Hindsight being a wonderful thing it was perfectly obvious why Trump won the 2016 USA election since his chart was littered with Jupiterian goodies of a considerable magnitude. Only disbelief that a showboating reality star could conceivably romp into the White House obscured the astrology – which it shouldn’t have done but we’re only human.
The same could not be said of Boris Johnson’s sizeable victory in the UK election. Apart from a few Jupiterian transits in trine to his Uranus, Solar Arc Midheaven and Pluto – and they aren’t due till the spring 2020 – there is precious little cheerful on his chart apart from those breadcrumbs. Everything else is downbeat, panicky, blocked, bad-tempered even over this election few days till next Thursday. And the undermining influences run into February 2020.
Girlfriend Carrie Symonds looks thoroughly dismayed over these few days up to the 19th with tr Saturn conjunct her Sun/Pluto and square her Sun/Venus midpoints.
Dominic Cummings, former adviser, out for health reasons, looks more than devastated at the moment till the 20th.
The two Conservative Party charts are no help either for what has been their biggest win since Maggie Thatcher in 1979. The 10 May 1912 chart looks confused if not devastated and completely blocked and panicked until this New Year.
The 18 December 1834 chart is equally stressed with a blocked tr Pluto square Saturn and tr Saturn conjunct the Solar Arc Mars square Saturn till the New Year. Part of the explanation for that may be the splits within the party with former PMs advocating members voting their own candidates. Or that political party charts aren’t too illuminating full stop.
The UK 1801 chart has one cheerful tr Pluto square the Sun/Jupiter midpoint at the moment – perhaps an indication of Brexit fatigue and hell-mend-it just-get-on-with-it. A hung parliament would just have dragged the agony out longer. But that enthusiastic influence disappears within days; and there are simultaneously confused, panicky and depressed influences of tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars and then Mercury next year; with a discouraging tr Saturn opposition the Moon exactly now.
There’s a hint of a radical shift late this month from tr Uranus sextile the UK Pluto running through January – on country charts, even soft aspects act like hard.
But I would have to say given what we now know I’m not sure I would have changed my interpretations that much. Which isn’t much help – but election predictions are always tricky and this one is a head scratcher. Either Boris’s birth time is way out or he’s in a flat out meltdown at having won and now being faced with having to deliver.
Add on: Mark Cullen of Skyscript and Paul Saunders on facebook both got it right, concentrating on traditional astrology methods and in Paul Saunders’ case by looking at Venus, the UK ruler, sandwiched between Saturn Pluto in Capricorn – which couldn’t be more conservative if it tried.
I tend to stick to personal birth charts which isn’t perfect since it’s difficult to distinguish between the panic of being landed with a beyond-weighty job, no matter how wished for in advance, and the panic of losing. Though there’s usually some Jupiterian cheer in there to balance up the more sombre aspects.
When Tony Blair was first elected in 1997 he had tr Jupiter moving through his 10th and tr Jupiter opposition his Pluto.
John Major in 1990 had tr Jupiter opposition his Mars; Solar Arc Jupiter square his Uranus; and tr Jupiter square his MC.
JFK in 1960 had his Solar Arc Jupiter Mercury conjunct his Pluto; tr Uranus just over the square to his Jupiter; and tr Jupiter moving to trine his Solar Arc MC.
Margaret Thatcher had less Jupiter visible though it was conjunct her leadership North Node in Leo exactly. And tr Saturn was just into her 10th – and she was very Saturnine and danced to its tune more closely than some.
What Blair, Maggie, Major and JFK shared on their election were strong Saturn Pluto aspects which Sakoian & Acker associate with serious matters of a corporate nature and responsibility for the masses – tr Pluto conjunct Solar Arc Saturn, tr Saturn conjunct Solar Arc Pluto, tr Saturn trine Solar Arc Pluto; and tr Pluto conjunct Solar Arc Saturn respectively.
Boris lacks Jupiter influences on his chart at the moment which is bizarre given his obvious jubilation at least in public. He does have Solar Arc Pluto coming to trine his Saturn, exact within weeks.
His natal Saturn is conjunct the UK Pluto with his Uranus in opposition. That UK Pluto is due a final elbow from tr Uranus in sextile from late December to early February 2020, so it may be that he can be seen, a touch like Trump, as a disruptor – a wrecking ball at the end of an era, in Kissinger’s concept, with no clear idea of what comes next but a necessary trickster with the ‘ability’ to lay waste the past.