Roger Federer having faced up to the ravages of time and the realities of a chronic knee injury has waved goodbye to professional tennis after a final doubles match with Rafael Nadal. Federer has has played 1,750th competitive matches and won 20 Grand Slam singles titles. He is considered one of the best and most popular players in tennis history. ‘His style of play – described as balletic, graceful and fluent – has endeared him to millions of fans across the world. So too has his polite and charming personality.’
“This is not the end-end, you know, life goes on”, he said “I’m healthy, I’m happy, everything’s great, and this is just a moment in time.”
Born 8 August 1981 8.40 am Bale, Switzerland, four days after Meghan Markle, he has a 12th house Sun Mercury in Leo with a secretive, determined Moon Uranus in Scorpio, a charming Venus in understated Virgo near his Ascendant and a do-or-die determined Pluto square Mars in Cancer. His Mars is conjunct the Fixed star Sirius, bringer of honour and sometimes riches.
The tr Saturn square tr Uranus is tugging on his Leo Sun and his Moon this year as his life moves into a new era. Tr Saturn is pulling him away from the past as it squares his Moon and tr Uranus does the same squaring his Sun. His Progressed Moon is also at the moment opposition his Moon Uranus conjunction for an emotional parting of the ways.
His 17th harmonic is the strongest = victory, enlightenment, making a mark on history.
True, but it was underpinned by unrelenting graft. The fates also gifted him good health, lack of injuries until later and a supportive home life. Lucky, but deservedly so. Wonderful to watch.
Brilliant ,natural gifted talent as opposed to hard graft man- made talent . He made tennis something more than just a sport.
@Jackie, also truly appreciated by all the ATP pros, regardless of their ranking, for his role as a spokesman. I think this is his Libra Saturn/Jupiter.