The worst anti-Semitic attack in US history yesterday left 11 worshippers dead and four policemen injured in a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The killer Robert Bowers appears to be a pro-Nazi white supremacist who posted online about Jewish people running the government and bringing invaders (Muslims) into the USA via the migrant caravan. He wanted all Jews to die he told a policeman after his arrest since they were causing genocide to his people. He was using an AK-15 assault weapon and carried three additional guns.
The shooting occurred just after the 9.45 am start of the morning service and emergency services were called at 9.54am. That puts Jupiter Mercury and Scorpio Ascendant opposition the destructive Fixed star Algol. A defiant/disruptive Uranus was exactly square the Leo North Node and opposition Sun Venus – and that was one of the hallmarks of the recent run of Eclipses. The repressive Saturn/Pluto midpoint was exactly trine the midheaven. And a 7th house Gemini Moon was on the focal point of a scattered T Square to a 4th house Neptune opposition the midheaven, and the Moon also trined Mars.
The 11 August Leo Solar Eclipse located to Pittsburgh has Uranus conjunct the midheaven square Mars Descendant opposition Node Ascendant – so very angular. The 27 July Lunar Eclipse had Venus closely conjunct the midheaven opposition Neptune on the IC.
Net sources give his birth date as 4 September 1972. If accurate, it makes him an assertive Sun Mars in Virgo with his Sun exactly conjunct his can-be paranoid/neurotic Saturn/Neptune midpoint. His Mars is in an angry, hard-edged, square to Saturn. His Neptune is trine Venus in late Cancer and both sextile Pluto which could arguably add a man-on-a-mission slant to his emotional responses.
He would be exceptionally worked up in the past few weeks with tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn, Sun/Saturn and opposition his Neptune/Pluto midpoints – which added together points to cruelty/killing (Mars/Saturn); tensions escalating (Saturn Uranus); and megalomania (Neptune/Pluto).
The Pittsburgh Incorporation chart of 18 March 1816 has tr Uranus conjunct the Mars/Pluto midpoint exactly now for ‘sudden disasters of great consequence’ and ‘brutality, cruelty’ according to Ebertin; as well as Solar Arc Mars square the Sun/Pluto midpoint which is much the same.