Aquarius ladies – fighting for their beliefs

Aquarius as the thinker, the activist and the humanitarian. Simone Weil, the French philosopher and political activist, ticked most of the boxes.  She assisted in the trade union movement, sided with the anarchists and worked later as a labourer to better understand the working class. Latterly she became more mystical.

 She was born 3 February 1909 5 am in Paris, and had her 2nd house Aquarius Sun on the focal point of a yod inconjunct an influential Jupiter in the crusading and communicative 9th and inconjunct Neptune (Moon) in Cancer. Her Neptune was also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars in opinionated and knowledgeable Sagittarius sextile her Sun. She was destined to walk a singular path in life with two yods – one with her Sun gave her the ability to lead the way though she would be crippled with self-doubt. The other with Neptune made her dream of an ideal. Her Neptune Moon also opposed her Uranus Venus in Capricorn giving her unconventional and vehement beliefs.

   Her aggravated/frustrated 12th house Mars opposed her 6th house Pluto, which saw her often debilitated with health problems. She latterly leant more towards mysticism no doubt courtesy of her Neptune and 9th house Jupiter.

When she died on 24 August 1943 of tuberculosis and some suggested self-induced starvation as a protest against the Nazis, tr Saturn was conjunct her 6th house Pluto.

  Betty Friedan was an Aquarius activist in another sphere, a feminist and leading figure in the USA women’s movement.  Born 4 February 1921 4am Peoria, Illinois, she also had a 2nd house Aquarius Sun inconjunct a 9th house Jupiter in Virgo. In her case her Jupiter was conjunct Saturn also in the 9th, a hint of her capacity to become a leading light in society. Her Sun was only in a very wide yod inconjunct Pluto as well. More notably it opposed an 8th house Neptune hinting at the image she projected.  Her Capricorn Moon in her 1st along with her Mars opposition Saturn would draw her to women’s issues especially involving unfair or cruel treatment.

 Another leading Aquarius feminist is Germaine Greer, 29 January 1939 6am Melbourne, Australia. Her 12th house Aquarius Sun just above her Ascendant opposes Pluto and squares a Taurus Moon Uranus – so she’s custom built as a disruptor and rebel. She also has an 8th house Neptune but is a tougher, more aggressive personality than Friedan with Mars in Scorpio in her 10th trine an emphasized Pluto.  

 Vanessa Redgrave, the distinguished actress, 30 January 1937 6pm Blackheath, England, has had a parallel career as a serious and extremist activist, promoting far left, anti-Vietnam, pro-Palestinian and other causes. She has a 6th house Aquarius Sun square Uranus Midheaven opposition Mars in Scorpio so will leap into high-risk, controversial situations with enthusiasm. She also has an Earth Grand Trine of Neptune trine Jupiter Mercury in Capricorn trine her Taurus Midheaven, so her inclination will be to get physically involved and not just cerebrally.     

Aquarius – wedded to a cause, can be extremist, not given to nuance or flexibility.

Uranus switching from earth to air

Uranus will be the fourth outer planet to change sign this coming July which will bring new advances and innovations.

Uranus, the lightning god, promoter of freedom, independence, revolutions, scientific inventions, as well as anarchic chaos. Wary of emotional intimacy, at a personal level it can seem cold, unco-operative, belligerent about compromise which Uranus equates with loss of individuality.  Uranus was the sky god married to Gaia the earth mother. He was ultimately castrated by his son Saturn after expressing disgust for his earthy, ugly brood of children. Thus he is deemed to be against the biology – of the mind and not of the body.

  Uranus fosters intellectual creativity, shines a light on hidden places, acts as a torchbearer into the unknown. But left to run amok can be destructive, collapsing old structures and lacking the inclination to reconstruct better on the far side.

  Looking back over the past century plus of Uranus through the signs, which it changes every seven years, year it enters a new sign has coincided with a tranche of firsts in technical and scientific advances which altered the face of our culture – television demonstrations and transmissions, airplane development from the first 40 minute flight to plane bombing, first parachute jumps, and first set-up of commercial airlines, then space travel. In more recent times the internet moved from early computing in the 1955/6 Uranus into Leo, further advances in 1962, Microsoft being founded in 1974 with Uranus just into Scorpio, first computer virus on the next in 1981 when moving into Sagittarius, then 1989 into Capricorn the first commercial internet providers and the WWW.

   Delightfully Albert Einstein published his seminal papers which led to a century’s study of theoretical physics the year Uranus moved into Capricorn in 1902.

  What is also noticeable skipping down events is how many iconic performers, novels, films emerged/exploded onto the scene in the year Uranus changed sign.

1949 into Cancer: Billy Graham.

1955/56 into Leo: Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Rogers and Hammerstein at their peak, Doris Day’s most famous hit. First Eurovision Song Contest.

1962 into Virgo: Johnny Carson debut, Rolling Stones debut, Beatles firsts, first ever Bond movie Dr No, Bob Dylan, David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia.

1974 into Scorpio: Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody.

1981 into Sagittarius: film ET

1989 into Capricorn: Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verse controversy.

1995 into Aquarius: Toy Story – first computer generated animated feature.

  In the century before as Uranus moved into Gemini Darwin published his Origin of the Species; and Big Ben chimed for the first time in London.

  There are also intriguing repeats.  Bill Gates was born on the 1955 with Uranus just into Leo and founded Microsoft two later on Uranus just into Scorpio.

  The Beatles burst onto the scene in 1962 as Uranus moved into Virgo and made their last public appearance next time round in 1968 when Uranus moved into Libra.

  The Vietnam War started in 1955/56 in Leo and finished three Uranus cycles later as it moved into Scorpio in 1975.

  The Guildford Four who were imprisoned in 1975 in the UK in a miscarriage of justice for alleged IRA bombings with Uranus just into Scorpio were freed fourteen years later as Uranus moved into Capricorn in 1989.

   Revolutions are a key outcome of the Uranian push for freedom at all costs. The Eastern European uprisings of 1989 when the Berlin Wall was collapsed came with Uranus just moving into Capricorn. That year also apartheid in South Africa started to be dismantled.  The Arab Spring coincided with Uranus moving into Aries in 2011. The 1968 Uranus into Libra brought the start of the Irish Troubles and the Stonewall riots fighting for gay rights.

  The destructive side of Uranus comes out with brutal suppressions as in Tiananmen Square in 1989 (in Capricorn); the Holocaust in 1942/43 (in Gemini); Nazism on the rise and the Night of the Long Knives purge in Germany in 1934 with Uranus moving into Taurus. And the Titanic sank as Uranus moved into Aquarius in 1912.


Uranus Return – coming full cycle

Uranus, the sky god, is a trailblazer, a catalyst for change and a lightning striker, illuminating what has become stuck and needs a sharp wake up call. Uncompromising and uncooperative, it fights for tolerance and freedom and can be anarchic and lawless as well as an idealist and humanitarian. It moves into Gemini for the first time in 84 years and for some countries this signals a Uranus Return which does appear to coincide with historic markers.

  The USA had its first Uranus Return in 1860 as the Civil War rapidly approached, spilling out into open clashes in 1861 when Uranus was only one degree over the natal position. Next time round in 1943-44, the USA had just joined WW11 after Pearl Harbor in December 1941 which immediately preceded the Uranus Return. Immediately following the Hiroshima bomb was dropped in 1945. Their next Uranus Return will be in 2027/28.

The UK had its first Uranus Return in 1885 – when the Berlin Conference carved up spheres of influence in Africa for European colonization. The first Irish Home Rule Bill saw an outbreak of hostilities between Catholics and Protestants.

  Next time round in 1969 the Irish Troubles started in earnest in Belfast. There were also problems in Southern Rhodesia with Ian Smith splitting away from the UK, declaring independence and a Republic.

In France their first Uranus Return in 1877 oversaw a constitutional crisis which led to the defeat of the Royalists. The second Uranus Return saw an insurrection in the French colony of Algeria with outbreaks of violence; and the following year the Paris police infamously massacred unarmed and peaceful pro-Algeria demonstrators, between 40 and 200. Gabon and Mauritania became independent as the French empire went the way of the British. Algeria followed.

 Germany’s first Uranus Return in 1955 (after 1871) saw the Cold War hotting up as W Germany joined NATO and the USSR signed a treaty with East Germany.

Russia 1917, had their first Uranus Return in 2000 when Vladimir Putin took over and a particularly brutal 2nd War was being fought in Chechnya.

  What does seem to be common themes in the above are divisions and disagreements with political rivals – or with previously dependent countries, demanding freedom.      

Pluto in Aquarius – through houses and signs

Pluto, the planet of transformation, ruler of inexorable and seismic changes, a wrecking ball and a reconstructor, is now firmly into Aquarius to stay for two decades.

 On an individual chart it will have an effect depending on the chart house which it moves through and which planets it aspects. Transiting Pluto through a chart house makes the strongest impact at the start of a house transit so for the moment it will be worth paying attention where a house cusp is in early degrees.

  Not for nothing is the phoenix the symbol for Pluto. It arises out of the ashes of the past. First a rendering to dust and then a rebuild.  

Pluto through:

1st – most useful transit of them all since it brings deeper self-knowledge and an understanding of where the individual fits into their environment. Though it won’t come without some pain. It often starts with an urge to over control, which is the anti-Pluto resistance to change. Letting go and opening up to new attitudes and accepting that a total image makeover is overdue will make life run more smoothly.

2nd – personal finances can start with a breakdown phase before building up financial security in the years ahead. Requires a new attitude to handling cash.

3rd – deep thinking and intense where everyday communications are concerned with a tendency to take every encounter and word spoken as deeply significant. Can be dogmatic leading to stalemate in discussions. Need to lighten up at times. Relationships with workmates, neighbours, siblings can get conflicted.

4th – changes at home and the family, sometimes starting with an older relative passing on, or with domestic problems of cracking infrastructure as Pluto gets to undermining what is outworn and needs replaced. Pulling away from childhood past is also part of it. Troubled family relationships may split initially but can come back together from a more mature standpoint later on.

5th – creative, attention-seeking, wanting to be accepted as a person of substance. Can become possessive where loved ones and children are concerned.

6th – need to regenerate the body and fitness, get ailments seen to and improve old damaging lifestyle habits.  Work relationships can become tense since there will be a drive to put changes in place and be in control.

7th – change on close relationships will be inevitable but one or other partner may fight for control, to hang onto the old status quo. Can be a time of break ups though not necessarily. At best can lead to more depth in the connection.

8th – the chart area of transformation, rebirth and joint finances. Can start with the passing of an older relative or friend. Having to dig deeper for answers to fundamental matters, reaching out beyond the rational world for solutions and insights. Can feel like purgatory. Not a time to owe money or be obligated since will feel trapped.

9th – chart area of beliefs, the higher mind and travel. Slow, gradual shearing away of old opinions and attitudes to find a new outlook on life. Tendency to be dogmatic or self-righteous ending up in intense discussions.

10th – change of career and reputation. Pluto can bring a dead- halt and need-to-rethink-direction phase. In certain cases can damage public image and career status with a need to rebuild on the far side. Often begins a longish period of seeking and searching until a meaningful direction is found.

11th – change in future plans and goals as old ambitions and indeed friendships fade away. Intense connections with groups that want to make a difference in society. Team and group activities take foreground. Cooperation not always easy with Pluto setting up tensions and tugs of war for control.

12th – an inward-looking phase of exploring the unconscious and trying to understand why certain actions are self-defeating.

Pluto in Aquarius will also affect the sign in which the Sun as marker of identity sits. It will be most noticeable immediately where the Sun falls in early degrees and on the cusp.

  The greatest effect will be felt by the Fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.   

   For Taurus, it falls in the Solar 10th house of career and life direction, bringing a long phase of seeking and searching for meaning and purpose at work and in life. The ultimate aim is to find a true vocation. But it may be a question of try, try, try again before you succeed. Along the way there may be power struggles with authority figures.

Leo will be prompted to alter their approach to close relationships. Pluto can throw up tensions as one or both partners resist letting go the old ways and fight for control. It can be scary to open up to deeper connections with intense emotional reactions surfacing. But the end result will be to forge stronger bonds if the problems can be overcome and trust established.

Scorpio will sense the winds of change blowing through their home life, family relationships and altering their attitude to their roots and origins. Pulling away from old emotional foundations can bring a sense of loss but the gift is the prospect of reattaching in future to more mature connections as childish patterns are eliminated. It can also be a time of rebuilding literally at home as the domestic shell shows signs of requiring renovations.

Aquarius could regard this as a transformational phase comparable to caterpillar, chrysalis into butterfly. Though another analogy might be the crustacean – like a lobster or shrimp.  They are armour-coated which protects them but what fends off danger also stops them growing. When they need to evolve to a larger size they go through a vulnerable phase when they cast off the old shell. At that point they hide under a rock for safety. Grown in size, they put on a suitably enlarged overcoat and sally back into the fray. Pluto’s change always requires a step backwards into an exposed or defenceless stage before an empowered move forward.  Aquarius will emerge renewed and regenerated along the way.

  The other Air signs – Gemini and Libra – will benefit from Pluto in Aquarius. 

Gemini has been labouring since 2008 with Pluto moving through its Solar 8th house, which is a financial and emotional drag. Some have used Pluto’s subtle manipulation of power and influence astutely but it hasn’t been easy. Pluto moving ahead through their Solar 9th will find them opinionated and wrestling to a degree with sorting out their beliefs and philosophy of life but they won’t be as tied down.

Libra has been sorting out home, family and domestic matters for the past fifteen years and is now ready to step out into a longish phase of Pluto moving through their Solar 5th house. This will help them make their mark creatively and be an influential presence on the social scene. Less helpfully it can make them more possessive and controlling about children and loved ones. Resisting that temptation and turning their attention to building up their self-confidence and getting their achievements out on display will make more sense.

The fire signs – Aries and Sagittarius – will be less burdened moving ahead with Pluto moving out of materialistic, earthy Capricorn into airy Aquarius.  A mix of Fire and Air can be hot-air-balloon time, exciting but not always realistic or practical. But will appeal to their adventurous spirit.

  Aries will throw their energy into activist movements with Pluto moving through their Solar 11th house, wanting to make a difference. Friendships will become more intense and mixing with influential types out in society will be more frequent.

Sagittarius can now turn their attention away from Pluto in Capricorn’s obsession with money to considering how to reorganize their everyday schedule and routines at work and in the neighbourhood. Altering their way of communication will be key to Pluto in Aquarius. Everyday encounters may take on a significant tone, though too much may be read into small glitches. Becoming opinionated, dogmatic or negative are risks but real insight into the core of situations and problems will be the gift.

Cancer is still moving through a challenging phase of revisioning close relationships. Pluto in Capricorn has been a longish time of adjusting to a different balance in interchanges with one-to-one partners. Pluto moving into the Solar 8th house can bring a sense of restriction either financial or emotional, but in rethinking attitudes to influence, power and control, there can be a surprisingly positive outcome. For sure, best results will come from altering ways of sharing, caring and relating and being firstly more adaptable and secondly accepting of what can’t be changed.

Pisces will adapt to Pluto moving through Aquarius, the sign before theirs, by disappearing into a private space to ponder. For some, they will drift and daydream through a time where they feel marginally hemmed in. For others they will rise to the challenge of understanding what is going on deep within themselves. They will explore their unconscious or their past for clues to how to change the pattern of their lives.

Virgo facing Pluto moving into their 6th house of health and work will be unperturbed at the prospect of exploring better ways of upgrading and regenerating their fitness and physical well-being. Being hypochondriacs at heart, they will relish the thought of researching new diets, exercise plans and supplements to keep them on peak form.  There may be tensions in the work place since their determination they know best about new methods and approaches may not meet with universal agreement.

Capricorn likewise won’t be unduly unnerved by the prospect of Pluto moving into its chart area of personal finances, since money and materialistic matters fall within its comfort zone. Though they may not appreciate Pluto’s tendency to start with a breakdown phase as an old financial base or methods are deconstructed before the reconstruction begins.  Staying in control of cash and security will be key to their peace of mind.

  These are the rule of thumb Solar effects of Pluto in Aquarius – which will equally make sense when applied to the rising (Ascendant) sign. Not to be regarded as tablets of stone since other planetary influences will also be in play. But helpful as an overview.

Pluto into Aquarius – how history repeats

Pluto finally moves into Aquarius for the long haul, having been retrograding across the cusp since last year and now stays permanently until 2043. At best Aquarius is about friendship, fostering social groups, is tolerant of difference and diversity, androgynous and unconcerned about binary gender distinctions, scientific, knowledgeable, interested in pushing back boundaries and exploring the distant past. Its downside can be stubbornness, lack of empathy, a tendency to analyze rather than feel, given to ideological extremes, oddly enough can be intolerant of those who hold different views, can be a hustler or money-grubbing, highly strung.

Below a pull together from previous posts:

   Looking back to the last Pluto in Aquarius (1778 to 1799) from an economic standpoint there were several significant shifts. The American colonies revolted against Britain which was the world’s pre-eminent military and economic superpower of the time over taxation. In France the agricultural and climatic problems of the 1770s and 1780s led to great problems with a third of the population living in poverty. Wealth inequality led directly to the French Revolution (1792) during Pluto in Aquarius (opposition Uranus in Leo). In China the height of Qing glory and power had been reached and was slowly sinking into decline with corruption, court wastefulness and a stagnating civil society.

  None of the above shifted the global balance of power immediately.  Britain was increasingly prosperous with the Industrial revolution ongoing. China went into slow stagnation with next ruler post 1796 as Pluto moved into Pisces which coincided with a major downhill slide into chaos. In France it took a decade plus for the Pluto effect to produce results.

Previous Pluto in Aquarius phases:

1778 -1797: The USA had declared independence in 1776 so the British were in retreat, though elsewhere were fighting the French, Spanish, Dutch and Indians in different spats.  The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus.  The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. James Watts’ improved steam engine revolutionised production.

  Aquarius is scientific, so no surprises there were major advances in chemistry. And, with perfect syncronicity, William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius. Explorers, another Aquarian strength, were also out and about with Captains James Cook and William Bligh leading the way to ‘new’ lands.

  It was a productive period for philosophical and social thinkers – Emmanuel Kant and Thomas Paine (Rights of Man); with cultural highpoints from Mozart and Scottish poet Robert Burns, who later established a global footprint.

1532 – 1552: Henry V111 declared himself head of the Church in 1531 and was excommunicated in 1533 by the Pope. The Roman Catholic versus Protestant schism got under way in earnest, which led to centuries of conflict.

1287 – 1307: Welsh Rebellion against the English. Edward 1 of England put John Balliol on Scottish throne with William Wallace rebellion following.

1041 – 1061: Macbeth succeeds to throne of Scotland. Great schism between the Western RC church and Eastern Orthodox churches.

796 – 816: Charlemagne becomes Holy Roman Emperor in 800. He unites most of Western Europe, laying the foundations for modern France and Germany. He dies just as Pluto is about to exit Aquarius.

551 – 572:  Mohammed is born.

Hugh Fowler:  The record shows Pluto ingresses into Aquarius in 1041 which was the year Edward the Confessor returned from exile in Normandy to become the heir to his half brother Harthacnut. The latter died in April 1042 and Edward became king almost precisely at the point of the Neptune ingresses into Aries in May 1042. Edward’s accession to the throne, his Norman upbringing and his failure to produce an heir set in train the series of events that would lead to the fall of the Anglo Saxon royal house of Wessex and its replacement by the Dukes of Normandy. Again the transition seems to fall at a deeply significant moment where a seemingly mundane event in the historical process kicks off changes that run very deep and last centuries. One final point it should be noted that however big the change Britain seems to always reset to old patterns. So while all the Norman and Angevin dynasties ruled for centuries by the end of the 13th century the kings of England were being titled Edward again.

Roman Britain essentially began in 43 CE when Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune was in Pisces. The conquest was made permanent for the next four centuries when the Boudiccan revolt was crushed between 60 and 61 CE. That was when Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries. This transition does seem to echo down the centuries for the inhabitants of Britain. 

Speedy: Ingress of Pluto to Aquarius.

306 CE Constantine becomes Roman Emperor and then adopts Christian religion, moves away from the City of Rome

560 CE Empires fall in both China and India; period after a great plague of Justinian ravages Europe,

798 CE Charlemange gets his empire together and is crowned in 800 CE

1043 CE Edward the Confessor crowned King of England and a reorientation of England from Scandinavia to Europe begins, start of moves towards Gregorian renaissance in Church matters

1293 CE Last not unsuccessful crusade to Palestine by western powers, Changes in Asian empires

1532 CE Reformation and its antithesis start to get into full swing

Nordic countries – heighten alert levels

Nordic countries are on edge with underwater telecoms cables in the Baltic Sea being cut which is regarded as possible sabotage. Swedish citizens being issued with a pamphlet advising the population how to prepare and cope in the event of war or another unexpected crisis. Norwegians are also getting updated advice. And Finland has issued its own fresh advice on “preparing for incidents and crises”, and explains how the government would respond in the event of an armed attack, stressing that Finland’s authorities are “well prepared for self defence”.

 Sweden, 6 June 1523, Stockholm, is heading for its Uranus Return from mid 2025 onwards and is also in a forcefully confident mood with its Solar Arc Jupiter approaching the opposition to its Pluto in coming months.   The relationship chart with the Russia 1917 chart has a composite Uranus Pluto at 10 degrees Aries which is catching the recent and next March’s Solar Eclipse, perhaps why Sweden is on alert. There will be bumps and bends along the way in 2025 though with more obvious separation between them in 2026.

  Finland, 6 December 1917 3pm Helsinki, has an emotionally intense tr Pluto conjunct its Venus now till late December; some confusion and concern with tr Saturn Neptune square its Mercury mid 2025 into 2026 and then square its Pluto – but major problems look more to be 2027/28. Relationships with both Russian charts show an increasing gulf through 2025 with some upsets and disruptions; with relief coming by 2027/28.

Norway, 7 June 1905 11 am Oslo, Norway, looks more unsettled in 2026 than before – though relations with Russia will be bumpy across late December to mid March 2025, more worrisome in 2026.

Estonia, 20 August 1991 7.04pm, has the same Jupiter in Leo as Ukraine catching the lucky tr Uranus square in April 2025, but with a few humps and bumps thereafter. Relations with Russia which are always aggravated, look fraught in the extreme at the moment through November with disruptions in December. Tense through 2025 but nothing too alarming. Lithuania ditto.

Denmark, 5 June 1849 12.15pm, shows a few ups and downs with Russia but nothing turbulent until late in the decade.

 The NATO chart, 24 August 1949 11.42 am Washington, DC, will be on alert from August 2025 with tr Uranus square the Virgo Sun but that may be other pressures. Relations between NATO and the Russia 1991 chart hint at disappointment and high anxiety through 2025.

  Not sure whether this is too enlightening but it looks bumpy rather than explosive – assuming the dates are sound.

Neptune Saturn in Aries – hope for better

Neptune moves into Aries in conjunction with Saturn from April/May 2025 onwards. Below a reprise of earlier posts.

Neptune, planet of spirituality, illusion, delusion, deception, creativity and vision moves out of its own sign Pisces, where it has been since 2011, into Aries in 2025 staying till 2038.

Looking back on historical events linked to Neptune in Aries:

1861 – 1874: Most notably this covered the American Civil War, which arose after the abolition of slavery, which had been banned in Europe decades earlier.

  Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head (ruled by Aries) and died.

In Russia Alexander 11 signed the Emancipation Act liberating serfs in 1861.

The Bahai faith was founded as was the forerunner to the Salvation Army and the Geneva Convention established the Red Cross.

‘Neptune in Aries may be about individuals submitting themselves to a bigger cause than themselves. It does seem to coincide, in the Western world at least with an increase in individual rights and was one of advancements for formally disenfranchised people.’

The first UK trade union was legalised in 1872 and in the U.S. the “Knights of Labor” was set up. The U.K. Education Act of 1870 bringing in elementary schooling for all children and legislation on child labour. The USA gave voting rights to all ethnicities. The UK Married Women’s Property Act allowed married women to retain their earnings and inherit.

Italy was unified in 1860 and Canada came into being.

Prince Albert dies, Victoria’s consort and the ‘uncrowned king of GB.’

In the UK parliament, the inspired leadership of Benjamin Disraeli pushed forward with parliamentary reform.

Famines in Finland, Sweden and India – of greater magnitude than usual.

1697 – 1710: The ill-fated Darien Scheme, which lost 20% of Scotland’s money, led to the Act of Union with England in 1707.

The Act of Settlement in 1701 establishing the succession to the English throne, put the childless protestant Queen Anne on the throne, leading on her death to the establishment of the Hanoverian Monarchy in 1714.

Peter 1 Great regenerated Russian society and started expansion westward.

Famines of greater magnitude than usual in Estonia, Sweden and Finland, the last wiping out almost a third of the population. Two million die of famine in India; 250,000 die in East Prussia and 600,000 in France.

1533 to 1547: Henry VIII is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII and the split from Rome establishes the Anglican Church.

Wales becomes part of the Kingdom of England.

Henry declares himself and his heirs as Kings of Ireland, replacing the Lordship of Ireland with the Kingdom of Ireland.

1370 to 1383: In England, the ‘Good Parliament’ attempted to highlight the corruption of the Royal court and to reform the government. John of Gaunt, the effective ruler, replaced it the next year with a ‘Bad Parliament’ which undid the advances.  

1206 to 1219: The English Barons force King John to sign the Magna Carta, in an attempt to curb the power of the monarch.

1042 to 1056: Westminster Abbey built, 1050. East-West schism in Catholic Church.

Edward the Confessor became King of England and restored the Saxon line after the Danes had conquered England under Cnut. As in 1533 England took a break from the European continent though it did not last long.

878 to 892: England has become unified for the first time under Alfred the Great a few years before (871).

SATURN NEPTUNE CONJUNCTIONS come round roughly three times a century in 1989 in Capricorn, in 1953 in Libra and in 1917/18 in Leo. The next one falls in Aries in 2026.

Andre Barbault writes about the hopeful side of the 2025/26 Saturn Neptune conjunction: “It is the most benefic configuration of the century and the interplanetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. It contains a harmonious relationships between primordial polar opposites, the coming together of the external and internal, rational and spiritual, mind and soul …. human beings surpassing themselves while experiencing life on a higher level. “

  Historically Saturn and Neptune together have been associated with the fight for womens’ and workers’ rights, epidemics, religious events and collapsing empires.

   The English Peasants’ Revolt during the Saturn–Neptune conjunction in Aries in 1381, demanding an end to serfdom was suppressed and its leader, Wat Tyler, beheaded. Two conjunctions later, in Virgo, Irish rebel Jack Cade leading the Kent and Essex peasants’ revolt, was also killed. Another two conjunctions further on, in Pisces in 1524, there were extensive peasants’ revolts in Germany.

   By 1845 with Saturn–Neptune in tolerant Aquarius, Engels was writing The Condition of the Working Class in England. Still under the same influence, the Irish potato-crop failure of the following year drew attention to the plight of the starving and the suffering. By the next conjunction in Taurus in 1881, British prime minister William Gladstone had passed the Irish Land Act to prevent excessively high rents, although the outrages of 1882, when 10,500 Irish farming families were evicted, gave every indication that Saturnine rigidity and greed still held sway. In the United States, the American Federation of Labor was founded in Pittsburgh in 1881.

   One conjunction on, in 1917 in Leo, striking Russian workers rose up, and were joined by soldiers to overthrow the last feudal tsardom.

   During the last Saturn–Neptune conjunction of the 20th century, in Capricorn in 1989, Solidarity, the Polish workers’ party, came to power in democratic elections. The fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe freed workers to control their own lives and government. There was also mass rehabilitation of Russian citizens who were victims of Stalin’s brutal purges, Stalin himself having succumbed on the Saturn–Neptune conjunction of 1953. Also in 1989, the Tiananmen Square demonstration in China, staged by students and workers, was brutally suppressed, resulting in 2000 deaths. In Britain just a year later there were the violent Poll Tax Riots, the first serious mass revolt against the government in decades.’

  There’s always a dual nature to them – Neptune undermining health and Saturn finding new remedies. Suppression of heretic religious leaders and the building of cathedrals. They oversaw successive peasants’ revolts in England and the Russian 1917 revolution; and the crowning of Queens and the enactment of legal protections for women.

  Although Saturn Neptune doesn’t sound rebellious it tends to bring the state and the status quo (Saturn) into conflict with spiritual movements or the underdogs (Neptune). The flower power, hippie movement was very much a Saturn Neptune in Libra phenomenon in the 1950s. 

  The 20th Century ones aren’t necessarily a good guide since the 1989 one was a triple conjunction with Uranus; and the 1953 had Saturn Neptune square Uranus.

  The 1917/18 Saturn Neptune oversaw the Spanish flu epidemic which wiped out more people in a single year than the Middle Ages black death plague had done.  

     Saturn in Aries tends to be tough and hard, producing circumstances that require self-reliance; Saturn Pluto is war-like and deprived; Neptune Pluto fosters megalomania. But there’ll be enough good in there to produce positive changes (Saturn Uranus), creative inspiration (Uranus Neptune) and the perseverance to make at least some benefits of new thinking stick.


All countries have their own specific arc of history but looking at the UK, the first key change towards the emancipation of women came with the Married Women’s Property Act of 1882, with Saturn Neptune together in Taurus, which gave wives for the first time the right of separate ownership. Then on the next conjunction in 1917–18 in Leo, the campaign for women’s suffrage succeeded in getting the vote for women over the age of 30.

  Both Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne to exert feminine influence over matters of state on Saturn–Neptune conjunctions — in 1558 in Taurus, and 1953 in Libra. Both of them were enduring monarchs in typical Saturnine fashion, Elizabeth I ruling for 45 years, the present Queen still in place after 70 years.  Benazir Bhutto became the first woman prime minister of Pakistan on the conjunction in Capricorn in 1988, though it proved a short-lived triumph.

In a previous Saturn Neptune in Aries in 1702/1703 England’s Queen Anne took over as monarch from her brother-in-law William of Orange to reign for five years.

  Literature also rose to the challenge and produced memorable novels by or about women – Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer and Laclos’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses; Molière’s The Misanthrope and The Dumb Lady. More recently Pedro Almodovar, the Spanish film-maker, produced his cult movie Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown.

  Not that anything happens without a backlash and Saturn Neptune also has associations with the persecution of witches – arising from the masculine Saturnine fear of the mysterious, less rational feminine in Neptune.

Biden’s parting gift to Ukraine

President Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range US missiles to strike inside Russia has provoked a strong response from Moscow.  The Kremlin says it will view such missiles as an attack not from Ukraine, but from the US itself, accusing the outgoing US administration of adding ‘oil to the fire’.

 There is a flurry of astro-activity for a few days across this New Year with tr Saturn at 14 Pisces opposition the composite Mars on the USA/Russia 1991 relationship chart; and the composite Sun Saturn on the USA/Russia 1917 relationship chart.

 The Ukraine 1991/Russia 1917 relationship chart also has Mars (conjunct Pluto) at 14 degrees Virgo also catching the tr Saturn opposition over the New Year. Even before then the Ukraine/Russia 1991 relationship chart is showing a sharp escalation in aggravation  from tomorrow onwards through December with tr Pluto square the composite Mars; and worsening through 2025 with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Saturn.

 The USA/Russia 1991 relationship chart points to disappointment and undermining circumstances throughout 2025 with tr Neptune and tr Saturn opposing the composite Sun at 29 Virgo.

  To a lesser degree the EU and UK’s relationship charts with Russia hint at a chill now and further separation through 2025.

Josh Brolin – Mars Pluto and the will to survive

A Mars Pluto family legacy could have cut actor Josh Brolin’s life short as he started on drugs aged nine and was an alcoholic over the next four decades. He emerged with distinction in the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men (2007) and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the biopic Milk (2008). More recently he has gained recognition for playing Thanos, the destroyer of worlds, in Marvel’s Avengers franchise and in Dune

 His destructive childhood was down to his wild-child alcoholic mother, a Texan wildlife activist, of whom he was fond, despite her irresponsible behaviour.  He writes in a new memoir, “I was raised to be a man and drink like the male equivalent of my mother.” His father James Brolin, now married to Barbra Streisand, was largely absent until his teens. The title From Under a Truck is a reflection of his mother’s drinking habits.

 He admired his mother and identified with her. “You know, she was a pain in the ass. I mean, there’s nobody who would contest that — nobody — but you don’t not want her around,” he says with a shrug. She made “everything a little more powerful, a little more vivid”. She died at 55 after a stormy fight with a younger boyfriend, whom she chased after drunk and crashed her car into a tree.

 Josh finally got sober in 2013.

 Born 12 February 1968 10.22am Santa Monica, California,  he has a Sun Mercury in Aquarius square Neptune and inconjunct Uranus Pluto in Virgo; with Uranus Pluto opposition Mars Chiron in Pisces. Neptune would make him a dreamer, perhaps addiction-prone. The inconjunct give him a sense of strain as if he could never quite get himself on track. And the gothic Mars opposition a 5th house Uranus Pluto is truly difficult – volatile, explosive, hugely frustrated, attracted to high-risk. A career in the performing arts was probably his saving grace with his Pluto in his 5th house also on the focal point of a yod to his Sun sextile North Node. His 4th house Leo Moon is sparsely aspected being only trine a 12th house forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries. His Venus in the 9th squares his North/South node axis and let him in childhood to retreat into reading books as a compensation for the craziness and risk of his life.

 He has a talented Half Grand Sextile from his Mars opposition Uranus Pluto, sextile/trine Venus and Neptune.

 When he finally got sober in 2013 tr Uranus was conjunct his Solar Arc Sun with both conjunct his 12th house Saturn; and his Solar Arc Mars Chiron was sitting exactly on his natal Ascendant.

  His father, James Brolin, 18 July 1940 11.10 am Los Angeles, has a 10th house Cancer Sun midway between a creative 8th house Uranus trine a 12th house Neptune and Sun opposition a Capricorn Moon. Notably he has Mars Pluto conjunct in Leo in his 10th which squares Jupiter Saturn in Taurus – so very Fixed and utterly determined.

 His mother Jane Brolin, 19 October 1939, Texas, was a Sun Libra opposition Saturn in Aries square Pluto perhaps square a Capricorn Moon; with her Pluto opposition Mars in Aquarius. Quite what brought her together with James is not clear since their relationship chart is starkly difficult with composite Sun trine Mars Saturn which is turn squares Pluto – a constant tussle for control and the upper hand, and aggravated.

  For all she was a nightmare mother, her Venus fell on Josh’s Descendant for an affectionate link; her optimistic Jupiter opposition Neptune fell across his volcanic Mars opposition Uranus Pluto lifting some of his angst; and her Pluto was conjunct his Moon for a strong bond. Their relationship chart had an ever-forgiving composite Sun opposition Jupiter.

 His relationship with his father is more doubting and edgy. James B’s Mars Pluto falls on Josh’s Moon creating a tense bond. With James’ Jupiter Saturn falling on Josh’s Ascendant for a constant swing between positive and the opposite.

  What an entangled intergenerational tangle. He says of his father that he evidently picks a certain kind of women and that Barbra Streisand is the ‘least severe.’

 Streisand, 24 April 1942 5.08am New York, is certainly a robust personality with  Taurus Sun Mercury in Taurus square a Moon Pluto in Leo – with James’ Mars Pluto conjunct her Moon, Pluto so not all marshmallows and cream. But it clearly works and the relationship chart has an easy going Jupiter Uranus trine Neptune, an affectionate and possessive Venus and Moon Pluto contacts.

 One astro-oddity which I have seen before is that Josh Brolin has his Moon in the 4th which might suggest a more nurturing bond with his father rather than his mother. Prince Harry has it – with a similarly unpredictable mother. In some cases despite closeness to the mother, the father is seen as representing stability and giving foundations to life.

Human beings sure are complicated. And the capacity of some to overcome a mind-bogglingly damaging childhood is astonishing.

Denzel Washington – a commanding presence ++ Steve Jobs, Kevin Costner, Alex Salmond etc

Denzel Washington steals the show in Gladiator II in the supporting role of Macrinus, the villainous slave turned slave owner aiming for power and status. Glowing reviews hint he is at the top of his game, having been crowned recently as the best actor of the 21st century by The New York Times.

He was born 28 December 1954 12.09am Mount Vernon, New Year and credits a stint in a military prep school for keeping him away from Oakland gang life. A 50 year career replete with memorable stage and Shakespearean performances has given him a powerful screen persona. He hit his stride in movies in the 1990s with Malcom X, Cry Freedom and Philadelphia and has not stopped since with blockbuster Equalizer roles in recent years.

  He has a quick-witted 3rd house Capricorn Sun and Mercury; with a hard-working Mars in creative Pisces in his 6th house trine a cool, determined Venus Saturn in Scorpio in his 2nd house of finances. His Aquarius Moon largely unaspected save a square to Saturn sits in his performing 5th house. What dominates his chart is a lucky, successful Jupiter Uranus in his 10th house in an inventive square to Neptune. It links together a wide Water Grand Trine to his Venus Saturn and Mars giving him talent and drive.

 At the moment the recent Solar Eclipse was conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter Uranus conjunct his Ascendant for a surge of enthusiasm. Though there may be a jolt or two up and coming with his SA Sun conjunct his Mars, exact in early 2025, which could be health related or could push his Grand Trine onto a new track.

  He clearly relished the role of Macrinus and in an interview he said: “He wants power. How? By hook, crook, charm, smile, sex, murder, relationships and politics. Whatever it takes.”

  If it is the same Macrinus – he became emperor in Rome on 11 April 217 when there was a Water Grand Trine of Pluto in Cancer trine  Neptune in Pisces trine a Scorpio Moon and South Node. The Pluto fell in Denzel Washington’s 10th and the Jupiter in Capricorn was conjunct DW’s Sun so was a good fit.

  Macrinus was born around 165 AD when there was a ferociously ambitious Pluto in Taurus opposition Neptune in Scorpio.  

Add On; There are certain astrological aspects which produce a clutch of well known talent over a period of several months. Jupiter Uranus in Cancer square Neptune running through late 1954 and 1955 is one.

IT giants – Steve Jobs, Tim Berners lee. On the acting front – Kevin Costner, Kelsey Grammer, Bruce Willis, Rowan Atkinson. In politics – Alex Salmond and Nicholas Sarkozy. Golfer Greg Norman. Writer John Grisham. Artist Jeff Koons.