“When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.” Michael Ende.
The gulf between the public image and private reality has rarely been wider than between the romanticized, progressive Camelot of the Kennedy men and their sordid reality. A new book Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan is described as “a lacerating exposé” of the clan.
The details are wince making. Father Joseph kept his wife, Rose, permanently pregnant while he took up with movie stars such as Gloria Swanson – whom he raped without bothering to introduce himself at their first meeting – and Marlene Dietrich. In 1938, Joe hailed Hitler’s new world order and admired Nazi eugenics, which he applied to his daughter Rosemary, deeming her a “defective product” and having her lobotomized with anaesthetic, which left her “functionally a two-year-old”. His wife was not consulted.
JFK’s conduct mimicked the tom-catting of his father and shared Marilyn Monroe with his brother Bobby, his attorney general. The promiscuous Kennedy men had scant liking for women; and practised what Callahan calls “technical sex”, short-fused but excitingly risky. The same sense of existential danger elated JFK’s son John, who loved to show off his genitalia after showering at the gym. Callahan argues that for John Jr “dying was a high”, an orgasmic thrill that he insisted on sharing with a female partner.“ She deemed the plane crash with him behind the controls, in which he, his wife and sister-in-law died, was a murder-suicide.
Ted Kennedy’s mishap at Chappaquiddick which left Mary Jo Kopechne, upside down for hours in a dwindling pocket of air before drowning in an overturned car is also a target. He inexplicably wandered off to cope with the pr.
Robert Kennedy Jr of the worm-eaten brain, a potential candidate for this year’s presidency, seems cut from the same cloth. According to Callahan the second of his three wives, in despair after reading a diary in which he tabulated his adulterous flings and awarded them points for performance, killed herself in 2012.
Joseph Kennedy, 6 September 1888, Boston, MA, regrettably no definite birth time, was a New Moon in Virgo with Mercury Venus also in Virgo and Mars Jupiter in Scorpio. Virgo oddly enough in the male of the species can be a player sexually – and the same Virgo and Scorpio or 8th house mix descended down the generations.
JFK, 29 May 1917 3pm Brookline, Massachusetts, had a Virgo Moon and a heavily 8th house chart with a Gemini Sun as well as Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in earthy Taurus there. And a thrill-seeking Uranus in the romantic 5th which was on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Moon sextile Midheaven.
Robert Kennedy, 20 November 1925 3.11pm Brookline, MA, had a 7th house Scorpio Sun and Saturn with Mars in Scorpio also on his Descendant and Neptune in his romantic 5th trine an 8th house Mercury.
Edward Kennedy, 22 February 1932 3.58 am Brookline, MA, had a Pisces Sun opposition an 8th house Moon Neptune in Virgo with Jupiter also in his 8th.
Robert Kennedy Jnr, 17 January 1954 5.32 pm Washington, DC, shares his fathers Mars Saturn in Scorpio which falls in his domestic 4th alongside Neptune; with a Capricorn Sun Venus in a constantly-changing opposition to Uranus in his 12th. Emotional contentment was never going to be his lot.
John F Kennedy Jnr, 25 November 1960 12.22am Washington, DC, also had a highly-strung Uranus in his 12th opposition his Aquarius Moon; with Pluto also in his 12th square his Sagittarius Sun. He also had a can-be-self-destructive Mars opposition his 5th house Saturn Venus in Capricorn so Callahan may well be right about his attraction for death-defying experiences.
Rose, the matriarch of the clan, may have been badly done by but was no softie with her Mars opposition an 8th house Pluto Neptune square Venus Saturn in Virgo.
My fascination is not so much the recurring patterns down the generations – though partly that – but how such a Hollywood mythic fantasy was woven round such a dysfunctional bunch. Which says as much about the public’s need for a comforting illusion as it does for those in power, desperate to sell their snake oil. Lies didn’t start with Trump.