27 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie: My respect for Ukraine’s President Zelensky grows by the minute. He is staying with his countrymen to fight off the Russians instead of fleeing to a safe haven. He knows he is the number-one target on Putin’s hit list. Still, he stays. Can you provide some insights re his character/personality, plus any predictions as to his prospects/safety over the next few months to a year? Thanking you in advance.

  2. Hi Marjorie, tried to post this yesterday but am not sure where, old age I’m afraid !
    “Changing of the Gods’, based on Cosmos and Psyche by Rick Tarnas, is now online. It’s a 10 part series focusing solely on Uranus and Pluto archetypes and their “hard aspects” in relation to world events. Free access can be gained by registering at changingofthegodsseries.com. The second episode aired last night but there will be a recap at the end of the series for any episodes missed. It’s fascinating and definitely worth watching.

  3. Hi Marjorie,
    Could you look at Dr Paul Farmer’s chart. Medical Anthropologist who passed away. Only just came across who he was from reading his obituary. Perhaps a nice respite from the narcissistic megalomaniacs and imminent conflict. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Farmer. Astroseek puts his birth time at 7:59 but not sure of the source. Would love to hear your perspective on his chart.

  4. Hello Marjorie
    I know you have written extensively on this so do feel free to take a pass. Like many people I am desperate to see the back of Johnson and his odious lickspittles and early May local elections look like a good chance for the mightily hurt and angry population to give him a kicking. Any thoughts? Will he be wounded or dead, politically?

    • Gamal, There is a terrible temptation to keep peering at the astrology hoping for enlightenment/a different answer. If you look at the 13 January post on BJ and the Tory Party, an imminent split is not that obvious though he will sag badly in popularity with his fan club in May.

      • Gamal, I too want want that vile cardboard cut-out of a man gone from our politics forever. I have also been revisiting the astrology hoping to see something that isn’t quite there. I agree with Marjorie, his popularity will wane, but I can’t see any meaningful porential shift for about 10 to 12 months. It is always possible that some other scandal will fall into the public domain between now and then, but Tragic Johnson (with apologies to Magic Johnson) is too arrogant to fall on his sword. It will take something a bit more seismic than has happened thusfar.

        • Maybe tr Pluto square his Moon might be an indication of seismic changes in his lifestyle but that’s not picking up until late March 2023 onwards.
          Tony Blair was loathed for months before he finally exited.

          • Thx Marjorie and Londinium Bear. If the men in suits at Tory HQ decide his popularity has crossed the rubicon they will bin him, with a view to winning the next GE. I wonder if there’s a chart for the 1922 committee….? Or we could crowd fund a Hit….

  5. The Kardashians are on a new venture that is premiering on Hulu on April 14. Can you look at that? It seems like another success based on a brief glance of the chart.

    Could you also read into Kourtney & Travis Barker who are getting married?

  6. I’m curious about Putin’s speech last night. While probably prerecorded, it started airing 21:00 Moscow Time (Feb 21st). My freeling is Putin revealed more of his inner self here than ever, for instance the level he identifies with Russian Czars and feels his mission is to restore Imperial Russia may come as a surprise to some.

    • @Cam, I would add “officially” invades Ukraine, because those ‘green men” have been in Donbass for years.

      That said, this is an interesting observation, and I think it has a lot to do with Putin going explicitly against values of US Declaration of Independence. It’s up to America to reaffirm these now.

  7. Marjorie,
    The new Batman movie opens on March 4 next.
    Have you any thoughts re how it will do?
    And many thanks if you do.
    All the best,

  8. Hi there. Would you please look at the chart for Trump’s new social media platform, Truth Social via Apple? It launched today. Thank you.

  9. Would be interested to see the chart of the young, multi-talented yet publicity-shy Jamal Edwards who suddenly died this weekend. He achieved more in his short life than many who live to three times his age.

  10. Hi Marjorie,

    Former reality television celebrity, author, dance teacher, and video blogger Abby Lee Miller recently made the news when it was revealed that she was undergoing cosmetic excess skin removal surgery since she’s lost a substantial amount of weight. She looks like a completely different person now.

    I was wondering if you would consider doing a write up on Abby Lee Miller. Astrologically speaking, are there any signs that would suggest Abby Lee Miller could be making a comeback to television and the entertainment industry?

    You’re probably already familiar with Abby Lee Miller – she owns and operates the Abby Lee Dance Company and she hosted a number of highly successful reality television series between 2010 and 2019 which include: Dance Moms (her main series), Abby’s Studio Rescue, Universal Dance Awards, Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition, and many others. Abby Lee Miller has also been a guest host on Dancing With the Stars. Miller’s stardom even influenced a spinoff British version of her show called “Dance Mums UK”

    Abby Lee Miller is a controversial and polarizing figure – her shows were filled with drama, screaming matches between herself and the mothers of the student dancers and people associated with rival dance companies, verbal confrontations between the mothers of the dancers, and even a few physical altercations between cast members. Miller was particularly controversial when it came to her “iron fist” approach with her student dancers – she would often scream at them, demand perfection, and issue harsh punishments to anyone who didn’t meet her expectations.

    Despite all of Abby Lee Miller’s MANY, MANY controversies, she’s still regarded as a popular culture icon – here in the U.S. and in some countries abroad. She still has a huge following….and I have to admit, I did often find her shows morbidly entertaining.

    Any astrological insights or thoughts you could share would be greatly appreciated. I’m truly curious to know if Abby Lee Miller could be making a comeback to reality television soon. Ever since Miller’s last series ended, reality television has been extremely boring without her.

    I tried to find Abby Lee Miller’s birth time….but it doesn’t appear to be available. According to Abby Lee Miller’s autobiography and various internet sources, she was born on September 21, 1965 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.

    Chris Romero

  11. Can you look into the Queen’s chart for these next few years? She’s old and is battling the coronavirus now. I don’t think her time is destined to end yet, but we might start to see some kind of succession happening. The end of the decade looks more promising for a new King and Queen.

  12. Hello Marjorie,

    Could you look at the chart for Ben Wallace the current Minister of Defence please? Is he a likely contender for Boris’ throne at all? Many thanks.

  13. Hi Marjorie!
    On news years day you wrote about The New Zealand horoscope.
    “tr Pluto will conjunct the high-stress Sun/Mars midpoint in February and from March the frustrating, trapped Mars for a tough two years ahead.” and
    “The NZ Saturn will be rattled around by tr Uranus conjunct early February to mid March this year which will bring tensions to the surface, but that will be fairly minor disruption”
    I wonder which of these things can explain the protests happening there now? I read yesterday that none of the copycat protests around the world are so serious (in terms of right wing extremist involvement) as those in Canada. With the exception of New Zealand. The protests in Wellington include all sorts of groups but also right wing extremists which can influence the other protesters as there is no clear leader for the protests. The police initially thought that the absence of leadership would make the protest easier too break-up but now the opposite is becoming the case – that there is no clear leader that the police can negotiate with.

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