Saturn Pluto in Capricorn is a gloomy preoccupation for the astro-minded, exerting its shadow effect at the moment and a prospect for 2020. Though Jupiter does move into Capricorn early this December, staying for a year, which will lift some of the gloom though it’ll take time to catch up with the other two.
The restrictive and heavy-duty Saturn Pluto conjunctions come three times a century, with the most recent being in Libra in the early 1980s and prior to that in Leo in the late 1940s.
In 2020 Saturn comes together with Pluto only once in an exact conjunction in January at 22 degrees Capricorn; and close enough in September at 25 and 23 degrees respectively. But the mood will sit heavily across most of the year.
Jupiter Saturn conjunctions happen every 20 years; But Jupiter Saturn Pluto triple conjunctions happen much less frequently. Typically these major outer planet multiple conjunctions rarely all come together on the exact degree at the same time. In this instance Jupiter will conjunct Pluto at 24 Capricorn in late March and late June; and again in November at 22 Capricorn – that should be morale-boosting, lucky and confident. Saturn and Jupiter don’t come together exactly as a conjunction until December 2020 at zero degrees Aquarius.
Below is a rehash of previous posts:
The previous Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction was in 1819/20. In fact it never came exactly together since the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Pisces of 1819 had separated before Jupiter caught up in 1820. Of note (from wiki):-
‘The Panic of 1819 was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States followed by a general collapse of the American economy persisting through 1821. The Panic announced the transition of the nation from its colonial commercial status with Europe toward a dynamic economy, increasingly characterized by the financial and industrial imperatives of laissez-faire capitalism. Though driven by global market adjustments in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, the severity of the downturn was compounded by excessive speculation in public lands, fueled by the unrestrained issue of paper money from banks and business concerns.’
Interesting that the financial collapse – Saturn Pluto = deprivation – was followed by a resurgence from Jupiter. It was certainly a major turning point at least for the USA.
Earlier triple conjunctions of Saturn Pluto and Jupiter:
1146 in late Taurus. The Second Crusade was launched then which failed within three years and was a considerable victory for the Muslims. Also in 1146, a rainy year caused the harvest to fail in Europe, followed by one of the worst famines of the century. And European leaders outlawed the crossbow, intending to end war for all time.
1285: Jupiter Pluto in late Capricorn conjunct Saturn in early Aquarius. This seems significant for English/Scottish Welsh history. In 1284 Wales was merged with England. The Scottish Wars of Independence started in 1286, after the unexpected death of the Scottish king led to a fight for the succession which was exploited by Edward 1 of England (Hammer of the Scots) who assumed over-lordship. 30 years of fighting followed until Scotland became independent again.
There was persecution of the Jews as there had been in 1146. Saturn Pluto is historically connected to the persecution of the Jews.
1444: Saturn Jupiter were conjunct in early Cancer, moving individually then to conjunct Pluto which was in late Cancer/Leo. All sorts of invading and pillaging by the Ottoman Empire in what is present day Greece and Turkey etc.