Donald Trump – king of the beasts on a roll ++ election stats

Donald Trump rampages on, giving by all accounts a confused and repetitive as well as bullying 100 minute oration to himself over his New Hampshire win.

 This is only a snippet since the tedium ahead never mind widespread panic and disbelief will keep him centre foreground for the next ten months.

 He is on a roll right now with tr Uranus square his Jupiter North Node midpoint till mid March and then square his Sun/Jupiter North Node until early April. Both of those are lucky and confident. He then has one more milder Jupiter late April to May 10th. After that his Jupiter has fizzled out – except for tr Jupiter moving across his Midheaven and 10th house from May this year onwards until June 2025, which is usually successful – though in itself is not anywhere near as strong as the influences he had in 2016.

 Tr Uranus will conjunct his Midheaven (birth time being accurate) in May for a sudden change of direction and that runs on and off into 2025.

His Progressed Moon is within days of shifting into Scorpio to stay for two and a half years which will intensify his mood and his words giving them a cutting edge with contempt on show. It can be a time of cutting losses, submitting to destiny, accepting limits and accepting endings.

 Mid April to late May, and February 2025 he will be argumentative, foul-tempered and wound up.

  His relationship chart with the Republican 12 October 1853 chart shows uncertainty and confusion through this March and through October till March 2025 – across the election and inauguration. That is when tr Neptune squares the composite Saturn.

  His relationship chart with the USA has a sinking feeling September through to late November with tr Pluto trine the composite Neptune. Though before that there is a tr Uranus square Jupiter through July which will bring relief – though whether because he goes or stays is not clear. That is when tr Uranus squares his Mars which will be explosive, can bring health issues in seniors or extraneous events since Middle East tensions could escalate then which could make a considerable difference.

ADD ON: Stats from Gerald Baker in The Times:

Trump won in both states by energising his committed supporters which gave him a slight majority in each state overall. Lukewarm Republicans and swing voters rejected him.

In New Hampshire, Trump won 74 per cent of registered Republicans to Haley’s 25 per cent. Among the independents who voted, Haley won 58 per cent to Trump’s 39 per cent. This difference is far greater than in the past.

The particular challenge for Trump is that he motivates his opponent’s supporters to go to the polls as much as he motivates his own people. “And in those circumstances the small but critical band of swing voters in the middle matters more than ever. The message of this short primary season for Trump is clear: at least for now, the persuadables are not persuaded.”

Monaco Royals – the Pluto in Aquarius years

Aquarius rules the Monaco Royals may be stretching a point but Pluto will undoubtedly have a noticeable effect on this generation of Prince Albert, sisters, wife and the House of Grimaldi itself.  Albert’s former accountant continues to spill out embarrassing information about the royal finances, upkeep of mistresses, illegitimate children and even the sad Charlene’s overspend. Details continue to seep out into the media with Le Monde being the latest. According to The Times “Albert comes across as a feeble monarch being pushed around by the women in his life, including his two sisters, Princess Stéphanie, 58, and Princess Caroline, 67. Both are said by Palmero to use the crown jewels as personal fashion accessories.”

  See previous posts on Trouble in Paradise 31 July 2023 and 28 March 2022.

  Albert, 14 March 1958 10.47 am Monte Carlo, has a 10th house Pisces Sun square Saturn in his 7th with a secretive Mars in Capricorn in his financial 8th house. Despite his playboy reputation his chart hints of low self esteem and a troubled life. What will catch transiting Pluto in his case is his Jupiter North Node Neptune in early Scorpio square Uranus opposition Venus in Aquarius. Jupiter Neptune certainly points to him being scandal-prone due to his instability and that T square will be under pressure for the rest of this decade.

 His sister Caroline, 23 January 1957 9.27am has a 12th house Aquarius Sun opposition Uranus  square an 8th house Neptune Moon in Scorpio. She likewise will be bearing the brunt of tr Pluto in Aquarius for several years ahead.

  Princess Stephanie, 1 February 1965 6.25pm Monte Carlo, has a New Moon in Aquarius square an indulgent Jupiter in Taurus on her midheaven opposition Neptune – like her brother (and Boris Johnson) a tendency to being careless, over hopeful and inclined to trip up through bad judgement. She won’t get the effects of Pluto for a few years but it will turn her life upside down when it comes.  

  The House of Grimaldi which took over rule of Monaco on 8 January 1297 JC has a late Capricorn Sun conjunct Venus in Aquarius with Pluto Mercury in Aquarius. It has been though the grinder over the past three years and will continue to be pounded right through till 2030.

 And Charlene, 25 January 1978 12.35 pm Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, has a Sun Venus in early Aquarius opposition Mars at zero Leo so she will catch the effects now and through till 2027.

  No great conclusions as to why Aquarius is headlined and it wasn’t true of the previous generation but be interesting to watch.

Byron – a love-besotted face of Aquarius ++ daughter Ada, maths genius ++ Lady Caroline Lamb

Two polar opposite faces of Aquarius share a birthday today giving a flavour of what might be to come.  One was Lord Byron, known as one of the greatest of English romantic poets and forever synonymous with sexual licence and depravity. In his 30s he joined the Greek War of Independence fighting the Ottoman Empire and died at 36 leading a campaign during that war.

  The other is the austere, intellectual Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, imprisoned by Mussolini in his late 30s whose 3000 page Prison Notebooks are considered a highly original contribution to 20th-century political theory. He died 9 years after his incarceration.

 Byron, 22 January 1788 2pm London, had an 8th house Aquarius Sun opposition Uranus Moon in Cancer so was drawn to revolutionary causes as well as to sexual liberty. He also had a 9th house Pluto in Aquarius in an Air Grand Trine to Jupiter trine Neptune, with Saturn Venus also in Aquarius in his 9th. And his Moon Uranus opposition Mercury square Neptune – creative, inspired, though none-too-sensible. In his own way he had a vision to communicate through his poetry and was drawn into the Aquarian need to find a worthy cause to devote his life to.

  Gramsci, 22 January 1891 11am Ales, Italy, had a 10th house Aquarius Sun square Uranus and trine Neptune Pluto in Gemini. With his 8th house Venus opposition North Node square a serious, workaholic Saturn in Virgo. His revolutionary Uranus  was not only square his Sun and trine his Cancer Moon but on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Neptune Pluto. So his Aquarius activism was amplified.

 Other 22 January types – Franz Alexander, one of the founders of psychosomatic medicine and psychoanalytic criminology.

August Strindberg, Swedish playwright, and author of works on cultural analysis and politics.

Martha Beatrice Webb, an English sociologist, economist, socialist, labour historian and social reformer; one of the founders of the London School of Economics and played a crucial role in forming the Fabian Society.

  This is just one Aquarius day with another 30/31 having similar examples – intellectual, activist and (is it just me) seemingly lacking a touch in humour?


“Ye stars! which are the poetry of heaven!”

“There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything.”

“Though I love my country, I do not love my countrymen.”

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,

There is a rapture on the lonely shore,

There is society, where none intrudes,

By the deep sea, and music in its roar:

I love not man the less, but Nature more”

“She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes…”

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

“The thorns which I have reap’d are of the tree

I planted; they have torn me, and I bleed.

I should have known what fruit would spring from such a seed.”

“Tis strange – but true; for Truth is always strange, Stranger than Fiction”


Ada Lovelace was the daughter and only legitimate child of  Byron from his short lived marriage. She showed an early gift in mathematics. After marrying and having three children, she met Charles Babbage “the father of computing”, became his assistant and for her work with him is often called “the first programmer.” She had health problems and mood swings which she treated with opium and brandy. Found to have uterine cancer, she died just before her 37th birthday.

 Born 10 December 1815 1pm London she had a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius in her 9th house trine Mars in Aries and square Pluto in her 12th. A prominent Neptune is often found in high level mathematicians’ charts. Her upfront Aries Moon on her Ascendant was trine an inventive/inspired 8th house Uranus Mercury in Sagittarius. She also had a sociable and seductive Jupiter Venus in Scorpio in her 7th which was blocked by a square to Saturn in Aquarius.

ADD ON: Lady Caroline Lamb with whom Byron had an infamous though surprisingly short affair was the wife of a politician who later became Viscount Melbourne and prime minister (Queen Victoria’s teenage crush). Caroline struggled with mental instability which was not improved by her use of alcohol and laudanum and she died aged 42.

  Born 13 November 1785 4.30 am she had a Sun Mercury in Scorpio trine Uranus – passionate and defiant. With an Air Grand Trine of an 8th house Mars trine a 4th house Pluto (Saturn) in Aquarius trine Neptune Venus in Libra, formed into a wide-ish Kite by Neptune opposition Moon Jupiter. A tragic life with equal parts emotional turbulence and good luck.

 Her synastry with Byron was not encouraging with his Aquarius Sun conjunct her Saturn and his Saturn square her Sun. But their relationship chart had an affectionate and sparky composite Sun Venus opposition Mars which would bring an instant (if not long lasting) attraction.

East meets West – astro-combinations

Blending western and Chinese astrology into a whole adds layer upon layer of insight into character and compatibilities in a new book by Jill Carr – Astrolations.  A monumental achievement which took ten years to compile it describes personality traits of each Sun sign with their Chinese counterpart – a blend of 144 combinations. A Leo born in a Pig year differs from a Leo Rat, with the Eastern sub-division into Water, Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth refining the interpretation further.

 An example in point is Princess Catherine and Meghan Markle – both born in a Metal Rooster year. Meghan as a Leo Rooster is a force to be reckoned with, flamboyant, perfectionist, a tad self-righteous and over judgemental, likes to rule the roost with spouse. Whereas Kate is a Capricorn Rooster, so not as flashy, steadfast, a tireless workers, who sees life as a serious business.

 King Charles a Scorpio Earth Rat is deep, intense, intuitive, a worrier. Camilla a Cancer Fire Pig is warm, generous, outgoing and emotional.

  Prince William is a Cancer Water Dog – sensitive to over sensitive at times, good spouse material.

Prince Harry, a Virgo Wood Rat, likes to be busy, light-hearted, amiable and sociable, can be neurotic and petty.

  There is a section on each Chinese sign as children as well.

   A truly comprehensive run down on individual characteristics and how they operate as life partners, family members, friends and workmates. You won’t need to look any further.   

Christopher Reeve – heroism comes in many forms ++ wife Dana ++ son Will

Superman Christopher Reeve tragically paralysed in a riding accident is the subject of a powerful new documentary premiered at the recent Sundance film festival to tears and applause. He survived nine years after the fall that paralysed him from the neck down, becoming an advocate for the disabled. His three children found he engaged more with them on a personal level after the tragedy. “I needed to break my neck to learn some of this stuff,” he said.

 He was born 25 September 1952 3.30 or 3.12 am New York with his parents divorcing when he was four. He had a difficult relationship with his father who was achievement-focused and said of him: “It was difficult to breathe easy when he was around.”

  He had a stellium in Libra with a Sun conjunct Mercury,  Saturn, Neptune, Venus also in Libra. Two key factors marked his chart. Firstly a lucky, successful Jupiter in Taurus conjunct his Midheaven square Pluto opposition his North Node in crusading Aquarius, so he was not short of confidence. The other was a yod onto Mars in Sagittarius (conjunct Moon) inconjunct Uranus sextile Jupiter. That plus his Mars being trine Pluto on his Ascendant is suggestive of an overly assertive and scary father. Mars on the apex of a yod would give him anger issues and a tendency to be either overly assertive or under with difficulties modulating his forward drive.  Mars inconjunct Uranus is explosive, disruptive and accident prone.

  His accident on 27 May 1995 has a Mars Uranus signature writ large. His Progressed Mars was exactly opposition his Uranus.  Tr Uranus was exactly opposition his Solar Arc Mars and tr Mars was conjunct huis SA Uranus. There was also a yod of tr Neptune sextile tr Pluto at 29 Scorpio inconjunct his SA Midheaven as his life changed irrevocably.

  Tr Neptune was just on the cusp of his 6th house of health at that point with tr Uranus having moved in a couple of years before.

  During his time in hospital, he was “unable to avoid thinking the darkest thoughts” with hallucinations clouding his mental state, unable to move beneath his neck. There was fighting within his family as his mother thought he should be taken off life support.

  There was always something ironic or spooky about the superhero being brought low. The Jupiterian who flew too high and was cut down. Not that he seemed filled with hubris before his accident but the Superman movie was one of the first blockbuster successes and he became a cultural icon.

  Now that I look he had another yod of Saturn Neptune sextile Mars inconjunct Jupiter. Jupiter Saturn has – for a few – associations with Icarus who flew too near the Sun melting his wings and he crashed to earth. Tr Pluto was conjunct his Solar Arc Saturn at the time of his accident. Which also makes sense.

He evidently disliked the trappings of playing of Superman. “I am not a hero, never have been, never will be” he said at the time.

 Later he added “ a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

  The astrology was tragically spot on for his life changing accident.

ADD ON: His wife Dana, an actress and singer, died a year after him of lung cancer. Born 17 March 1961 in New Jersey, she had a Pisces Sun and Moon in Aries which fell in Chris’s 8th house – a deep connection. Her Saturn Jupiter conjunction fell in his 6th house of health; and her Uranus was conjunct his Ascendant Pluto as she helped him turn his life around after his paralysis. Their relationship chart was riddled with yods. Pluto at 29 degrees sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter. Sun at 29 degrees sextile Neptune inconjunct South Node. Venus sextile South Node inconjunct Sun.

Fated to be together.

ADD ON: Will Reeve, their son. 7 June 1992 12.37pm North Adams, Massachusetts, now a tv anchor with ABC news, has a charming and chatty 10th house Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini in his 10th house trine a hard-working, emotionally detached Saturn in Aquarius; with a Virgo Moon on his Ascendant conjunct a 12th house Jupiter.

 He has two yods of an 8th house Mars in Aries sextile his Mercury Sun inconjunct Pluto in the communicative 3rd house; and Pluto sextile a highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn inconjunct his Sun. Clearly he is in the right business, putting news and information across. Though his 8th house Mars inconjunct Pluto would give him an uncomfortable sense of being at the mercy of forces he could not control. When his father died suddenly in 2004 tr Uranus was square his Solar Arc Pluto, pulling on one of his yods.  

Israel – in primitive survival mode ++ response

Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted on Israel retaining control over Gaza when the fighting ends to ensure there is no future threat, eroding any possibility of an independent Palestinian state as is being suggested by western and Arab leaders including Joe Biden. Netanyahu said “It clashes with the principle of sovereignty but what can you do.”   While his views sound extreme and chilling as well as counter-productive in the long run, they follow in a long line of Israeli leaders saying much the same. Understanding the Israeli mindset won’t solve the impossible problem but it might make their rigid, uncompromising views explainable if not excusable.

  The pervasive western view of Israel for decades was of a plucky country which gave protection to a persecuted people. Unquestioning US support over decades obscured the violent history of Jewish militants before and after Israel was created in 1948.

  Irgun a Zionist paramilitary organisation, founded in 1931, believed “every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state”.   Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, on 9 April 1948. They also kidnapped British soldiers and executed them and ultimately were the cause of the British finishing the mandate in Palestine and retreating in disarray.

 Menachem Begin was leader of Irgun who later became prime minister and he formed what became the Likud Party of which Netanyahu is leader at present.

  The fourth Israel prime minister Golda Meir, who did at one point consider an independent Palestinian state, though discarded it as posing a threat to Israel’s existence, left behind a series of quotes which epitomize previous and prevailing attitudes.

“We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs – We have no place to go.”

“It’s because Egypt and Syria and the other Arab countries refuse to acquiesce to our existence. Therefore there can be no compromise. They say we must be dead. And we say we want to be alive. Between life and death, I don’t know of a compromise. And that’s why we have no choice.”

“I guess we have no choice. Either we do everything that is possible, and may seem to others as impossible, and just give up. Or we do everything that is really impossible and we remain alive. There’s one more basic thing that I think that people outside of Israel must realize, and if they understand and accept that, maybe other things will fall into place.

“Above all, this country is our own. Nobody has to get up in the morning and worry what his neighbors think of him. Being a Jew is no problem here.”

  “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”

“It was not as if there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist.” [Which is plain inaccurate but feeds into the Israeli justifications for violence and occupation.]

  Looking through early leaders’ charts David Ben Gurion, Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon what is striking is that in each case there is a strong 12th harmonic as well as a notable 18H. The 12th harmonic suggests a strong sense of victimhood and constantly being made a sacrifice which after 2000 years of persecution is hardly surprising. The 18th harmonic points to a pattern of conflicts and enemies, “war & revolution”, fire and explosions; as well as strength and material success. And can appear frequently in the ranks of serial killers.

 An intergenerational experience of unfair treatment in this case goes hand in hand with violence. The sacrificial loser becomes a cornered tiger lashing out at any threats.

  David Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of Israel and the first PM, 18 October 1886 12.24pm Plonsk, Poland (unverified time) was a Libra Sun Jupiter square Saturn with a do-or-die determined Mars in Sagittarius opposition Pluto (Moon) in Gemini square North Node. His 18th harmonic highlights an opportunistic Mars Jupiter and a stressed Saturn. On occasion Mars Jupiter goes on holy crusades, putting a veneer of morality over violent tendencies. His 12H also highlights Jupiter and Mars.

 Menachem Begin, 15 August 1913 11pm Brest, Belarus, had a Leo Sun with a pushily-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto and a militaristic Mars Saturn in Gemini. His 18th harmonic is ruthless; his 12H hints at hardship promoting activism and a reassuring vision.

Ariel Sharon, ex-Army general and 11th PM, 26 February 1928 7.49am Kafr Malal, Palestine, responsible for the 1982 Sabra Shatila Camp massacres, had a brutal 18th harmonic, and a marked 12H as well.

 Benjamin Netanyahu, 21 October 1949 10.15 am Tel Aviv, Israel, has a violent, controlling and disruptive 18th harmonic; as well as an amplified 12th harmonic tied to his midheaven – his victimhood promoting his career.

  All of which reflects the Israel country chart with its utterly immoveable 8th house Taurus Sun square Mars as well as Saturn Pluto; and Taurus North Node square Saturn Pluto. There is a potential for extreme hardship from Saturn Pluto; violence and turbulence from North Node in Taurus and Mars; and irretrievably stuck in the past with a beyond-obstinate 8th house Sun.

  I can’t think of a suitable parallel example in the human kingdom of extreme abuse leading to instinctive aggression. Kill or be killed – it’s a primitive and understandable reaction, if not morally justifiable as a ruling ethos. None of which gets any closer to a peaceful solution.  

  The wealthy Arab countries won’t reconstruct Gaza without guarantees of stability ahead. The downtrodden Palestinians, some still in rundown refugees camps after the 1948 displacement, and others trying to exist in the wasteland of Gaza, will inevitably throw up disaffected troublemakers in future. And round it will go again. Israel will become an international pariah which will bring its own problems.

Back to James Cameron, post 10 October 2023. “The introduction of the Jewish State into the Arab heartland exalted many hearts and broke many more. More than anything in this century it was a triumph and a desolation. Full of high hopes it produced the most intractable conflict of our times.”  

  ‘The stage is now ready for the culmination of the story, of a sick and sorrowful conflict, not between right and wrong, but between two forms of right and, maybe two forms of wrong.’

‘And no one lived happily ever after.’

  The one small consolation from Golda Meir’s time is that the other Arab countries have now moved towards a possible rapprochement with Israel – or they had before this mayhem, which was no doubt the spoiler motive behind Hamas’s carnage.  Small progress but not for the poor Palestinians.

Add ON: I realise this is an impossibly difficult subject for those with first hand experience or knowledge of the persecution the Jewish people have suffered. But responders below  misunderstand what the post was arguing (maybe my fault) so I will rephrase.

 No one comes through 2000 years of persecution culminating in the Holocaust undamaged. That may sound unfair and uncaring but it doesn’t make it untrue. Such damage can promote incredible resilience, courage and an implacable desire to survive at all costs no matter what it takes. But it also creates blind spots in which a ferocious drive for self-protection tramples over the rights of others. One can sympathise deeply with the reasons/psychological mechanisms behind certain behaviours without turning a blind eye to the effects on others.

  I remember one analyst who worked with abuse survivors saying one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome was the client’s extreme defensiveness in admitting to any mistakes they made in adult life. As if having been so unfairly treated and damaged early on meant they could not cope with any criticism at all. Yet it is a crucial part of the healing process.

  Trashing the messenger has long been one of the escape routes from reality – wiki has it wrong, James Cameron is biased against Israel etc etc. The latter is certainly not true since like everyone else he was supportive of a young Israel.  As indeed was I, having read a good deal about the Holocaust and the early vision for Israel. Only slowly did I begin to understand that all was not quite what it appeared after Sabra Shatila and on and I researched further.

  Throwing accusations of anti-Semitism at any criticism of Israel government policies is a manipulative and bullying technique aimed at shutting down any discussion. I lived in London with Jewish neighbours, a Jewish analyst, a Jewish dentist, a Jewish divorce lawyer and in no instance did their Jewishness cross my mind as relevant.

  The “Israelism” documentary doing the rounds at the moment made by two young American Jews who had been raised to unconditionally love Israel until they started to explore the way Israel treats Palestinians is raising uncomfortable questions for the diaspora. Israelism argues that some American Jews are taught a narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that “almost entirely erases the existence of Palestinians”. Eilertsen, one of the film’s director says: “In the reform and conservative Jewish movement, Israel is sort of always introduced as almost like a Jewish Disneyland, this place where Jews can be fully Jews.” It was filmed before the Hamas attack.

  Hamas are vile, psychopaths and fanatics, careless of human life, their own people as well as their perceived enemies. They need erased no doubt and the Arab leaders are no supporters of theirs. But as so often in this murky conflict the way ahead is completely obscured by the past.

  The fact there is no obvious or even faintly feasible solution does not mean the dynamics of the conflict should not be examined and analysed. Some of the greatest psychoanalysts and pioneers in plumbing the intricacies of human behaviour were Jewish. Israeli analysts expanded the frontiers of knowledge about PTSD and inter-generational trauma.  One might wish some of their wisdom could be brought to bear on this unholy mess.

  The Palestinians made up 90% of the population in 1919. Three quarters of a million were displaced to other Arab countries in 1948 when Israel was founded. Their intergenerational trauma marks this dispute in much the same way as the Israelis.  

UK Royals – braving the blast of Pluto in Aquarius

The UK Royals are feeling the effects of Pluto moving into Aquarius more than most with a double whammy of Mars Pluto conjunct in Aquarius on February 14th and Venus Pluto conjunct on 17th. Plus repeating hits on various charts through this year and the next two.  

  Pluto stays at zero degrees till late February, then moves onto one degree till mid April and then into two degrees till late May. After which it repeats that sequence backwards to 29 Capricorn in September and from November moves ahead again into early Aquarius.

  On the personal charts, King Charles is obvious getting the full Pluto experience as it squares his zero degrees 10th house Moon facing him with career challenges as well as health, the Moon ruling the body.  Prince William also with his Jupiter at zero Scorpio conjunct his Midheaven at 2 degrees will be pushing confidently ahead in his new role for the next two years. The Duchess of Edinburgh has a zero degrees Aquarius Sun as she steps up her workload.

  Prince Harry has his Pluto at zero Scorpio. Tr Pluto in square to his natal Pluto is part of his midlife crisis, attempting to pull him away from the past (with difficulty) as part of his individuation transformation (which does not always work.) 

 Meghan Markle has tr Pluto conjunct her 1 degree South Node, which hints at pressure for a profound change,  letting go old patterns, habits, and unresolved issues from the past. The south node being seen as the comfort zone of what is familiar but getting stuck there is also the road to nowhere.

  On relationship charts: King Charles and Harry have a composite midheaven at zero Aquarius under considerable pressure to change (or a tug of war) last year and throughout 2024. With Meghan, KC is irritated and frustrated with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars Sun this year and next. His other two areas of stress look oddly enough to be Edward and Sophie –  confused this year and disruptive in 2025/26.  And Andrew’s children and ex-wife with discouraging influences.

  Of the others: the composite Suns in the Catherine/Meghan relationship chart and the Andrew/William – both at zero degrees Fixed signs catching the transiting Pluto hard aspect won’t be making for a rapprochement anytime soon.

  Camilla shares KC’s sense of strain with Edward/Sophie and Andrew’s family.

 Those themes repeat with other top Royals.

  The one who intrigues me – along with a few others – is Princess Anne. Her 3 degree Leo Midheaven and 2 degrees Mars in Scorpio are being pounded relentlessly, by Solar Arcs and transits from last year 2023 right though until 2026/27. She has tr Pluto square her Mars and crossing her IC opposition her Midheaven in 2025/26. She also has the even more pressured SA Sun Pluto crossing her Mars as well. Her husband Tim Laurence with his Mars at 2 Aquarius will also be feeling the strain.

  Part of the above will be the shifting dynamics of the new order with all the standard family jealousies and tensions multiplied, as hierarchical constraints are imposed. Plus the Andrew and Harry mayhem. Plus the King and Catherine under medical care which could be a real problem since the Princess of Wales is one of the key hopes for the future – and the present.     Quite a stormy transition.

Melania’s mother – born on an eclipse

Melania Trump paid a glowing tribute to her mother Amalija Knavs who has just died calling her “a ray of light in the darkest days.”

  Melania was born 26 April 1970 in Slovenia then part of Yugoslavia, an independent communist country, with her parents joining her at some point after she moved to the USA. Her mother, 9 July 1945, was a pattern maker and instilled in her daughter a love of fashion which led her to become a model. Her father Viktor Knavs, 24 March 1944, was a chauffeur and eventually became a car dealer. In the way of most eastern European families they seemed close-knit with her parents living first in New York beside Melania after her marriage to Donald Trump and then in Florida.

  Melania had tr Jupiter conjunct her Sun when her mother died which seems counter intuitive though could have several explanations.  I think it was astrologer Michael Harding who mentioned a client who experienced several losses with strong Jupiter transits and from memory the explanation was that the planet which was being ‘blessed’ by expansive Jupiter was conjunct one of their Saturn midpoints which was amplified as well. There is no birth time for Melania so no way of knowing whether a Saturn Moon/MC/Asc is involved. But her Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter in Scorpio is under pressure from tr Pluto square her Jupiter (and destructive Mars/Pluto midpoint) exactly now, and rolling on into 2026 when tr Pluto is square her Sun. It could also be that her mother’s death finally was a relief after what Trump described as a tough illness. Tr Saturn is also squaring Melania’s Mars opposition Neptune – and Mars Saturn often turns up in times of family loss.

  Her Mother was a stalwart and serious New Moon conjunct Saturn in Cancer, born on the day of a Solar Eclipse in Saros Series 1 North which has a significance in US history – Hiroshima, Martin Luther King’s “I have  Dream speech”, JFK’s assassination, and was around in August 1999 as well as 2017.

  Her Eclipsed New Moon Saturn sat on the midpoint of an upbeat, enthusiastic trine of Jupiter in Virgo trine Mars in Taurus. Her Venus in Gemini was trine Neptune, sextile Mercury Pluto in Leo – creative, sociable and utterly determined.

 Her Mars was conjunct Melania’s Mercury so it would be argumentative, but her Jupiter was also conjunct Melania’s Pluto, prompting her to upgrade her life. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Saturn conjunction and a Venus Mars square Pluto – which was disciplined, hard-working and passionate. Amalija’s relationship with Donald Trump was argumentative though also forgiving, veering towards the over hopeful.

 Viktor Knavs, 24 March 1944, was also probably born on a New Moon, in his case in Aries opposition Neptune and trine Pluto so there will be no doubting his ambition though I’d imagine his wife was the driving force. He has a lucky, talented Half Grand Sextile from that opposition tying in Uranus as well as Pluto. Plus a short-fused Mars Saturn in Gemini.

  His relationship with Melania is affectionate though also chained-together by circumstances, reflected in her chart with her upbeat Sun opposition Jupiter and conjunct an austere Saturn. He gets on well with Donald Trump.

  Barron Trump, 20 March 2006 5.30am New York, was evidently close to his grandparents and spoke Slovenian with them. He does have Jupiter in his 8th suggesting reassuring, supportive grandparents and a 9th house Sagittarius Moon which usually means living abroad for extended periods. His Sun MC line runs directly through eastern Europe so he may go there. For success in the USA he should head west towards Las Vegas, Phoenix – and avoid Florida since it puts Mars on his IC for a heated domestic existence. Though whether his possessive mother will let him wander far any time soon is questionable given his 10th house Pluto square his 29 degree Pisces Sun. Both his grandparents and Melania boost his self-esteem and lift his confidence. His father, on the other hand, is a scary prospect with Mars square Pluto plus Saturn and Uranus all tangled up in their relationship chart. Living beside Trump senior must be like trying to survive close to a cyclone.

Jill Biden – standing by her man

Jill Biden is standing by her man, rushing onstage when he zoned out at the end of a speech two weeks ago to ensure he left the platform in good order and throwing her wholehearted support behind his determination to stand again for the White House.

  More than anyone she will be aware of his cognitive failings as he heads for his 82 birthday. What stalled his brain recently was due to tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune midpoint, running last year and earlier this month, returning September through to late November 2024. It can hit at any age but is not conducive to clear thinking. This year for him is a mix of supremely confident patches interspersed with extremely muddled patches especially mid April to late May.

   Jill Biden, 3 June 1951 8.50pm Hammonton, New Jersey, has a right-handed chart pointing to a cooperative personality requiring a partner to function well. She has a hard-working, communicative Sun, Mars, Moon in Gemini in her 6th suiting her for her career as an educator along with Saturn in her 9th house of the higher mind. She also has Pluto in her 8th house giving her a sense of a life filled with situations she cannot control. Also Neptune in her 10th granting her helpful, healing abilities and a lifetime’s experience of putting others’ needs first (stemming from her mother relationship).  

  She has Uranus in her 7th house of close relationships hinting at an unconventional match which squares onto Jupiter opposition Neptune – taken together Uranus Neptune Jupiter she will be better than most at ignoring hard evidence and hanging on to cherished hopes.

  Her Sun, Mars, Moon fall in Joe’s 7th offering him energetic support though conjunct his Uranus Saturn it will at times be a scratchy mix. Her well-organised Saturn in his 10th will be helpful on the career front. Her 8th house Venus in Cancer conjunct his 8th house Jupiter will provide a deep, reassuring connection and will chime well with his Scorpio planets. But they are complete opposites – she with Gemini Air and he with Scorpio water.

  Her Solar Return for June 2024 looks successful with Jupiter conjunct the MC and Sun Venus in the 10th, with tr Jupiter in Gemini hovering over her Gemini Sun, Mars around that time. But there are also hints of concern about a partner with Saturn Neptune in the 7th. Her astrology looks a good deal better than Joe’s at the election which you can read either way. She could be pleased to be out of the limelight and, if not, will keep trucking on regardless of Joe’s muddle. She will have a disastrous mid April to late May this year and again on and off through 2025 with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint at a time when Joe’s chart is also showing losses. The October 2024 Libra Solar Eclipse will conjunct her Midheaven exactly which usually accompanies a career crisis or sudden change of direction.

  Joe Biden like Trump has lost most of the Jupiterian bounty which made him a White House winner; and he has only one Jupiter midpoint giving him hope this year late February to early April, and again late May to mid July and again all of January 2025 across the Inauguration. That maybe might be enough to keep him afloat though his transits across the election are fairly dire.

  All systems-change Uranus pops up both in his transits with tr Uranus opposing his Scorpio Sun in August and his Venus in 2025. It is also headlined in his November 2023 Solar Return at the Midheaven and in his 2024 Solar Return in his 7th opposition his Sun.  

  On the scenario that he might win, since Trump does not look cheerful over the Inauguration, what next? An 82 year old president with deteriorating mental powers (as comes to us all and some more than others).

  He has tr Uranus continuing through his 6th house of health, joined in May  2025 for two years by his Progressed Moon. With tr Pluto moving into his 3rd house and square his Taurus Moon – all  of which might point up health/mental issues for someone of his age.   

   Jill’s relationship chart with Joe has an enthusiastic, lucky composite Sun square Jupiter; an argumentative Mercury opposition Mars; and a chained-together Saturn Pluto conjunction with Saturn sextile Jupiter and sextile Neptune. What is intriguing and may be coincidence their Mars at 26 Leo will be lit up by the tr Uranus Mars Algol square in July which looks to be a significant time in various quarters.

Katherine Birbalsingh – resisting religious splits ++

Katherine Birbalsingh, known as Britain’s strictest head teacher with an outstanding educational record in her school, is facing legal action over a ban on prayer rituals. She defended the policy, arguing that it was vital in order to “maintain a successful learning environment where children of all races and religion can thrive”.

  Previously, the court heard there had not appeared to be any great appetite for prayers at the school, where about half of the pupils are Muslim. Last year, however, a growing number of children began praying during their lunch break, increasing from a single child to 30 in a matter of days. The prayer sessions led to growing segregation between non-Muslim and Muslim pupils in the playground, and that a number of Muslim children were observed by teachers applying peer pressure to other Muslim children, encouraging them to be more observant. In one alleged incident described to the court, a child who had never previously worn a headscarf was pressured to wear one. A Muslim girl was said to have dropped out of the school choir after she was told by other Muslim children that it was haram (forbidden), while a number of other children were told they were “bad Muslims” for not praying and had begun to pray, according to written arguments before the court.

  Birbalsingh defended the “the culture and ethos” of the school where “children of all races and religions buy into something bigger than themselves: our country”.

  She was born 16 September 1973 in Auckland, New Zealand, with an academic father, grew up in Toronto, and was a Socialist Worker Party member (far left) at Oxford.

  She is Virgo at befits a perfectionist teacher, with a singular and complicated chart. She has a lucky, confident Jupiter in Aquarius square Venus opposition Mars Moon in Taurus. Her Jupiter is in a confident trine to Pluto and Mercury which in turn are in an unyielding, tough-minded square to Saturn. She also has two yods of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars (Moon) and Saturn sextile Mars inconjunct Neptune – a curious mix of idealism from Neptune and hard-driving determination from Mars with a dollop of argumentative zealotry from Mercury conjunct Pluto.  She is a divisive and controversial figure though she does get results in a school where most of the pupils have English as their second language.

  I would have to admit to a personal bias in this argument since I am allergic to almost all organised religion and especially dislike the bullying, coercive streak amongst certain Muslims to which the UK – and elsewhere – appear not to have found an adequate response.  

  Politicians’ inability to grapple with voters’ concerns about immigration, ranging from an overloading of the welfare system and housing provision, to fear of terrorism and criminality as well as an insidious or overt shift in the culture has the risk of opening the doors to far-right populist candidates.  In 2001 then Tory leader, William Hague spoke of Britain being at risk of becoming at some point unrecognisable, which evoked a horrified response tagging him with the Enoch Powell stamp.

  The Home Secretary recently criticised ‘do-gooders’ who stopped the deportation of violent criminals back to their home country. Detention Action is one charitable organisation concerned with the welfare of immigrants, whose activist member on a plane helped block the deportation of a Jamaican criminal, involved in a shoot-out on a Birmingham street, who has convictions for gun and drug-related crimes.

 Detention Action, 24 July 1997, is a Sun Leo opposition Neptune and Uranus – so idealistic and defiant – with the can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune taking centre ground.  There’s also a stubborn Mercury square Pluto and and a hard-edged, maybe victim-focused Mars opposition Saturn. Except in this case the victim was the perpetrator.

  Not sure the astrology adds much to this argument – continuing on from the previous post 3 December 2023 – Europe: clash of cultures. 

  But it is rapidly becoming the key election issue. Like the Post Office scandal it has been brewing for years without it breaking through into a MUST FIX issue.   

Add On: Follow on media thoughts on the court action Telegraph.

“There’s a vital principle at stake in the case: whether ‘rights’ culture is allowed to trump social cohesion.”

“Birbalsingh is asking everyone to give up something, not to insist on everything, so we can all get on. We all need to compromise.”

“On one hand is what the French call laïcité: an agreement to leave religion out of certain areas (like the classroom) so that people of all religions and none can rub along together.

Against this we have the grievance industry, preaching minority rights. Claiming that “freedom of religion” somehow compels schools to open prayer rooms, or drop whatever may offend a minority – like Macbeth or Sunday study or plates that touch eggs – even if they are within majority national culture.”