Theresa May has her fans who see her as diligent, earnest, dutiful and straight, landed by fate with a poisoned conundrum that no one could have been expected to solve. There again there are those who reckon she’s part of the problem, indeed in the words of one despairing minister the “sole architect” of the recent and present Brexit chaos. He said “It is her inability to engage in the most basic human interactions that brought us here.”
Journalist Anne Applebaum remarked recently that “she has always seemed to outsiders the sensible person in the room, the adult who knows what she is doing, the sane person in a madhouse. Alas, she is not any of those things. She is not sensible, she does not know what she is doing, and, increasingly, she doesn’t seem to be entirely sane either.” And columnist Matthew Parris has described her as “the Death Star of modern British politics,” a black void that sucks in people and ideas and never provides a response.
Her inability to interact with living breathing human beings means she’s not designed for negotiations and the inevitable compromises they involve so she was the worst possible person to send to Brussels or to form any cross-party consensus or even intra-the split Tory Party in Westminster.
Pondering on her chart I realise I’ve been overly distracted by her opportunistic, chancer’s Mars opposition Jupiter and her Libra Sun. What dominates her chart and pins down both of her emotional planets is a fearsomely fixed, rigid and utterly unbendable Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto conjunct Venus in Leo and almost certainly conjunct her Leo/Virgo Moon. And it’s further strengthened, if that’s the right word, by Saturn sitting on the North Node opposition South Node, putting a Fixed Pluto on the point of a T Square. Such a Pluto gives tremendous stubbornness and staying power with a compulsion to over control.
It’s ironic that the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction is what over sees her downfall. The last tr Saturn Pluto in the early 1980s coincided with her father dying in a car crash followed a year later by her mother who had multiple sclerosis.
Saturn Pluto in a chart, especially tied into personal planets, does lead to immense obstinacy which can be self-defeating. Learning to be flexible and adaptable is crucial. Often the individual feels pitted against social forces and restrictions which require great stamina to withstand so the primary response in any situation is to stand rock solid and not budge. There is usually a strong sense of some link between the individual’s fate and the fate of the wider society. Which leads to deep feelings of frustration and an underlying resentment which can turn into a masochistic pattern of behaving. When tied into the personal planets, especially the emotional ones, it does suggest a bleak, oppressive start in life. Her inability to form relationships at work seems extraordinary given that she lives permanently surrounded by people.
Added onto this rigid personality structure is a wobbly Mars in Pisces; and two Neptune midpoints that are key to her temperament. One is Mercury conjunct her Neptune/Pluto midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘the inability to think independently, plans incapable of realisation, nervous weakness.’ And her Sun is conjunct her Jupiter/Neptune midpoint which is head-in-the-clouds, overly optimistic and leads to lack of self-control.
A wandered brain inside a Sherman tank – not a good combination.