Game of Thrones fans were bereft when Jon Snow died, only to be enchanted when a miraculous resurrection occurred – isn’t fantasy wonderful? Now actor Kit Harington announces his engagement to Rose Leslie (who plays Ygritte) whom he met in 2012 when fighting their way through the GoT plot maze.
Born 26 December 1986, London, he’s an ambitious and creative Sun Neptune in Capricorn in a powerful sextile to Pluto. With a seductive Venus in Scorpio trine an exuberant Jupiter Mars in Pisces; and a Libra/Scorpio Moon.
Rose Leslie, 9 Feb 1987, Aberdeen, Scotland, is a Sun Aquarius square his Venus, which will give an affectionate bond, though she’ll not be as emotionally intense or possessive as he is. Her filmic Neptune Venus in Capricorn sits on his Sun Neptune, lending an ethereal note to their relationship. Both have Jupiter in Pisces, square Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius, and both have an Aries North Node – a good many similarities between them so they’ll understand each other. Though with her Mars in Aries and Aquarius Sun, she’s likely to more independent-minded. Her Moon is Gemini or Cancer.
Their relationship chart has a cool, work-oriented composite Venus Saturn; a passionate Venus trine Mars; and an adventurous Jupiter square Uranus.
It won’t be easy for either of them coming out of the hothouse fan-mania of Game of Thrones when it finishes in 2018/19. Both look relatively disappointed though the next two years, though Rose Leslie will forge ahead successfully in 2021/22; and Kit Harington will get another lucky break by 2022 with his Solar Arc Jupiter trine his Uranus.