Jessi Coombs – breaking with the orthodox


Jessi Coombs known as the “fastest woman on four wheels” was killed in a high-speed crash in a dry lake bed in south-eastern Oregon while trying to set a new land-speed record. In 2013 she broke the women’s four-wheeled speed record with a speed of 398mph; and last October set a speed record of 483mph. She was attempting to beat the 512mph women’s land-speed record set in 1976 by American Kitty O’Neil.

Born 27 July 1980 she was an entertaining Sun Leo sextile Mars in Libra with her Mars in a wide, ultra-determined conjunction with Pluto; and a hard-working Saturn in Virgo on the focal point of a T Square. She appeared on various auto tv programmes including All Girls Garage, featuring women repairing and upgrading new and classic automobiles.

At the moment she had her Progressed Mars square her Sun, which does indicate a shock or collision of sorts. Plus tr Saturn was in an accident-prone square to her Mars/Pluto; and tr Neptune was in a loss-making opposition to her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint. Not good timing for the attempt.

She had a well-aspected practical and get-it-together 5th Harmonic, a very strong can-be-perfectionist 7th harmonic; a tough, obsessive 11H; and a breaking-with-the-orthodox 13H.

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