John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, is facing more allegations of bullying which No 10 has suggested should be referred for investigation. The Telegraph described him thus: “In the political bear pit of the Commons, he has both his supporters and detractors because, alongside his thin skin, odd behaviour, rages and childlike temper tantrums, he also has the capacity for political intelligence, charm and generosity.” Now a former Black Rod has come forward to say that “His explosive and intemperate behaviour is legendary, objectionable and unworthy of someone in such public office – conduct which may not stand up to the standards expected in public life. There were lots of people who were, frankly, terrified of the Speaker.”
Born 12 January 1963, London, he’s an ambitious Sun Capricorn conjunct Mercury in Aquarius; with a pushily-confident, rules-don’t-apply-to-me Jupiter opposition Pluto Uranus. That opposition squares onto Venus in Sagittarius, which will give him a veneer of charm for softer public relations approach at times. And a Fixed T Square of Mars in self-important Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius square Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio – Mars Saturn can be explosively bad-tempered; a focal point Neptune slippery and squaring Saturn neurotic.
He’s got an upsetting tr Uranus square his Sun now as the allegations surfaced, moving on to square his Mercury in mid May for more shocks and outbursts; with a nasty hiccup come June as tr Uranus is trine his Mars/Pluto. All of these repeat later in the year. He’ll no doubt put up his usual bullish front. But his Speakers Term chart, 22 June 2009, has an uncertain, undermining tr Neptune opposition Saturn picking up next week, running for almost three months; and repeating into 2019 – which will dent his gravitas or at least that of his position.
His relationship with Theresa May always was hostile with a composite Mars opposition Sun square Pluto and is being undercut at the moment by tr Neptune.