18 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie
    Prince Harry will marry on may 19, at 12 pm.
    The date & time of this wedding will certainly affect the marriage! My question is astrology favourable to P.H. & Meghan Markle’s marriage? Some astrologers are predicting the wedding will be cancelled or postpone, can that be found in an astrology chart? Thanks!

  2. Please Marjorie can you have a look at Wilber Ross’s chart.He’s still very much in the White House and has been on all the tv channels yesterday& before. Am wondering if he too will leave.

  3. Thanks Marjorie….it’s all so very interesting! And now narcissism is even more rampant (or overt) in the world of selfies and media/internet impact.

  4. In the UK many high-street businesses are struggling and there are household names going into administration ( e.g Toys R Us, Maplins ) and various others are reducing their numbers of outlets ( M&S, Prezzo). It feels awfully like the 2008 recession starting all over again – but it seems that no-one is really commenting on this or raising any alarms. Is history about to repeat itself?

    • My friends have commented.
      Saturn in Capricorn tends to be recession prone and certainly heading for the Pluto conjunction in 2019, more so. Part of it is the switch over from high street to mail order, so some firms will be flourishing.

  5. Marjorie,

    here in Florida, Republican Governor Rick Scott (who is one of Trump’s biggest supporters and one of his closest friends) has been getting a lot of national media attention because he’s suddenly decided to “change” is position regarding guns and gun control. In the past, Scott has supported many bills that would allow easier access to guns. Scott used to have a very close relationship with the NRA too. Now, since it’s suspected that he’s planning to run for the U.S. Senate this year…Scott is claiming he now supports common sense gun laws and that he wants to make Florida’s schools safer.

    Apparently, Rick Scott’s “change of heart” has caused a “rift” between him and the NRA. The NRA, who once rated Rick Scott with an “A+” quietly removed Scott’s photo from their list of “ally” politicians.

    Personally, I don’t trust Rick Scott. I feel like he’s only doing all of this for show. He wants to be a U.S. Senator so bad so he’s trying to build up support. Scott has had a LONG HISTORY of dirty tricks ever since he was elected governor back in 2010. I feel like he’s trying to capitalize on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that occurred in Parkland, Broward County.

    So, my question is: what do you see astrologically for Governor Rick Scott? Does it appear that he’s serious about gun reform and breaking away from the NRA? And, how are things looking for Rick Scott by November 6th (election day). Does it appear that he could make it to the U.S. Senate (which I certainly hope he does NOT make it).

    I found Governor Rick Scott’s birth information on an astrology forum sometime back: he was born on December 1, 1952 in Bloomington, Illinois at 4:30 AM.

    Thank you so much for all of your insights,

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

    • Will do tomorrow. He’s on a fast downhill slide from this April onwards just to keep you happy – and much worse in 2019/2020.

  6. You recently did a post on millennials, so i have a request: Can you do one on Gen X?


    It’s been defined as starting mid-to-early 1960s and ending in the early 1980s. And many astrologers focus on 1956/57 until 1969/1970 for Neptune in Scorpio and Uranus in Virgo conjunct Pluto in Virgo which spans from 1962 to 1968.

    It’s an eclectic group and includes everyone from Kurt Cobain (1967) to Sarah Palin (1964) to Jeff Bezos (1964).

    In terms of politics you have conservatives like Rand Paul (1963) and Ted Cruz (1970) and on the liberal side you have Michelle Obama (1964) and Justin Trudeau (1971)

      • I was born in the sixties and identify with Gen X rather than boomers. I was a toddler when the boomers were embracing peace and love, fighting in or protesting against the Vietnam war. My cousin was born in 1965 and his brother, born in 1964. They’re certainly the same generation. I think us early ‘60s children should not be included in the boomer generation. One of the mantras of my early teens was ‘never trust a hippy’.

        • I’m ’77 on the cusp end. I have seen the late 70’s early 80’s group at the end of Gen X described as “Xennials” – those with analogue childhoods and mostly digital working lives. I think we were fortunate.
          I sympathise with a lot of the struggles of Millennials, but I’m too old to be one.

  7. Re: Conspiracy theorists.
    What about the psychiatrist R.D.Laing who thought paranoia and the divided self was more due to family/parental dysfunction? Also on a generation level, inherited behaviour. Not just the response to the mother.
    That they (family group) also dumped their projections and negativity onto one member of the family therefore creating the “black sheep” or creating a split. Also that the split personality was about the individual struggling against the family dynamic as a whole. It is a complex and really interesting subject and I know that his own family, children especially, felt ignored by the man who wrote about the affect of parents and how they projected their own dysfunctionality on the family.

    • RD Laing did have some insightful and important ideas on dysfunctional families, especially about double-messaging and scapegoating driving younger family members close to the edge.
      But theories about early development (and damage) also play a large part. Melanie Klein’s writings (herself a very odd women – NB never have a shrink as a parent) makes a great deal of sense to me. I didn’t mean to dump all the blame on mothers, but if it is early in the infant’s life, the primary caretaker (mother or substitute) is the world as far as they are concerned. And in a dysfunctional family, the mother is likely to be dysfunctional herself or distracted by a difficult environment.
      Along with paranoia goes narcissism, as the baby-grown-to- adult still clings to the delusion that they are the centre of the universe. And narcissistic rage, which is scary to be on the receiving end, is corrosively contemptuous, as if questioning the Great One (who is always right on all things) makes you an idiot. That is pretty obvious in the behaviour of internet trolls.
      What Laing found when trying to ‘cure’ the scapegoated child, was that family resistance made it next to impossible, since they were incapable of taking back the madness they had projected out into themselves. Same goes for narcissistic personalities, who are extraordinarily difficult to treat. Behind all the bombast and bluster, there is a cesspit of shame, which threatens them with psychic implosion. They have no sense of inner identity, no core – and they won’t be pushed into that emptiness or shame, which is why they are so resistant to rational argument or evidence.

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