The pornographer Larry Flynt, a self-confessed smut peddler, who made gzillions out of adult entertainment and became an unlikely champion for free speech, has died. He launched Hustler magazine in the 1970s initially as advertising for his strip club businesses and it grew into a more explicit and hardcore magazine than Playboy and Penthouse, with often violent imagery or illusions involving women and children and immigrants.
The Times described him as having an almost pathological need to cause offence. He spent his life fending off lawsuits and fought one freedom-of-speech issue up to the Supreme Court and won – turned into a movie starring Woody Harrelson.
Flynt was shot and left paralysed in his mid-thirties by a white supremacist, angry at an interracial shoot for Hustler. By this time Flynt had been through three wives had four children, found and then lost God, and was on his fourth marriage to a 17 year old dancer described as ‘a promiscuous bisexual, [in whom] he found his perfect soulmate’. She helped him build up the Hustler empire and stood by him when he was condemned to a wheelchair. Though tragically she died a decade later, a drug addict with Aids, from a heroin overdose and drowned in the bath.
He was born 1 November 1942 9.10 om Salyersville, Kentucky, into a dirt poor family with a sister dying of leukaemia young, his father’s drinking out of control which caused his mother to split.
He had a Sun, Venus, Mars in Scorpio in his performing/entertainment 5th house – intense, focussed on sex, attention-demanding. His Scorpio planets all squared Pluto in the financial 2nd – immensely controlling and obsessed with money. His Pluto was further emphasised being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to a 12th house Saturn Uranus in Gemini trine Neptune, sextile Pluto. He grabbed for money and held on to it. His lucky Jupiter in the 2nd also helped. And he had a flamboyant Leo Moon in the 3rd.
When he was shot in 1978 tr Saturn was square his Progressed Mars just on the cusp of his 6th house of health; with his Solar Arc Neptune approaching the devastating square to his Pluto and conjunct his Sun in the aftermath – he became dependent on powerful sedatives after a long six month recuperation in hospital.
His fourth wife Althea, 6 November 1953 5.45 pm Marietta, Ohio, was a New Moon in Scorpio which certainly chimed with his Scorpio Sun, but her Saturn in Scorpio was oddly conjunct his Mars Venus for a fairly blocked and warped connection. Her Uranus was conjunct his 2nd house Jupiter, so she’d bring luck and innovative ideas to his money-making schemes. Her Jupiter was also conjunct his Ascendant so she’d definitely be a motivator.
The relationship chart was oriented towards work and entertainment with a 6th and 5th house focus. With a trapped, chained-together Saturn Pluto on the IC so their domestic life wouldn’t be a ball of light hearted fun.
Interesting to note his Venus Mars conjunction which is also found in the charts of Jeffrey Epstein, Tom Jones, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, the Thai king. Jimmy Savile had a Scorpio Sun Venus opposition Mars in Taurus. It does clearly have one manifestation which prompts excessive sexual behaviour. Though clearly will have other ways of operating since Janet Yellen also has it.
Felt pretty sorry for the guy, do not like porn, but he did not deserve to be shot.
And more about ghandi:
However, it is interesting to read Mahatma Gandhi’s biography and note how much energy and focus he placed on sex! It became an integral part of his working through a kind of spiritual moral ethic path (brahmacharya)…manifested in testing his ability to not only be celibate but his ability to not be tempted. By sleeping with a select number of women (not sexually)…. and speaking of it publicly. Complicated!!
He was still working through those Scorpio/Pluto … and possibly Mars/venus…. issues!
Interesting note, Marjorie, about the Mars/Venus conjunction. As I think of those I know with this… you have something here. I also find that there is a real equal presentation of masculine and feminine qualities.. in looks, in demeanour, in voice….. not androgynous…. just “equal”. Also kind of chameleon-like.
Gandi abused young women.
definitely not condoning what he did…. just describing it in a brief paragraph about his astrology.
I’ve not seen any definite evidence but I never did buy the holier-than-thou celibate from the look of his chart.
‘Though clearly will have other ways of operating since Janet Yellen also has it.”
Well, Venus is related to money and finances. People you listed with this position not born to privilege seem to be of have been good in making money, too. I’d say house position and other aspects matters a lot in how. In Flynt’s case, that 5th house position is telling. He had at least some people entertained.
Plus Mahatma Gandhi had Mars Venus conjunct in Scorpio, opposed by a Jupiter Pluto conjunction and squared by the moon in Leo. As you say, excessive sexual behaviour is but one manifestation of this conjunction.