn square its Mars Sun.

The Egypt chart, 14 March 1922 10.43pm Cairo, is panicked now till January 2018 with tr Neptune square the 12th house Neptune. 2018 will see a sober reassessment of the country’s direction with some discouragement throughout the year; high tensions and violence around 2019/2020. But it’s a tough country with a natal Saturn on the MC square Pluto so will stand steady though taking economic hits with a pervading sense of deprivation and shortages mounting in 2019/2020.

Hedy Lamarr – her ideas defined life as we know it



Who’d have thought that Wi-Fi, cordless phones and Bluetooth might never have been developed had it not been for the inventive partnership between a Hollywood star and an avant-garde composer? It’s a wondrous tale about Hedy Lamarr, darling of the silver screen in the 1940s. Born 9 November 1914 7.35pm Vienna, Austria, she had an inquiring mind fostered by her wealthy banker father. When she married a fascist arms dealer at 18, she listened to all his conversations about jamming torpedoes and after baling on the marriage and heading to the USA, she tried to give her ideas to the US navy, who weren’t interested. Yet her Secret Communication System, involving the technology behind synchronised music, would go on to define modern life.

Her ideas were picked up after the patent expired in the 1960s and radio communication based on Lamarr’s theory was deployed during the Cuba Missile Crisis. She did receive some scientific credit in her 80s and there’s now a documentary ‘Bombshell’ about her extraordinary contribution.

She had a Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio in her 5th house of entertainment, so was undoubtedly a larger-than-life personality and a touch vengeful. Her Uranus Jupiter in scientific Aquarius in the ‘eureka’ 8th house squared onto her Mercury, which would give her a sharp mind (and tongue) and inspired insights. Her Uranus opposed Neptune which is also an ‘inventive’ aspect as well as her Leo Moon. She did not have a restful emotional life, careering through six husbands and multiple lawsuits along the way. Saturn Pluto in Cancer in her 12th would make her depressive, though Pluto in the 12th also has depth of understanding. Her Pluto Saturn were in a creative Water Grand Trine to her Pisces Midheaven trine her Mercury, which would make her emotionally self-protective. After her sixth marriage failed she remained single for her remaining 35 years.

Oscar Pistorius – his strengths were his weakness



Oscar Pistorius, the Olympic athlete, has had his jail sentence for killing his girlfriend extended to the minimum 15 years prescribed for murder in South Africa, less time already served. Prosecutors had argued that the six-year term for murdering Reeva Steenkamp was “shockingly light”.

Born 22 November 1986 10.30am (from memory) Johannesburg, South Africa, he does have a charming but highly controlling and very intense Pluto Venus Mercury conjunct his Scorpio midheaven, with his Scorpio Sun also in his ambitious 10th square Mars in Aquarius in his 1st. Utterly driven with a never-say-die mentality which took him to the heights to overcome his disability, but ultimately proved to be his undoing. His Leo Moon squares Venus Pluto adding another dose of relentless obstinacy and possessiveness to his determined and volatile temperament.

His get-it-together but also can-be-dominating 5th Harmonic is strong, as is his pleasure-seeking 9H, and his can-be-self-destructive 16H. His genius, breakthrough 13H is notable; and his explosive 18H.

Tr Pluto is now moving through his 12th house, from 2014 right through till 2031, which is classic for imprisonment. Though most often it doesn’t bring such a stark outcome. Certainly a time for deep introspection.

At the moment his Solar Arc MC is conjunct his Saturn which suggests his birth time may be about right. His Saturn is conjunct the Fixed Star Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius (The Scorpion). It is associated with rashness and violence.

His Progressed Moon is moving through purgatory in his 8th for another nearly two years; and a depressed Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Saturn will weigh heavily on him around early 2019. There’ll be some bullish moments in 2018/19 for him and others of complete despair; with some risky situations over 2020/21 with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Uranus. Whatever happens, the turn of the next decade around 2030, when he’ll be in his mid forties, is a time of major change as all the outer planets move into new houses in his chart. Pluto moves out of his 12th across his Ascendant giving him back control of his life. Tr Uranus moves into his 5th bringing more social fun and freedom. Tr Neptune into his 3rd, which will be muddled as far as everyday living is concerned. And tr Saturn into his 4th moving him out of a low profile period of his life.

Emmerson Mnangagwa sworn in – more of the same



Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mugabe’s former ally and spymaster, known as the ‘Crocodile’, has been sworn in as President of Zimbabwe at 11.42pm this morning. This puts an early Sagittarius Sun exactly conjunct the midheaven conjunct the Mars/Pluto midpoint. Ebertin describes this as ‘violent measures.’ It is a control freaky and explosive chart with an 8th house (hidden financial dealings) in a self-willed opposition to Uranus squaring onto a domineering Pluto. Vague, or evasive Neptune is in the 1st house with the Ascendant on the exact Pisces degree of Mugabe’s Sun, so a fair amount of smoke and mirrors, but most likely to be more of the same. Mars today is also exactly conjunct the Zimbabwe 1980 Pluto for rage and frustration. A hidden 12th house Moon suggests the population’s needs may not be a priority.

The entrepreneurial and egotistical Fire Grand Trine also today is focussed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Mars – making Mars in the 8th the driving planet. This points to international trade and finance being a primary ambition, with a good deal of charm being directed abroad with Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th. But that brutal Mars Pluto Uranus T Square is hardly likely to attract the global community.

Gwyneth Paltrow – a rocky road to happiness



The omnipresent Gwyneth Paltrow, actress, singer, health blogger and red carpet regular, appears to be heading for yet another attempt at romantic commitment. She had two early three years liaisons with Brad Pitt and then Ben Affleck, before marrying Chris Martin and producing two children in their fifteen years together. Since their split she’s been dating Brad Falchuk, a television writer/producer (Glee, American Horror Story, Scream Queens, Nip/Tuck).

She doesn’t have the easiest chart for harmonious relationships with an intense, controlling and defensive Libra Sun conjunct Pluto Mars in her 7th house of marriage. She’ll tend to attract difficult rather dominating partners and bring out the worst in them. She’s also got a changeable Uranus in the 8th trine a restless Gemini Moon which is also in a vague, evasive opposition to Neptune. Plus Saturn in her 4th house which rules her domestic life which will tend to mean too little time to relax and indulge even at home. And her Saturn is square Mars, so she’ll be passive-aggressive, overly pliable at times and irritable at others.

Her partner Brad Falchuk, 1 March 1971, is a Sun, Mercury in Pisces in an upbeat square to Jupiter Venus in Sagittarius with Venus in Capricorn and Moon Saturn in Taurus. They are a mix of opposites though Pisces and Libra do often match together. She’s got an Air Sun and Moon, so quite detached emotionally, while he has a Water Sun and Earth Moon, so will be emotionally sensitive and also sensible. His Sun Mercury are conjunct her Ascendant which is a good relationship placing, his Mars in her 10th will spur her ambitions on and his Venus in her 11th will make for a friendly connection and a wide social circle.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Jupiter Mercury which is definitely good news, making them mutually supportive; with a mega-ton of passion from a composite Venus Mars in Scorpio. Though there’ll always be an undercurrent of doubt and concern from Saturn opposition Neptune.

She’s no doubt mellowed through her middle years but it won’t ever be straightforward for her. It does look a touch bumpy over the next year with tr Saturn square her 7th house Mars in December and then squaring all the rest of her 7th house planets in 2018. Looks like work, work, work, which will always be her escape route. And with Jupiter in her 10th she’s destined to become more successful the older she gets.

Ratko Mladic – the wheels of justice grind slow



The ‘Butcher of Bosnia’, former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic has been jailed for life for genocide and crimes against humanity in the 1990s Bosnian war by The Hague War Crimes tribunal. He led forces during the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 and siege of Sarajevo during which nearly 20,000 died. He was ferocious in pursuit of what he saw as the destiny of the Serb nation and saw the war as an opportunity to avenge five centuries of occupation by Muslim Turks. After the war he went into hiding until captured in 2012.

Born 12 March 1943, maybe 4.30am Backi Petrovazc (astrotheme), he is a Sun Pisces (like Mugabe) with his Sun in a confident trine to Jupiter in patriotic Cancer. What marks his chart out as brutal is an Air Grand Trine of Mars in contrary, uncompromising Aquarius trine Neptune trine Saturn Uranus (Moon) in Gemini, formed into a Kite by a ruthless Mars opposition Pluto.

The old historical blood feuds roll on.

Zimbabwe – from jubilation to concern * updated



Zimbabwe is in joyous mood after Robert Mugabe’s resignation. Though why the return of the former vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa whose ousting led to the coup, to take over the presidency should be taken as an encouraging sign isn’t remotely clear. Nicknamed the Crocodile, he has been a Mugabe’s ally for many years, so is hardly untainted. He has been accused of leading brutal waves of repression against political opponents. One veteran of Zimbabwe’s war of independence, who worked with him for many years, said: “He’s a very cruel man, very cruel.” Another official asked: “You think Mugabe is bad, but have you thought that whoever comes after him could be even worse?”

There’s doubt over his birth year, given as 15 September 1942 or 1946. He received military training in China and Egypt, was tortured by Rhodesian forces after his “crocodile gang” staged attacks; became the country’s spymaster during the 1980s civil conflict, in which thousands of civilians were killed, is close to the army and is accused of masterminding attacks on opposition supporters after 2008 election.

The Zimbabwe independence chart, 18 April 1980 12 am Harare, does indicate a fair few challenges and upsets moving ahead. Tr Uranus is moving into the Zim 4th house from April 2018, criss crossing in conjunction to the Zim Sun and IC and square the Ascendant, so next year into 2019 will see upheavals, disruptions and radical changes to the country’s image in the world. With unrest in the years following as tr Uranus moves through the Zim 4th.  Around 2020 tr Pluto will sextile the 10th house Uranus which is revolutionary-prone and could be violent since it will trigger the Zim Uranus square Mars. And the pressures won’t ease as tr Pluto moves in square to the Zim Sun opposition Pluto up to 2023.

As ever part of the problem – apart from kleptocratic, corrupt rulers who live obscenely indulgent lives while the people starve – is that Zimbabwe is composed of two tribes. The largely agrarian Mashona are seen to be favoured by the Mugabe government and the more (historically) warlike Matabeles who suffered systemic massacres in the 1980s by armed militia and many fled to South Africa.

Mnangagwa, 15 September 1942, would make him a Sun Virgo sextile Jupiter in Cancer with his Sun conjunct Mars Neptune in Virgo. 15 September 1946 would make him a Sun Virgo, with Mars Jupiter in Libra trine Uranus and a Taurus Moon square Saturn Pluto in Leo. It’s hopeless making any sense out of these until a definite birth year is established. Though the 1946 birth date (which the BBC has settled on) does look the harder chart and would put his Mars Jupiter on Zimbabwe’s midheaven, which might suggest an exuberant ruler, who might do some good for the country. Though in both cases his Sun is conjunct the Zim 8th house Saturn and square the Zim Neptune, so he’d always be distrusted.

Morgan Tsvangirai, the Opposition leader whose MDC party could have won the past two elections had the votes been counted fairly, said he was not holding his breath about the change being a new direction for the country. He said: “This is an internal Zanu-PF conflict or implosion. It is a factional war of succession.”

Born 10 March 1952, he’s a Sun Pisces on the focal point of a Yod to Pluto sextile Neptune; with Jupiter in Aries opposition Neptune Saturn; and Mars in Scorpio square Pluto so a complicated, determined individual. Seven out of the 9 planetary aspects he has over the next three years are negative with only two constructive ones, this December and Sept/Oct 2018 with a lucky break opening new opportunities from mid 2018 onwards till early 2020. But on the whole he looks disillusioned and not making much headway.