Singer Mary Wilson, a founding member of the Supremes, the most successful Motown act of the 1960s and best charting female group in US history, has died suddenly. Two days ago she announced on YouTube she was intending to release new solo material so it was unexpected.
Born 6 March 1944 10.11 am Greenville, Mississippi, she was sent to live with relatives whom she thought were her parents when she was three and pulled away from them aged nine when her mother reclaimed her. She had a musical 11th house Sun and Mercury in Pisces in square to Mars Saturn in Gemini, so she didn’t have it easy either in childhood or later, despite her success. She also had an emphasised Moon Pluto North Node in her 4th on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to a musical Neptune in the performing 5th in a creative and inspirational trine to Uranus. Such a strong Pluto would contribute towards her ability to have an influence on society. She also had a superficially charming Jupiter opposition a 10th house Venus in Aquarius giving her an ability to turn on the smiles for the cameras and on stage.
She was married for six years to the Supremes road manager and had three children, one of whom died in his teens in a road accident in which she was also injured.
What is slightly spooky was the points when her natal Mars Saturn was triggered. Aged three she was sent away from home and at that point her Sun had moved by Solar Arc to square her Mars Saturn. When her sixteen year old son was killed in 1994, her Mars Saturn had moved by Solar Arc to conjunct her Moon. And now at her sudden death, her Solar Arc Mars Saturn was exactly square her Uranus (within a few minutes of a degree) and tr Neptune was exactly square her Mars Saturn.
A talented, vibrant woman, she had her crosses to bear.
Add On: Her love life was evidently riotous with affairs with Steve McQueen, Sir David Frost, film producer David (now Lord) Puttnam and Tom Jones. Tom Jones, 7 June 1970, she evidently said was ‘the one’ despite his Gemini Sun being conjunct her Mars Saturn; though his emotional and exuberant Venus Mars in Cancer trine her Sun would help. Their relationship chart did have an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a passionate square to Pluto and sextile a sparky Mars. His wife according to reports ended the liaison.
She had a famously tricky relationship with Diana Ross, lead singer with the Supremes who then went solo. Ross, born only three weeks later on 26 March 1944 11.48 am in Detroit, had the same ratchety Mars Saturn conjunction, which translated in the relationship chart into a composite Moon, Mars, Saturn – so an emotional conflict zone.
They rocked the world, still do. Amazing women.
A very tough and inspirational woman.
Stuart Cosgrove’s majestic book “Detroit ’67” gives a harrowing insight into Motown
in general, and the Supremes in particular.
The cruel hand of Fate stepped in, to rob Mary of her final twilight victory.
Regardless of that, she has left her immortal mark.
The south node on her natal Neptune in the 8th house.
How awful! Unfortunately, these kind of unrelated sudden deaths seem to become more common too with covid-19 crisis dragging, with people either skipping their regular check-ups or postponing visits to doctor for what they think are “minor complaints”. I’ve heard of a couple of heart related deaths or near miss situations like this recently, most recently this morning.
Covid produces clots. You think you’re fine – and the, suddenly, death by aneurism, heart attack, etc.
In her case, however, I do wonder if she took the vaccine – vaccines to the elderly seem to make more harm than good (covid vaccines, I mean).
No actually they don’t – they do a great deal of good and will undoubtedly save lives. I had my first vaxx (Moderna) three weeks ago with no problems at all and another this coming week.
The girls, The fabulous Supremes. I still dance around to them in my 60s. Bless her and them.