Hoff & Hayley – white water rafting ahead



David Hasselhoff, former Baywatch and Knight Rider star, married his Welsh model girlfriend Hayley Roberts on Tuesday in Italy. They met seven years ago when she asked him for his autograph in Cardiff.

They picked a sparky date for the weeding with the Sun opposition Mars square Uranus in place, which will make for an eventful and not altogether peaceful marriage.

There’s doubt about his birthdate, either 17 or 21 July 1952, though most sources say 17th. Whichever he has a last decan Cancer Sun with an adventurous, risk-taking and indulgent Jupiter in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio; with his amplified Jupiter in a confident square to Pluto and square North Node. With either a Gemini Moon or a New Moon in Cancer.

Hayley, born 2 May 1980, is a Sun Taurus which connects well with his Jupiter, with Venus in Gemini and Moon in loves-to-travel Sagittarius. Her Uranus squares his Pluto so she will turn his life upside down and not always be happy with attempts to control her. And his Uranus squares her Pluto so it’ll be six and half a dozen of either and both.

Their relationship chart has a sugary-sweet composite Venus Jupiter; a constantly-changing composite Sun square Uranus Pluto; and a sacrifice-demanding Mars Saturn conjunction.  Not all going to be plain sailing.  He’s been married twice before.

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