The Kennedy men – an unholy bunch

When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.” Michael Ende.

   The gulf between the public image and private reality has rarely been wider than between the romanticized, progressive Camelot of the Kennedy men and their sordid reality.  A new book Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan is described as “a lacerating exposé” of the clan.

  The details are wince making. Father Joseph kept his wife, Rose, permanently pregnant while he took up with movie stars such as Gloria Swanson – whom he raped without bothering to introduce himself at their first meeting – and Marlene Dietrich. In 1938, Joe hailed Hitler’s new world order and  admired Nazi eugenics, which he applied to his daughter Rosemary, deeming her a “defective product” and having her lobotomized with anaesthetic, which left her “functionally a two-year-old”. His wife was not consulted.

  JFK’s conduct mimicked the tom-catting of his father  and shared Marilyn Monroe with his brother Bobby, his attorney general. The promiscuous Kennedy men had scant liking for women; and practised what Callahan calls “technical sex”, short-fused but excitingly risky. The same sense of existential danger elated JFK’s son John, who loved to show off his genitalia after showering at the gym. Callahan argues that for John Jr “dying was a high”, an orgasmic thrill that he insisted on sharing with a female partner.“ She deemed the plane crash with him behind the controls, in which he, his wife and sister-in-law died, was a murder-suicide.

  Ted Kennedy’s mishap at Chappaquiddick which left Mary Jo Kopechne, upside down for hours in a dwindling pocket of air before drowning in an overturned car is also a target. He inexplicably wandered off to cope with the pr.  

  Robert Kennedy Jr of the worm-eaten brain, a potential candidate for this year’s presidency, seems cut from the same cloth. According to Callahan the second of his three wives, in despair after reading a diary in which he tabulated his adulterous flings and awarded them points for performance, killed herself in 2012.

  Joseph Kennedy, 6 September 1888, Boston, MA, regrettably no definite birth time, was a New Moon in Virgo with Mercury Venus also in Virgo and Mars Jupiter in Scorpio. Virgo oddly enough in the male of the species can be a player sexually – and the same Virgo and Scorpio or 8th house mix descended down the generations.

 JFK, 29 May 1917 3pm Brookline, Massachusetts, had a Virgo Moon and a heavily 8th house chart with a Gemini Sun as well as Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in earthy Taurus there. And a thrill-seeking Uranus in the romantic 5th which was on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Moon sextile Midheaven.

Robert Kennedy, 20 November 1925 3.11pm Brookline, MA, had a 7th house Scorpio Sun and Saturn with Mars in Scorpio also on his Descendant and Neptune in his romantic 5th trine an 8th house Mercury.

 Edward Kennedy, 22 February 1932 3.58 am Brookline, MA, had a Pisces Sun opposition an 8th house Moon Neptune in Virgo with Jupiter also in his 8th.

 Robert Kennedy Jnr, 17 January 1954 5.32 pm Washington, DC, shares his fathers Mars Saturn in Scorpio which falls in his domestic 4th alongside Neptune; with a Capricorn Sun Venus in a constantly-changing opposition to Uranus in his 12th. Emotional contentment was never going to be his lot.

  John F Kennedy Jnr, 25 November 1960 12.22am Washington, DC, also had a highly-strung Uranus in his 12th opposition his Aquarius Moon; with Pluto also in his 12th square his Sagittarius Sun. He also had a can-be-self-destructive Mars opposition his 5th house Saturn Venus in Capricorn so Callahan may well be right about his attraction for death-defying experiences.

  Rose, the matriarch of the clan, may have been badly done by but was no softie with her Mars opposition an 8th house Pluto Neptune square Venus Saturn in Virgo.

  My fascination is not so much the recurring patterns down the generations – though partly that – but how such a Hollywood mythic fantasy was woven round such a dysfunctional bunch. Which says as much about the public’s need for a comforting illusion as it does for those in power, desperate to sell their snake oil. Lies didn’t start with Trump.

Alice Munro – Moon Chiron, defective mothering ++ Andrea and relationship charts

Alice Munro the Canadian short story writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Man Booker as well as countless other plaudits has had her reputation tarnished. She died this May and one of her daughters has come forward to say she was sexually assaulted by her stepfather Gerald Fremlin starting when she was 9 years old. After Munro learned of the abuse from her daughter 16 years later, she reacted without sympathy and chose to stay with Fremlin, saying she loved him too much to leave; they remained married until he died in 2013.

  Munro, born 10 July 1931 9pm Wingham, Ontario, was one of the resilient, tough-minded Depression generation with a Sun Pluto in Cancer opposition Saturn square Uranus in Aries. Her Pluto was also in a confident conjunction to Jupiter. Her Moon in steady, possessive Taurus was exactly conjunct Chiron trine Saturn and trine an 8th house Mars in Virgo, forming an Earth Grand Trine, focused into a Kite by Saturn opposition Sun Pluto – influential, controlling, utterly determined. A Chiron Moon conjunction points to defective early mothering in her own upbringing. Her Venus in Cancer falls ironically in her 5th house of children and is sparsely aspected with only a sextile to Neptune.

 Fremlin, her second husband, 15 July 1924 Clinton, BC, Canada, was not unlike her with his Sun and Pluto in Cancer, and his Venus conjunct hers in Cancer, falling in her 5th house of children. His Moon was in earthy Capricorn perhaps square his Saturn and opposition his Pluto so he had a bleak upbringing himself. His Jupiter fell in her 10th so she would feel he was helpful in advancing her reputation – and maybe contributed to a sense that keeping up appearances was paramount. His Neptune fell in her 7th square her Moon, perhaps giving her an unrealistic, over-idealised view of him and his commitment (or lack thereof.)

 Their relationship chart is instructive with three main strands.

  One is a possessive composite Sun Pluto (trine Moon) hinting at a tight bond which would be difficult to split. An adventurous Jupiter opposition Uranus square Venus pointing to a fun-loving element. And most significant of all is a composite Saturn Mars conjunction which hints at a masochistic streak in their togetherness. There would be unkindness or even cruelty welded into bond.

Neither she nor Fremlin look easy personalities.  There is no birth date for the daughter except for 1966. Family secrets!!  Decades before they spill out, if at all.

ADD ON: Andrea was born according to her sister’s biography on 8 September 1966 in Victoria, BC, Canada which makes her a Virgo Sun conjunct Mercury, Pluto and Uranus so born into the tumultuous mid sixties – with her Gemini Moon perhaps square Saturn as well as Uranus Pluto which would make sense of a fractured maternal bond. She also has a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune South Node in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces.

  Her Taurus North Node opposition Neptune was triggered when the abuse started at nine years old with her Solar Arc Mars squaring it. And her mother Alice Munro’s ‘defective mothering’ Moon Chiron in Taurus falls close to Andrea’s North Node and opposition her Neptune. And Gerald Fremlin’s Neptune is also square her Node and Neptune – a smokescreen of deception and evasiveness that it became Andrea lifelong journey to clear up.

 The relationship charts are both truly horrible though if anything with her mother is worse. That one has a controlling Sun Pluto Mercury Mars conjunction opposition Saturn – and that is cruel. With her stepfather there is a ruthless, controlling and terrifying composite Sun Pluto Mercury square Mars.

  Yuk, poor kid.  

Alec Baldwin – fallout from a tragic death

Actor Alec Baldwin is finally facing trial charged with involuntary manslaughter for the October 2021 shooting of the cinematographer on the set of a movie in which he starred and produced. The gun was not supposed to be loaded with live bullets and the young armourer has already been convicted. If found guilty Baldwin could face up to 18 months in prison. An earlier case against Baldwin was dropped. He has asserted he did not pull the trigger. An FBI analysis of the weapon suggests that he did.

  Born 3 April 1958 in Amityville, NY, no birth time, he is a pro-active Sun Aries with his Mars in stubborn Aquarius in a volatile opposition to Uranus; plus Mercury in stubborn Taurus conjunct South Node opposition Jupiter and Neptune square Uranus. An action man, resistant to advice, overly optimistic, a tendency to erratic behaviour – see wiki for previous ‘overly excitable’ incidents.

  It seems a fairly tenuous case but he is not looking happy ahead as tr Pluto is square his Mercury from next week till early September which will bring mental strain, repeating late year and then tr Pluto moves to square his Neptune and on for several years round his Fixed T square.  Plus his Solar Arc Saturn is opposition his Pluto around now for a gridlock. With upsets in August from tr Uranus square his Venus, repeating into 2027.

  Not his moment of shining confidence.

NATO – pressured on several sides

The NATO summit this week will be an edgy affair with questionmarks over Biden’s health, concerns about a possible Trump presidency as well as far-right, isolationist politics looming large in several countries. Transatlantic ties are holding pro tem, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the future is uncertain.

 The 24 August 1949 11.42am NATO chart does seem sound, measured against the Bosnia intervention in 1993 when the Solar Arc Uranus was exactly conjunct the 10th house Pluto; Tr Neptune Uranus was exactly opposition the Mars; SA Sun was conjunct the Neptune; and tr Pluto was conjunct the Solar Arc Neptune – all very close aspects.  More so than the April 1949 signing chart.

  Where it starts to look edgy is after mid 2025 with tr Uranus square the Sun briefly, repeating in 2026 which is when there are significant challenges and pressures. The Solar Arc Sun is square the 10th house Pluto, blocking progress; Progressed Mars is conjunct the Moon moving to conjunct the Saturn in 2027/28 which will lead to major, bitter arguments and potentially devastating setbacks; and tr Saturn Neptune in Aries is in an undermining opposition to the Venus and square the Uranus. Whether that is an existential crisis or a global hot spot requiring NATO action is not clear.

  The relationship charts between NATO and Russia 8 December 1991 is essentially hostile and disruptive with a composite Mars opposition Pluto and Pluto square Uranus – and that is being threatened by tr Neptune opposition the Mars this year and next, moving on to sabotage the Pluto and then Uranus for several years ahead. With a peak of high anxiety in 2025 from tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune.

 With Trump there is an implacable-dislike for NATO from a composite Mars, Saturn, Pluto in Leo but apart from a tremor in 2025 there is not much showing up until 2029 – when one way or another he should be gone.

 The USA/NATO relationship chart will sag more than somewhat from 2026 to 2028 with tr Saturn Neptune in Aries in hard aspect to the composite Neptune square Mars, and tr Pluto opposition the composite Sun and square Pluto.

 NATO and the EU will have a few turbulent moments with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto now and into early 2025; and be under significant pressure in 2026/27 from tr Pluto square the composite Sun. Ditto the UK with NATO – same kind of timeline.

La France – the day of confusion has arrived

Emmanuel Macrons’ cunning and surreal plan to springboard the French far-right into a modicum of power in a snap election just to prove they were inept has spectacularly backfired. The electorate took fright after the first round when Marie Le Pen’s RN party surged to prominence – as they did in 2002 when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen had a successful first round and faced Jaques Chirac in the run off, only to be overwhelmingly defeated. This time a cobbled together coalition of far-left, centre-left and Green alliance won, with Macron’s Party second.

 Not that Le Pen’s National Rally is facing a wipe out since it is likely to be the largest single party in French parliament; and although disappointed Le Pen thinks they have a solid foundation for a 2027 victory.

 In the near future, parliamentary paralysis is likely along with Macron’s ability to govern effectively; with firebrand leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon calling on the president to resign. The New Popular Front coalition which won, is calling for controls on food prices, a reinstatement of the right to retire at 60, and wants to raise the minimum wage and increase business taxes. This would cost the country billions of euros – and risk tipping the French economy into a bigger crisis than ever as well as putting France on a collision course with Brussels over tax and spending.

France is already struggling to cut its addiction to borrowing; with a budget deficit widening to 5.5pc of GDP last year. The EU has a goal of annual borrowing reduced to 3pc of GDP by 2027.

 France (see 10th June post) is undergoing a volcanic upheaval at the moment with tr Uranus exactly opposition the Mars in Scorpio now (repeating into early 2025) at the same time as the Solar Arc Sun is squaring the revolutionary, disruptive Uranus opposition Pluto in coming months into 2025. The Solar Arc Sun won’t be finished its explosive move round France’s Uranus, Pluto, Mars T square until late 2028 – which if Macron’s presidency holds till 2027 will make the next election exceedingly bad tempered. And if the start time of 3.30pm is accurate tr Uranus will be opposition the Sagittarius Moon as well in 2027 which will make for an electorate even more unsettled and truculent than usual. By 2029 calm may prevail.

  Marine Le Pen and her sidekick Bardella always did look both pleased and frustrated by this mixed result. High hopes one moment, defeat the next, but still it is progress for them.  By 2027 she is on her Second Saturn Return with her yod focal planet Saturn under a heavy burden of responsibility and probably, despite a confident push, not quite getting her across the finish line first.

 Jean-Luc Melenchon, 19 August 1951 8.20am Tangier, Morocco, is having a discouraging and uphill struggle through the rest of this year with tr Pluto opposition his Mars and trine his Saturn/ But tr Jupiter moving across his Midheaven and 10th from May 2025 along with Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Midheaven will keep him buoyant in 2026/27.  Tr Uranus is exactly square his Leo Sun at the moment for this extraordinary twist of fate which has thrust him to unexpected political heights.

  It was never going to be a good run for Macron with tr Saturn moving below the 28 degree Capricorn Ascendant on his personal chart since early 2020. Indeed the surprise is that he won in 2022. Saturn through the First Quadrant for ambitious, ego-centred types is always replete with banana skins and bad judgement calls.

  Will he resign? His Second Term chart from May 2022 has tr Uranus conjunct the Taurus Sun and square Saturn in a tense, disruptive run until April 2025. And his initial Presidency chart from 14 May 2017 has the topple-off-perch SA Pluto square Uranus exactly now, which may well have propelled him into impulsive action. It does not mean he will definitely go but it is the most unstable moment of his reign.  

There do look to be ructions between France and the EU with tr Uranus square the composite Saturn now into 2025 as well as tr Uranus opposition the Pluto and then Mars  this year until 2026 – so a fight back against Brussels’ centralised power and regulations looks likely.

Add On: Useful piece by French journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet. “Macron reigns over a field of political rubble.”

Also: Mélenchon, a divisive figure, has been nicknamed France’s Jeremy Corbyn. Suggestions of anti-Semitism have surrounded him as well as pro-Hamas comments.  He has offered tepid support for Ukraine and previously appeared supportive not only of Vladimir Putin, but also of autocratic leaders in South America. Both Hugo Chavez, the late Venezuelan president, and China’s Chairman Mao have won his admiration.

SCOTUS – blind and lacking balance

The Supreme Court’s latest ruling allowing presidents to be unrestricted by legal niceties has been described by the media as “unconscionable” and “bad beyond wildest imaginings”. With an expert on judicial ethics calling SCOTUS “an organization more political than legal.” And saying flatly that the Supreme Court now has a “potential legitimacy problem.” “The traditional notion that we will accept the results of the court whether we agree with it or not … is decreasingly the case.” It was announced with Neptune in final degree Pisces trine Mercury, which is not exactly rock solid or enduring.

 But despite public alarm at the state of affairs within SCOTUS with additional concerns about financial questionmarks over Thomas and at least two justices with blatantly pro-Trump family connections, there seems little possibility of change unless Democrats gain control of both chambers in the November election and retain the White House. Plus whether any retirements from the court lead to a change in the 6-3 conservative-liberal split in coming years.

  The SCOTUS chart, 2 February 1790, looks exuberant at the moment with tr Uranus square the Mars Jupiter conjunction. Though with disappointment (and unpopularity) lurking as tr Neptune is conjunct the Venus (on the focal point of a yod to Neptune sextile Mars Jupiter, so doubly important) from this October to early March 2025.  2026 sees a sharp wake-up call in the form of a major collision from Solar Arc Sun; followed by a rattled 2027 as SA Uranus is conjunct the focal point Venus – and a downbeat 2029 with SA Saturn square Sun.

  My sense from having scanned various associated charts (see below) is that this coming presidential term will be a stormy one vis a vis the Supreme Court with their comeuppance arriving with the next presidency from 2029 onwards. The 2025 Inauguration chart has Mercury in the legal 9th opposition Mars for a term of arguments about justice.  The 2029 Inauguration has Venus, North Node and Mercury in the 9th square Jupiter – with perhaps a hope of putting improvements in place.

 The relationship chart between SCOTUS and the USA hints at a tussle for the upper hand this year and next from tr Pluto opposition the composite Jupiter; with even greater uncertainty and concern from 2026 onwards for three years with tr Saturn Neptune in Aries square the composite Saturn and then the Uranus.

John Roberts, heretofore deemed sensible and reasonable, but now seeing his halo dim, is having a peculiarly difficult 2027 with a blocked SA Pluto square his Sun, at the same time as tr Pluto starts to conjunct his Sun in 2027/28 putting him under immense pressure. And worse in 2028 with a panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars into 2029.

Other justices in no particular order:

Brett Kavanaugh, wobbling this year; running into scandals from over confidence in 2027 to 2029 as his SA Pluto hits his Jupiter opposition Neptune.

Amy Barrett, blocked in 2025 from SA Sun opposition her Pluto; with a downbeat 2026 and maximum pressure in 2027/28 from tr Pluto conjunct her Sun.

Clarence Thomas, an angry collision in 2026 and a longish slide from 2026 to 2028 courtesy of tr Neptune Saturn square his Sun, Mercury, Venus in Cancer.

Samuel Alito, excitable and nerve-stretched this year into 2025 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars; erupting in high tension in 2025 with SA Uranus conjunct his Saturn; panicked in 2026/27 as Neptune collides with Uranus; meltdown in 2027.

Sonia Sotomayor, under huge pressure with tr Pluto square her Saturn in Scorpio in 2024/25; sagging badly 2026/28 with tr Saturn Neptune square her Mars and her Sun.

Neil Gorsuch, into a nerve-shredding 2026/27 courtesy of Uranus Neptune cross overs and worse in 2027 with his SA Uranus conjunct his Mars.

Elena Kagan. Her Taurus Sun opposition Neptune is getting the full brunt of a hit from Solar Arc Pluto in 2026/27; as the same time as tr Pluto is grinding its way in hard aspect across both in 2027/28. She looks rattled at the moment by a major setback.

 Ketanji Brown Jackson, upset at the moment; high tensions in 2025; logjammed in 2026; ready to blow a fuse in 2027 and maybe just maybe feeling upbeat by 2028.

It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” James Baldwin.

There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” Montesquieu

Justice will overtake fabricators of lies and false witnesses.” Heraclitus

If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.” Francis Bacon

Iran’s reformist president – a voter rebellion

A reformist has been elected as Iran’s new president, beating his hardline conservative rival. Masoud Pezeshkian, a heart surgeon and member of the Iranian parliament polled over 50% in the second round with his opponent well behind. The election was called after Iran’s previous president Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

Dr Pezeshkian is critical of Iran’s notorious morality police and has called for an end to Iran’s “isolation” from the world, wanting “constructive negotiations” with Western powers over a renewal of the faltering 2015 nuclear deal in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in return for an easing of Western sanctions.

  Born 29 September 1954 in Mahabad, Iran,  he is a Sun Libra with a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer square Neptune; and a determined Mercury, (Moon,) Saturn and Venus in Scorpio.

  With tr Pluto square his Mercury till late this year as well as a Solar Arc Neptune square his Sun, he’ll be fighting against disappointment with bitter arguments raging as his life moves into a radically new phase as tr Uranus squares his Pluto. His 2026 looks very blocked with SA Pluto conjunct his Saturn.

  It is certainly a sobering moment for Ayatollah Khomeini’s grip on power. He took up the reins of the Supreme Leadership on 4 June 1989 when there was a grandiose and ego-centred yod on a focal point Sun Jupiter inconjunct Saturn sextile Pluto. Transiting Saturn is square those two focal point planets this year into early 2025 – which is hardly earth-shattering but certainly discouraging. Plus an undermining tr Neptune square the Venus hinting at chills of unpopularity. There is nothing suggesting an imminent disruption though 2025 will see outspoken discussions.

 The Iran 7 October 1906 country chart shares the new president’s Libra Sun and there is a definite sense of shared confidence in reform with a composite Jupiter Pluto square Uranus – and much the same with his relationship chart with the Iran 22 December 1501 chart. Which does not mean he will be the catalyst for radical change but he is a slap in the face for a regime that has ignored the wishes of their people for too long.  

Starmer Cabinet -will it stand the test of time?

Keir Starmer’s Cabinet comprises a record 11 women as befits a chart with a 10th house Moon – reflecting the UK’s 10th house Cancer Moon with its history of notable female monarchs Elizabeth 1 & 11, and Victoria.

 Rachel Reeves, 13 February 1979, comes in as Chancellor, with her Jupiter in Leo getting a boost now and until late 2025 from tr Pluto in opposition. Her Aquarius Sun, Mercury and Mars trine Pluto, sextile Neptune make her super-ambitious and very determined. She will have her hands full with the economy in a precarious state and difficult options lying ahead including tax increases to pay for improved social services. Her Aquarius Sun and Mercury will be rattled by tr Uranus in square this year and next; with a nervy slog through this year from tr Pluto leaning on two Saturn midpoints; and worse after Uranus moves into Gemini from mid 2025 onwards.

 Her relationship to Starmer is up and down at the best of times and more stressed over this New Year into early 2025 and seriously jangled from mid 2025 thereafter. They are very tied together so their respective fates will be fairly intertwined.

Wes Streeting, 21 January 1983, Health, is a Sun Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Pluto in final degree Libra, sextile Neptune; with his Saturn Pluto trine Mars. Hugely determined, ambitious – with a strong Neptune. He will bring an enthusiastic optimism to the NHS though with a few setbacks along the way. His relationship with Starmer is, like Reeves, tied together with a composite yod – and will be OK bar a few blips until 2026 when it runs into major headaches.

David Lammy, 19 July 1972, Foreign Secretary, is a Sun Cancer trine Neptune, sextile Pluto; with Venus Saturn in Gemini trine Uranus and an outspoken Mars Mercury in Leo. The September Lunar Eclipse will catch his Pluto for a test of his influence. His confidence will be undermined as tr Neptune Saturn in Aries squares his Jupiter through 2025/26; with major frustrations 2026/27 as tr Pluto catches two of his Mars midpoints. His relationship with Starmer will be marginally distanced with a minor tug of war in 2025/26.

Yvette Cooper, 20 March 1969, Home Secretary, a final degree Sun Pisces (or Aries)  opposition Pluto and trine Neptune with Venus Saturn in Aries on the focal point of a yod. Plus an adventurous Jupiter Uranus in Libra. A toughie, not always empathetic.  Upbeat with the changes in her life this year and next; though tr Neptune conjunct her Sun will make for a swampy start. On edge in 2025 with tr Uranus opposition her Neptune with her confidence sagging as tr Neptune Saturn square her Sun/Jupiter midpoints; more road-blocked in 2026.

Angela Rayner, 28 March 1980, Deputy Prime Minister, is an Aries Sun with a Fixed Grand Cross of Mars in Leo North Node opposition South Node square Venus opposition Uranus – an odd mix of overly excitable and incredibly fixed. Her Uranus, Mars and Venus will be rattled by tr Uranus in hard aspect until early 2026. Her relationship with Starmer will be frustrating this year and next with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars; with more irritations mid 2025 onwards. Not the happiest combination.

  This is only a quick skip through and my impression is that after mid 2025 the problems and tensions start to rise with 2026/27 being high stress and blocked.

Keir Starmer – UK into a new scenario

Keir Starmer received the Royal invitation to govern at 12.19 pm this morning after a landslide Labour victory though on a low turnout with only support from a third of the voters. The UK chart with tr Pluto trine the Uranus exactly now was clearly in the mood for a change.

  The Starmer Term chart has a New Moon and Venus in Cancer in the 10th for a charm-offensive and family-oriented administration. There will be confidence (and luck) from Pluto trine Jupiter in the 9th, especially with foreign affairs and education. What is more ominous is Mars and Uranus in Taurus in the 8th on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Neptune on final degree Pisces trine Venus, hinting at a) financial/economic disruptions with international implications or causes; 2) violent disruptions/natural or man made disasters. Neptune hovering on the cusp of the 7th suggests lack of commitment to partnerships and agreements. Saturn and maybe Neptune in the 6th house of health will focus attention on the problems of the health service.

  (Oddly enough Blair came to power after a landslide when Neptune was on the final degree of Capricorn.)  

 Pluto opposition Mercury hints at hostile and bitter debates with intransigent opponents. Jeremy Corbyn is in as an independent MP as is Reform Nigel Farage whose nationalist right party took 14 percent of the vote. Under proportional representation Reform would have won 93 seats. So far left and far right have gained ground. Pro-Palestinian candidates also made inroads into Labour vote. The SNP collapsed.

Additional numbers to ponder: Labour secured just over 700,000 more votes than Mr Corbyn in 2019, one percentage point more, but managed to pick up more than 200 additional seats. Starmer’s vote share is below even the 35.2 per cent which Blair achieved in the 2005 election, when his majority fell to 66 seats. Nigel Farage’s Reform party secured 4.1 million votes but only four seats. The Greens won four seats with 1.9 million votes. By contrast the Liberal Democrats won 71 seats despite with only 3.5 million votes. Combined Reform and the Conservatives gained 37.9 per cent of the vote, but collectively have just 17 per cent of seats. Left-wing parties gained 44.1 per cent of the vote but took up 67 per cent of seats.

  Not only has the UK chart tr Pluto trine the Uranus for a definite change, exact at the moment and returning on and off till late 2025, it also has an upbeat tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Jupiter for a surge of confidence at the same time.  As one commentator remarked: “For the first time in more than a decade, the UK has a stable, centre-left government led by an understated but patently serious premier. After the chaos of recent years, it may take some time for everyone to adjust.” Not quite the wholehearted high that came for six months after Blair was elected (which soon faded) but there will be uplift.

 Not that everything ahead will be down to Starmer’s competence since black swan events are always lurking and on the UK chart with the Solar Arc Uranus drawing closer to a conjunction with the troubled 8th house Mars – same degree within weeks and on the exact aspect in nine months – it will need a steady hand on the tiller to cope with the fallout, financial and otherwise. And by 2026 tr Uranus in Gemini will be poised to square the UK Pluto for another almighty upheaval of a different variety.

Starmer’s own chart does have tr Jupiter conjunct his Sun Pluto in Virgo which are the driving planets of a Kite exactly now for this win.  But ahead is less cheerful with a devastating and confused Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune within a few months and a confidence slump from his SA Sun conjunct his Neptune probably into 2025. What will be much worse is his SA Mars conjunct his Sun and then Pluto in 2026/27 hinting at a dead halt. 2026/27 is also when tr Pluto is in a discouraging (and then some) conjunction to his Saturn on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Pluto Sun – so he will not have a long run of progressive reform.  

  This is just for starters. More no doubt tomorrow and tomorrow ……..