Bruce Willis has the distinction of a special category all to himself at the Razzies, the anti-Oscar awards – “Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie”. In a career replete with a Golden Globe, primetime Emmys and People Choice awards, he appears to have given up quality work over the last decade, appearing in B-action, direct-to-streaming thrillers that pay for minimal work from him. His name gives them bankability but for the mainstream they sink without trace. This last year he made an astonishing 8 such.
One film critic mourns the passing of his great roles in Pulp Fiction and Moonrise Kingdom amongst others and hopes he won’t spend ‘the rest of his career in well-paid obscurity.’
He was born 19 March 1955 6.32pm Idar-Oberstein, Germany with an American soldier father and German mother. He grew up with a stutter which acting on stage brought under control. Moonlighting with Cybill Shepherd was his breakthrough role when he hit 30 and his blockbuster Die-Hards cemented his top stardom.
What is pertinent to his recent lacklustre career is tr Saturn moving through his low profile first quadrant since 2009 – this coincided with his second marriage and then two more children in 2012/14. Saturn in this phase of life often prompts a rebalancing of priorities with more focus on personal and emotional fulfilment than outer ambitions. It also tends to be less successful so can be a time of treading water.
He does have a hugely complicated, talented and challenging chart. His 7th house Pisces Sun (a favoured sign for the movie business) is in a creative, not always realistic Water Grand Trine to a lucky Uranus Jupiter in his career 10th house trine Saturn in Scorpio. His Saturn opposes an 8th house Mars squaring onto Venus in Aquarius in his performing 5th house – making him emotionally intense, short-fused, stubborn. He also has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Sun – this will, especially in early adult life, have seen him veer between low self-esteem and then too much ego. Find the right track to focus his energies on would be crucial for him.
His Aquarius Moon also in the performing 5th is square Neptune and sextile his Sun though not heavily aspected otherwise. His Mercury in Pisces in his hard-working 6th is trine his Neptune and just opposition his Pluto, both out of element aspects. Which makes sense of his early stutter which disappeared when he found his destiny (yod).
He is coming out of his low profile Saturinine dip though tr Neptune square his Midheaven won’t help in 2023 and tr Uranus will shake up his life considerable this year and next; but his Solar Arc Jupiter is moving to conjunct his Ascendant in two years plus (birth time being accurate) and to oppose his Sun by 2025 – both of which might help to lift his credibility as an actor back to former glory.
This post is one of my favorites.
Just reveals how little can be perceived from the mask the world sees.
Thank you to Marjorie .
I liked Bruce Willis in his early career. There was one film where he played the supportive uncle of a girl whose father died in Vietnam. I liked him in Diehard and a few more films,. But stardom spoils most actors. Tge money becomes more important than the work.