The 26th woman to make accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump (ranging from harassment to sexual assault and rape) is former model and magazine columnist Amy Dorris. She alleges that at the US Open in 1997 when a guest of Trump, he forced his tongue down her throat and assaulted her all over her body and holding her in a grip she was unable to escape from. This happened outside Trump’s VIP box and she subsequently told her mother, friends and therapist about the incident which she said made her feel “ sick, violated.” She says she would have spoken out in 2016 but was scared for her family. Now she feels she owes it to her daughters to show them that standing up is the right thing to do.
Trump as per usual has denied the allegation as with all the others. Only last week in a highly unusual development, the justice department, led by the attorney general, William Barr, announced it was intervening in the Jean E. Carroll defamation lawsuit to protect the president – although the alleged sexual assault predates Trump’s presidency by two decades.
Amy Dorris, 1 October 1972, is a Sun Libra conjunct Mars Pluto square Jupiter; with Uranus Mercury also in Libra. Her Saturn in Gemini is conjunct Trump’s Sun, North Node, Uranus and opposition his Moon, so she will have the ability to cast a Saturnine shadow across his identity and reputation. Jean E Carroll’s Saturn is also in late Gemini and will have the same effect. (See previous post 22 June 2019 on Carroll.)
Amy Dorris’s Venus in Leo is conjunct Trump’s Mars which would evoke a spark of attraction. Their relationship chart has a nix of a sociable Sun, Venus close to needs-space Uranus with a dominating/ruthless composite Mars Pluto conjunction.
Mars Pluto is one of the astro-signatures for rape since it merges Mars which can be libidinous with power-hungry Pluto. The negative pole is brutal and ruthless. It’s a tricky energy in a personal chart for women to handle since they grow up with a dominating male figure and often remain submissive in their adult life. Since the Mars Pluto strand in their personality remains unconscious and isn’t lived out in an assertive way, they tend to attract bullies and control freaks who have a ‘nose’ for a victim.
Christine Blasey Ford who gave evidence against Brett Kavanaugh has a Mars Pluto Uranus conjunction opposition Saturn; and Jean E Carroll has Mars Uranus trine Neptune sextile Pluto. That’s in no way to suggest that what happened to them is their fault, but it is an echo of Jung’s thought – that what we do not live out meets us on the outside as if it were fate.
The positive side of Mars Pluto which needs to be lived out is courageous, determined to the nth degree with a capacity to handle crises well.
In August 1997 at the time of this alleged assault, Trump’s Solar Arc Moon was exactly opposition his 12th house Pluto with his Solar Arc Node moving to conjunct his Pluto as well – so he’d be pretty ramped up about women. Though his misdemeanours seem to happen so often they are much more to do with his innate temperament – and probably didn’t require much of a trigger.
His midpoints have a fair smattering of aggressive Mars crossovers with a streak of cruelty from Saturn; and over-confidence from Jupiter.
That a president should have had this litany of complaints against him and still be sitting in situ is a staggering indictment of the Republican Party and those who still unbelievably say they will vote for him. The US is supposed to be a country that upholds family and religious values, more so than other places.
While trying to understand why a female, but very conservative and never logically consistent cousin made a comment about ‘confusing the man with the policy’, with regards to Trump, I unfortunately realized that she rationalized the same way as all the other so-called believers in family values: they don’t care about the messenger as long as he enacted the laws they want.(see the number of high-profile evangelical scandals over the years).
This same hypocrisy also gives them the rationale they to care about those ‘values’ as it applies to, say, Clinton, when the person is enacting laws contrary to their wishes.
Most Democrats actually try to do as they say, resulting in several resignations, because their constituents care and hold them to a higher standard. You can imagine that the cards are stacked vs Democrats, but we can’t give up and play the same dirty games if we don’t want to end up as corrupt as the GOP.
Thanks Marjorie. As Larry says, “the audience is numb to the shock”. I wonder how many more incidents like this will be revealed. Trump will have been behaving like this most of his adult life I suspect. And getting away with it of course. There’s something entitled, yet pitifully desperate, about it. In my experience, men like this lack confidence with women. Then they hate us, then they behave abusively, or worse.
It’s interesting to see that Amy’s “fateful” S. Node at 23 Cancer is conjunct Trump’s Venus and Saturn. The new Moon on 16th October is at 23 Libra – law and relationships…. It certainly triggers this connection – it opposes Mars, square Jupiter, square Saturn, and square Pluto at 22 Capricorn. This new Moon might bring some kind of traditional October Surprise maybe, or something out of the clear blue sky?
However, the GOP mostly don’t seem to react to these multiple revelations, whether sexual or financial. It’s equally pitiful and desperate, clinging on to power in this despicable way. Although I’ve read recently that some of those around Trump are now beginning to “distance” themselves, fearing losing the election and what it’s aftermath may bring. Perhaps the PM of the UK might care to join them.
“It’s interesting to see that Amy’s “fateful” S. Node at 23 Cancer is conjunct Trump’s Venus and Saturn.”
Yes and AD’s Saturn is in turn conjunct Trump’s North Node and Sun, giving more emphasis to that fateful connection. Added to that is the fact that the transit nodal axis is current at 24 degrees of Gemini.
It’s been my experience too that the kind of men who behave this way towards women are riddled with ‘issues’ and what one senses more than anything is their innate hatred of us. Trump’s natal Venus/Saturn in Cancer says to me, “women – know your place!”. I notice this also with natal Venus/Mars conjunctions in both men and women – a sexually aggressive and entitled attitude to those they are attracted to.
Yes, VF, I agree about Trump’s Venus/Saturn. It also perhaps represents limitations or lack of love at home (Cancer), and has complicated implications for his emotional relationship to money and what he sees as “beautiful objects” (including women?). Plus, of course, Mother is writ quite large here….as one might expect. I’ve come across things in the past about Venus/Saturn being associated with sex work and sex workers, but now can’t find my reference. It would seem as if he views attraction as a transactional thing, yet has poor impulse control at the same time. This was an attitude that was very much around in some men of his vintage, and some younger ones too. It’s very sad really, since there are so many men who are not like this, and never were.
Yes definitely – ‘sex addicts’ and sex workers often have Saturn Venus – Saturn in his old goatish mood rather than schoolmastery. Sex/romance (Venus) for money (Saturn) as well. It was in old posts partly about Michael Douglas I think and also about a sex worker but unfortunately it’ll be under their name in the files not labelled ‘sex.’ So tricky to find.
Thanks Jane and Marjorie. Indeed, Trump’s mother had serious complications with her final pregnancy, undergoing several surgeries and a hysterectomy and as a result was separated from the 2 year old Trump for a prolonged period, absent from a vital part of his childhood development. This I think is reflected in that Venus/Saturn in Cancer placement and furthermore Trump’s Sagittarius Moon is in quincunx to his Cancer Saturn. (As you say, Saturns and Moons aspected by Saturn’s often have to learn self-reliance in childhood because of limitations with the home and mother). Trump strikes me as someone to whom relationships are a business transaction, a financial deal – witness his marriage to Melania and his many ‘relationships’ with sex workers (Stormy Daniels), so he doesn’t have to be vulnerable in any relationship. His attachment issues and innate lack of trust mean he doesn’t have to invest emotionally in relationships with women – he once told Melania he could ‘always get another wife’.
Thank you for writing about this. However, Amy Dorris claims the incident took place on September 5, 1997 – not August. I’m not sure how much the difference in timing would affect the astrology in this particular case, but since there’s a possibility it could, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.
Anyway, again, very insightful analysis.
Correction for incredulity was a topic taught in my Frechman college psychology class. For example, Nixon was not a crook cuz he was the president of the united states. Here again, tell the audience something incredible, enough times, and it becomes true & real; the audience is numb to the shock.
The GOP has become indifferent to Mango Man’s history. They don;t care as long as they continue to wield power.