Actor Alan Arkin who found success early in his career as Captain Yossarian in Catch-22 and more recently won an Oscar as the heroin-snorting grandpa in Little Miss Sunshine, has died. Once rated America’s best actor by Mike Nichols, he worked constantly through five decades. He also played the deadpan dad and working man, Bill Boggs, in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands and after that he excelled in the film of David Mamet’s play Glengarry Glen Ross.
He was born 26 March 1934 4.17am New York with a film set designer father who was blacklisted unfairly during the McCarthy era.
Arkin was a lively Sun Mars in Aries with Mars inconjunct Neptune in his 7th house of relationships. His Sun was sparsely aspected making him independent and not reliant on others for mirroring. Most notably he had a lucky, adventurous Uranus opposition Jupiter square an influential and controlling Pluto on the cusp of his 6th house. Secretive, intense, insightful, enigmatic, he would not be the easiest personality to fathom.
He had a cool Venus Saturn in Aquarius conjunct his Ascendant so would come across as restrained and understated though both of these were trine his 8th house Jupiter giving him tremendous depth. His Leo Moon suited him for performing and does trine his Sun Mars though seems relatively disconnected from the major configurations in his chart.
Maybe it was what made him a consummate character actor, the ability to slough off his real personality to become Another.
Thanks, Marjorie!
I think this chart reflects the physical presence of this actor i.e. his body plus the persona he projected: The Saturn in Aqu—exactly on the ASC—, appears to act as a lid and create a huge amount of tension over the volcanic forces of the Sun in exaltation, Mars in domicile, and Uranus in Aries in the second house. This masculinity as neurotic tension between a gigantic reservoir of magma of inner frustration, a precariously maintained sanity, and a bonkers reality, is his hallmark and his contribution. Arkin always seems charged with something of the self-contained tension of an atom, but wiry, (fixed sign Aquarius on the ASC), forceful, rational, either with an edge of hysteria, or a stance of comfortable acceptance of self as an outsider and a rebel (ASC, Saturn sextile Uranus).
In my opinion, he truly deserved that Oscar. Brilliant performance.
A wonderful actor who will be missed.