Lionel Messi – a tearful farewell + new BT

Argentinian Lionel Messi, regarded as one of the best football players of all time, has left Barcelona FC where he has spent his entire super-successful career, amidst much regret and tears after contract negotiations failed. He has moved to Paris St Germain.  Last year he wanted to leave Barcelona and this year he had changed his mind but it didn’t work out.

  He was born 24 June 1987 in Rosario, Argentina and his birth time appears to have moved from 6am to 5.20pm (from memory), so should be regarded as iffy. He’s a Sun Cancer trine Pluto and opposition Neptune in Capricorn; with Jupiter in upfront Aries in an adventurous trine to Uranus Saturn, and in a risk-taking square to his Mars in Cancer.

  He’s looking buoyant this year with tr Pluto square his Jupiter this December but his chart is a touch swampy and uncertain from April 2022 onwards with tr Neptune square his Uranus and opposing his Sun/Saturn, on and off into 2023, which isn’t too exciting either.

  A Sun Cancerian won’t be too happy about leaving what has effectively been his home for two decades.

 See previous post below, written with the 6am birth time.

Post Aug 27 2020

Lionel Messi, reputed to be the best football player of all time, has shocked fans by announcing he wants to leave Barcelona after 20 seasons at Barcelona. At 32 he is nearing retiring age but everyone thought he would see his days out in the place he called home. The club’s performance has been deteriorating in the past five years so it’s assumed he wanted one last shot at greatness before hanging up his boots. There’ll be a vicious legal wrangle before he goes and it’s not clear he’ll be able to reverse out of his contract.

  Born 24 June 1987 6am Rosario, Argentina, he’s a Sun Cancer in the financial 2nd house opposition a mesmerising 8th house Neptune square North Node in Aries. His ambitious Mars Mercury in Cancer are also in his financial 2nd house in a risk-taking square to Jupiter. He has a confidently enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries in an adventurous trine to Uranus and a well-balanced trine to Saturn.

 He has had tax authority problems with fraud charges being laid which he blamed on his father who handled his business affairs. That is interesting in terms of his 8th house Neptune, which Sean Connery also has – and his wife Micheline was embroiled in a major Spanish tax tangle recently over the sale of a house. The 8th house rules joint and business finances and Neptune there can indicate evasiveness where authority figures are concerned. Which being Neptune usually comes out into the open at some point.

   Messi does have tr Pluto opposition his Mars trailing on from last year until late this November which is acutely frustrating so he won’t have been contented. Especially with tr Pluto still moving through his trapped 8th house where it has been for the past decade or so. And tr Saturn has also been moving through his 8th since late 2017 which won’t have improved his spirits either.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there hadn’t been more financial headaches although the main tax charges were theoretically tied up in 2016.

  It’ll be easier on him from the New Year with tr Saturn moving out of his 8th and the tr Pluto Mars aspect being finished. But he’s still got tr Neptune trailing along for a couple more years square his Saturn/Uranus midpoint and then his Uranus. But he’ll be energised with tr Pluto square his Jupiter over the New year and on and off through 2021.

  Barcelona FC was founded 29 November 1899 and has a lively Sun Uranus in sporting Sagittarius, with Mars Node, Mercury, Saturn, Venus also in Sagittarius and Neptune Pluto in Gemini. Messi’s Jupiter in Aries trines most of the Barcelona Sagittarius planets and the Barca Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio is trine his Mars Mercury. But there would always have been rough edges with Messi’s Saturn Uranus conjunct the Barca Mars, Mercury, Saturn.

  The relationship chart has a friendly, business-like and innovative composite Sun opposition Venus square Uranus Saturn with a go-getting Jupiter trine Mars.

  The club is labouring under the same swampy Neptune transits over the next three years as Messi is, so it won’t be a progressive time for them.

Add on:

Thanks to Jamie.

“It’s in Spanish but an Argentine astrologer Juan Cruz Sirius has just uploaded to his blog what he claims is the real birth certificate of Messi. The birth time given is 8.30 pm.”

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