Richard Branson, the billionaire founder of the Virgin Group, survived Hurricane Irma, by bunkering down with his staff in the concrete wine cellar of his Necker Island house which was destroyed above his head. He’s now talking to various governments, aid agencies and the media, to mobilise aid efforts and rebuilding plans for the British Virgin Islands and wider Caribbean.
Born 18 July 1950 7am Blackheath, England, he has a 12th house Cancer Sun conjunct the changeable and unpredictable Fixed star Procyon, which is getting the jolting tr Uranus square this year and into early 2018. He has his Pluto in Leo on his Ascendant which was in direct collision with the August Lunar Eclipse. And his chart, relocated to the Virgin Islands puts that Pluto almost exactly on the IC. That wouldn’t be considered lucky in astrocartography – it will tend to bring intense experiences, sometimes high-risk situations and a sense of constant upheavals and transformations. His Necker House has been destroyed once already by fire in 2011 and had to be totally rebuilt. Plus ca change.
The August Solar eclipse was also conjunct his 1 degree Virgo Moon and opposition his Secondary Progressed Moon – so shocks affecting his home. Plus he has tr Pluto square his Mars at the moment adding to his sense of meeting tremendous force. Tr Uranus is also conjunct his midheaven this year, sending him in new directions.
Video from Sam Branson: