Trump’s tantrums on losing have sent him flailing around to express his frustrated outrage in ways that alarm even his stalwart enablers. Having been dissuaded from bombing Iran (to date) he then decided to summarily withdraw large numbers of American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. Mitch McConnell called the plan “a mistake” and warned the president against making “any earth-shaking changes in regards to defence and foreign policy” before leaving the White House. Fast reduction of troops will almost certainly weaken the Afghan government’s ability to deal with a resurgent Taliban and bring to a head tensions between the Pentagon and White House.
Trump’s relations with Secretary of State Pompeo were always a good deal less amiable than the PR suggested, despite Pompeo being a trenchant right-winger. The composite hard-edged Saturn opposition Mars in their relationship chart has been upended over the election and will move into an even more volatile few weeks from today until December 20th with tr Uranus lighting a fuse under simmering resentment.
Similarly Trump’s interface with McConnell is under a separating chill with tr Saturn square the composite Sun now; and in turmoil with tr Uranus square the Pluto from today till after mid December.
Pompeo and McConnell as a twosome are moving through a confused and agitated few weeks till late this year; and will not be winning much together through 2021 with tr Neptune conjunct their composite Mars.
Pence, as Head of the WH coronavirus task force, is facing even more of a test of loyalty than usual as Trump downplays the crisis in the face of soaring figures. There’ll be a wet blanket on their connection in early December and relief late December to early February 2021 perhaps as they unlatch; with losses and disappointment thereafter.
Pompeo, it is thought, has his eyes on 2024 though that could cause problems in the unlikely event of Trump surviving long enough (politically or otherwise) to throw his hat into the ring as well. Pompeo’s personal chart shows discouragement by mid 2021 with a Solar Arc Saturn square his Mercury; a car-crash setback in mid 2022 from Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars; confusion and upsets by 2024 including tr Pluto starting to move across his Midheaven – this last can bring disgrace and reputation crashing down or a ruthless push for advancement. Given the state of his Solar Arcs it’ll be questionable whether his time for glory has arrived.
Well here we are on Dec 7th and the devil went down to Georgia rally was just plain crazy. Guess those mask less folks don’t believe in COVID. Meanwhile Rudolph has it and gets pushed to the front of the line to get top treatment in a DC hospital.Trump has raised millions but still in denial. Where is Graham, McConnell etc? And don’t get me started on the folks getting evicted and standing in long food lines. That’s not fake news. Come on America, aren’t we better than this?
Hey Marjorie can you look at Sidney Powell/Kraken? She seems unstable and either doesn’t believe or know how to use spell and fact check. Her lawsuits are ridiculous.
I’ve been reading about John Fetterman, the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania who has been steadfastly resisting Trump’s attempts to overturning the results of the election there. He stands 6ft 8inches, with a long goatee beard and tattoos! Describes himself as a democratic socialist. Was born in Pittsburg with a working class background. Unsurprisingly he’s a Capricorn with Sun square Saturn in Aries, Mars in Scorpio and Mercury in Aquarius. The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction is currently conjunct his natal Sun.
It’s spelled Pittsburgh. With an “h” at the end. 😉 my birth city. we’re proud of that trailing “h”. everyone forgets it.
Apologies larry, that must be annoying. x
oh, yes, esp during holidaze. 😉
@solaia Tx I think Marjorie’s astrology suggests (23/08/20) that Captain Chaos is lying and cheating his way to SCOTUS hoping for lady luck to help? But this time things don’t work out as planned. Also where better to develop Trump TV than India.
Assuming his birth time is about right. His successful Jupiter MC line runs through extreme western India, Pakistan, Tashkent and Kabul.
His other success line the Sun MC runs through Rio de Janeiro – does Brazil have an extradition treaty?
Otherwise for an ambitious drive his Mars MC runs through South Africa, up through the Congo and Eastern Europe
@Marjorie, both Brazil and India have extradiction treaties with The US, but If Trump were to flea, he’d likely choose Brazil. Last I checked, Bolsonero was one of the only three G20 leaders who hadn’t congratulates Biden for electoral victory, others being Mexico’s Mexico’s Lòpez Obrador and of course Putin. Also, there is a good episode of Trump Inc. on Trump’s Indian connections, and it seems infatuation Indians have on Trump might be rather onesided. Developement projects Trump Org. is involved with there are, for instance, on nicely put semirural areas.
Sydney Powell is an interesting one to watch here and It’s not over just yet for DJT. If and when he thinks it’s over India maybe his country of choice?
President Donald Trump has invited Republican state lawmakers from Michigan to the White House on Friday, according to a person familiar with the matter, as the President and his legal team are mounting an effort to overturn the results of the election he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.
Trump also called two Republican canvass board members from Wayne County, to Tuesday to offer his support, the person said, after they went back and forth on voting to certify the election results from the state’s largest county, which includes Detroit. The board members filed affidavits Wednesday seeking to “rescind” their votes to certify the election result.
Using info from sources other than twitter, the GOP board members cannot rescind as there is no legal mechanism to do such.
@Ian S, I suppose “interesting to watch” as in “batsh*t crazy”. She claimed Hugo Chàvez, who has been dead for 7 years, was behind tampering Dominion counting machines. Giuliani and his gang are really a distraction now, the aim is to keep media occupied while Trumpers at WH are gasping their very last straw, getting Republican dominated State Congresses to replace Democratic Electors with Republican ones on an excuse of “unlawful votes”.
The issue with this is that such an act is indictable in most States, and Democrat AGs will not hesitate to indict anyone attempting this. I suspect this will be especially true for Michigan, even if some State Senators seem willing to humor Trump by flying to WH in the middle of a pandemic surge. The problem is, of course, that Michigan AG Dana
Nessel is a Democrat and tough as nails. She won’t be intimidated.
Also, some high profile Republicans have had enough of Team Trumps atticks. Out of Senators, Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse (who certainly was spooked by Biden gaining most ground Nationwide, as respect to Clinton in 2016, in NE-2, and who has no doubt been thinking about a Presidential run in 2024) made clear statements late Thursday evening. As Georgia will get certified, I wouldn’t be surprised if others joined over the weekend. Senate is in recession for 11 days around Thanksgiving, they probably expect Trump to signal concession (he won’t, formally) by Dec 1st.
Re 2024 I think it’s more about Ivanka than The Donald. Trump is sitting sulking and turning out desperate tweets and embarassingly hollow, ineffectual press briefings. Please any idea how this will pan out? Will he have to be dragged out with lots of Mars in Leo on his ascendant drama or is it that he will scuttle off in the dark like a thief (Neptune slicing thru his Moon?
@Anita F, the issue with Ivanka is that a big part of Trump’s base sees her essentially as “New York Liberal”. Trotting around in 5000 dollars Valentino dresses and 800 dollars Jimmy Choo heels while being investigated for tax fraud related to Trump Org paying her consultancy fees – the lates NYT story – won’t help either. Misogyny in The US politics is very true, women have to explain even legitimate income. There is, also, a real chance Ivanka will be convicted on this and thus not eligible.
Tr. Saturn in Pisces will be squaring DJT’s natal Sun/Uranus/NN opposition Moon by the time campaign season rolls around in 2024 and into early 2025. Doesn’t strike me as very auspicious careerwise. On the positive for him, Uranus will be directly over his Taurus MC, and Jupiter will be in Gemini closely conjunct his natal Sun/Uranus conjunction on Election Day 2024, with the Moon and Venus also in Sagittarius also aspecting those points in his chart on that day. Unfortunately he might be a force to be reckoned with in 2024, if his legacy remains intact after legal challenges and scandals that come out in the next four years (definitely not a given). Tr. Neptune in Pisces is about to square his Sun and Moon for the next couple of years, which is a real slog, but it clears early 2023.
In short, Trump or Trumpism might not be going away anytime soon and neither will the big divides plaguing our society. Last time Uranus was in Gemini and Neptune was in Aries was the 1860s, which saw the American Civil War. The US will going through its Uranus return in 2027 (square an accident prone Rx Mars in Virgo for part of that year) and Neptune in Aries will be squaring the country’s Cancer placements for several years out starting in 2027. Overall looks like a time of division, protest, and even civil unrest but also one of technological advancements, especially globally. The US doesn’t look strong during this time.
Biden’s DOJ isn’t going to prosecute him, but I don’t think that a 78 y/o white man vs. Kamala Harris is the visual the GOP wants for the next presidential election.
With Pluto firmly ensconced in Aquarius any involvement by Trump in the 2024 election will lead to the defeat of the GOP.
@Roderick, he can be indicted for state crimes, such as real estate fraud, and I can’t think any reason what so ever why New York State prosecutors would not continue to pursue their open investigations. Also, as far as Federal crimes go, “Biden’s DOJ” will definitely investigate Trump 2020 Campaign. Campaign finance transparency is something Biden seems to feel very strongly about, possibly because this was such a weak point for Clintons and gave both Republicans and leftwing Democrats loads of ammo on them (again, I will say Biden doesn’t get enough credit on how truly remarkable a politician he is, because everybody is so blinded by Mitch McConnell’s Machiavellian spin).
@ Solaia
No, my view of Biden is crystal clear–he’s a DNC centrist who has spent his entire life running for president and isn’t going to allow anything to overshadow his presidency especially not Donald Trump, and Biden will have the final say as who will be his AG.
Hell, Biden may choose a Republican as AG to appear bipartisan so he can heal the country.
It is too bad that the 70 million Trump voters didn’t get the memo.
@larryc: She is young enough to run beyond 2024 you know, so time in on her side. All she has to do is remarry and refashion her image as antithesis of her father and boom….she’s the GOP nominee and the first female President.
“Pompeo, it is thought, has his eyes on 2024 though that could cause problems in the unlikely event of Trump surviving long enough (politically or otherwise) to throw his hat into the ring as well. Pompeo’s personal chart shows discouragement by mid 2021 with a Solar Arc Saturn square his Mercury; a car-crash setback in mid 2022 from Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars; confusion and upsets by 2024 including tr Pluto starting to move across his Midheaven – this last can bring disgrace and reputation crashing down or a ruthless push for advancement. Given the state of his Solar Arcs it’ll be questionable whether his time for glory has arrived. ”
Pompeo has already distanced himself from Trump by going into an extensive foreign tour. It is, obviously, still his job, but I gather this must be humiliating with foreign leaders politely making it known there isn’t much he can bring to table anymore.
Also, I don’t think he has much political future, at least in Washington. Apparently, he is despised by just about everybody who has worked with or for him. There were complaints of him making State Department staff walk his dog or fetch dry cleaning, leading to firing of Inspector general Steve Linick. I suspect we’ll learn more once career staff feel free to talk.
The classic “fact finding mission”…reminded me of a scene from the movie “Dave”.