Colin Powell, Secretary of State during GW Bush’s first term has died of covid complications. He was a professional soldier for 35 years before moving into politics and was known as ‘the reluctant warrior’ for his generally non-interventionist stance. Though his support of the UK Blair/Campbell ‘dodgy dossier’ justifying the Iraq attack did for his political career. He came across as sensible and warm-hearted though his career had various questionable blips – whitewashing the My Lai massacre for one, serving under Nixon and others (see wiki).
He was born 5 April 1937 in New York, no birth time, and had an Aries Sun and Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. He had a pushily-confident Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Mercury in Aries so would be a communicator. Though he also had a wide Neptune opposition Saturn in Pisces which would undercut his decisiveness at times.
An interesting man and the first African-American to be Secretary of State, followed by Condoleeza Rice. But I always thought he lacked the ‘killer’ instinct needed for high level political survival.
Starkman, official rectifier for Astrodatabank says… “My rectification with 33 events that I made a year ago gives birth time 9.05.56 pm Asc 18Sco20.
For his death, Node conjunct cusp 8th square Neptune. helio Mercury, 8th ruler, close to cusp 8th in Gemini also square Neptune.
Converse transit Saturn conjunct Desc orb 50′.
In the converse lunar return Mars rising in opposition to Pluto and Moon on IC- forming T-square.
In the converse solar return, for his death, Pluto on MC”
Thank you Marjorie. His father comes from a village near to my grandparents’ one in Jamaica and my grandma’s sister married into the Powell family. I don’t know them and am not related but I have been very proud to see what he has accomplished during his career and how he might have helped pave the way for others such as Kamala Harris (Jamaican father). Seems to have been a dignified man who was admired by all who worked alongside him. A sad few days as we see the passing of another man who was gifted in the ability to gain respect and admiration for the contributions he made.
Very interesting comment, thank you. You should be proud, he was a great man.
It is very sad to see the passing of the old guard, but part of his greatness was that he recognised it was time for that in 2008 when he bypassed voting for his friend Mc Cain and voted instead for Obama who he didnt know but had been observing closely.