The phenomenon that is David and Victoria Beckham has been honoured with a four part Netflix documentary, not that they need any more publicity. He is a football legend and fashion icon married in 1997 to a former Spice Girl, now fashion designer. Their fortune is reckoned to be around £350 million. His OCD is highlighted as well as his affair which nearly broke their marriage in 2003.
He was born 2 May 1975 6.17 am London and she 17 April 1974 10.07 am Herts, England (memory).
What is immediately obvious is her Aries Sun conjunct his 12th house Chiron which suggests a deep connection either of healing or a coming together because of a recognition of the other’s woundedness. Otherwise her frivolously indulgent Venus Jupiter Midheaven conjunct his Mars will bring a spark of excitement and attraction. His Venus in social butterfly Gemini is conjunct her Mars (and Saturn) which is half OK and half not. It really is not an obvious match with her Sun opposition his Uranus and his Taurus Sun inconjunct her Neptune.
It comes together more obviously in the relationship chart with a composite Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars conjunction – affectionate, passionate quite competitive. There is a composite Saturn square Pluto which will chain them together not always comfortably but will be difficult to split. The composite Saturn is in a stabilizing sextile to the composite Sun, Venus, Mars. The composite Pluto is inconjunct Mars, Sun, Venus and trine Moon – possessive, control issues and some aggravation. A complicated relationship which will have its rough edges, more than most and will have gone through an exceedingly bumpy patch when tr Uranus was in early Taurus 2020/21 crossing their composite Sun etc. Tr Pluto is also poised to put pressure on their togetherness as it squares Venus, Mercury, Sun and Mars from 2024 for a few years.
Her Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, is square her Mars Saturn conjunction so she was always going to attract a fiery relationship that would involve hard work and require effort to keep it together.
Their wedding chart, 4 July 1999 Dublin, had an over-the-top display of flamboyance which is not surprising given the Jupiter opposition Mars square Neptune opposition Mercury. With an ego-centric yod of Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct Sun.
One thought on his OCD. He does have a Neptunian yod of Taurus Sun sextile Saturn inconjunct Neptune which may give him a yearning for an unrealisable perfection. Plus he has a ramped up T square of a super-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto square a rigidly organized Saturn. Liz Greene also marks Uranus down as a perfectionist planet which I had never considered – a dream of the ideal. His Uranus squares his Capricorn Moon. So maybe the chemistry is all there for an obsessive need for order.
None of which matters a hoot except as a distraction from horrors elsewhere.
Many thanks Marjorie!
I would say that in these times, Beckhams can be good for mental health. I still haven’t watched the documentary series, but the part where David calls Victoria out for claiming she grew up
Also must say, I genuinely love Victoria’s style, even if I don’t have genes or self discipline to fit in styles similar to hers in my late 40’s. I wear Victoria Beckham eyeglasses, though, likely licensed to an Italian company or another, but still with some characteristics of her the designer brand, such as lean, graphic lines with luxurious looking material.
Sometimes distractions that are not too taxing are a good thing. I have been reading on the ME all week, and keeping tabs on my people there. Wishing you well.