The EU, China, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand and United Arab Emirates and others have ordered the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max 8, while investigators work to find the cause of an Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed 157 this week. It may be similar to the same model Boeing plane crash last October in Indonesia which killed 189 people.
After Trump consulted with the Boeing CEO U.S. aviation safety officials decided not to issue a temporary ban on the plane. This was later reversed when evidence emerged suggesting similarities to the previous crash.
Boeing was founded 15 July 1916 in Seattle, Washington has has tr Pluto opposing the Cancer Sun exactly now, and on and off till late 2020. It’s also had the discouraging tr Pluto opposition its Saturn last year and throughout this year as well. So a period of heavy challenges, hardship, deprivation and forced change under significant pressure.
When the October 2018 crash occurred tr Saturn was opposition the Boeing Pluto Venus in Cancer – which is the chart area that was being heavily stressed in 2008 and the aftermath during the crash by tr Pluto in opposition.
The Boeing Jupiter in Taurus square Neptune in Leo is being elbowed from mid April for two weeks, and again across the year end which is tricky to evaluate. Tr Uranus conjunct Jupiter should bring luck and relief but with Neptune involved it could burst a false-happiness, over-confidence bubble.
What’s for sure is that after the grinding transformation of 2019/2020, the following year 2021 will see setbacks of a major order as the Solar Arc Saturn opposes the Boeing Jupiter and squares the Neptune; followed in 2022/23 by the panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition the Boeing Mars.