It seems appropriate that Andy Murray’s competitive tennis career should come to a sad and agonising end as the transiting Mars Uranus Algol crosses over his Taurus Sun and natal Algol.
From an unlikely background, he won three Grand Slam titles and two Olympic gold medals, pushing himself to the limit; and in recent years against constant injuries. One sports commentator described his career as “a triumph against the odds. The perseverance, the determination, the white-hot raging against the dying of the light.”
Having withdrawn from the Wimbledon singles he hopes to play alongside Emma Raducanu in the mixed doubles and with his brother Jamie in the men’s doubles; and maybe make it to the Paris Olympics.
Born 15 May 1987 2.10pm Glasgow, Scotland, his Taurus Sun and Algol are in the much-travelled 9th house in a strained inconjunct to a 4th house Uranus Moon (Saturn) in Sagittarius. He never looked a man comfortable in his own skin which is partly the result of that quincunx causing him to constantly be making internal adjustments to find a sense of emotional balance. He also has a volatile, uncompromising and highly ambitious 10th house Mars in Gemini opposition Uranus, Moon and Saturn. He would constantly be pushing himself in pursuit of risk, excitement, his competitive streak and as a way of channelling his anger.
His Pluto is also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct his North Node sextile Midheaven – which is obscure but would add to his exceedingly will-driven approach. His saving grace in terms of uplift and optimism is Jupiter in his 8th which will give him sustenance both financially and spiritually/emotionally.
He does not have the easiest chart in terms of relationships with such a scratchy Moon Saturn Uranus opposition Mars and a 7th house North Node. But he seems to have found a good match in Kim Sears, 10 December 1987, who is not unlike him with a Sagittarius Sun conjunct Saturn and Uranus. Her Leo Moon may be square a staggeringly determined Mars Pluto conjunction in Scorpio which is also sextile her Venus – so she’s used to a high-pressure emotional life and relationships.
Their relationship chart is affectionate, sparky and close with a composite Sun, Venus, Mercury trine Pluto and opposition Mars. It will be a high-octane bond but seems to work.
When he was nine he was present along with his brother at the Dunblane school massacre when Thomas Hamilton shot 16 children and a teacher before killing himself. It occurred when tr Pluto was opposition Andy Murray’s Mercury and his Solar Arc Sun so would leave a mark on his temperament and development.
Hamilton, 10 May 1952 8.50am Glasgow, Scotland, had a Scorpio Moon opposition Algol and Taurus Sun square Pluto. All of which ties into Murray’s Sun and Algol. So facing up to suffering and the least pleasant side of life has been part of Andy Murray’s journey.
Looking ahead he does have Jupiter moving through his 10th house until September 2025 so sad though his retirement may be he will be in the headlines and getting a boost. With an additional stroke of luck and success from his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Sun in late 2025/26. It won’t be an easy transition since it never is but with his Progressed Moon about to exit his 8th he will feel a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
Moon conjunct Saturn is always driven aspect. Especially when there is a Saturn/Uranus midpoint near the Moon opposite his Mars. A determination, coupled with a obstinate going your own way side. He has found an outlet to this energy playing a competing game and putting this energy against those in career. Let trust he finds another outlet. Otherwise he will be a bear with a sore head!
“His Pluto is also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct his North Node sextile Midheaven – which is obscure but would add to his exceedingly will-driven approach. His saving grace in terms of uplift and optimism is Jupiter in his 8th which will give him sustenance both financially and spiritually/emotionally.”
Thanks Marjorie. It is sad to see him go, although not surprising obviously. His determination is inspiring, and it’s interesting to see his sporting Jupiter in fighting Aries too. April’s Solar eclipse hit his Jupiter, along with Kim’s natal Jupiter – the road ahead looks like a shared project flagged up by the eclipse. October’s ‘endings’ Solar eclipse is on Murray’s karmic South Node – also connecting with Hamilton’s Saturn. Echoes of the terrible Dunblane massacre, and how that unimaginable experience has shaped Andy Murray and must resonate with his wider family too. Very good to know he’ll be getting a boost going forward, and will feel lighter eventually.