History tends to put a shine on politicians and only decades later does the often startling truth emerge. It now appears that Herbert Asquith, UK prime minister from 1908 to 1916 took a young socialite lover whom he cavorted with in passionate weekly trysts in the back of the official prime-ministerial car. He also shared vital military secrets and coded documents with her as World War 1 broke out, compromising national security. Until recently it was written off as a fleeting dalliance but letters have emerged as Robert Harris researched a new novel which makes it clear the reality was. The state limo was “totally sealed, like a bedroom on wheels, with blinds on the windows and only a push-button intercom to speak to the driver.”
Asquith, 12 September 1852 Morley, England, no birth time, was a Sun Virgo which was sextile/trine Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus; with Pluto Uranus in Taurus square his Venus. Male Virgos can be players when it comes to sexual dalliances; and that would be accentuated by Venus Pluto Uranus.
Venetia Stanley, his mistress, 35 years his junior, who nearly sent him into a breakdown when she skipped off in aristo fashion to marry someone else in 1915, was born 22 August 1887 in London. Her final degree Leo Sun may have been conjunct his Leo/Virgo Moon and her Neptune Pluto in Gemini sextile his Venus which would bring a mesmerising attraction.
But it is their relationship chart which shows the romantic sparks most clearly with a passionate and excitable composite Sun, Venus, Mars conjunction sextile Jupiter. He an ageing politician, father of seven, became besotted, wrote to her three times a day and organised their Friday afternoon automobile liaisons. Surreal but true evidently.
The reputation of the much revered novelist Charles Dickens has taken another dent with the publication of letters from Catherine Dickens, mother of his ten children, to one of her sons. When Dickens left Catherine for a teenage actress, the same age as one of his daughters, in order to prevent any public fallout he claimed that he was leaving a woman who was a cold wife and an uncaring mother. Yet the letters received by their son Plorn after he moved to Australia aged 16, are warm and affectionate, written by someone who clearly misses her child.
From a 2019 post: Charles Dickens, renowned for his compassion for the poor, the suffering and the downtrodden, whose plight he exposed in his novels, appears to have been a good deal less saintly in his private life than his image suggested. Letters have emerged which tell the tale of how he tried to have his wife, mother of his ten children, committed to a mental asylum when she had lost her looks and he had started a long affair with an actress. The doctor in charge, a friend, refused to certify her and was called a ‘medical donkey’ by Dickens.
Born 7 February 1812 at 7.50pm Portsmouth, England, Dickens was sent to a blacking factory at 12 years old when he father was clapped in debtors prison. Even after the father’s release he was left there. He became a legal clerk, then a writer who soared to great success in England and the USA.
He was a cerebral Sun in Aquarius on the cusp of the hard-working 6th house trine a successful Jupiter in Gemini in the 10th. Communicative Mercury, ruler of his 10th house of career, was in his entertaining 5th house. He had a bleak Saturn in Capricorn in his 4th house of childhood in a cruel-treatment square to feisty Mars in Aries in his 7th. He did have a hard childhood but seems to have been very uncaring about his own children.
His Sun was square an independent, rebellious Uranus in the 3rd. His emotionally confused Moon Neptune was in square a passionate Venus Pluto in Pisces on the cusp of his 7th.
With intense controlling Pluto and argumentative Mars in his 7th house of relationships he was guaranteed to run into hostility in marriage. And his relationship chart with his wife Catherine was truly terrible with a composite Mars Pluto square Neptune, trine Uranus, sextile Saturn – so volcanic quantities of anger, bitterness and resentment.
Catherine, 19 May 1815, was a stalwart Sun Taurus sextile/trine a pushily-confident Pluto opposition Jupiter with a volatile Mars square Uranus. Her Saturn was conjunct his Sun which is cold and critical. Certainly not someone to be tramped underfoot.
His mistress Ellen Ternan, 3 March 1839, didn’t look easy since she was a Sun Uranus in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius so would be erratic and highly strung. But her Venus in Aries fell in his 7th conjunct his Mars which would help to smooth rough edges. Her Sun Uranus was conjunct his Venus Pluto which would be instant attraction but a fair amount of disruption thereafter. Her Neptune was conjunct his Sun which isn’t ideal though can give a spiritual or self-sacrificial bond. Her Saturn was conjunct his Moon which can block out nurturing feelings – so he couldn’t quite escape his 4th house Saturn and his deprived childhood.
Ellen’s Sun Uranus conjunction in Pisces collided with the composite Pluto Mars in Pisces square Neptune in Charles/Catherine’s relationship chart – the marriage was undoubtedly struggling but she was the catalyst – or arrived at the right juncture – to cause the split.
Nick Cave, the Australian musician, writer and actor, frontman for the rock band the Bad Seeds, has a new album out and has been talking of the transformative effect that grief and the death of two of his sons brought about. One son died in 2015 in a cliff accident after taking LSD for the first time and the other who was schizophrenic died two years ago.
Cave’s music is ‘characterised by emotional intensity, a wide variety of influences and lyrical obsessions with death, religion, love, and violence’. He says the losses he has suffered pulled him out of his selfish egotism and made him more religious.
Born 22 September 1957 12.20pm (?) Warracknabeat, Victoria, Australia, he has a packed 10th house with a hard-working exact Virgo Sun and Mars conjunction plus a lucky Jupiter in Libra and Neptune Venus in Scorpio. He has a far-travelled and philosophical Moon Mercury in Virgo in his 9th with Pluto on the cusp in a tough-minded square to Saturn. His South Node in Taurus falls in his 5th house of children. His wayward 8th house Uranus opposition Chiron is square his Venus and trine his Saturn.
His chart is all upper hemisphere focusing his energy towards work and the outside world, though he has had four children from three marriages.
Neptune in his 10th suits a musical career and three Virgo planets in his 9th house will give him an interest in belief systems, religious and otherwise.
When his son died in 2015 in an accident tr Pluto was sitting on Nick Cave’s Ascendant opposition Mars on his Descendant. Pluto moving through the 1st house does bring self-knowledge and forced self-awareness over a longish period. At that point his Solar Arc Neptune was square his Sun Mars and Midheaven giving him a tremendous shock.
When his second son died in 2022 tr Pluto in Capricorn was trine his Sun Mars in Virgo; and tr Neptune was approaching the opposition to his Sun Mars – so an equally undermining event for him.
He has been very public about the dramatic difference these two losses made to him at a deeply personal level – so it is interesting to see tr Pluto moving through his 1st – I remember it as one of the most useful transits I ever had.
The world looks on in despair and asks is there an end game in all this tit for tat slaughter? Israel kills a Hezbollah commander in the Lebanon. Hezbollah respond with attacks on Israel. Israel ups the ante in response and batters Lebanon.
There is not much to add to the previous post : Israel and Hezbollah – hope of peace receding fast – 1st August 2024.
Hezbollah were always going to be taking action in reaction and are a much superior force to Hamas.
The Hezbollah, 16 February 1985, Beirut chart, with its 27 degree Aquarius Sun in an exact square to Saturn in Scorpio is catching the tr Uranus hard aspect exactly now till late September, and again May 2025 and January to mid March 2026 – so moving through an explosive and disruptive 18 months ahead. Which covers tr Uranus conjunct the Israel Sun at 23 Taurus and square the Israel Mars at 28 Leo from mid 2025 onwards.
The Hezbollah chart also has Mars at 10 degree Aries in opposition to this October’s Solar Eclipse and conjunct next March’s Aries Solar Eclipse putting it in even more combative gear. Tr Pluto is in a pushily confident square to its Jupiter on and off till early 2026 so is unlikely to back down.
The Hezbollah/Israel relationship chart has a composite Sun at 10 degrees Aries exactly opposition this October’s Solar Eclipse pin pointing a crisis phase; ditto next March in conjunction. With tragically the composite Chiron of the unhealable wound at 27 Leo, catching the tr Uranus hard aspects exactly now. With indications of more challenges and emotional over-reactions from late this December to mid March 2025.
That latter juncture (late Dec to mid March 2025) is when tr Uranus will conjunct Israel’s deeply buried 8th house Taurus Sun which was being triggered when the Hamas attack was brewing in 2023. It was always going to bring a massive upheaval in Israel’s direction, a history-changing influence which won’t subside till early 2026 as tr Uranus clears the square to the Israel Mars. Not that what comes next looks too calm with a long run of tr Pluto opposing the Israel Moon, then Pluto, then Saturn on into the 2030s.
This October’s Libra Solar Eclipse and next March’s Aries one both hit on Israel’s 12th house Neptune exactly – which suggests confusion and indecision.
Hassan Nasrallah, 31 August 1960, the Hezbollah leader, an unyielding and ambitious Sun Pluto in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn, sextile Neptune, is powering ahead till late this year with some wins in 2025 but probably more losses.
The Lebanon 22 November 1943 chart is severely rattled at the moment with the Solar Arc Uranus exactly square the Sun; as well as a disaster-prone/military SA Saturn is square Mars now; with tr Uranus opposition the Sun from mid 2025 onwards into 2026.
The Lebanon/Israel relationship chart shows the aggravation extending on, intensifying over that end December to March 2025 phase.
Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, who has been struggling to rein in Netanyahu and is anyway now in an ambivalent situation with Biden on the way out – looks at the end of his tether and losing on all fronts as the election nears.
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius
“An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Revenge is barren of itself: it is the dreadful food it feeds on; its delight is murder, and its end is despair.” Friedrich Schiller
The Kamala Harris Donald Trump debate is scheduled for 10 September 2024 in Philadelphia at 9pm. That puts a fight-for-control Pluto in the 10th and an argumentative, heated Mars in the communication 3rd; with the Virgo Mercury and Sun in the attention-seeking 5th house. Although the Sun opposition Saturn will put a damper on proceedings – and in line with everything else about this contradictory, star-crossed election has the Sun also square Jupiter opposition a Sagittarius Moon. A Mutable Grand Square will have a tendency to go off like a windmill in a storm, scattering in all directions – nervy, indecisive, not conducive to rational debate. Indeed, now that I look, there is an out of element yod onto Mercury inconjunct Neptune and Pluto, and square Uranus. Mercury on the point of a yod will tend to make for intellectual and mental disorganization. I pity the poor moderator.
The relationship chart between DT and Kamala is horrific with a bitterly hostile composite Venus, Mars, Sun, Pluto opposition Moon. It is being rattled every which ways right through the election with tr Uranus square the Sun through November and square the Mars and Moon late November through December. With a disruptive tr Pluto opposition the Uranus late November to the end of December. It will be an ill-tempered brawl right up to the wire.
Kamala Harris, 20 October 1964 9.28 pm Oakland, California, has tr Saturn exactly opposition her 4th house Pluto at the debate. She comes from a split parental marriage when she was six and her 4th house Pluto points to a concern about emotional undercurrents especially with a controlling father – so a face to face with DT may activate a few sensitive issues for her. She will have moved from a muddled tr Neptune square her Mercury/Saturn midpoint in action at the moment though not too visible – except she has done few if any interviews or her speeches would be written for her.
By the debate she has tr Neptune square her Sun/Saturn midpoint – from September 3rd to mid October – which may make her uncertainty more visible with lack of energy, bringing an undermining feeling. At the same time tr Neptune is also square her Solar Arc Sun for a minor amount of droop. None of these are hugely major but her joyous wave may be sagging slightly. Her Jupiter in Taurus is probably what has kept her afloat and given her the recent boost. But as it comes round to the next exact aspect in late November to late December it also catches her Mars/Saturn midpoint which is accident prone and subject to setbacks.
Trump, like Harris, has two of his Mercury midpoints being undercut by Neptune right through. At the debate, he’ll be more muddled and nervy than usual. His Solar Arc Neptune will be exactly conjunct his South Node (close to his Moon) – perhaps bringing his mother/women issues into focus. Nothing too dramatic. Through October he has tr Uranus square his Mars – a rerun of the influence over his shooting, not that it is likely to repeat, but he will be shaken and insecure, likely to be over-reacting as a result.
Who knows? Even more of a mish mash than most elections.
Saturn Neptune conjunctions come round roughly three times a century – in 1989 in Capricorn, in 1953 in Libra and in 1917/18 in Leo. The next one nearly comes together in Aries in June 2025 and comes exact briefly in February 2026.
Historically they have been associated with the fight for womens’ and workers’ rights, epidemics, religious events and collapsing empires.
Below is a pull together from previous posts and from The Astrological History of the World.
WOMEN: All countries have their own specific arc of history but looking at the UK, the first key change towards the emancipation of women came with the Married Women’s Property Act of 1882, with Saturn Neptune together in Taurus, which gave wives for the first time the right of separate ownership. Then on the next conjunction in 1917–18 in Leo, the campaign for women’s suffrage succeeded in getting the vote for women over the age of 30.
Both Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne to exert feminine influence over matters of state on Saturn–Neptune conjunctions — in 1558 in Taurus, and 1953 in Libra. Both of them were enduring monarchs in typical Saturnine fashion, Elizabeth I ruling for 45 years, Elizabeth 11 for 70 years. Benazir Bhutto became the first woman prime minister of Pakistan on the conjunction in Capricorn in 1988, though it proved a short-lived triumph.
Literature also rose to the challenge and produced memorable novels by or about women – Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer and Laclos’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses; Molière’s The Misanthrope and The Dumb Lady. More recently Pedro Almodovar, the Spanish film-maker, produced his cult movie Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown.
Not that anything happens without a backlash and Saturn Neptune also has associations with the persecution of witches – arising from the masculine Saturnine fear of the mysterious, less rational feminine in Neptune.
The two previous Saturn Neptune in Aries were in 1702/1703 and 1379. In line with Saturn Neptune’s proclivity towards the feminine, Queen Anne took over in 1702 as monarch from her brother-in-law William of Orange to reign for five years. The 2018 Olivia Coleman movie ‘The Favourite’ related court intrigues as she sank into depressed middle age after 17 pregnancies with no issue. She was born on 6 February 1665 when Saturn and Neptune were both in Capricorn, so she followed the pattern. When she took over the throne Saturn was in the final degree of Pisces about to join Neptune in Aries.
EPIDEMICS: When the Spanish flu struck around January 1918 the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Leo was in place. Saturn Neptune is the classic astrological signature for epidemics and illnesses. Spanish flu killed off, on rough estimates, anywhere between 1 and 6 per cent of the global population – perhaps 25 to 50 million people. It was exacerbated and spread by troop movements at the end of World War 1 and killed more in 24 weeks than HIV/AIDS did in 24 years. Curiously it mostly killed young adults it is thought because the older population had built up immunity from a previous flu exposure. It came in three waves – over early 1918, receded through the summer, built up again in the autumn and killed most in the USA over the winter of that year.
But it doesn’t mean it always shows for every epidemic since the early 1950s Saturn Neptune in Libra, while it coincided with one minor flu outbreak, was more notable for the setting up of The Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) by WHO to monitor the evolution of influenza viruses.
The dual face of Saturn–Neptune in providing practical care for the suffering and in the insidious undermining of the body’s health both find a place in world history. An epidemic of St Vitus Dance (chorea) broke out in Europe in 1021 when Saturn and Neptune were together in Aquarius; the disease causes involuntary jerky movements and leads to brain deterioration, and was so called because victims prayed to St Vitus, the patron saint of dance.
The plague that devastated Europe and Asia during the 1340s was marked by the Saturn–Neptune conjunction in Aquarius of 1344, and the Uranus–Pluto conjunction at the same time. The outbreak of bubonic plague in London in 1665 and the Great Fire of London a year later both took place when Saturn and Neptune were together in Capricorn.
In 1846 in Aquarius, widespread famine in Ireland followed the failure of the potato crop. During the 1917 and 1918 conjunction in Leo, there were massive casualties from the Spanish ‘flu epidemic. By the conjunction of the late 1980s in Capricorn, the AIDS virus was running amok, causing countless deaths in Africa, Europe and the United States.
Medical advances are also highlighted under Saturn–Neptune, with the physicians’ meeting place in Rome, the Schola Medicorum, being set up in AD 17 in Sagittarius; in 1739 in Cancer, the London Foundling Hospital was established; and by 1881 in Taurus, Louis Pasteur had discovered the anthrax vaccine.
WORKERS’ RIGHTS: Neptune’s compassion for the victim meets Saturn’s ability to organize in a constructive way. If the balance is wrong, however, then Saturn’s authoritarian need to exert order and maintain the status quo can completely crush the Neptunian dream.
The English Peasants’ Revolt during the Saturn–Neptune conjunction in Aries in 1381, demanding an end to serfdom was suppressed and its leader, Wat Tyler, beheaded. Two conjunctions later, in Virgo, Irish rebel Jack Cade leading the Kent and Essex peasants’ revolt, was also killed. Another two conjunctions further on, in Pisces in 1524, there were extensive peasants’ revolts in Germany.
By 1845 with Saturn–Neptune in tolerant Aquarius, Engels was writing The Condition of the Working Class in England. Still under the same influence, the Irish potato-crop failure of the following year drew attention to the plight of the starving and the suffering. By the next conjunction in Taurus in 1881, British prime minister William Gladstone had passed the Irish Land Act to prevent excessively high rents, although the outrages of 1882, when 10,500 Irish farming families were evicted, gave every indication that Saturnine rigidity and greed still held sway. In the United States, the American Federation of Labor was founded in Pittsburgh in 1881. One conjunction on, in 1917 in Leo, striking Russian workers rose up, and were joined by soldiers to overthrow the last feudal tsardom.
During the last Saturn–Neptune conjunction of the 20th century, in Capricorn in 1989, Solidarity, the Polish workers’ party, came to power in democratic elections. The fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe freed workers to control their own lives and government. There was also mass rehabilitation of Russian citizens who were victims of Stalin’s brutal purges, Stalin himself having succumbed on the Saturn–Neptune conjunction of 1953. Also in 1989, the Tiananmen Square demonstration in China, staged by students and workers, was brutally suppressed, resulting in 2000 deaths. In Britain just a year later there were the violent Poll Tax Riots, the first serious mass revolt against the government in decades.’
Although Saturn Neptune doesn’t sound rebellious it tends to bring the state and the status quo (Saturn) into conflict with spiritual movements or the underdogs (Neptune). The flower power, hippie movement was very much a Saturn Neptune in Libra phenomenon in the 1950s.
Michel Guerard, the celebrity chef who committed sacrilege in France by pioneering the nouvelle cuisine movement with low-fat, low-calorie and no-sugar food, has died. Time magazine in a cover issue recognizing his talent wrote: “No longer need a Frenchman dig his grave with a fork.”
He wanted to be a doctor but with a family background in food, heading for the kitchen became his chosen route to health. He started by championing a Japanese style of cooking, focused on freshness, lightness and flavour and moving away from traditional Escoffier-style butter and cream heavy recipes. Despite early resistance he was feted and awarded prestigious Michelin and Presidential awards.
Born 27 March 1933 5pm Vetheuil, France, he had a go-ahead and charming Sun, Venus in Aries; with Mars, Neptune, Jupiter in Virgo, a stellium that has produced many notable celebrities. Those Virgo planets plus his Saturn in scientific Aquarius on the cusp of his 6th house of health would give him an interest in physical well-being. But it was his 8th house Moon Uranus square Pluto which would propel his inventive, convention-breaking ambitions.
Unsurprisingly he started to experiment with cuisine minceur at the start of the 1960s when the revolutionary Uranus Pluto in Virgo was upending tradition and moving across his Virgo planets. He had two wide-ish yods – one onto disciplined Saturn from a confident Jupiter sextile Pluto, and the other onto creative Neptune from Saturn sextile Sun.
Uranus, the catalyst for change, marked Yoko Ono’s life and career and especially her role in the Beatles breakup. Surviving the war in Tokyo she said gave her an understanding of ‘outsider’ status and she went on to become an avant-garde artist and peace activist.
Born 18 February 1933 8.30 pm Tokyo, Japan, her Uranus in her 7th house of relationships squared an influential and controlling 10th house Pluto – she was born into a time of turmoil and disruptions and that set a pattern for her life. Her 5th house Sun, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius channeled her energy into attention-seeking, creative and humanitarian activities.
What is intriguing is that her Uranus fell in the 10th house of John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s relationship chart – splitting them apart; with her Sun opposing their competitive composite Mars Mercury conjunction – so she widened what was already a fault line. Her Pluto fell close to their composite Ascendant, changing their joint image.
On the relationship chart with Lennon/Harrison her Uranus fell close to their composite IC opposition their composite Midheaven irrevocably shifting the direction of their lives together. Or in this case not together.
With the Lennon/Ringo Starr relationship chart Yoko’s Uranus fell in their composite First House with her Sun opposition their argumentative composite Sun Mars.
In each case her Uranus detonated the axis of their relationship charts sending their togetherness off in disparate directions.
Wallis Simpson who precipitated Edward V11’s abdication also had a prominent Uranus on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Neptune Venus with her Mars opposition an 8th house Moon.
Her effect on his close family was devastating – and with her Midheaven falling conjunct the Ascendant of George V1, his younger brother, forcing him to take on the throne, she (deliberately or not) changed his image dramatically. The situation was different from the Beatles since the Royal Family and the country held together. But the rift shows up clearly in the Duke’s relationship chart with the UK which had an astonishingly bitter and ambivalent Mars Pluto opposition Uranus – he was already massively resistant to taking on the burden and when she came along with her Uranus-yod-connected Mars opposition Moon sitting exactly on top of the Duke/UK’s composite Mars Pluto opposition Uranus, an explosion was bound to follow.
Meghan has hints of Yoko’s Uranus Pluto temperament with her Pluto in her family 4th and Uranus in her romantic/emotional 5th opposition Chiron in Taurus which is inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune. Her Uranus which has a compulsion towards freedom since it opposes Chiron, sits in the 10th house of Harry’s relationship chart with Queen Elizabeth 11 – causing Harry to turn his back on his upbringing and the monarchy to which Elizabeth sacrificed her life. Meghan’s Pluto squared the Harry/QE11composite Mars; her Neptune was conjunct the composite South Node; her Saturn was square the composite Moon and her Mars was conjunct the composite Sun. Meghan’s Uranus also fell in the Queen’s rigorously dutiful 10th house.
In Harry’s relationship chart with his father, Meghan’s Uranus sits close to the Descendant, rupturing togetherness, with Meghan’s Pluto conjunct the composite Sun as her 4th house Pluto (need for control of family environment) wielded its influence.
The divisive quality of Uranus comes into play as a catalyst for liberation and a new direction – or as an upsetter, chaos-creator. It need not be conscious. If there are already undercurrents in a relationship where resentment is mounting but there is not enough courage to make a break, then fate (or free will) hooks in a partner who will upset the apple cart.
Though that equally works the other way – an individual with a compulsion to be a family/relationship wrecker because of their own temperament and background will as if by magic alight on a partner who is vulnerable and seduced into playing out their obsession – for a while.
Interesting way to look at relationship charts. Not just triggered by influences but also by people.
Add On: Uranus was also in evidence in Camilla’s part in the Charles-Diana triangle. Not that Camilla ever wanted to be anything other than a standard aristo mistress as far as friends said, and certainly had no intention of breaking up her own marriage let alone the Charles/Diana marriage. But her Uranus fell in Charles/Diana relationship chart 10th house and her Cancer Sun was conjunct the composite Uranus. So the celestial dance was on with trickster Uranus leaning in on splits wanting to happen.
Faye Dunaway, superstar of yesteryear, notorious for being difficult, has a documentary out. Made with her approval it is a ‘misty-eyed homage’ according to one reviewer, though it does admit to her alcoholism and bi-polar disorder. According to Bette Davis she was one of the worst people in Hollywood. Jack Nicholson referred to her as “the Dreaded Dunaway”. Steve McQueen was unflattering and Roman Polanski after Chinatown described her as ‘a gigantic pain.’ Though others talk with praise about her devotion to detail and serious approach.
No one doubted she was talented with top notch performances in Bonnie and Clyde, The Thomas Crown Affair, Chinatown, the Network and Mommie Dearest. Her beauty and sheer will-driven ambition brought her success as did her infamously high standards though they did not make her popular. Most recently she was fired from a Broadway production because of crew complaints.
Born 14 January 1941 8.15pm Bascom, Florida with a distant military father she was brought up by a single mother, started first on Broadway and then graduated to movies. She has had several liaisons – with Lenny Bruce, Marcello Mastroianni, married a musician, then married Terry O’Neill the photographer – all short lived.
She has an ambitious and upfront, attention-demanding Sun, Mercury in Capricorn in her performing 5th house in an Earth Grand Trine to Neptune in Virgo in a creative trine to Uranus in Taurus – a hard worker, goal-oriented and a builder in life. Her Pluto is prominent being trine an argumentative 4th house Mars, making her home life heated; and her Pluto is also square Jupiter Saturn in Taurus which is extremely Fixed, stubborn and inflexible. Her Leo Moon in her hidden 12th house squares Uranus and trines Mars – emotionally excitable and irritable. She says her first passion was always work and her emotional life would be unsettled with her Sun/Moon midpoint being square her controlling Pluto; her Moon in aspect to her needs-space Uranus and her 4th house Mars making her home life argumentative. Her Venus in Capricorn was also inconjunct Pluto for additional strain and intensity.
Bette Davis, 5 April 1908 9pm Lowell, MA, was no slouch in the difficult personality stakes with her attention-demanding 5th house Aries Sun square a can-be-fanatical/excitable Uranus opposition Neptune. With a controlling, stubborn Moon Pluto in her 8th square her Mercury. Their relationship chart had a hostile and competitive Sun Mars trine Pluto; a needs-space Venus Uranus square Pluto and a beyond chilly Moon Pluto square Saturn.
Jack Nicolson, 22 April 1937 11am Neptune, NJ, has a Taurus Sun conjunct Uranus in his 10th house which collides with Faye’s Jupiter Saturn, equally would not find her an easy colleague on set. His forcefully confident Pluto in Cancer opposition Jupiter in Capricorn clashed with Faye’s Capricorn Sun Mercury. Two Titans.
Steve McQueen, 24 March 1930 12.15pm Indianapolis, IN, had his Aries Sun exactly conjunct Faye’s South Node testing her ability to cooperate; with his North Node square her Pluto and conjunct her Jupiter Saturn – quite a fated match.
How directors and producers ever managed to get movies made with the giant egos and volatile creative temperaments clashing on set is astonishing.