Peter Madsen – leaping without thinking



Denmark is riveted as engineer and entrepreneur Peter Madsen’s trial for the murder of journalist Kim Wall on his private submarine draws close to a verdict. Evidence has been led of multiple clips or links showing murder, torture, beheading and the sexual torture of women on his computer. The night before Wall’s death, he Googled “beheading” and “girl”, and then watched a video of a girl having her throat slit. Initially he claimed Kim Wall died from asphyxiation after an accident caused the submarine to fill with exhaust fumes and he had dismembered her body to remove it from the small enclosed space. Over time he changed his story, though he is extremely plausible.

What’s interesting about his chart is he has three planets in the final degree of a sign – Pluto in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and Mercury in Sagittarius. Known as the anarectic degree it indicates an impulsive nature with a tendency to leap into action without considering the consequences after a period of dithering. Theresa May also has three planets at 29 degrees – it’s not associated with crime, more poor judgement.

Madsen’s Capricorn Sun is under assault from tr Pluto conjunct at the moment and on and off till late 2019.

His can-be-dominating 5th Harmonic has an unpleasant Mercury opposition Mars square Pluto, making it doubly so.  In his rise-and-fall 10th harmonic ( 5 X 2) Neptune is added to that already toxic mix hinting at the sadistic perversion which his internet interests show up.

See also post August 22 2017

Malta – a sunny spot for shady people



Investigation of the car-bomb murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who triggered an early election in Malta last year when her investigation of the Panama Papers pointed the finger at government officials, has to date produced no results. Now Joseph Muscat’s administration, elected despite corruption allegations, is under a two- pronged attack. A collaboration of international media organisations, including the Guardian, has come together and pledged to continue Galizia’s work. And Malta’s government has been told to take urgent action to implement EU anti-money laundering rules, as MEPs rang the alarm about the dangers for journalists investigating financial crime.  EU politicians are demanding a broader inquiry into her murder.  “The European commission has to overcome its light touch policy on the rule of law problems in Malta and urgently act as the guardian of European values,” said a spokesman for a European parliament inquiry launched following the Panama Papers. The commission itself piled pressured on Malta, one of eight EU member states that missed a deadline last year to put an EU anti-money laundering directive into national law. There are calls for the resignation of two senior politicians, one of them Muscat’s chief of staff, named in the Panama Papers.

Malta, 21 September 1964 12 am, is going through a swampy patch with tr Neptune opposing the Uranus Pluto in Virgo and next year conjunct the Pisces Moon; with an insecure, shocking’ tr Uranus square Mars in 2019 as well. The Malta Jupiter is conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol; as indeed was Galizia’s born less than a month earlier.

Muscat’s 2nd Term chart, 5 June 2017 12.10 pm has a slippery 7th house Neptune square a Gemini Sun; with Mercury conjunct Algol. More pointedly it has an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine (in the hidden houses) of Uranus Venus in the 8th house of finances trine Saturn trine North Node, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Mars in Cancer in the 10th – not short of ambition or ruthless drive, but liable to mishaps and setbacks. Plus a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th in a pushily confident square to Jupiter in the 2nd – money definitely floats its boat.  There’ll be more upsets late this month into May and again late in the year into 2019.

The serious media is getting its act together in these collaborative efforts after years of investigative journalism lagging because of the expense.

[See Post October 17 2017]

Avicii – talent and luck couldn’t save him



Avicii, the Swedish electronic dance music producer and D.J. who achieved pop-star levels of prominence has died aged 28 on holiday in Oman. He earned an estimated $19 million a year and his songs have been streamed more than a billion times on Spotify.

Born 8 September 1989 with an actress mother, he had admitted to excessive drinking which led to acute pancreatitis and he had his appendix and gallbladder removed in 2014. He found the spotlight difficult and stopped doing live shows to return to the studio in 2016.

He had a restless Sun and Mars in Virgo and Sagittarius Moon; and was part of the triple conjunction generation with Uranus, Saturn Neptune conjunct in Capricorn opposition Jupiter in Cancer square Mercury in Libra – restless, highly-strung, lucky and inspired but also liable to stress burnout from Uranus Neptune tied into a focal point Mercury.  (See Zayn Malik below).  Avicii’s Sun was trine Neptune, sextile Pluto with Pluto trine Jupiter – confident, controlling, fairly locked down in temperament.

Success comes at a price.

Rudy Guiliani – an ego the size of Trump’s



Rudy Guiliani, former NY Mayor and before that a US Attorney, is joining Trump’s legal team in order to bring the Mueller probe to an end. He was credited with making major improvements in the quality of life in New York and bringing down crime during his Mayoral administration in the 1990s; and praised for his prominence in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Though questionmarks and scandals have followed him around. His political attempt to run in 2008 election was a flop and he threw his support behind McCain/Palin and was subsequently critical of Obama. His post-NY interests included running a high-worth security consultancy company and joining a law firm with oil, gas, coal and energy clients. As a lawyer he personally defended the makers of the oxycontin drug, being sued for disguising its addictive properties for which they were heavily fined. In the run up to the 2016 election he defended Trump against allegations of racism, sexual assault, and not paying any federal income taxes for as long as two decades. He has suffered from prostate cancer the condition which killed his father when he was 73.

Born 28 May 1944 2.30pm New York, he has a maverick Gemini Sun conjunct Uranus and Venus in late Taurus in the legal 9th house trine Neptune on his Ascendant, sextile a ferocious and ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo. He can turn on the charm when it suits him with Moon Jupiter in Leo square Venus but his velvety smile is window dressing for a steely determination.

He’s fairly similar to Trump with both having Sun Uranus in Gemini and Mars and Pluto in Leo. Though Guiliani’s Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun, which will put a barrier between them.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun, Uranus, Mercury conjunction square Jupiter – they egg each other on, but they won’t always exist happily in close space together. The composite Mercury is trine Neptune, sextile Pluto (Mars) which is slippery, well-designed for crises situations, but always with the risk of it turning toxic at some point. Tr Neptune is undermining the Uranus Sun and Jupiter this year and on till 2020 so the relationship will either face disappointments or turn out to be one.  Both like the spotlight so it could turn into a mammoth ego-clash.

Guiliani’s own chart is a real mixter maxter of influences ahead – a lucky break mid May and another six months hence – both Uranus Jupiters.  But June looks upsetting as does mid September to mid October.  2019 is where his real problems blow up as tr Uranus starts to square his Mars, then his Pluto – so a tremendous upheaval with much aggravation. Plus career-losses from tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint and a panicky, neurotic, undermining tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn midpoint both of which run into 2020.  Though after that he looks back on a high with Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Jupiter. He’s the sort who always lands on his feet no matter how many dips there are on his roller coaster ride through life.

Zayn Malik – walking a high-wire



Zayn Malik, formerly of the boy band One Direction  shot to fame via Simon Cowell and The X Factor talent show, is now going solo though seems plagued with what he describes as anxiety, which he said was why he didn’t promote his first album. He has now split from his manager at her request.

Born 12 January 1993 10am Bradford, England, he has a British Pakistani father and an Anglo-Irish mother. He does have a high-wire, overly-excitable chart with a Capricorn Sun conjunct Neptune, Uranus, Mercury opposing Mars in Cancer square Jupiter in Libra. Uranus Neptune can be inspired though also obsessive and not always rational. Mars in Cancer is volatile on its own; and opposition four Capricorn planets will wind him up. His worry-wart Moon in Virgo is trine Uranus Neptune Mercury Sun and sextile Mars, which won’t do much to keep him calm.   The focal point Jupiter will help to smooth a few rough edges but can go to excess.   His Pluto in Scorpio is also prominent, being sextile Sun, trine Mars and square Saturn. All in all a good deal to cope with especially in early adult life.

He’s had a tough time astro-wise in recent years with tr Uranus square tr Pluto hitting on his Mars and Mercury, which would be scary, trapped, argumentative, mentally stressed. 2017/2018 has tr Pluto conjunct his Uranus Neptune which will bring confusion and tension; with tr Pluto then conjunct his Sun in 2019/2020 which is highly pressured and challenging.

He has branched out into fashion, wants to pursue further education and supports Asian charities for disadvantaged children.

His Saturn Return in 2022 might settle him down.


Dale Winton – a jokey Gemini with a sad past



Dale Winton’s unexpected death at 62 has brought an outpouring of regret and affection from the public and friends.  A |UK daytime TV presenter and DJ, he was universally liked for his friendliness and self-deprecatingly jokey approach. Though he admitted to suffering from depression and had health issues in recent years.

Born 22 May 1955 Nottingham, England at 2 pm (time unverififed), his parents split when he was a child, his father dying when he was 13, and his actress mother committing suicide when he was 21.   He had his Sun, Mercury, Mars spread out through Gemini – a sign often associated with light entertainment. With a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Cancer. His Mars Mercury were in a showbizzy trine to Neptune, sextiling onto an influential Pluto. Though his Pluto sextile Mars and square Saturn in Scorpio did point to a darker side to his temperament.

If the birth time is accurate then his Moon is unaspected. Geoffrey Dean (Recent Advances in Natal Astrology) found this to be  traumatic psychologically since the Moon offers comfort and security and without integration in the chart the individual will be hyper-sensitive and extremely vulnerable at a feeling level.

Cuba – more of the same or a surprise coming



Miguel Díaz-Canel has been sworn in as Cuba’s new president, replacing Raúl Castro who took over from Fidel in 2006 and is the first non-Castro to head the nation since the 1959 revolution. He has worked his way up through the Communist Party and not expected to make radical changes, although he did at one point champion LGBT rights.

Born 20 April 1960, he is a Sun Taurus in an Earth Grand Trine to Pluto in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Neptune – so practical, confident and following a vision. He’s also got a Yod of Mars in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn inconjunct Uranus, which doesn’t quite fit with his party technocrat image since such a focal point Uranus can be rebellious, wilful and a trailblazer – perhaps Cuba’s outsider status soaked it up. He will be a catalyst for change but if mishandled it could prove divisive.

Tr Uranus is about to conjunct his Sun as he steps into a new role and lifestyle. But his Term chart, 19 April 2018 around 9.30am suggests what lies ahead will not be plain sailing. Saturn is conjunct Mars for difficulties, setbacks and harsh conditions; and Mars is also conjunct Pluto drawing to exact in four years’ time which suggests the intervening period will be  frustrated, trapped and high risk. Plus a disruptive Sun Uranus. And if the time is right a lacklustre |Neptune in the 10th.

Anyone has an accurate swearing in time gratefully received.

Cliff Richard – a light-hearted Libran under pressure



Singer Cliff Richard is suing the BBC over the misuse of private information and breaking data protection rules, for transmitting film of a police search of his UK home in 2014 after an allegation of sexual abuse had been made. No charges were ultimately brought. He says he suffered “profound and long-lasting damage” from the publicity. Lawyers for the BBC says its coverage of the search was accurate and in good faith and journalists had respected Sir Cliff’s “presumption of innocence”.

Born 14 October 1940 9.10pm (rectififed) Lucknow, India, Richard has had an extraordinarily long and successful career as a pop singer at the lighter end of the scale, selling only marginally less in the UK than the Beatles and Elvis. He is a lifelong bachelor and a committed Christian, with wide philanthropic interests.

He has a Libra Sun in the performing 5th house, with an Aries Moon in his 10th house of career – definitely destined for a public career. His chart is very Fixed with Mercury in Scorpio, also in the 5th opposition Jupiter Saturn in Taurus; with Uranus also in Taurus in a creative trine to Neptune; and Pluto in Leo. A proliferation of fixed planets usually gives longevity and stamina. His Moon opposes Mars in the 4th; his Venus in Virgo on his IC is trine Saturn Jupiter and his North Node is in Libra also in his 4th – so he’d always find work easier than his emotional life

When the police raided his UK home tr Neptune was conjunct his midheaven and since then has been moving through his 10th, so he would feel his reputation was being undermined. And shortly after,tr Pluto  moved into his 8th where it stays for many years, giving him a sense of being trapped.  At the moment he has tr Pluto square his Sun in 2018/19 so feeling tremendous pressure. He’s already sued the South Yorkshire police. Though the BBC is a different kettle of fish, never giving way easily in legal spats.

Matthew Mellon – too much and not enough



Matthew Mellon who turned his $25 million legacy into a $1billion crypto-currency fortune but suffered from drug addiction and bi-polar disorder has died aged 54 while undergoing treatment at a Mexico rehab clinic. He met his first wife Tamara (of Jimmy Choo fame) at a Narcotics Anon meeting in London after an extreme cocaine addiction in his early adult life; and more recently succumbed to a prescription painkiller addiction costing $100,000 a month.

While it’s tricky to be sympathetic to the very wealthy, he did come from a troubled family. His father abandoned them when Mellon was five years old, later committing suicide, with his mother also a bi-polar sufferer.  A Priory clinic shrink said “The very rich can be surprisingly isolated, a little like the very deprived.” Lack of work leaves them with no purpose, structure or community. Years ago one of the Vanderbilts, glooming over the Midas-sized fortune handed to him, said “It has left me with nothing to hope for”.

Born 28 January 1964 in New York, Mellon has an Aquarius Sun conjunct Mars with Saturn also in Aquarius. Those planets are shared by right-wing ‘shock jock’ Glen Beck (10 Feb), Sarah Palin (11 Feb) and former NY mobster John Giotti Jnr (14 Feb).

Mellon’s chart is riddled with inconjuncts, suggesting strain and difficulty fitting in  – Pluto sextile Neptune quincunx an overly-expansive Jupiter in Aries; and Pluto sextile a Cancer Node quincunx a self-willed Mars. Plus a Mystic Rectangle of Mercury opposition Node and Pluto Uranus opposition Venus in Pisces, which is difficult to balance. And probably a Full Moon in Leo opposition his Sun. Constantly pulled in different directions, he was never able to centre himself on what was important. And finally a Water Grand Trine of Neptune trine Node trine Venus in Pisces which can pull the individual away from realty, into a dream world of self-protection. That Grand Trine is formed into a Kite by Node opposition Mercury, so he would be highly strung and finely-balanced in terms of mental functions.

In recent years he’s had the tr Uranus square tr Pluto hitting on his Mercury, creating more mental strain; and exacerbating his Jupiter’s tendencies to go over the top.

There are different ways of living out all the above chart energies and sometimes the very rich do make a productive life for themselves. But he clearly never found the stability for whatever reason to make a go of it.

His pleasure-seeking 9th Harmonic was strong and bleak. His 7H which is creative but often slightly mad was also notable. His rise-and-fall 10H and can-be-self-destructive 16H were also heavily aspected.