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Alek Minassian – Toronto attacker acting out his life’s crisis ** updated
Alek Minassian, the Toronto van attacker now up on ten charges of premeditated murder, was described by fellow students as socially awkward, perhaps suffering from OCD in addition to other mental disabilities.
He was born 3 November 1992 (net sources) in North York, Ontario and is a Sun Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius, which is a tricky mix of emotionally intense and chilly, with low self-esteem. He was also part of the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn generation and in his case made more volatile by an opposition to Mars in Cancer. His Mars is also trine Pluto in Scorpio – so major anger, frustration and resentment issues.
His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Venus in Sagittarius now which will amplify his feelings considerably. More significantly his Uranus Neptune has moved by Solar Arc to square his Sun running through last year and conjunct his Saturn now, which would accentuate his paranoid tendencies. Major crises usually erupt when two configurations in a chart collide with one moving by Solar Arc to merge with the other -intense feelings of unworthiness ramped up by can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune. He clearly intended the attack to end in a suicide bid.
His 5th Harmonic is heavily aspected hinting at anger, cruelty and delusion. His 7H which can be mentally unstable is doubly so with Saturn Neptune emphasised. His 18H, often found, with mass killers is also strong.
Add on: There appears to be a social media connection to the ‘incels’ (involuntary celibate) online communities that have made sexual frustration the basis for misogyny. At their heart is a belief that denying men sex is unjust and incel hubs regularly feature calls for rape or other violence. Some incels have constructed a violent, insurrectionary rhetoric from romantic failure. The Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger justified his own mass homicide in 2014 by presenting it as revenge for his own romantic rejections, and the fact that at 22, he was still a virgin. Subsequently he was adopted by some incels as a hero, a figurehead for an uprising, when sexually unsuccessful men would engage in armed revolt against all of the Chads and Stacys.
Elliot Rodger, 24 July 1991 London, England, had the same Saturn in Aquarius aspect to his Sun. In his case opposition a Leo Sun. With the Uranus Neptune conjunction trine a passionate Venus Mars in Virgo. So some similarities of low self-esteem and a hyper-active Mars. Mars, rules the libido as well as assertion. And if blocked it will arouse anger. Both have their Pluto in aspect to one of their Mars midpoints. And Rodger like Minassian had his Uranus Neptune in its Solar Arc positions conjunct his Saturn.
Mike Pompeo – almost into the hot seat
Mike Pompeo looks set to be the next USA Secretary of State, perhaps reaching full confirmation by the end of this week. Which, if it goes to plan, means he’ll kick off on the Mars Pluto conjunction square Uranus – rolling-crises, high-risk, ruthless and/or acutely frustrating. He’s at the Tea Party end of the Republicans, irked the Democrats with his comments on LGBT and Muslims and has been interventionist in foreign policy. Though he toned down the last to get the vote.
Born 30 December 1963 1.32pm Orange, California, he’s a Sun, Mercury, Mars in Capricorn; with Sun trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo and square Jupiter in pro-active Aries. He’s also got a cool Saturn and Venus in Aquarius square Neptune, so suited to the shadowy, suspicious world of the CIA from whence he recently comes. Ambitious certainly and fairly hard-edged with Mars Mercury trine Pluto as well as a grandstander, his Pluto being in the 5th.
He’s not in his easiest year with tr Saturn conjunct his Sun in May and tr Pluto returning to conjunct his Mars across the summer and November/December which could block him up. He’s also got a Solar Arc Moon conjunct his Uranus exact in eight months’ time, which looks like an emotional shock of sorts or perhaps a rebellious fit.
He’s not entirely at ease with Trump given his Mars opposes Trump’s Saturn which is a gritty interface; and his Saturn opposes Trump’s Mars/Pluto midpoint.
That translates on the relationship chart into a serious-dislike composite Mars opposition Saturn Venus. It’ll only work if Pompeo submerges his ego to become a fawning courtier. Though it’ll get a considerable shake come July with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Venus and worse in 2019; with additional chills from tr Saturn sitting on their composite Mercury square Jupiter.
Kimba Wood – in the hot seat
Kimba Wood, the judge in the trial involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer over payments made to Stormy Daniels has a stellar reputation from her decades on the bench. She’s known not to suffer fools gladly, is deemed to be a tough judge and has presided over cases involving high-profile defendants, including “Junk Bond King” Michael Milken; and a 2010 one involving the guilty pleas of 10 Russian spies who had been working undercover in the United States as sleeper agents, which inspired the TV show The Americans. The tabloids dubbed her the ‘love judge’ after she was outed as the third woman in a divorce case of the Wall Street financier who became her third husband.
Born 21 January 1944 she has a powerful and well-integrated chart with an intellectual Air Grand Trine of an Aquarius Sun trine Neptune trine Uranus Mars in Gemini; formed into one Kite by Sun opposition Pluto – making controlling, determined and influential Pluto the driving planet. She may also have another Kite with Mars Uranus opposition an outspoken Sagittarius Moon. A lady who won’t take any hostages and tells it like it is. And she has a Yod of Pluto sextile Mars Uranus inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn – which if well handled will make her an exceptional teacher and communicator.
Her Pluto is conjunct Cohen’s Mars in Leo and her Uranus Mars are square his Virgo Sun – so he’ll be rightly wary (scared) of her and thrown off balance. Her fair-minded Saturn in Gemini is conjunct Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon so he won’t regard her with affection.
Trump’s relationship chart with her is irritable with a composite Sun Mercury opposition Venus Neptune square Mars Saturn. And there’s stress on that from tr Saturn through this year into 2019. Cohen equally looks jittered and jangled by her this year and next.
On her personal chart, she looks stressed, more so than usually, over the next year, though she’s weathered storms before.
Commonwealth – a wealth of new possibilities
A possible free trade agreement amongst Commonwealth countries raised excitement at the recent London meeting. The Commonwealth is a loose organisation mainly of former British colonies and covers 20% of the world’s land area on all six inhabited continents, housing nearly a third of the world population. Brexit has opened up new possibilities and given momentum to the idea of using the Commonwealth as an economic instrument.
It came into being on 28th April 1949 which was on the day of a New Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus square Pluto on one side and square Jupiter in Aquarius on the other. So it fitted the Queen’s chart well and she’s been titular head and a driving force for many years. She’s a Taurus Sun with Jupiter also in tolerant, multi-cultural Aquarius.
There will certainly be changes aplenty as tr Uranus moves into Taurus crossing the Sun (Moon) and Venus in 2020/2021. Though it won’t all be straightforward with a step backwards in 2020 as well.
The Queen more or less shoehorned them into accepting Charles as head when she retires or passes on. The Commonwealth leaders acquiesced out of respect for her but he wasn’t too popular a choice. Charles’ Taurus Moon will be a help but his relationship chart with the Commonwealth has an awkward, argumentative composite Sun Mars opposition Pluto Mercury which spells trouble.
Theresa May attempted to persuade the leaders to look at decriminalizing homosexuality without much success. Of the 53 member countries, 37 ban same-sex behaviour to one degree or another.
Kate & Will No 3 – a maverick Taurus ** updated
Another Royal arrived this morning at 11.01am as the Duchess of Cambridge delivered her third child, a boy, now fifth in line to the throne, with Prince William in attendance.
He has his Sun and Venus in Taurus, so similar to Princess Charlotte with her Sun and Mars in Taurus – and chiming with Prince William’s Venus in Taurus and the Queen’s Sun and Prince Charles’s Moon. Prince George, the eldest child, is a last degree Cancer Sun.
This one has a flamboyant Leo Moon below his Cancer Ascendant, sitting as a singleton, accentuating emotional sensitivity but also indicating a knack of connecting with the public. He has Uranus in his 10th conjunct his Sun, so will be a maverick who insists on following his own path.
I’d worry marginally about a challenging collection of Saturn and a Mars Pluto conjunction all in Capricorn in his 6th house of health and work. There could be health issues requiring care, perhaps most obviously over his early years as the Mars Pluto draws to exact in about 18 months’ time. He’ll be drawn to work in crises areas; will be resourceful in the face of danger but also unduly stubborn, perhaps given to tantrums.
Like both his parents he has Jupiter in Scorpio, normally good for money; and he has a leadership-quality Leo North Node.
His relationships with both parents and two siblings do seem unduly fraught. The relationship chart with his mother has an emphasised Mars Saturn trine Moon trine Venus. With his father the same Mars Saturn and Pluto opposition Sun Venus; with composite Moon trine Mars Saturn. With Charlotte – a Mars square Saturn and muddled Moon aspects. With George – a composite Sun opposition Saturn and Saturn trine Mars; and Venus opposition Pluto square Mars and Uranus. He’s either going to be the wild child par excellence or there’ll be some other reason for all the angst and aggravation.
Mars Pluto tends to run through the Queen’s relationships with her close family which reflects the power imbalance and need to toe the monarchical line. The Queen’s relationship with Philip has a composite Mars opposition Saturn which reflects the sacrifice he had to make in terms of suppressing his individuality to fit in. Mars is to do with assertion – I am, I choose. Where it is heavily restricted it breeds resentment.
Peter Madsen – leaping without thinking
Denmark is riveted as engineer and entrepreneur Peter Madsen’s trial for the murder of journalist Kim Wall on his private submarine draws close to a verdict. Evidence has been led of multiple clips or links showing murder, torture, beheading and the sexual torture of women on his computer. The night before Wall’s death, he Googled “beheading” and “girl”, and then watched a video of a girl having her throat slit. Initially he claimed Kim Wall died from asphyxiation after an accident caused the submarine to fill with exhaust fumes and he had dismembered her body to remove it from the small enclosed space. Over time he changed his story, though he is extremely plausible.
What’s interesting about his chart is he has three planets in the final degree of a sign – Pluto in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and Mercury in Sagittarius. Known as the anarectic degree it indicates an impulsive nature with a tendency to leap into action without considering the consequences after a period of dithering. Theresa May also has three planets at 29 degrees – it’s not associated with crime, more poor judgement.
Madsen’s Capricorn Sun is under assault from tr Pluto conjunct at the moment and on and off till late 2019.
His can-be-dominating 5th Harmonic has an unpleasant Mercury opposition Mars square Pluto, making it doubly so. In his rise-and-fall 10th harmonic ( 5 X 2) Neptune is added to that already toxic mix hinting at the sadistic perversion which his internet interests show up.
See also post August 22 2017
Malta – a sunny spot for shady people
Investigation of the car-bomb murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who triggered an early election in Malta last year when her investigation of the Panama Papers pointed the finger at government officials, has to date produced no results. Now Joseph Muscat’s administration, elected despite corruption allegations, is under a two- pronged attack. A collaboration of international media organisations, including the Guardian, has come together and pledged to continue Galizia’s work. And Malta’s government has been told to take urgent action to implement EU anti-money laundering rules, as MEPs rang the alarm about the dangers for journalists investigating financial crime. EU politicians are demanding a broader inquiry into her murder. “The European commission has to overcome its light touch policy on the rule of law problems in Malta and urgently act as the guardian of European values,” said a spokesman for a European parliament inquiry launched following the Panama Papers. The commission itself piled pressured on Malta, one of eight EU member states that missed a deadline last year to put an EU anti-money laundering directive into national law. There are calls for the resignation of two senior politicians, one of them Muscat’s chief of staff, named in the Panama Papers.
Malta, 21 September 1964 12 am, is going through a swampy patch with tr Neptune opposing the Uranus Pluto in Virgo and next year conjunct the Pisces Moon; with an insecure, shocking’ tr Uranus square Mars in 2019 as well. The Malta Jupiter is conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol; as indeed was Galizia’s born less than a month earlier.
Muscat’s 2nd Term chart, 5 June 2017 12.10 pm has a slippery 7th house Neptune square a Gemini Sun; with Mercury conjunct Algol. More pointedly it has an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine (in the hidden houses) of Uranus Venus in the 8th house of finances trine Saturn trine North Node, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Mars in Cancer in the 10th – not short of ambition or ruthless drive, but liable to mishaps and setbacks. Plus a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th in a pushily confident square to Jupiter in the 2nd – money definitely floats its boat. There’ll be more upsets late this month into May and again late in the year into 2019.
The serious media is getting its act together in these collaborative efforts after years of investigative journalism lagging because of the expense.
[See Post October 17 2017]Avicii – talent and luck couldn’t save him
Avicii, the Swedish electronic dance music producer and D.J. who achieved pop-star levels of prominence has died aged 28 on holiday in Oman. He earned an estimated $19 million a year and his songs have been streamed more than a billion times on Spotify.
Born 8 September 1989 with an actress mother, he had admitted to excessive drinking which led to acute pancreatitis and he had his appendix and gallbladder removed in 2014. He found the spotlight difficult and stopped doing live shows to return to the studio in 2016.
He had a restless Sun and Mars in Virgo and Sagittarius Moon; and was part of the triple conjunction generation with Uranus, Saturn Neptune conjunct in Capricorn opposition Jupiter in Cancer square Mercury in Libra – restless, highly-strung, lucky and inspired but also liable to stress burnout from Uranus Neptune tied into a focal point Mercury. (See Zayn Malik below). Avicii’s Sun was trine Neptune, sextile Pluto with Pluto trine Jupiter – confident, controlling, fairly locked down in temperament.
Success comes at a price.
Rudy Guiliani – an ego the size of Trump’s
Rudy Guiliani, former NY Mayor and before that a US Attorney, is joining Trump’s legal team in order to bring the Mueller probe to an end. He was credited with making major improvements in the quality of life in New York and bringing down crime during his Mayoral administration in the 1990s; and praised for his prominence in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Though questionmarks and scandals have followed him around. His political attempt to run in 2008 election was a flop and he threw his support behind McCain/Palin and was subsequently critical of Obama. His post-NY interests included running a high-worth security consultancy company and joining a law firm with oil, gas, coal and energy clients. As a lawyer he personally defended the makers of the oxycontin drug, being sued for disguising its addictive properties for which they were heavily fined. In the run up to the 2016 election he defended Trump against allegations of racism, sexual assault, and not paying any federal income taxes for as long as two decades. He has suffered from prostate cancer the condition which killed his father when he was 73.
Born 28 May 1944 2.30pm New York, he has a maverick Gemini Sun conjunct Uranus and Venus in late Taurus in the legal 9th house trine Neptune on his Ascendant, sextile a ferocious and ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo. He can turn on the charm when it suits him with Moon Jupiter in Leo square Venus but his velvety smile is window dressing for a steely determination.
He’s fairly similar to Trump with both having Sun Uranus in Gemini and Mars and Pluto in Leo. Though Guiliani’s Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun, which will put a barrier between them.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun, Uranus, Mercury conjunction square Jupiter – they egg each other on, but they won’t always exist happily in close space together. The composite Mercury is trine Neptune, sextile Pluto (Mars) which is slippery, well-designed for crises situations, but always with the risk of it turning toxic at some point. Tr Neptune is undermining the Uranus Sun and Jupiter this year and on till 2020 so the relationship will either face disappointments or turn out to be one. Both like the spotlight so it could turn into a mammoth ego-clash.
Guiliani’s own chart is a real mixter maxter of influences ahead – a lucky break mid May and another six months hence – both Uranus Jupiters. But June looks upsetting as does mid September to mid October. 2019 is where his real problems blow up as tr Uranus starts to square his Mars, then his Pluto – so a tremendous upheaval with much aggravation. Plus career-losses from tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint and a panicky, neurotic, undermining tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn midpoint both of which run into 2020. Though after that he looks back on a high with Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Jupiter. He’s the sort who always lands on his feet no matter how many dips there are on his roller coaster ride through life.