Donald Trump is either descending into paranoid psychosis or he’s up to his usual game of diversionary tactics to render reality irrelevant; plus his narcissistic urge to keep attention focussed on him. Although his return in private to obsessive conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, Hillary not winning the popular vote and it not being his voice on the Access Hollywood sex tapes, might hint at the former. Both are also possible since even the mad can be smart and devious. He’s under growing pressure, possibly more than we see, with the Mueller Russia investigation circling closer to the family; sex allegations against himself and Moore; his hotels losing business; and generally being unloved except by his fan base who continue to cheer even his most rancid and ludicrously unbelievable tweets.
From this weekend tr Uranus moves to square three of his key midpoints until early February. His Sun/Mars – even more impulsive than usual and given to reckless macho reactions; over-strain (cardiac troubles). His Mercury/Pluto – fanatical pursuit of plans, nervous breakdown through overtaxing strength. Venus/Saturn – lonely, quarrelsome, high-tension. Plus his Progressed Moon will conjunct his 12th house Pluto over this New Year – pent up pressures, power-struggles, opening up old psychological wounds, resentful.
It won’t ease up in early 2018 for him, with February seeing tr Saturn square his 2nd house Neptune, bringing financial concerns, forcing him to face a sobering reality, returning till late 2018, worse in 2019 with tr Saturn square his 2nd house Jupiter. Tr Saturn just before in this coming January moves into his 5th house of children, fun and speculation – so all three areas will have Saturn’s repressive and separating hand landed on them for three years ahead. February also has tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint bringing disappointment, undermining his bullish confidence/social standing and brewing up more deceit than usual, returning late in the year. And the explosively disruptive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars grows ever closer, exact in six months’ time.
His relationship chart with the USA 1776 will continue at high tension through 2018; and with a sense of a growing gulf from mid this December as tr Saturn squares the composite Neptune and more so in mid January with tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun, which returns on and off till October 2018. 2019 is when the more challenging upheavals show up with tr Saturn opposition Venus, Mercury, Mars and conjunct the composite Moon; and tr Uranus opposes the composite Pluto and trines Saturn. 2019 is also when tr Uranus squares his Solar Arc MC and his Solar Return is beyond horrible from June 2019 onwards with Saturn Pluto in the 10th opposition a 4th house Mars.