Ashley Judd, American actress and activist, has been talking about the harrowing and life-threatening accident she suffered in a Congo jungle on a research trip in February to study Bonobo monkeys. She broke her leg badly in four places in the middle of the jungle, which had to be manipulated back into place in situ. Then she was manoeuvred onto the back of a motorbike for a six hour bumpy journey and eventually brought out after a 55-hour ordeal.
Born 19 April 1968 1.12 pm Sylmar, California, she has a packed 9th house which rules communication and travel with her Aries Sun Mercury and North Node and Saturn as well as Mars in Taurus there. No surprises she is an activist who wants to spread the word of her favourite causes and to immerse herself in different cultures and countries. Her Sun Mercury are trine an outgoing Jupiter in Leo on her Ascendant. She’s also got a Yod of Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mercury – which would have started her off in life as a scattered thinker but once the Yod got on track it makes her an outstanding teacher and communicator.
At the moment her Solar Arc Uranus is opposing her Mars, which often crops up when operations are involved and can bring shocking jolts. Her Solar Arc Sun is square her Pluto putting a major blockage in her path. And her Progressed Mars is square her Uranus/Pluto midpoint. A perfect storm of negatives. She also has tr Pluto moving across the cusp into her 6th house of health exactly now; with tr Saturn still moving through her 6th for another year what is likely to be a long recovery.
Her astro-cartography has her Uranus Pluto Midheaven lines through Africa, marginally to the west of the Congo, with her Venus Saturn IC lines running through it – clearly a place she feels at home though involves work/effort and is unpredictable/stirs her sense of adventure and wish to bring in reforms.
Yes agreed Gudnar, she lights up the screen!
A fine person and wonderful Actress, we all hope she recuperates well.
Her career also suffered at the hands of Weinstein.
Bonobo chimpanzees, which technically are apes, and not monkeys.
I have been following Ashley’s story very closely – what she endured to get, finally, to a hospital in South Africa for treatment of her shattered leg was horrific, but she is only profoundly grateful and full of love and compassion for the people who have taken care of her and for the people of the Congo who don’t have access to the kind of health care that is making her recovery possible. Many blessings to her and to all those who were there for her during her ordeal.