Hugh Hefner, founder of the Playboy empire, four years after his death is embroiled in lurid stories of drugs and worse around his luxury mansions where heavily publicised wild partying was the norm. Teenage girls as young as 16 were trafficked, drugged, beaten, groomed for prostitution, and raped at ‘mini mansions’ owned by his friends and frequented by celebrities. Jennifer Saginor, daughter of his live-in physician who was also his lover, tried to blow the whistle in a 2005 memoir but Harper Collins, the publisher, pulled most of it for fear of retaliation from Hefner.
She said that wannabe ‘playmates’ who didn’t pass auditions at the Playboy Mansion would be housed at a network of Beverly Hills homes where they were fed false promises of modelling contracts and movie roles while ‘traded like cattle’ between rich and powerful men. The women were instead drugged and ‘pimped out’.
Hefner, born 9 April 1926, 4.20pm Chicago, was a political activist in the Democratic Party and for the causes of First Amendment rights, animal rescue, and the restoration of the Hollywood Sign.
He launched the original magazine in 1953 with financial help from his mother and the first copy, featuring a nude Marilyn Monroe calendar pic, sold over 50,000 copies.
What is eye-catching about his chart is how strong his control-freak Pluto is – in the 10th, square his Aries Sun, trine his Moon and Venus in Pisces and inconjunct his Mars in his ‘performing’ 5th. He was not a man do do anything by halves and looked to be a dominator. His Moon Venus was in a wide conjunction – a combination described once by astrology Richard Idemon as the ‘poisoned apple’ – the mother who offers sexuality wrapped up in nurturing, which might explain a lot.
He also had a Fixed T Square of Neptune in Leo opposition Jupiter in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio – unbudgeable and acquisitive. With an unpredictable, constantly changing Uranus in his 7th house of relationships.
The first Playboy, then named Stag Party, 1 December 1953, had Venus in sexy (can be sleazy) Scorpio conjunct Mercury square Pluto trine Uranus and inconjunct Jupiter.
What always chokes me off about these stories is how long it takes for them to see the light of day. Everyone knew and no one could get it published. I’ll bet there are a fair few who were on the guest lists who must be a touch edgy.
Marjorie, your astrology is fascinating!
Nirth nodes dfalling in someone’s 1st house etc you should give us a crash course into this.
If only Pluto would complete his journey through Capricorn with a flourish — by putting an end to icky, predatory old creeps like Hefner. Then we could create a kinder and safer world for young women and girls.
I read last week that one of Hef’s former girlfriends, Holly Madison, spoke of all the revenge porn that got made when women were drugged or drunk and had no idea what was going on. Seems it was made to be used against anyone who thought about speaking out including Holly. Crystal Hefner (Hef’s last wife/widow?) backed her up and said that she destroyed thousands of photos as she found them. I could never understand how such an ugly man kept it all gong for so long. Makes me so angry when #MeToo voices are mocked or blocked because this is exactly what it’s all about.
Reading about these situations leaves me disgusted and heartbroken. Where are these girls now? Hope all comes to light.
Fascinating article . Thank you
That is why there’s Marjorie who is able to forewarn us a bit or clear the view ,isn’t she ?
Thank you for eye-opening on a lot of issues .
As for soap opera entertainment how does the relationship of Julia Fox and West look like ?
Thanks Marjorie, another sickening nest of vipers! Possibly this is making Donald Trump a little uncomfortable, although I doubt it. He appeared on the Playboy magazine cover back in 1990, and was once a good friend of Hugh Hefner.
I noticed that Hefner’s BML is at 23 Leo, conjunct Neptune – which could describe the apparent ‘glamour’ images, with their darker hinterland in the realms of the lunar apogee. His controlling Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct the Playboy Venus, with that BML/Neptune squaring it. A Saturn/Venus contact can indicate all manner of “sex for sale” themes as well.
Also, in light of some other discussions recently, interesting to see the Playboy lunar nodes at 25 Capricorn, considering the Capricorn Venus/Mars/Pluto (trine nodes) line up this month.