Gary Oldman – in and out of the spotlight

Gary Oldman is back as the greasy, flatulent spy boss of the losers and rejects at Slough House in Season 4 of Mick Herron’s Slow Horses (Apple TV+). Despite a stellar career awash with awards and a position as one of the highest-grossing actors of all time – in Harry Potter; Tinker, Tailor; The Dark Knight Trilogy; Darkest Hour as Winston Churchill –  he has managed to remain low key. He evidently does not employ a publicist and avoids parties.

  Reviews are glowing for the latest season and his performance as Jackson Lamb – “Slough House’s monstrously jaded and dirty-mac-clad ruler, who shambles and roars like a bear dipped in chip fat.” Another remarked he “contaminates the screen beautifully.”

  Born 21 March 1958 10.56 am, London, with an alcoholic father who left when he was seven, he gave up school at 16, before eventually taking an acting training and starting his career on stage. He has a 10th house Aries Sun and Moon (widely conjunct) with Mercury also in Aries in his career 10th.

   He has an uncompromising Uranus opposition an 8th house Mars square a creative Neptune in Scorpio. His Neptune is also on one leg of a yod sextile an intense 3rd house Pluto inconjunct his Sun – a yod focal point Sun will make him awkwardly self-conscious, constantly trying to balance his ego-drives, too much and too little.  A hardworking, knowledgeable Saturn in Sagittarius in his 6th trines his Mercury. His Venus in Aquarius opposition Uranus sits in his passionate 8th house.  He has been married five times with a history of alcoholism.  His Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct his Black Moon, perhaps a hint of one failed marriage where he was accused of abuse but later one of his sons said his mother had lied.

  He has tr Saturn moving across his Midheaven this year starting a high profile, hard working few years so he’ll be putting off retirement for a while. Tr Saturn Neptune conjunct his 10th house Sun and tr Uranus in Gemini squaring his Pluto all in 2025 rattling up his yod could set him on a new path. Not necessarily an easy one initially since tr Pluto will conjunct his Mars in 2025/26 and square his Neptune.

Brad Pitt – into the fray once more

Brad Pitt having not quite exfiltrated himself from the fallout of his Angelina Jolie marriage has set foot on a new partnership, showcased at the recent Venice Film Festival. Ines de Ramon is a jewellery designer, formerly married to Vampire star Paul Wesley.

 Brad Pitt, 18 December 1963 6.31 am Shawnee, Oklahoma, has a penchant for high-octane partners and with his Mars in Capricorn conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, he will inevitably end up in drama-filled matches. His North Node in the 8th house of deep cooperation also won’t help until he matures enough to understand the other point of view and leave behind financial tugs of war.

 Ines de Ramon, 19 December 1992, Los Angeles, no birth time, is a late Sun Sagittarius like Brad, with her highly-strung Mars in Cancer opposition Uranus Neptune in Capricorn falling across Brad’s 8th and 2nd house with her Uranus Neptune conjunct his Mercury. So it won’t be without a few ratchety moments as her Mars opposes his Moon Venus – plenty of sparks initially but could become heated later on.  Her Jupiter falls in his 10th house of career which is positive for a business partnership and an improvement on Angelina and Jennifer Aniston, both of whom had their controlling Pluto in his 10th which would get wearing.

 His relationship chart with Ines is tricky with a Mars Pluto conjunction square Jupiter which will bring up power issues.  Tr Neptune is squaring and undermining the composite Sun till early 2026 – so there will be a few disappointments ahead.

  Angelina Jolie has a Sun Gemini sitting in his 7th house which is good for relationships but her Pluto in his 10th opposition Mars Moon in his family 4th squaring his Mars in Capricorn would make for high-noon standoffs. And her unyielding Saturn in his 8th would not help on intimacy. His Chiron is closely conjunct her Black Moon – which does not sound a healing match.

 Angelina’s Uranus squared the composite Sun Mercury of his relationship chart with Jennifer Aniston which famously split after Brangelina got together.

 But Jennifer Aniston herself, 11 February 1969 10.22 pm Los Angeles,  is not an easy personality. Her Sagittarius Moon is conjunct Brad’s Sun which is good, but his Saturn is conjunct her Aquarius Sun, her Pluto is conjunct his Midheaven and her Saturn squares his Moon Venus = defensive, critical, over hard-working, controlling. She has two yods in her chart onto Pluto and Saturn respectively, with her Sun square Saturn so it will have taken her time to get comfortable with herself.

 The Brad/Jen relationship chart is horrible with a composite Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Mars – so no surprises it split, with or without Angelina. The relationship chart with Angelina has a composite Mars inconjunct Pluto and Pluto opposition Sun which is much the same – with anger and power issues to the fore.  This echoes the Uranus Pluto trine Mars on his chart which sets him up for these power-packed and melodramatic matches. And Ines will be no different but maybe he has mellowed with age and experience.

Alexander Grothendieck – mystic and mathematical ++ mother ++ Riemann

Alexander Grothendieck, a mathematical genius and latterly a hermit, who died last year, “revolutionised postwar mathematics in the 1950s/60s  as Einstein had physics a generation earlier. Moving beyond distinct disciplines such as geometry, algebra and topology, he worked in pursuit of a deeper, universal language to unify them all.”

  The publication in 2022 of his memoir renewed interest in his work with growing academic and corporate attention to how Grothendieckian concepts could be practically applied for technological ends. Chinese telecoms giant Huawei believes his esoteric concept of the topos could be key to building the next generation of AI. Which he would have disliked since his motivations were not worldly ones. A former colleague wrote: “He pursued a kind of monologue, or rather a dialogue with mathematics and God, which to him were one and the same.”

 Born 28 March 1928 12.45am Berlin, Germany, he was abandoned to foster care aged five when his parents fled Nazi Germany to fight for the socialist cause in Europe and was only reunited with his mother in 1939 when they went to live in a French internment camp. His Jewish father died in Auschwitz.

  He had a packed 3rd house with his Aries Sun conjunct innovative Uranus on one side and Jupiter on the other square an 8th house Pluto. His Pluto was further emphasised being on the focal point of a yod to Saturn in Sagittarius Ascendant sextile Mars in Aquarius. Such an intense and loaded Pluto can produce individuals way ahead of their time in discovering fundamental truths which are often ignored until later – and being in the 8th his interest would lie beyond the rational world. His Neptune (often prominent in top level mathematicians) was in the intellectual 9th house and that plus a packed 3rd would give him an over active mind.

  He retreated from academia after 1970 when the tr Uranus Pluto were moving across his Midheaven into a reclusive existence in France and  latterly his studies were fixated on the problem of why evil exists in the world. He became more mystical and probably unbalanced living a hermit’s existence.

 His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic was strong – as was Steve Jobs.

Add On: His mother Hanka was an anarchist communist activist along with his father. Their political aim was to create a system of free soviets that would manage the transition towards a stateless and classless society. Having left their son in foster care in Germany in 1933 they went to France and later to support the Republicans after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. After reuniting the family in 1939 and following the Nazi occupation of France, his father was arrested and deported to Auschwitz. In March 1940, Hanka and Alexander  moved within France to support a colony of Spanish refugees. She was then arrested by the Vichy regime and both were sent to an internment camp, though later he found refuge elsewhere. He dedicated his doctoral thesis to her – she died in 1957.

What a dreadful childhood for him.

  She was born 21 August 1900 in Germany and was an attention-seeking Sun Leo trine a well-read and travelled Saturn in Sagittarius; with a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus conjunction probably close to her Cancer Moon.

  It was a Neptunian connection with Alexander since her hope-for-a-better-society Saturn opposition Neptune sat close to his Cancer Moon; and her Sun was conjunct his Neptune. Her Venus, Mars (Moon) was conjunct his 8th house Pluto – a deep though conflicted connection.

 Their relationship chart had a cool, distanced composite Sun opposition Saturn and a Mars square Neptune – suggesting work came first; and by pursuing her ambitions, her son became the loser.


Georg Bernhard Riemann considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, was born 17 September 1826, Germany, no birth time. He was a Sun Jupiter in Virgo trine Uranus – and also had a heavily emphasised Pluto being on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to Saturn opposition Neptune; and on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mercury sextile Venus.

According to wiki he made profound contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry. Through his pioneering contributions to differential geometry, Riemann laid the foundations of the mathematics of general relativity.

Germany – a troubling election result

Former East Germany has seen the first radical right-wing party to come first in a state election since 1933. Fears of a Nazi past being resurrected are misplaced but the success of the anti-immigration AfD party and failure of the present three governing parties is a sobering moment.

 Alternative fur Deutschland was founded on 11 March 2013 in the aftermath of the financial crisis with protests over  Germany’s efforts to bail out poorer countries in the EU. It was seen as an anti-Euro party but turned its focus on migration after the 2015 refugee crisis when Angela Merkel opened the door to more than a million refugees from war-torn countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. High inflation and energy costs after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine – 55 per cent of Germany’s natural gas supply came from Russia – exacerbated economic issues for ordinary Germans.

 AfD has little hope of forming a government at state level because other parties are unlikely to work with it.

  Germany has been undergoing a massive disruption since Merkel’s exit in late 2021 which coincided with tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Uranus. Tr Uranus in early Taurus crossing the 8th house Moon and heading for the 8th house Pluto. Both of which have astro-echoes to the 1930s when tr Pluto in Cancer was conjunct the 10th house Uranus and tr Uranus was also in Taurus opening up a dark seam in the German psyche.

   Those two influences have now passed but with tr Pluto conjunct the Germany Mercury in Capricorn for the final time plus the end run of tr Pluto trine the Germany Mars till the end of the year, there will be heated debates and agitated frustration. And there is still the Solar Arc Pluto opposition the 7th house Neptune in play at the moment causing confusion in relationships with neighbours. The tr Saturn Neptune in Aries will not add much to a spirit of optimism as it opposes the Germany Mars at zero degrees Libra and squares Saturn at one Capricorn for a highly uncertain and anxious 2025/2026.

  The Germany/EU relationship chart will be undergoing massive changes or at least be under immense pressure from now through till 2028 as tr Pluto is conjunct the composite Venus (2023/24), opposition Uranus (2024/25), square Mars (2025/26) and then square the composite Moon till 2028.

  The AfD, 11 March 2013 chart, shows disappointments and successes – with an undermining tr Neptune conjunct the Mars till early 2026 and an upbeat Solar Arc Jupiter square the Pisces Sun exact early in 2025. It has a grandiose yod of Saturn sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter – so there may be more highs to come in the near future, though the longer term is more troubled.

 The leader Bjorn Hocke, 1 April 1972, Lunen, Germany, is a rebellious, uncompromising Sun Mercury in Aries opposition Uranus and square an over-confident Jupiter. This October’s Libra Solar Eclipse and next spring’s Aries Solar Eclipse will both shake up his Sun, Mercury – so he’s likely to be talking up a storm. But his Mars Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune won’t appreciate tr Uranus moving into Gemini, nor at a lesser level the tr Saturn Neptune in Aries – which along with tr Pluto in Aquarius will be adding further challenges.

Keir Starmer handbagged by the Iron Lady

Keir Starmer has hit the ground running or tripping himself up depending on one’s viewpoint. Since politics in the moment is as much about perception as policies, there is a slight sense of a tone-deaf administration picking the wrong fights however sanctimonious the reasons behind their decisions. None is weirder (though admittedly trivial) than the decision to remove from the No 10 study the portrait of Maggie Thatcher, whom Starmer had previously praised and had been commissioned by Gordon Brown, because he found it “unsettling”. It was rehung elsewhere.

  What both Maggie and Starmer share is a prominent Jupiter opposition Pluto = super-confident, power hungry, good leadership material but tending to assume rules don’t apply to them. It also leads to oneupmanship tussles for the upper hand and last word. Maybe he thought she was glaring down at him, trying to outshine his achievements. Their charts in an odd way are fairly similar since she had her Sun and Mars tied into Jupiter Pluto. While Starmer has his Sun tied into Pluto and Jupiter.

  Starmer’s Uranus is conjunct Maggie’s Sun and his Sun Pluto falls in her 10th – so if she was alive he would be determined to keep her under control. His Libra Moon clashes with her Mars in Libra square Pluto and Jupiter so he would in the flesh have found her overwhelming.  His prominent Neptune (in a Water Grand Trine) is conjunct her Saturn in Scorpio on her Ascendant – which may be a large part of the problem. Sakoian & Acker remark: “The individuals can have an oppressive or depressing influence on each other.”

  Their relationship chart has the signature composite Jupiter opposition Pluto; with the composite Sun conjunct Neptune square Saturn engendering doubt and suspicion; plus a gritty, aggravated composite Saturn trine Mars.

   What is intriguing about Starmer’s chart is the close Jupiter Chiron conjunction opposition Sun Pluto.

Jupiter Chiron can hint at messianic tendencies, the impulse to follow a vision. And it can suggest a wound to a sense of hope, confidence and optimism.

Pluto Chiron suggests the wound centres around power and powerlessness, gives an attraction to danger and darkness which his legal work would certainly fulfil; and can bring a fear of death.

 Sun Chiron can be afraid to shine as a personality.

He was such an odd colourless personality before stepping up – with no birth time but Neptune on a Scorpio Ascendant for a 12 noon birth looks feasible. A self-protective, private, creative though not always realistic Water Grand Trine channeling its energy into that reforming and very, very determined (and power hungry) Sun Pluto (Uranus) opposition Jupiter Chiron. More will no doubt emerge.

I wish Sue Gray would admit to a birth date – September 1957 is all that is known so far.

Princess Martha weds her shaman

The marriage between Princess Martha Louise of Norway and Californian shaman Durek Verrett, which no one thought would happen (me included), took place in Norway yesterday with her family in attendance.

  Full details on both from previous post below.  In brief, he has a Scorpio stellium with Sun Venus in his 10th and Mars Mercury in his 9th all trine Saturn in Cancer – charming, good at public relations and unbudgeable. His Capricorn Moon is widely opposition Saturn and square Pluto – so not soft and cuddly at an emotional level.

  She has a packed 8th house with a Sun Pluto conjunction in Virgo close to Venus in Libra which in turn is conjunct Uranus plus a Scorpio Moon.  Her Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator is conjunct her Uranus which will not make for long term stability in relationships.

   Their relationship chart has a needs-space composite Sun Uranus which is trapped in the composite 8th – and a harsh composite Mars opposition Saturn which usually points to a one sided relationship where one partner has to give up their identity/assertiveness to make it work. That element is being undermined by transiting Neptune in square from early this month on and off through till early 2026.

Which is echoed on the wedding chart – 31 August 2024 2.15pm Geiranger, Norway, which has Mars trine Neptune also being undercut till early 2026. The relationship chart also has tr Neptune Saturn opposition the composite Pluto by 2026 – confused, disappointed and stuck.

  This one is a wait-watch-and-see.

Previous post: October 4 2023

Princess Martha Louise of Norway, whose alternative therapy school taught clairvoyance and communication with angels seems determined to marry her shaman fiance Durek Verrett. This despite the hair-raising stories of his life – imprisoned, bisexual, conspiracy theorist, multiple factual claims about his life that don’t check out as well as comments from previous relationships which describe him as controlling and manipulative. See his wiki page.

  She was born 22 September 1971 5.07 pm Oslo, Norway and has a difficult and challenging chart with a packed 8th house containing a Virgo Sun, Pluto conjunction conjunct Venus in Libra which in turn is conjunct Uranus with her Scorpio Moon also in her 8th.

  Her clairvoyant and occult interests will stem from her 8th house and she will be driven by unconscious forces she does not understand and will not have control over.

Martin Sebastian Moritz in his book Pandora’s Box, The Mysterious 8th House, points to entanglement as being an 8th house phenomenon – as well as it being a gateway to another world.

  Her previous husband Ari Behn, 30 September 1972, father of her three children, who committed suicide in 2019, had his Mars in Virgo conjunct Pluto falling in her 8th as well as his Libra Sun, Mercury, Uranus.

  Durek Verrett, 17 November 1974 11.25 am Sacramento, California, a 10th house Sun, Venus in Scorpio with his ambitious Mars in Scorpio conjunct his Midheaven from the 9th, has his Pluto, Uranus, Mercury, Mars all falling in her 8th.  Such subterranean connections will feel fated and meant but can also be trapping, conflict-ridden and obsessive.

  Her relationship chart with Durek echoes the 8th house theme with the composite Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Sun as well as Venus all deeply buried there. There is a 10th house Moon Neptune which will be soaked up by their spiritual therapy interests. But what is damaging and destructive is a composite Mars opposition Saturn square Pluto. Mars Saturn is unkind, can be cruel and suggests a relationship where one partner has to grit their teeth and suppress their identity and needs to make it work. And that is before it locks onto the 8th house Pluto. Tr Neptune will be chiselling away at the Mars opposition Saturn in 2023/24 and opposing the Pluto in 2025/26.

  I never thought it was workable though 8th house individuals can be exceedingly stubborn and impervious to advice, argument or evidence.

Liam & Noel – get it back together just

The famously fractured sibling duo of Liam and Noel Gallagher have finally shelved their fifteen year grievance and decided on an Oasis Reunion tour next summer which has sent the ticket booking websites into meltdown.

 Liam, 21 September 1972 12.58pm Burnage, England, with a reputation for being loutish and rudely outspoken has a high-octane and argumentative Sun, Mercury Mars conjunction in Virgo on his Midheaven in a can-be-destructive square to Saturn in Gemini on the cusp of his 8th; and square an expansive Jupiter on the other side –  prone to mood swings of high and low, volatility and excess. His Mercury is in a dogmatic conjunction to a controlling 10th house Pluto. His Pisces Moon in his 3rd house of siblings is square Neptune on his Ascendant – both explosive and soggy.

 Noel, 29 May 1967, Manchester, no birth time, is a Gemini Sun trine Mars in Libra; with his Mercury in Gemini square Uranus Pluto in Virgo which will be highly-strung with a tendency towards erupting in frustration and impatience. He is not as outrageous or as volatile as his brother but his Uranus Pluto is conjunct Liam’s Mars and widely his Sun – so a tinderbox chemistry.  Plus just as bad, Noel’s Mars is conjunct Liam’s Uranus which will be a no-compromise, high-irritability interface.

  Their relationship chart has a friendly composite Sun, Venus, Mercury but there is also an overly-excitable Mars Uranus conjunction, making cooperation between two intransigent types tricky.

  The concert tour starts on July 4 2025 with a Sun Jupiter conjunction – and for both them, the financial compensation will be huge. Liam has tr Jupiter moving through his 8th house of business finances and Noel has his Solar Arc Sun probably opposition his Jupiter as the money rolls in this year; as well as a confident tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter through 2024/25.

 But it will be a fairly high-wire exercise keeping the relationship on an even keel with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune this year and right through 2025 and a challenging tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus and Sun. Their togetherness may well fall apart by 2026 as tr Saturn Neptune then oppose their composite Mars Uranus.

 Liam has tr Neptune opposition his Sun this year and tr Neptune Saturn moving through his family 4th house opposition his 10th house Pluto over the concerts- which feels very confused and stuck.  Certainly pressured.  

  The first concert starts with Mars Midheaven on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune – which looks fantastically high energy, likely to spill over into aggravation; with another yod from an intense Scorpio Moon sextile MC Mars inconjunct Saturn Neptune.

  Heaven help us if an Oasis Reunion concert is a marker for Saturn Neptune.

Herbert Asquith – sex and secrets in the closet

History tends to put a shine on politicians and only decades later does the often startling truth emerge. It now appears that Herbert Asquith, UK prime minister from 1908 to 1916 took a young socialite lover whom he cavorted with in passionate weekly trysts in the back of the official prime-ministerial car. He also shared vital military secrets and coded documents with her as World War 1 broke out, compromising national security. Until recently it was written off as a fleeting dalliance but letters have emerged as Robert Harris researched a new novel which makes it clear the reality was. The state limo was “totally sealed, like a bedroom on wheels, with blinds on the windows and only a push-button intercom to speak to the driver.”

 Asquith, 12 September 1852 Morley, England, no birth time,  was a Sun Virgo which was sextile/trine Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus; with Pluto Uranus in Taurus square his Venus. Male Virgos can be players when it comes to sexual dalliances; and that would be accentuated by Venus Pluto Uranus.

 Venetia Stanley, his mistress, 35 years his junior, who nearly sent him into a breakdown when she skipped off in aristo fashion to marry someone else in 1915, was born 22 August 1887 in London.  Her final degree Leo Sun may have been conjunct his Leo/Virgo Moon and her Neptune Pluto in Gemini sextile his Venus which would bring a mesmerising attraction.

  But it is their relationship chart which shows the romantic sparks most clearly with a passionate and excitable composite Sun, Venus, Mars conjunction sextile Jupiter.    He an ageing politician, father of seven, became besotted, wrote to her three times a day and organised their Friday afternoon automobile liaisons. Surreal but true evidently.

Charles Dickens – bleak house at home

The reputation of the much revered novelist Charles Dickens has taken another dent with the publication of letters from Catherine Dickens, mother of his ten children, to one of her sons. When Dickens left Catherine for a teenage actress, the same age as one of his daughters, in order to prevent any public fallout he claimed that he was leaving a woman who was a cold wife and an uncaring mother. Yet the letters received by their son Plorn after he moved to Australia aged 16, are warm and affectionate, written by someone who clearly misses her child.

  From a 2019 post: Charles Dickens, renowned for his compassion for the poor, the suffering and the downtrodden, whose plight he exposed in his novels, appears to have been a good deal less saintly in his private life than his image suggested. Letters have emerged which tell the tale of how he tried to have his wife, mother of his ten children, committed to a mental asylum when she had lost her looks and he had started a long affair with an actress. The doctor in charge, a friend, refused to certify her and was called a ‘medical donkey’ by Dickens.

Born 7 February 1812 at 7.50pm Portsmouth, England, Dickens was sent to a blacking factory at 12 years old when he father was clapped in debtors prison. Even after the father’s release he was left there.  He became a legal clerk, then a writer who soared to great success in England and the USA. 

  He was a cerebral Sun in Aquarius on the cusp of the hard-working 6th house trine a successful Jupiter in Gemini in the 10th. Communicative Mercury, ruler of his 10th house of career, was in his entertaining 5th house. He had a bleak Saturn in Capricorn in his 4th house of childhood in a cruel-treatment square to feisty Mars in Aries in his 7th. He did have a hard childhood but seems to have been very uncaring about his own children.

  His Sun was square an independent, rebellious Uranus in the 3rd. His emotionally confused Moon Neptune was in square a passionate Venus Pluto in Pisces on the cusp of his 7th.

  With intense controlling Pluto and argumentative Mars in his 7th house of relationships he was guaranteed to run into hostility in marriage.  And his relationship chart with his wife Catherine was truly terrible with a composite Mars Pluto  square Neptune, trine Uranus, sextile Saturn – so volcanic quantities of anger, bitterness and resentment.

 Catherine, 19 May 1815, was a stalwart Sun Taurus sextile/trine a pushily-confident Pluto opposition Jupiter with a volatile Mars square Uranus. Her Saturn was conjunct his Sun which is cold and critical. Certainly not someone to be tramped underfoot.

  His mistress Ellen Ternan, 3 March 1839, didn’t look easy since she was a Sun Uranus in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius so would be erratic and highly strung.  But her Venus in Aries fell in his 7th conjunct his Mars which would help to smooth rough edges. Her Sun Uranus was conjunct his Venus Pluto which would be instant attraction but a fair amount of disruption thereafter. Her Neptune was conjunct his Sun which isn’t ideal though can give a spiritual or self-sacrificial bond. Her Saturn was conjunct his Moon which can block out nurturing feelings – so he couldn’t quite escape his 4th house Saturn and his deprived childhood.

  Ellen’s Sun Uranus conjunction in Pisces collided with the composite Pluto Mars in Pisces square Neptune in Charles/Catherine’s relationship chart – the marriage was undoubtedly struggling but she was the catalyst – or arrived at the right juncture – to cause the split.