Denmark is riveted as engineer and entrepreneur Peter Madsen’s trial for the murder of journalist Kim Wall on his private submarine draws close to a verdict. Evidence has been led of multiple clips or links showing murder, torture, beheading and the sexual torture of women on his computer. The night before Wall’s death, he Googled “beheading” and “girl”, and then watched a video of a girl having her throat slit. Initially he claimed Kim Wall died from asphyxiation after an accident caused the submarine to fill with exhaust fumes and he had dismembered her body to remove it from the small enclosed space. Over time he changed his story, though he is extremely plausible.
What’s interesting about his chart is he has three planets in the final degree of a sign – Pluto in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and Mercury in Sagittarius. Known as the anarectic degree it indicates an impulsive nature with a tendency to leap into action without considering the consequences after a period of dithering. Theresa May also has three planets at 29 degrees – it’s not associated with crime, more poor judgement.
Madsen’s Capricorn Sun is under assault from tr Pluto conjunct at the moment and on and off till late 2019.
His can-be-dominating 5th Harmonic has an unpleasant Mercury opposition Mars square Pluto, making it doubly so. In his rise-and-fall 10th harmonic ( 5 X 2) Neptune is added to that already toxic mix hinting at the sadistic perversion which his internet interests show up.
See also post August 22 2017