All the problems and potential for chaos of the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo opposition Saturn plus Mars in Scorpio are laid bare in the raucous and tumultuous life of Abby Lee Miller. Her eight-season reality show Dance Moms featured children she tutored for a showbiz career along with their bickering stage mothers, with a violent and combative atmosphere being actively encouraged. She was then given prison time for financial fraud and declared bankrupt with a whopping IRS bill unpaid in 2016. Once out of prison she was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and after a spinal operation ended up in a wheelchair, with therapy ongoing to get her back on her feet. Allegations of past racist comments and discriminatory behaviour led to possible shows being cancelled in 2020. Though last year she appeared to be punting other possibilities.
She was born 21 September 1965, no birth time, with a Virgo Sun and Mercury; with her Mercury in an intense, can-be-domineering and outspoken conjunction to Pluto Uranus and all three Virgo planets sextile a hard Mars Neptune in Scorpio. That echoes the chart of Dmitry Medvedev, Putin’s Russian political sidekick and Bashar Assad of Syria, so she does have a vengeful streak. Her Saturn in Pisces is trine Venus in Scorpio as well as Neptune Mars adding an aggravated edge. Plus a bull-in-a-china-shop Gemini North Node.
When Miller’s life started to hit the skids, her Virgo Sun had moved by Solar Arc to conjunct her Neptune in Scorpio and her other Virgo planets were following along behind for an exceptionally bumpy few years which isn’t over yet. And won’t be for a good long while ahead. There’ll be a stalemate with unpopularity in 2023, flaming arguments two years on, and into a complete swamp by 2026.
Usually when two stelliums or configurations of planets in a chart coincide by Solar Arc it flags up a life-changing crisis running over several or many years depending on the planets.
It’s not that 1965 did not produce some notables with the same Uranus Pluto Saturn – amongst them Shania Twain, Cheryl Hines (also September 21), Charlie Sheen, Sam Mendes, Jeremy Kyle and JK Rowling, but along with talent tends to go a roller-coaster temperament and life.
What an unutterably ghastly woman. I pray we are moving out of the era of scream TV and turgid reality shows.
Perhaps a silly question but why is Gemini North Node a bull-in-a-china-shop
Jay, I wondered about that too — thanks for asking.
The Nodes work on the basis that sliding backwards into the South Node is the line of least resistance and it is usually the more primitive end of the South Node sign that operates when individuals don’t make an effort – which in this case is Sagittarius. The karmic lesson is to slow down and learn to be more sociable, indeed more socialized.
I wonder if there are some similarities between Abby Lee’s and Eteri Tutberitze’s, now infamous coach of all these Russian teen sensation skaters including Kamila Valieva charts. Tutberitze was born February 24th, 1974.
Fortunately, I think reaction to Tutberitze verbally abusing her 15-year-old protegee IS a sign era of “scream TV” is over.
In addition, apparently one of Abby Lee’s former students, who was mercilessly abused on TV, is Netflix movie franchise “Tall Girl” star Ava Michelle. As a mother to a “tall girl”, I love this particular comeback.