Emmanuel Macron has taken a hissy fit over recent verbal attacks by the two populist political Italian leaders, Salvini and Di Maio, over immigration and the gilets jaunes (anti-French government demos) as they ramp up the rhetoric for the EU May elections. Macron has taken the unusual step of recalling the ambassador from Rome in the worst crisis between the two neighbouring countries since the second world war. Salvini is now trying to sound placatory but says France must stop pushing migrants back into Italy, end lengthy border checks blocking traffic and hand over Italian leftist militants who have taken refuge in France in recent decades.
There’s little likelihood that the spat will die down soon since both Salvini and Di Maio’s relationship charts with Macron have tr Uranus in opposition to the composite Mars picking up right on cue today and running till early March – that is explosive, impulsive and tends to lead to sharp words and hasty actions. With Salvini it’ll continue to rock n‘ roll through this year as tr Uranus hard aspects the composite Venus and Uranus; and with Di Maio there’ll be a lengthy Saturnine chill. Both Italians have Mars in Capricorn square Macron’s Pluto, so it’ll be a teeth-gritter with no quarter given.
The France/Italy relationship chart is jangled exactly now by tr Saturn opposition the composite Uranus; and that lingers on and off till late 2019 with uncertainty and suspicion added to the mix since tr Saturn will also conjunct the composite Neptune.
Emmanuel Macron has been bruised by the gilets jaune continuing demos and has had to make budget-bursting promises to calm inflamed feelings at a time when the economy is creaking. His Government chart, 14 May 2017 11.25 am Paris, is at a low ebb this month with tr Neptune square the Mars, returning till late 2019; with the over confident Midheaven opposition Jupiter square Pluto running into a series of setbacks on and off all year courtesy of tr Saturn in hard aspect.