Where we are at now – with only six months to go. Hallelujah.
Hillary has become the first woman Presidential nominee for a major party in USA history. So good on her. Her ferociously Fixed chart with three Scorpio and three Leo planets certainly gives her stamina and endurance.
She’s also got tr Pluto back to sextile her Venus and her Sun/Jupiter midpoint for this month which will put her on a high and a charm offensive. That repeats in December.
There are some uncomfortable rumblings in the background with tr Uranus opposing her Solar Arc Mars Pluto which is running now right through till early October.
October looks uncertain and not exactly chipper for her but that may be the polls (curse them) running against her which may mean nothing since they have been consistently wrong everywhere for the past five years. Across the election she has tr Uranus trine her Saturn which could arguably be her making a constructive change.
Donald Trump has hit his sticky months and no mistake. Tr Uranus is square his Saturn at the moment as well as tr Uranus square his Mars/Node, repeating in September. Then tr Uranus moves to square his Sun/Mars, Mercury/Pluto and Venus/Saturn midpoints from June 25 to early Sept. Into October he has tr Uranus square his Mars/Uranus midpoint. All of which look high tension, volatile, explosive, mouthy, unhappy, under considerable mental strain. This month especially with tr Pluto also opposition his Sun/Pluto and his Mercury/Saturn he looks depressed, out of sorts and over stretched. He’s lost his powerhouse tr Pluto square Jupiter which boosted his confidence enormously earlier in the year.
His Solar Return from June 2016 for a year looks riddled with financial uncertainties with Neptune in the 8th opposition Jupiter square a 5th house Saturn. Perhaps some of his iffier past business dealings coming out into the open, certainly evasive about tax. Plus a pressured Pluto in the 6th suggesting an over-heavy workload with perhaps health implications.
Bernie Sanders (speculative birth time, astotheme) has an insecure, irritable tr Uranus conjunct his Mars this month and repeating in September. He has a disappointing tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter/Uranus in July and tr Saturn opposition Jupiter/Saturn in August; both of which look like losses. Across the election he has tr Neptune square his Jupiter/Saturn which is pessimistic, feeling abandoned, and tr Saturn square his Virgo Sun – so he’s not happy with whatever result comes through. Though he also has tr Pluto trine his Sun mid July to early September which will make him feel he’s making a bit of a difference.