Pittsburgh reeling after Synagogue attack



The worst anti-Semitic attack in US history yesterday left 11 worshippers dead and four policemen injured in a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The killer Robert Bowers appears to be a pro-Nazi white supremacist who posted online about Jewish people running the government and bringing invaders (Muslims) into the USA via the migrant caravan. He wanted all Jews to die he told a policeman after his arrest since they were causing genocide to his people. He was using an AK-15 assault weapon and carried three additional guns.

The shooting occurred just after the 9.45 am start of the morning service and emergency services were called at 9.54am. That puts Jupiter Mercury and Scorpio Ascendant opposition the destructive Fixed star Algol. A defiant/disruptive Uranus was exactly square the Leo North Node and opposition Sun Venus – and that was one of the hallmarks of the recent run of Eclipses. The repressive Saturn/Pluto midpoint was exactly trine the midheaven. And a 7th house Gemini Moon was on the focal point of a scattered T Square to a 4th house Neptune opposition the midheaven, and the Moon also trined Mars.

The 11 August Leo Solar Eclipse located to Pittsburgh has Uranus conjunct the midheaven square Mars Descendant opposition Node Ascendant – so very angular. The 27 July Lunar Eclipse had Venus closely conjunct the midheaven opposition Neptune on the IC.

Net sources give his birth date as 4 September 1972. If accurate, it makes him an assertive Sun Mars in Virgo with his Sun exactly conjunct his can-be paranoid/neurotic Saturn/Neptune midpoint. His Mars is in an angry, hard-edged, square to Saturn. His Neptune is trine Venus in late Cancer and both sextile Pluto which could arguably add a man-on-a-mission slant to his emotional responses.

He would be exceptionally worked up in the past few weeks with tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn, Sun/Saturn and opposition his Neptune/Pluto midpoints – which added together points to cruelty/killing (Mars/Saturn); tensions escalating (Saturn Uranus); and megalomania (Neptune/Pluto).

The Pittsburgh Incorporation chart of 18 March 1816  has tr Uranus conjunct the Mars/Pluto midpoint exactly now for ‘sudden disasters of great consequence’ and ‘brutality, cruelty’ according to Ebertin; as well as Solar Arc Mars square the Sun/Pluto midpoint which is much the same.

Jair Bolsonaro – Brazil favouring a fascist



Brazil, the world’s fourth largest democracy, is on the brink of electing a far-right, pro-gun, dictatorship-praising populist as its president tomorrow. Haaretz writes: ‘Mix up fascist geopolitics, Pat Robertson’s LGBT hate, Bannon’s nationalism and Putin’s shills and you get Jair Bolsonaro, who’s nostalgic for the U.S.-backed dictatorship that tortured and killed thousands of leftists – and he’s about to come to power.’ Latest polls give Bolsonaro a 12-point lead over his leftist rival. He’s a former paratrooper known for his venomous rhetoric towards black, gay and indigenous people and women, an advocate of sterilization for the poor to stave off “chaos”, a fan of Pinochet and supported by the Evangelicals, who have been pouring money into the far-right in Brazil and the USA.

Brazilians appear so fed up of politicians in general and particularly disenchanted with liberals and the left after the corruption scandals which impeached Dilma Rousseff and landed Luiz Lula da Silva in prison, that they’re willing to throw themselves at the mercy of a strong dictatorial leader who will ‘drain the swamp.’

Who’d have thought the Pluto in Capricorn’s deconstruction of governmental systems would end up with this? Transformation is a word lightly used, but change can mean for the worse. Pray heavens it’s Saturn Pluto at work which will have moved on by the early 2020s.

Bolsonaro, 21 March 1955, Sao Paulo, Brazil, is a Sun Aries or last degree Pisces, with a hard, ruthless, incredibly stubborn Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn square Pluto opposition Venus (Moon) in Aquarius; and a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer in a can-be-fanatical square to Neptune. His Fixed Grand Cross and his Cardinal square are coming together now by Solar Arc to mix brutality with luck. Right place right time clearly. Often such a coming-together in a chart depicts a major life crisis. He was shot a few weeks ago and nearly died and there may be more turmoil to come as his Solar Arc Pluto moves to conjunct his Neptune which can be devastating; Solar Arc Saturn opposes his Uranus for a major jolt in 2019; though he’ll also get an uplift from Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Jupiter.

The Brazil 7 September 1822 4.30pm Piranga  chart looks undermined till January 2019 with tr Neptune opposition the Sun; and then moving through a highly aggravated three years as tr Uranus opposes the Mars in Scorpio for high-insecurity and maybe violence in 2019; as well as squaring the accident/assassination-prone Mars/Saturn; before making a tension-erupting conjunction to Saturn in 2020.

The 15 November 1889 Brazil chart looks no better with signs of a revolution in 18 months to two years’ time with Solar Arc Uranus square the Pluto; and tr Pluto square the Uranus in 2020/21.

And wouldn’t you know?  Trump will warm to him – with a composite friendly Sun, Venus, Mercury trine Jupiter in their relationship chart. There’s something very weird going on in the world just now.

See previous post September 11 2018.

Sinead O’Connor – another attempt to find peace



Irish singer Sinead O’Connor has announced she’s become a Muslim, having previously been ordained as a priest in an independent Catholic group. She’s had serious mental health issues throughout her life, including suicide attempts.

She was born 8 December 1966 7.37am (unverified) Dublin, Ireland, to parents who split and she lived with her father in her teens until she was sent to the Magdalene Asylum after incidents of shoplifting and truancy. She later said she was abused by her mother, whom a brother agreed had been violent. She’s been married four times, has four children of whom she didn’t have custody, and has admitted to relationships with men and women.

She has the chaotic and depressive Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn square her Sun Venus in Sagittarius, so she will find stability difficult to maintain. She also has an intense and vague Mercury Neptune in Scorpio opposition a Taurus Node, trine Saturn and sextile Uranus Pluto, which will exacerbate her inner turmoil.

What’s most noticeable on her chart at the moment is her Solar Arc Saturn exactly conjunct her Taurus North Node with Solar Arc Uranus Pluto moving across the conjunction to her South Node. It’s a touch obscure but it does bring together two key configurations in her chart – not easily, but it will be a time for deep reflection about her direction and how she can find the inner peace she craves which is what the Taurus Node represents. Whether Saturn plus Uranus Pluto is quite the vehicle for finding serenity is questionable.

She’s talented with a strong creative 5th Harmonic; a stressed ‘victim’/healer 12H; a self-defeating 10H; and a massively strained 13H which is associated with upheaval and rebirth but needs real maturity to make it work well.

Cesar Sayoc – political fandom gone mad



Cesar Sayoc has been arrested in Florida suspected of having mailed pipe bombs to various Democrat supporters amongst others. He has according to local police a lengthy criminal record, including an arrest for a bomb threat as well as larceny, grand theft and fraud. What appears to be his van was uploaded onto a police transport vehicle and shows pro-Trump/Pence posters as well as Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore and CNN in rifle sights.

According to net sources (which may be wrong) he was born 17 March 1962 which gives him a late Pisces Sun inconjunct Uranus; with an enraged Mars opposition Pluto; and a neurotic/paranoid Saturn square Neptune tied into the North Node.

His stressed Uranus (on this birth date) is conjunct Trump’s bombastic and inflammatory Mars in Leo, with Sayoc’s Jupiter conjunct Trump’s Descendant opposition his Mars – so he would be aroused and enthused by Trump.

Their relationship chart (tho’ they’ve never met I imagine) has an empowering composite Jupiter trine Pluto; with a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars; and a complicated tie up of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. Tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Saturn exactly now for what is undoubtedly an unwelcome surprise for Trump on the eve of the mid terms.

Not been a great week or so for POTUS and his war-to-the-death with the media, with this coming hard on the heels of Khashoggi’s death. Rather blows out of the water the notion that this was a ‘fake news’ stunt dreamt up by the Dems to harm GOP chances at the mid terms.

Angela Merkel – pushing against the tide



Angela Merkel is facing a critical regional election this Sunday in Hesse which is being seen as make-or-break for her political future. Her party did less well than expected at last year’s general election and earlier this month there was a big drop in support for her Bavarian allies. Questions are being raised about whether she will seek another two-year term as her CDU party’s leader when they hold their congress this December. She shows no sign of wilting but the tide is not running in her favour.

Exactly now (to within five minutes of a degree = one twelfth) she has a car-crash Solar Arc Sun square her Mars in Sagittarius. With tr Neptune just this week picking up the debilitating square to her Ascendant, running through till late December, which will undermine her image.

She has tr Saturn downers in this December and early January;  and major upheavals and disruptions from late March 2019 on and off till late 2019 with tr Pluto in a confusing square to her Neptune and opposition her Uranus.

She’s remarkably tough and steady with four 8th house planets including her Sun; and a Mars trine Pluto. But tr Saturn now about to hit the nadir of her low-profile First Quadrant moving into her 2nd now and that is usually bad news for politicians’ ambitions for the next two years. Plus a panicky-failure Solar Arc Neptune conjunct her Mars in later 2019 and another shock from Solar Arc Uranus square her Mars also in 2019.

See previous post July 3 2018.

Paulette Jordan – another outsider in with a chance



Democrat Paulette Jordan is deemed to have a reasonable outside chance of becoming Governor of Idaho, which if she wins would make her the first Native American and first woman governor of what has always been a right-wing, conservative state.  She is pro-Medicaid expansion, clean energy, pro decriminalizing of marijuana possession and the legalization of medical marijuana; and is personally pro-life, but supports abortion politically. She also holds a conservative view on gun control. There appears to have been some rumpus in her campaign recently with sudden staffer resignations and sharp comments made, which may tell against her.

Born 7 December 1970 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, she’s a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius sextile Pluto with Neptune square Saturn in hard-working Virgo – idealistic, adventurous, a worrier. She’s also got a passionately enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Virgo trine Venus in Capricorn; as well as an outspoken Mercury Uranus in Scorpio, which may on occasion cause her problems.

Over the election she’s got upbeat influences with tr Pluto square her Solar Arc Jupiter and tr Jupiter conjunct her Solar Arc Pluto, so she won’t be displeased with the outcome. Though she’ll slip and slide from late November and through 2019. She’ll be on a real high by 2020 when her Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto and tr Uranus trines her Jupiter – which look remarkably successful.

Yemen – heading for worst famine in living memory



In Yemen a third of children under five are suffering from acute malnutrition with almost 50,000 dying last year from extreme hunger and disease. And the situation has worsened since then, with a humanitarian co-ordinator saying nearly 14 million people are in danger of famine which was “much bigger than anything any professional in this field has seen during their working lives.”

Yemen has been devastated by a conflict that escalated in 2015, when a Saudi-led coalition sent by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman intervened, after the rebel Houthi movement seized control and forced the President to flee abroad. A partial blockade by the coalition has left 22 million people in need of humanitarian aid, creating the world’s largest food security emergency, and it led to a cholera outbreak that has affected 1.1 million people.

The Yemen Republic chart 22 May 1990 has been under acute pressure since the tr Uranus square tr Pluto started to move in hard aspect to its Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn from 2012 onwards, worsening when their Neptune was devastated around the time of the Saudi intervention. There’s nothing that looks cheerful in the immediate future. Tr Pluto will sextile the Mars in 2019/2020 for more brutality; tr Pluto is also moving across the midpoints to Saturn in Capricorn for hardship and deprivation up till late 2022/23.

If the furore over Jamal Khashoggi’s murder does nothing else one might have hoped for a change of attitude from a humbled Saudi Arabia. They didn’t start the civil war but everything that has been done since 2015 has made a bad situation irretrievably worse.

River Phoenix – never had a childhood



River Phoenix, a rising talent became a casualty of Hollywood and a cultish upbringing when he overdosed aged 23, 25 years ago next week. What made it all the more tragic was that he had purported to uphold clean living and vegetarianism.

He was born 23 August 1970 12.03 pm Madras Station, Oregon, the eldest child of counter-culture hippy parents who joined the Children of God cult when he was 3. They believed among other things, that sex without boundaries was a form of love (Rose McGowan was also raised in the cult). The family moved from Venezuela to Mexico to Puerto Rico to spread the word of the cult, and Phoenix was sent out as a child to busk to raise money for food. He later said he was sexually abused when he was four years old. He never went to school, even when his parents returned to the USA. Instead, his mother contacted the casting director at Paramount, and he began working at the age of eight. His siblings, Rain, Joaquin, Liberty and Summer followed suit.

His father had an alcohol problem and River felt he had to support the family. By the time he died he had appeared in 24 films and TV shows. A junkie friend said: ‘First, smoke crack or shoot coke directly into a vein for that 90-second, electric brain-bell jangle. Then shoot heroin to get a grip and come down enough to be able to carry on a conversation for a few minutes before you start the cycle again.’ He collapsed outside a nightclub and couldn’t be revived.

He did have an inordinately difficult chart with a heavily afflicted Moon in Taurus in a cold-mother conjunction to Saturn in a neurotic opposition to Neptune and a cruel-treatment square to Mars in Leo in his 10th. With his Moon also in a bleak trine to Pluto.  His Virgo Sun was sextile Jupiter in Scorpio. Poor mite, what a life. His mother has a good deal to answer for. She was born 31 December 1944 and is a Sun Capricorn opposition Saturn square Neptune; with an opportunistic Mars square Jupiter.  Her emphasised Pluto was conjunct his midheaven so she’d be a controlling force in his life.

When he died there was a horrific Saturn in Aquarius square Mars Pluto in Scorpio which was bouncing off his Mars and Saturn, pulling in his Moon and Neptune. One storm too many.

Philip Green – outed in parliament



Philip Green, the retail billionaire, once the darling of Tony Blair and David Cameron, has been named in Parliament as the businessman accused of sexual and racial abuse of staff which the Telegraph were prevented from printing by a legal injunction, having spent five months researching the story. Parliamentary privilege overrides such manoeuvres. He is chairman of Arcadia Group, a retail company that includes Topshop, Topman, Wallis, Evans, Burton, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, and Outfit – and has a long history of controversies including tax avoidance, use of sweat shops and the calamity over the collapse of BHS.

On the latter a Westminster report said that BHS (British Home Stores) was subject to “systematic plunder” by former owners Sir Philip Green, Dominic Chappell and their respective “hangers-on”. It said the “tragedy” of the £571 million hole in the pension fund was the “unacceptable face of capitalism”.

Green, 15 March 1952, was born 4 days before Harvey Weinstein so has the same Sun Pisces and Mars in Scorpio square Pluto.  Mars in Scorpio is tricky enough, making for a dark intensity of desire. In a ruthless, do-or-die determined square to Pluto it doubles up the damage. It’s even more evident for Green since his Sun is trine Mars; and on the apex of an ego-centric Yod to Neptune sextile Pluto. Green also has an intensely passionate Scorpio Moon; and Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto which can be dictatorial in emotional relationships.

He’s also got an innovative focal point Uranus in Cardinal Cancer square Mercury in Aries opposition Saturn – so a tendency to push against boundaries and can be both a reformer as well as a catalyst for chaos, and autocratic.

His 9th Harmonic, often strong when money is involved and deemed to show what gives the individual pleasure, is eye-poppingly strong with Jupiter Pluto Uranus conjunction trine Saturn; with an accented Neptune as well.

He looks rattled and confused through 2019 but most of this will slide like water off a duck’s back.  Though the businesses under his chairmanship may find themselves boycotted until they ditch him.