Ireland – partnership woes all round * add on




Untying the Gordian knot of the Ireland problem is where the majority of Brexit attention is being focussed. Though heaven knows there are multifarious other worries about customs borders and future trade requiring preparation which appear to be sliding under the radar.

As far as Ireland is concerned, Leo Varadakar, the Irish leader, is in Brussels this week to meet Juncker et co to discuss a possible no-deal Brexit and how to tackle Theresa May’s request for a renegotiation.

The relationship chart between the Republic of Ireland (18 April 1949 midnight Dublin) and the EU is oddly the one showing the most strain over the next three years. It has a composite New Moon so is a significant bond; but is also strained with a composite Yod of Saturn Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Venus. Considerable confusion is showing between the two from March 29th this year onwards till late 2020 as tr Pluto squares the Neptune; with more discouraging pressure in 2020/2021 as tr Pluto squares Saturn; and it will be sagging with disappointment in 2021/22 with tr Neptune conjunct the apex Venus.

The relationship chart between the UK and Ireland 1949 is very chained together at the best of times which produces a good deal of resentment, with a composite Saturn opposition Mercury square Pluto. It’s in for a considerable jolt from late March to mid April with tr Uranus is an irritable and insecure conjunction to the composite Mars and in a highly-strung opposition to Neptune Jupiter. Thereafter there’s not much major movement until 2021 when there’s more sign of a rupture or change in relations with tr Uranus square the composite Uranus.

Varadakar looks fairly relieved around the late March/early April phase.

The relationship between Northern Ireland, 7th December 1922 3.28pm, and the EU is due for a major jolt come July 2019; and a larger upheaval in 2021 – with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto first, then tr Pluto trine the composite Uranus respectively.

The UK/Northern Ireland relationship will also alter radically come July of this year, on and off into early 2020; and will sag badly in 2020 with tr Neptune opposition the composite Jupiter Saturn and square Uranus.

I’d hazard a guess there will be some sort of fudge pushing matters back three months, then the real tumble-out will happen in 2021.

Add On:   The possibility of a united Ireland is remote, certainly in the near future. The relationship chart between North and South has an aggravated and suspicious composite Mars opposition Saturn Neptune square a gamer-playing Jupiter. There’ll be a dip in relations between them in 2020 with tr Neptune square the Jupiter, which will worsen considerably in 2022/23 as tr Neptune is conjunct the composite Mars and opposition Saturn.

A heartfelt piece in today’s Telegraph by Liam Halligan:   ‘For someone of my mixed heritage, the pain associated with tension between Britain and Ireland is seared into my soul. And the anguish as the precious rapprochement of recent years is threatened is made far worse by knowing that today’s Irish border issue is eminently solvable.

For the sad truth is this essentially technical problem is being exploited by an increasingly irate anti-Brexit coalition across the UK, Ireland and among Brussels Eurocrats. Their cynical judgment is that if fears about a return to The Troubles are whipped up enough, then the biggest expression of democracy in the history of these islands might yet be thwarted.’

‘Brussels, meanwhile, wants Britain trapped in the customs union so UK consumers and businesses keep paying the common external tariff on imports from outside the EU. Four fifths of those revenues – billions annually – go directly to Brussels.

The customs union stops London cutting bespoke trade deals suiting UK, rather than French or German interests, with the rest of the world. ‘

And there is a searing wrap-round of the whole Brexit farrago in the Washington Post.

‘Britain is one of the richest and most advanced democracies in the world. It is currently locked in a room, babbling away to itself hysterically while threatening to blow its own kneecaps off. This is what nationalist populism does to a country. ‘



Brexit – a zombie dance macabre



A strange calm has descended outside the Westminster and London media bubble. The great silent majority are beyond befuddled, walking like the undead through purgatory with a ceaseless cacophony of ‘yay, nay, maybe, what ifs’ battering their ears.

A plague on all their houses – left, right politicos and the EU maestros – game-playing waste of spaces, all of them.

Having got that out of the way I have absolutely no idea what’s going to happen. Theresa May is trudging back to Brussels or sending her reserve team of Deputy PM David Lidington, Stephen Barclay and Geoffrey Cox into bat, despite the EU saying they’ll be no renegotiation. Thus kicking the can down the road nearer the 29 March cut off date (unless it is extended) with May gambling that the fear of a no-deal will finally cave Westminster into agreeing to her cobbled together compromise, described by Yanis Varoufakis as a ‘ruinous deal.’ See below.

Both political leaders look to be under threat as the aftermath to March 29th hoves into view. Corbyn’s leadership term chart gets a considerable rattling, threatening to upset his applecart through April and May 2019.  Theresa May has a career-loss-making tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint over the same period – and that aspect affecting both repeats in January 2020. Plus she has a dashed-hopes, bubble-of-false- happiness-bursting tr Neptune opposition Jupiter in April. Her Government chart goes into a major Neptunian dip from May onwards, sinking even deeper into a sink hole.

The UK chart has tr Uranus square the 10th house Jupiter from March 26th to April 12th for a moment of great relief and exuberance – though whether that’s delaying the evil moment of having to make a decision; or a to-hell-with-it-we’re-out-of-here moment isn’t clear. At the same time there’s a sense of separation or loss, emotional tensions and crisis from tr Saturn opposition the 10th house Moon and transits to a  midpoint.

On midpoints there’s a degree of discouragement and faffing about through February; and insecurity, fatigue and unfulfilled wishes in April. From mid April to early May tr Uranus is sextile the UK Pluto which may be stronger than it sounds since even soft aspects can act like hard on country charts – so a considerable upheaval.

Plus the Solar Arc Moon opposition the UK 11th house Saturn which rules the legislature – the voters well out of sorts with politicians.  This July there is a 10 degree Cancer Solar Eclipse which will impact on the UK Capricorn Sun – so a three month extension which is being mooted at the moment may bring about a crisis point then.

David Lidington looks dismayed in April with his relationship to Theresa May turning turtle in May. Stephen Barclay is beyond gloomy in February and tormented through April.  Geoffrey Cox looks caved in at the moment but is in better form come May – possibly worked out a personal escape route from the unsolvable puzzle.

Varoufakis below is clear thinking as ever tho’ Corbyn isn’t his man for this plan; and below that another hint that May’s earnest, doing-her-best negotiating technique isn’t half good enough for this battle.  All  a gigantic horlicks of a mishandled mess. If they were intent on leaving they should just have prepared for a no-deal from square one and forced the issue.

John Kerry – jubilant at 2020 election – Schultz a no-hoper



John Kerry, former Secretary of State under Obama from 2013 and who stood against George W Bush in the 2004 election, is considering whether to stand again in 2020 against Trump.

Born 11 December 1943 in Colorado, time in dispute, he’s a Sun Sagittarius opposition Moon, Mars and Saturn in Gemini with Jupiter in Leo as well as Pluto conjunct a Leo leadership-quality North Node.

On the downside he has tr Neptune square his Moon and his Mars/Saturn midpoint from this April, on and off till early 2020, which are low-energy and not helpful in terms of health or morale. But he’s also got tr Pluto square his upbeat and successful Sun/Jupiter midpoint from this mid February on and off till late 2020, including being exact over the election itself. Plus his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Jupiter exact fairly soon as well which will give his enthusiasm a major boost.  And with tr Uranus square his Pluto in November 2020 his life is certainly due for a major change.

It may just be good news from another quarter, since there’s nothing to nail it to the election. And those Neptunian influences won’t be remotely useful. But one way and another he’s not looking on bad form.

Billionaire Howard Schultz of Starbucks fame intent on standing as an independent centrist candidate (to much dismay since they usually split the Democratic) vote) is facing an uphill battle with tr Pluto in a panicky, uncertain square to his Saturn Neptune at the moment and then in a trapped, frustrating opposition to his Mars from April onwards. The latter of these runs on and off till late 2020. Plus he has the ‘false happiness’ dashed-hopes tr Neptune square his Jupiter till late 2019 which won’t help either; and Solar Arc Pluto square his Sun exact in early 2020. He looks almost certain to fall by the wayside.

Wendy Williams – a compulsive attention-seeker



Wendy Williams, the syndicated talk show host, ‘shock jockette’, author and fashion designer, is taking a break from her show for health reasons. She has Graves Disease, an auto-immune thyroid disorder, and fractured her shoulder recently.

Born 18 July 1964 9.30 pm Asbury Park, New Jersey, she has a Cancer Sun which will tune her into the public mood in her 6th house of health and work trine an intense Scorpio Moon. She has an expansive Jupiter in her 3rd making her a confident communicator, in an indulgent opposition to her Moon Neptune and square a flamboyant Mercury, ramping up her need to talk in an attention-seeking way. Her Jupiter is also in a lucky sextile to her Sun. A 7th house Uranus Pluto will add punch to her delivery and her relationships.

She’s got Jupiter moving through her 10th since December 2018 for a year so it seems unlikely she’ll be out of the public eye for long. Though she does have accident-prone Uranus transits to several Mars midpoints, running from late last year right through till April. She’s also got tr Pluto trine her Jupiter on and off all year which will boost her confidence and again make it unlikely she’ll be lingering for long on the sidelines.

Though in general she’s moving towards the end of an old career phase with tr Saturn gradually heading for her Ascendant by 2021 onwards which will give her a yen for a quieter life – or it will force the issue.

Huawei – putting the brakes on the Chinese



            The make-or-break round of trade negotiations between China and the USA, due imminently, has almost certainly crashed with the filing of charges against Huawei. The Chinese telecommunications equipment maker is accused of corporate theft, violating sanctions against Iran and the two indictments include almost two dozen alleged crimes ranging from wire and bank fraud to theft of trade secrets and obstruction of justice. “These charges lay bare Huawei’s alleged blatant disregard for the laws of our country and standard global business practices,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. The Chinese vehemently deny everything.

If agreement is not reached on the trade deal by March 1st Trump has said he will more than double the punitive tariff rate currently assessed on about half of all Chinese exports to the US.

Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei and daughter of the founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Canada in December on the basis of a US extradition warrant. She was born 13 February 1972 Chengdu (net sources) which if accurate makes her a Sun Mercury in Aquarius square Saturn in money-minded Taurus and trine Uranus – ideal for a high-tech exec. She also has Pluto in Libra opposition Venus square Jupiter in expansive, materialistic Capricorn; with her Pluto inconjunct Mars in Taurus – she’s quite a formidable lady. Though she’s looking fairly strung out at the moment with her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Neptune and tr Uranus moving to a highly insecure square to her Mars come late March. Though since it also trines her Jupiter some deal may be struck.

Her father Ren Zhengfei, 25 October 1944, founded Huawei in the late 1980s and it is thought had Chinese government support financially at crucial phases of its development. It’s now worth many many billions.

He’s a formidably determined Sun, Mercury Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and trine Saturn – hard, ruthless, controlling, secretive.

The China/USA relationship chart is deflated exactly now with tr Saturn square the composite Jupiter, lowering enthusiasm, and will get more aggravated by mid March with tr Saturn opposition the composite Mars. These two influences will repeat till late in the year. Tr Uranus will oppose the composite Pluto in 2020 which will reset relations, either up or down.

China is a hot spot for Trump since his chart relocated to Beijing has his flashy and aggressive Mars in Leo in the 7th house of partnerships. With his Mars/Pluto midpoint close to the Descendant. So the relationship with the Chinese was always going to be hostile, despite Ivanka’s business interests there.

Glenn Close – another Oscar possible



Glenn Close has won the SAG Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role for The Wife pitching up her hopes for the Oscars which she has never won despite many nominations.

Born 19 March 1947 2.12 pm Greenwich, Connecticut, she has an intense 8th house Pisces Sun and a talented Air Grand Trine of Uranus trine Neptune trine Venus in Aquarius. Exactly now tr Jupiter is opposing her Uranus for a lucky break and a morale boost. Unfortunately that will have moved on by late February and the only two transits she has then aren’t helpful. Though tr Jupiter will continue through her 5th house boosting her presence in the spotlight all year into 2020 and there’s a good deal ahead for her.

If she doesn’t make it this year then her best bets looks around 2022/23 when tr Pluto is sextile her Jupiter and conjunct her Sun/Jupiter midpoint.

For a fuller run down on her chart and life see post September 23 2018.

Rudi Giuliani – losing the plot?



Is there method in Rudi Giuliani’s madness? Or has he become “a shell of himself talking gibberish” according to one political strategist, who mourns the passing of a once serious man. Giuliani was renowned as the fearless prosecutor who took down the mafia, the mayor who cleaned up a crime-ridden New York and the hero of 9/11. But ever since he joined Trump’s legal team he has been leaping in with both feet on cable TV to push the president deeper into jeopardy on various topics – payments to Stormy Daniels in violation of campaign finances rules and Russian collusion for two. And then promptly having to backtrack when his remarks raised eyebrows.

Born 28 May 1944 2.30pm New York, he’s fairly similar to Trump with an erratic, scattered Sun Uranus in Gemini but in his case it’s pulled together in a mini Grand Trine to Neptune, sextiling a formidable Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo. So he’s not short of courage or relentless determination. His Mars Pluto is also square an 8th house Mercury in Taurus so he’s got trenchant opinions which he’ll fire off aggressively.

His torrid love life will come not just from a wayward Gemini Sun but also an indulgent Venus in Taurus square a flamboyant Jupiter Moon in Leo which will also make him a publicity junkie.

This year will upset his applecart with tr Neptune opposing his Sun/Saturn midpoint in April, which Ebertin describes as ‘a mental, emotional or physical crisis’ and that is at the same time as a loss-making tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint which often affects careers negatively. With high insecurity and considerable jolts in May onwards as tr Uranus squares his focal point Mars Pluto on and off for the rest of the year.

It’s not that sensible a connection for Trump since Giuliani’s Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun which will have a dampening affect. Their relationship chart which has an overly confident composite Sun Uranus square Jupiter is on a disappointing downhill slide at the moment, worsening through February, more so in May onwards.

Richard E Grant & Olivia Colman – UK Oscar hopes



UK actor Richard E Grant has received his first ever nomination for an Oscar for best supporting actor for his performance alongside Melissa McCarthy in Can You Ever Forgive Me?  He’s had a quixotic career, constantly in work but moving across the genres. He says he intends to enjoy the LA feste since he says everyone knows that Green Book’s Mahershala Ali will win in his category. But for all that he looks fairly chipper.

Born 5 May 1957 in Swaziland he grew up in southern Africa before relocating to London in his mid twenties.  He’s a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Taurus with his Venus in a charming square to Pluto and sociable trine to Jupiter in Virgo. Over the Oscars tr Pluto will be exactly trine his Jupiter which will boost his confidence and attract success. Though perhaps being nominated will be enough reward for him and lead onto other work.

Olivia Colman, 30 January 1974, is nominated for Best Actress for The Favourite, having already won a Golden Globe for the role.  She’s definitely on a roll with her Solar Arc Pluto square her Jupiter still in effect from last year; and Solar Arc Jupiter opposition her Pluto in 2019.

She’s a Sun, Jupiter, Mercury in Aquarius onto an Air Grand Trine to Saturn and Uranus – intelligent, chatty, detached. She’s also got tr Uranus square her Venus over the Oscars so a time of high emotional excitement.

Bryan Singer – his karma come back to bite him



Bryan Singer, director of the very successful Freddie Mercury bio-pic Bohemian Rhapsody until he was fired just before the end of shooting, has been the subject of an expose by The Atlantic alleging sexual misconduct that has haunted him throughout his career. See url below. Over the past two decades his movies have earned over $3 billion, so no surprises the industry is reluctant to sideline him.

Singer was born 17 September 1965, the same day as the Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and a week after Bashar Assad of Syria.  He is a Sun Virgo, with chaotic Uranus Mercury Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces probably square a Gemini Moon, and sextile Mars Neptune in Scorpio. He also has Venus in Scorpio.

Not an easy personality, that’s for sure, and emotionally all over the place. Over the years various allegations have been made against him from underage boys (see wiki) which were dismissed but have revived with the Spacey scandal erupting.

Tr Neptune has been undermining his Uranus, Mercury, Pluto through last year and this; but more significantly his Solar Arc Sun has moved to conjunct his Neptune now and then his Mars in a year’s time – the first of which will weaken and compromise him; and the second usually brings a collision of sorts. So instead of victims being buried beneath a tsunami of denials, it’ll be his turn to sink below the surface.