2019 will be a year of traumatic transformation for the UK with the Capricorn Solar Eclipses early and late and the Cancer Eclipse mid-year in aspect to the UK Capricorn Sun and IC as well as the 10th house Cancer Moon and Midheaven. There’ll be zero possibility of continuing as before. The fork in the road is here, decisions need to be taken and stuck to. It will have the strongest impact on 4th house matters – domestic security, emotional stability, farming; and 10th house Moon matters – rulers, including the monarchy, public image, leaving the past behind, future direction and ambitions.
Eclipses at these degrees do come round every few years:– 2011 when there were London riots over a police shooting and anti-capitalist Occupy London demos. 1992 – Black Wednesday and the UK crashing out of the ERM. 1973 – recession, UK joined the EEC. What will exacerbate the sense of standing on shifting foundations this time round will be tr Pluto and tr Saturn both moving through the UK 4th house.
The late December 2019 Capricorn Eclipse is in a Saros Series associated with sudden endings. Though it is also conjunct Jupiter which from the New Year and throughout 2020 will move through the UK 4th which should bring more internal contentment.
Relationship splits and separations will be the hallmark throughout 2019 with tr Saturn square the UK’s Sun/Moon midpoint, the close relationship signifier, in January 2019 and returning twice again up to October 2019.
Tr Saturn will also oppose the 10th house Moon in late March, and on and off till December 2019, which suggests a mourning or loss, either of a ruler or of old certainties.
The Queen is still resolutely active though cutting back as she moves towards her 93rd birthday. Her Coronation chart does suggests a major directional shift, coming suddenly, probably late in 2019 as the Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct Uranus.
Her own chart has tr Uranus conjunct her Taurus Sun for a final time late March/early April, which may see surprise events hastening decisions. Otherwise it’ll be 2020/2021 as her gradual stepping-back picks up pace. The Capricorn/Cancer Eclipse do bounce off her 6th house Pluto through 2019 which will put additional strain on her health-wise as well as perhaps land her with additional work as politicians continue to muddle and guddle along.
Theresa May’s Government chart is befuddled (!?) from May 2019 onwards into 2020 with Neptune square the Sun and Moon. But her own personal chart is facing failure before then, in disaster territory from mid January 2019, trapped and cornered in February and facing career failure and loss from late March onwards.
On the UK chart the Solar Arc Moon will oppose the 11th house legislature Saturn, exactly in three month’s time but in effect before then, pointing to voter antipathy towards the governing classes. Tr Neptune square the 3rd house Mercury from late March through April and returning on and off till February 2020 will bring evasiveness in discussions, miscommunications and travel confusion; and late in 2019 there will be aggravated debates as well as blockages when Solar Arc Mars is conjunct the UK Mercury with tr Neptune sowing the seeds of a few more muddles as it is conjunct both.
From midpoints there’ll be panics and uncertainty from a few transits bringing feelings of loneliness, being neglected or misunderstood; but there’s also surprisingly a reasonable amount of Jupiterian uplift mid January to mid February and again mid July till late December. And a definite sense of relief late March to mid April.
There’s a Progressed Moon Return within three months from now which suggests a reassessment and new beginning.
Depending on house system, tr Uranus is aiming to move into the UK 8th (on Koch) at the same time as the Solar Arc Uranus moves in, towards mid 2019 which kicks off a roller coaster few years as far as international and business finances are concerned, not all bad, just erratic and unpredictable.
One thing is for sure. The national morale is in a better state than the PM’s.