Emmanuel Macron – Jupiter collides with the unions



This is when Emmanuel Macron was always going to face his stiffest test with tr Neptune squaring the Mars on his presidency chart. It runs on and off till late 2019 and usually brings a sense of panicky failure. Rail staff have called for intermittent strikes, affecting two days out of every five, over the next three months. Energy and waste collection sectors are also affected. He was voted in on a labour reform ticket but facing up to the unions has defeated all his predecessors. It may be marginally easier this time round since the country knows that overly generous employment conditions need to be reined back. But it won’t be an easy fight.

Tr Saturn is square the Venus on the Pres chart this month, returning late year; and then square the Jupiter – so it will wipe some of the gloss off his image.

His own personal chart has lost the high enthusiasm of last year when the Solar Arc Jupiter was conjunct Mars. He looks jangled in late April/early May; though still pushing confidently ahead. May will see him face losses and disappointment with mounting frustrations as he has to change tack. And those push n’ pull, win some/lose some influences continue on. Though tr Jupiter moving across his MC into his 10th from early November should ensure some popularity and success through 2019.

Stephen Miller – a corrosively contemptuous Pluto in Scorpio



Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s closest advisers, a vociferous opponent of immigration, with a passion for American exceptionalism and racial superiority as well as a penchant for outrageous provocation was born 23 August 1985 4.53pm Santa Monica, California. He was a trenchant conservative even in college, railing against multi-culturalism and Spanish-language announcements and was friendly with white supremacist Richard Spencer; later worked for Tea Party founder Michele Bachmann and then Jeff Sessions, when between them they managed to kill a bi-partisan bill allowing for immigrant registration in 2013. His mother’s family came from Belarus in the 1990s. In the past he has urged violent responses to Islamic terrorism and has spoken out against equal pay for women.

What is most notable now that an accurate birth time is to hand, is his Pluto in Scorpio conjunct his midheaven. A control-freak and then some. Pluto, especially in Scorpio, oozes contempt as a way of putting ‘the other’ down. His Pluto is further emphasised being on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine of his 8th house Sun trine a 12th house Neptune. And his Pluto is also in a pushily confident square to Jupiter in Aquarius, giving him a sense that rules don’t apply to him; and that’s tied in also to the midheaven, Mercury and a Taurus North Node – he may not be likeable but he’s got brass neck and staying power.

His Virgo Sun and Mars Mercury in Leo being in the 8th, make him intense, secretive and obstinate. With an outspoken Sagittarius Moon conjunct Uranus in an explosive trine to Mercury Mars.  His Mars is in a hard-edged square to Saturn in obsessive Scorpio in the 10th.

He’s clearly got talent and has a strong get-it-together 5th Harmonic as well as leaving-a-legacy 17H. But he’s also got two heavily aspected self-defeating Harmonics – the 10H and 16H.

Tr Uranus is moving to trine his 8th house Sun from mid May which may cause a tremor since he doesn’t appreciate change; and even more so when it opposes his Pluto in July. 2019 looks even more rock n’ roll with tr Uranus continuing to oppose his Pluto and then MC. Tr Saturn is also heading to dip below his Ascendant from early 2019 onwards, pushing him gradually into a lower profile, less successful few years.

His Sun is conjunct Trump’s Ascendant so he’ll warm to the President’s bombast and flamboyance; and his Mercury is conjunct Trump’s 12th house Pluto, so he’ll pander to Trump’s less savoury political inclinations.  Like Trump he has Venus in Cancer and a Sagittarius Moon, so they will resonate together.

Though his relationship chart with Trump is complicated – friendly at one level with a composite Sun Venus Mercury; but also destined to live through times of great upheaval and change with a composite Uranus Pluto Saturn; and with a potential for disappointment with Sun Venus trine Neptune and Mars square Neptune. There has been a volatile mood between them recently with tr Uranus square the composite Venus, Mercury and Sun. With an abundance of undermining (and delusional) Neptune around recently and moving ahead. Tr Neptune now moves to oppose the composite Uranus this month and then square the composite Moon in May, both influences running on through 2019, which will slowly erode foundations of trust between them. With much confusion and a discouraging slog through 2019/2020.

Pic: Gage Sizemore.

Alex Salmond – facing down criticism, for now



Alex Salmond, former First Minister of Scotland, is digging in his toes and refusing to be ‘bullied’ into resigning from his political show on RT, the Kremlin-funded television station, despite increasing criticism. His weekly radio show on LBC has come to the end of its run and is not being renewed. Though he says they are discussing other projects.

Born 31 December 1954 4.30pm Linlithgow, Scotland, he has  Sun and Mercury in Capricorn in the hard-working 6th; with a Yod of an articulate and persuasive though forceful 3rd house Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct a 10th house Pisces Moon (conjunct Mars). A 10th house Moon certainly suits him for a public and political career; though a focal point Yod Moon tends to be overly defensive. He’s also got a Water Grand Trine of a lucky Jupiter Uranus in his 1st trine Venus Saturn in determined Scorpio trine Moon Mars – so self-protective, can be healing for others, not always realistic, tends to get overly emotional.

He looks dismayed at the moment with tr Saturn conjunct his Mars/Neptune midpoint and discouraged with tr Saturn conjunct his Sun – that runs till late May, returning late year. He’ll be bullish despite a few disasters and setbacks in September and October ; and will bounce again in 2019 though with a fair few upheavals running as well. 2020 sees tr Neptune conjunct his 10th house Mars which will be undermining where ambitions are concerned for two years. And he is in any event in a long haul of tr Neptune through his 10th making him directionless. He’ll never be completely down since his Jupiter Uranus will always rebound him.

Michael Savage – venting his spleen from a lousy childhood



An even wilder conservative talk show host than Ingraham, Michael Savage has been heavily criticised because of his virulent comments against homosexuality, Islam, feminism, sex education, and immigration. He’s barred from UK for “seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred.” He thinks liberalism and progressivism are destroying the US, is against big government, wants an English-only policy.

Born 31 March 1942 6.30am Bronx, NY to Russian Jewish immigrant parents, he had a difficult childhood ‘beneath the tyranny ‘ of a bullying father which he says taught him to hate. In his early adult life he mixed with counter-culture figures like Allen Ginsberg and Timothy Leary and harboured ambitions of becoming another Lenny Bruce. He likes to shock.

He has an Aries Sun just below his Ascendant, so definitely upfront and in your face; with his Sun trine an attention-demanding 5th house Pluto. He has an aggressively excitable Mars Jupiter in his communication 3rd. on the focal point of a T square to Mercury in Pisces opposition A Virgo North Node. A Mutable Mars on the focal point tends to be dynamic and disorganised, overly scattered, going off like a machine-gun especially in the 3rd.    His Moon Neptune in Virgo trine a stubborn and can-be-autocratic Saturn Uranus in Taurus.

His Sun is square his Mars/Pluto midpoint with Venus and Saturn also in aspect to Mars/Pluto so he runs on anger and bile.

Tr Neptune are this year squaring his Mars and Jupiter and on into 2019, and conjunct his Solar Arc MC, so less sure of himself. With 2019 seeing a major disruption with tr Uranus square his Pluto and tr Saturn in a downbeat square to his Sun and also opposing his Mars/Pluto – running into a road-block which will enrage him.

I’m lost for words. The UK may be a  mess but he wouldn’t be given air space anywhere.


Bill Cosby – facing a tougher re-trial



Bill Cosby is facing a retrial starting this week on three counts of aggravated indecent assault after his hung jury last time round. But in a different climate, with #metoo having changed attitudes and the judge this time  allowing more women to testify on prior bad acts.

Born 12 July 1937 12.30am Philadelphia, he’s got a powerfully confident and powerfully controlling chart. Jupiter in Capricorn in his 10th points to a successful career. It opposes his 4th house Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Cancer; with his Pluto trine a can-be-unpleasant Mars in Scorpio. He expects to get what he wants and will push hard if it isn’t forthcoming. He also has an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus in Taurus trine Moon Neptune in Virgo trine his Capricorn MC and widely Jupiter – very rooted in all things physical and material. That Grand Trine is formed into a Kite with the Sun leading, giving him a healthy dose of ego-centricity.

He looks determinedly upbeat going into his trial with tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter, though over confidence can be a problem with that influence. He looks devastated from April 10th with tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn midpoint; and even less assured in May with tr Neptune square his Sun/Uranus; and sees his plans dissolving come Sept/October. But he’ll bounce again in 2019 with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter for two years.

Winnie Mandela – an icon coarsened by mistreatment



Winnie Mandela, former wife of Nelson, has died. She supported him through his long years in prison and became an international symbol of resistance to apartheid but latterly became mired in personal and political scandal with accusations of corruption and murder. A journalist who knew her in the early days said her tragedy was that she was coarsened by her brutal treatment at the hands of the authorities. She was tortured, subjected to house arrest, kept under surveillance, held in solitary confinement for over a year.

Born 26 September 1936, she was a Sun Libra; with a Mutable T Square of Saturn opposition Neptune square Jupiter, which latter would give her social ideals and the ability to make a difference, but also tending to be irresponsible. She’d be highly-strung, prone to depression, neurotic. Her Pluto was in a passionate square to Venus in Libra. Her Mars was in flamboyant Leo (final degree;) and her Moon was Capricorn or Aquarius.

Her get-it-together 5th Harmonic was strong; as was her seeking-soul 7H; the obsessive-dream 11H and the leaving-a-legacy 17H.  Just a shame that her latter years tainted her reputation.

Her relationship chart with Nelson had a composite Sun, Venus, Neptune conjunction so affectionate and helpful when bound together for a cause, not so useful for everyday life; and all three planets were square Saturn, hinting at obstacles to happiness. They also had a high-enthusiasm Mars Jupiter conjunction.

But it was a tricky interface with her Pluto conjunct his 8th house Sun – a deep connection but not always comfortable.

Jordan Peterson – meeting political correctness head on



Controversial views on gender and identity politics have shot an obscure Canadian clinical psychologist and academic to fame. Jordan Peterson, known as ‘the cowboy philosopher’,  has waded into the linguistic morass around the transgender debate and been challenging the orthodoxies of political correctness and the culture of victimhood he believes is sweeping across university campuses in the West. His book is a best-seller; his You Tube videos have 50 million views and his lectures are sell-out. The New York Times describes him as ‘the most influential public intellectual in the Western world.’

He has a special interest in the dangers of totalitarian ideologies and believes that academia is in the grip of an accepted worldview that is doing damage. He believes young men are struggling to find themselves faced with accusations of toxic masculinity; that part of the gender pay gap is because women often opt for jobs which are more agreeable and pay less. His musings tie together self-help edicts with wisdom from Carl Jung, Nietzsche and Dostoesvky. And he rails against the University obsessions with ‘white privilege’, ‘safe spaces,’ ‘institutional racism’, diversity, equity, inclusivity. Never mind the alphabet soup of the multifarious choices of gender pronouns.

[I’ve just discovered – having had to look it up – that I am cisgender, which bizarrely means same gender as my body.]


Born 12 June 1962, he is a Sun and Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius probably trine a Libra Moon. Not that dissimilar the Laura Ingraham. He has a strong Mars in Taurus opposition Neptune square Saturn opposition a North Node in Leo, which last can often indicate leadership potential. He’s also got a powerfully and pushily confident Pluto opposition Jupiter square Mercury. He’s got communication written across his chart and he’ll be highly strung with a focal point Mutable Mercury. Though he’s also stubborn and enduring with a Fixed Grand Cross. He has planets in all three Water signs – and an Air/Water chart can be finely balanced between reason and emotion. He does suffer from depression.

His 5th, 13th and 17th Harmonics are all notable – so he might make a few dents in the orthodoxies which so enrage him.


Laura Ingraham – fuelled by anger



Laura Ingraham, a conservative US TV and radio presenter, has taken a week’s vacation after mocking one of the Florida shooting survivors. He retaliated by naming advertisers on her show and suggesting they boycott her. 11 have pulled out so far.

Born 18 June 1963 8.55am Glastonbury Connecticut (no idea of time source) she has previous form. When editor of a college newspaper, she forcibly outed LGBT students to their friends and family after they attended a confidential meeting. She changed her views later watching her gay brother and partner suffering from AIDs. But she’s still far-right, pro-Trump, anti-immigration, anti-same sex marriage.

She has an 11th house Gemini Sun in trine to a cool, can-be-domineering Saturn in Aquarius; with a startling square of Moon, Mercury, Venus in Gemini square Uranus, Mars, Pluto in Virgo. That is one angry lady with volcanic emotional responses. Mars Pluto types are often haters; many shock jocks and others have hard aspects. Air sign charts can surprisingly sometimes be ideologues and not of a liberal persuasion.

She also has a wide Yod of Neptune in Scorpio sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in Aries. Such a focal point Jupiter can be undone by over-confidence.

At the moment her Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct her Jupiter dampening her enthusiasm. With the exception of one upbeat Jupiter midpoint in 2018/19, she’s got a run of difficulties ahead – major disruptions late this month into May, worse in July and on. With mental strain, obstacles and angst through 2019 to 2021.

If the birth time is sound tr Uranus will conjunct her MC from mid May which could point to a sharp change of forced direction in her career.

Jared Kushner ‘s woes and the Saudi alliance



More complications for Jared Kushner, now minus his security clearance. To add to his stupendous property debt problem, there are questions over half billion dollar loans obtained in 2017; and now allegations that he leaked classified info to Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman (MBS) about Saudi leaders disloyal to him, just before he imprisoned 200 high-flyers in the Riyadh Ritz Hotel. All hotly denied from the Kushner end.

But there’s no doubt that Kushner and MbS became tight, with Trump/Kushner supporting the blockade of Qatar against the advice of the Pentagon which oversees a large US military base there. Trump’s obsession with overturning-all-things Obama is focussed on unstitching the Iran deal, which gets MbS firmly on his side, since he’s jockeying to become the supreme power in the Middle East. The enemy of my enemy may be my friend today but in the Middle East’s shifting sands alliances rarely  stay the same for long.

The Kushner/MbS relationship chart has an ‘adventurous’ composite Jupiter Uranus conjunction; plus a competitive Sun Mars. It looks de-stabilised in April, more so in June. Though that may well be Kushner shuffling back to NY.

The Trump/MbS relationship chart looks equally in for a few surprises from late April, peaking in May with tr Uranus square the composite Mercury, Venus, Sun; with some nerve-stretching moments from now onwards through April and later into 2019.

Kushner is facing a run of highly insecure, panicky, loss-making and downright catastrophic influences, especially late April and May. And those will run and run till late 2019, along with tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun.

Kushner does have a notable 10th Harmonic which is the self-defeating one.