2018 – an earthier mindset



The tumultuous Uranus square Pluto is waning fast, which has made for a series of rolling upheavals, rebellions and uncertainties since 2012. To be replaced by an approaching Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which won’t come into exact aspect until 2019 but the effect will be felt, of a more battened down and repressive mood. Uranus moving into Taurus in May will put three of the four outer planets in Earth signs, focussing attention on money, possessions and work, with more of an emphasis on maintaining the status quo. Earth is good at building solid structures and businesses, but lacks flair, imagination and sentimentality, and dislikes sudden change. Saturn will trine Uranus at points in the second half of the way which can point to cautious innovations.

Jupiter will continue in sex-and-money Scorpio till November which picked up last fall with the #metoo outings; but also has financial implications, of which Trump’s tax reforms may be part – making the rich richer.

The Eclipses, Solar and Lunar will continue to focus on Aquarius and Leo, with the North Node in Leo till late year. Although there are two Solar Eclipses mid-year, the second in July falling in Cancer with the New Moon opposition Pluto. That looks the most fraught, with the Lunar Eclipse following on 27th July, having the Moon conjunct Mars opposition Sun square Uranus – so very rock n’ roll.

Neptune continues in Pisces till well into the 2020s fuelling religious zeal and casting its usual smoke and mirrors effect to obscure clarity of thinking.

Jupiter will sextile Pluto along the way for some highs; trine Neptune at other times for ‘false happiness’ and delusional hopes (financially) though only in a mild way. And moves into upbeat Sagittarius from November for a year. April looks high-risk with The Aries Sun square Pluto and conjunct Uranus; and Mars in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Pluto.

Trump – have you no decency, sir?



Trump is continuing his petulant war of words with CNN, retweeting a doctored image with the CNN logo imposed on a bloodlike splatter under his shoe. Even a conservative radio host criticized him for attacking CNN and the FBI on the morning of Christmas Eve. He tweeted “Grow up sir. Have you no sense of decency? Go spend time with your family.” And a former Government Ethics director call him a “wannabe autocrat”. “These colicky tweets reveal he’s hurting this weekend. They make him (and our country) look weak.”

Full of his usual festive cheer.

CNN certainlys hit him in a vulnerable spot astrologically. They launched on 1 June 1980 6pm EST and have Saturn in meticulous, workmanlike Virgo which squares onto Trump’s Sun and Moon, so he’ll appreciate them as much as being doused in a bucket of cold water. Saturn cuts down to size, criticizes, shines a light on shadow issues. The CNN Pluto is also conjunct his Jupiter for a power-playing struggle for the upper hand; and given that their Pluto also squares his Saturn, they block him by making him feel unloved (Saturn in Cancer).

The Trump/CNN relationship chart has an explosive, abrasive composite Mars Uranus conjunction; and another fight-for-control aspect in a composite Sun square Pluto. Relations will continue to slide through 2018 but it will be 2019 when they hit their nadir.

Israel on alert as Iranian forces draw closer



Israel is becoming increasingly worried as Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias, including Hezbollah, push closer to the Israeli border. Assad is intent on reclaiming Syrian territory lost to the rebels during the civil war. More worrying is Tehran’s desire to consolidate and expand their sphere of influence. Which is why Israel in the last few weeks has stepped up its strikes against suspected Iranian targets inside Syria. Assad is now in control of 70% of the country whereas before Russia’s intervention he only had 25%. The situation is fluid with Syrian troops quelling jihadist militia, and he may be wary of allowing Iran too much influence as he grows stronger. But it could easily spill over into a wider conflict, if it leads to an Iran-Israel confrontation, which would pull the USA in.

The previous post on Assad, December 15th, pointed to a high-risk period coming from early 2018 right through till the early 2020s, so his game isn’t won yet, by a long shot.

With astrology it’s never wise to connect too many dots since there may be disparate problems flaring up. But US Defence Secretary James Mattis does look on war-alert from February 2018, with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, though none too happy about it. That could, of course by North Korea, or just plain exasperation at Trump. Israel looks to be marginally panicked in January, on full-steam-ahead and damn-the consequences in February; explosive in March and highly edgy in April. So tensions will continue to escalate.

The 31 January 2018 Lunar Eclipse at 11 Leo triggers the Iran 1 February 1979 Aquarius Sun exactly as well as its Mars Mercury. And locating that chart to Iran puts the disruptive Uranus conjunct the Midheaven and the Full Moon across the Asc/Desc axis, which does point to significant events, not necessarily on the day itself but over the few months covered by the eclipse. And the 15 February 2018 Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the IC located to Teheran, which again suggests it will be the focus of important events. There could also or alternatively be natural disasters, such as earthquakes, as well since Mars on an eclipse is often points to a shocking collision of sorts, and Uranus on the MC to major upheavals

Neither Iran chart, 1979 or 7 October 1906, looks positive in February with tr Neptune opposition Saturn on one and tr Neptune square Mars/Saturn on the other before continuing on to conjunct the Mars by April and onwards – both of which will feel like failure and at least induce panic and major concerns.

The Eclipses will also trigger and aggravate the Israel chart with the Lunar Eclipse being conjunct their stubbornly, war-like Saturn Pluto and the Solar Eclipse opposing their Mars, which echoes last year’s eclipses. So it will be a fraught period throughout that region.

FYI: My last Syria post evoked a charming response from an ru email (Russia-based) threatening me with butchery and describing me in terms which I won’t repeat in front of the children.

New Zealand – at a crossroads, with a Uranus Return and more



New Zealand, like California, is feeling not just the winds of change but a full-on force 9 gale approaching. New Zealand became self-governing on 17 January 1853, so just two years after California became a state. The NZ chart has Sun Mars in late Capricorn square Pluto in Aries and Uranus in early Taurus. So there will be an extended period of upheaval and radical change as tr Uranus squares the Sun Mars and conjuncts Pluto in 2018; and then moves onto a Uranus return in 2019; followed in the early 2020s by tr Pluto conjunct Sun Mars and square Pluto. It will be fairly similar to the Depression of the 1930s which did hit NZ hard.

It may be partly economic because of Jacinda Ardern’s new centre-left government which has hit business confidence, with Forbes suggesting a recession is inevitable during her term. She is intent on re-asserting government controls which were lifted in the 1980s leading to unprecedented economic growth, and it became one of the richest countries in the world. Drought may also be an increasing problem as well as natural disasters.

Crime Thriller: BY the LIGHT of a LIE – free ebook today



A special offer in keeping with the festive spirit. A free e download of my new crime thriller BY the LIGHT of a LIE. Today. Finishes midnight PST. 5 star reviews – “a roller-coaster adventure, fast-moving, gutsy with great characters.” Get at: www.marjorieorr.com

If you read it and like it, do leave a review on amazon.uk, amazon.com or goodreads – or even all three. Most grateful.

New blog on writing, musings on life, memory, mishaps and anything that springs to mind. https://thaneandcaldercrimenovels.blogspot.fr/

Catalonia – bullying will harden attitudes



Tramping the Catalan secessionist movement under foot appears to be the Spanish government’s continuing tactic with murmurs that a fresh wave of arrests of nationalists may be unleashed. PM Rajoy stands accused of using the judiciary as a political tool. ‘The speed with which the justice system has responded to the Catalan crisis is in marked contrast to the glacial pace with which it is handling the hundreds of corruption cases involving members of the ruling Popular party.’ (Guardian). 19 of the elected candidates are in prison, on bail or in exile, and face charges that carry up to 30 years inside. An official report into the largely peaceful demonstrations organised by Catalan grassroots organisations in October described them as “sowing the seeds of hate towards the Spanish state”.

A bully-boy strategy is guaranteed to harden attitudes even amongst those Catalans who would favour a unified Spain. Memories of Franco’s dictatorial treatment of the region still rankle and there is a centuries-old dislike of Madrid in the north. Catalans versus Castilians – history never dies.

The Catalonia 11 May 1258 JC chart, is highly unsettled through 2018 with Solar Arc Saturn (forces of repression) conjunct the rebellious Catalonia Uranus; and an explosive tr Uranus opposition Mars from mid-2018 into 2019, with more emotional outbursts following.

The Spain 19 January 1479 JC chart seems to work better than the modern 1975 one. The Aquarius Sun and Jupiter in Taurus have been rattled by the 2017 Eclipses and will be again in 2018. Over confidence could be a problem ahead which what may precipitate the fast-downward slide it’ll hit from April 2018 till 2020 with tr Neptune conjunct Mars and opposition Saturn.

It poses a headache for the EU, not that they care much about democracy or secessionist movements. But relations with Spain are moving into a troubled period till 2020. In some ways more difficult than EU/UK relations. And that shows up both on the EU/Spain 1479 relationship chart as well as the EU/Spain 1975 one.

Politicians never learn. Like Palestine and the RCs in Northern Ireland. Treat them badly, when some turn violent out of frustration meet that with retaliating violence and so it escalates. When it would be perfectly simple in the case of Catalonia to give them more autonomy within a unified Spain and let it all settle down.  NB: PM Rajoy was Jesuit-educated, is pro-bullfighting and has had several corruption allegations made against him all denied and found unproven by the courts. Judges are political appointees.

California – heading into turmoil and radical change



California’s Thomas fire is now the largest blaze in the state’s history, wreaking havoc on an area greater than New York City, Brussels and Paris combined; and is still only 65% contained. Governor Jerry Brown says devastating wildfires are now the ‘new normal’. This recent outbreak follows a series of deadly fires in the CA wine country in October that burned more than 10,000 homes and killed more than 40 people.

California is facing one of its most tumultuous periods since the 1930s – the last time it underwent a Uranus Return on the state chart, 9 September 1850, which has an exact Uranus Pluto conjunction in last degree Aries. Although California was not the worst hit by the Great Depression, what altered its politics, religion and culture in the mid 1930s was the Dust Bowl migration of poor farmers, who moved in desperation from the prairies to work in agriculture, oil production and film making. Immortalised in John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

Through 2017/2018 tr Pluto is square the CA Saturn in Aries for bleak times and hardship; into 2018 tr Uranus will conjunct the CA Uranus Pluto from late April, on and off into early 2019, which will be a tremendous upheaval. There’s a downbeat Solar Arc Venus conjunct Saturn, around now as well as a disappointing and undermining Solar Arc Sun conjunct Neptune. Tr Neptune will oppose the CA Virgo Sun from May 2018 to late 2019 which will also be morale-sapping. And by 2020/21 the Solar Arc Saturn will conjunct the CA Mars for what could be another disaster. By 2023/24 tr Pluto will have caught up to square the CA Uranus Pluto for another series of radical changes.

The 1930s wasn’t a disaster for California since the film and other businesses were flourishing, but it certainly underwent a major transformation.

Father Gregory Boyle – one of the good guys



A tough chart needn’t mean a bad outcome if a demanding lifestyle is chosen. Rescuing violent gang members certainly qualifies. Father Gregory Boyle runs the largest and most successful gang rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world in Los Angeles. His Homeboy Industries supports 10,000 men and women a year, who are working to overcome their pasts, find a new future, and break the inter-generational cycles of gang violence. He has just published a new book Barking To The Choir, a follow-up to his earlier bestseller Tattoos on the Heart. “Gang violence is about a lethal absence of hope,” he says. “Nobody has ever met a hopeful kid who joined a gang.”

Born 19 May 1945, one of eight children, was ordained as a Jesuit, and after a stint in Bolivia settled to work in LA.

He has a late Taurus Sun widely trine Jupiter; Mars in Aries trine Pluto, sextiling onto an innovative Uranus; and Mars opposition Neptune square Saturn and North Node in Cancer; and a Virgo Moon. His Mercury in stubborn Taurus also squares Pluto. Mars Pluto Uranus connected even by sextiles and trines is an explosive mix – and he said in his younger days he used to get very angry. His Mars square Saturn would also make him prone to erupt. But such a focal point Saturn does give – eventually – executive and organising ability, and self-discipline.

He’s had leukaemia for the past 14 years which makes his work even more laudable.

He’s got several well-aspected Harmonics, especially the 22H and obsessive-dream 11H; as well as the breakthrough/genius 13H; and the spiritual seeker 7H.

Historically the Jesuits had a terrible reputation but in more recent times they have been behind the promotion of liberation theology which emphasizes a concern for the liberation of the oppressed.