Sudan is rapidly sliding into chaos with the police and some soldiers in Khartoum protecting demonstrators from Government security agents. Protests against the Islamist President Oman al-Bashir, who has governed Sudan since 1989, have been under way for several months, initially over food prices but that has now turned into demands for a transitional government with new leadership. A young Sudanese woman in a white robe has become one of the iconic symbols of the uprising.
Bashir’s rule has been blighted by accusations of human rights abuses. He is subject to an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant over accusations of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He promised to resign in 2015 and then reneged.
He became President on 30 June 1989 when the chaotic and disruptive triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn was in place opposition a Cancer Sun, which in turn was in a controlling trine to Pluto. With Pluto in a ruthless square to Mars. The Solar Arc Uranus, Saturn Neptune has been moving in opposition to Venus Mars recently which would certainly dent his regime’s enthusiasm and undercut its power. Tr Uranus is now square the Presidency Venus and will move across the midpoints, then form the volatile, explosive square to the Mars in 2020. The July Cancer Eclipse this year will also have a marked impact on this chart.
Bashir’s birthdate is given as 1 January 1944, which may or may not be too sound – if accurate then his Capricorn Sun will also be impacted by the midyear Solar Eclipse.
Sudan was granted independence on 1 January 1956, which produces an exceptionally tough Mars Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto Jupiter; with a fanatical Uranus square Neptune; a Capricorn Sun and a Cancer midheaven. This year was always going to bring crisis with the Eclipses moving between Capricorn and Cancer hinting that change was long overdue. Tr Uranus has also been opposing the Neptune and square Uranus, so causing high levels of anxiety and a rebellious upsurge. Feelings will continue to run high into 2020 with tr Uranus square the Venus; and there is an intense tr Pluto conjunct the Sudan Mercury running through 2020/2021.
The prevailing Saturn Pluto conjunction isn’t normally a promoter of grassroots revolutions and the Sudan chart is exceptionally fixed. Any changes will come, if at all, only very slowly under maximum pressure.