11 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

    • I’m actually crying. What a remarkable and impactful person we all lost. This goes well beyond The US because of Supreme Court rulings shape the legal environment outsiders work at, too.

      Politically speaking, I knew she only had days when DJT had that bizarre last minute press conference on Supreme Court nominations on Monday. This is, however, something that may divide GOP more than just about anything Trump. Ted Cruz – truly the most despicable character in The US politics – immediately said nomination should go forward ASAP. But, interestingly, many Republican Senate Incumbents on shaky seats may feel differently, because they really need this “conservative judge”, or at least ablity to filibuster any Biden WH Nomination as a winning argument. Susan Collins, at least, is on record with not voting any Nomination before Inauguration 2021. Lindsay Graham, who is tied with Jaime Harrison, made a promise in 2016 after Scalia died that he would not confirm any Nomination on the last year of the first term in 2020 either, and definitely would see this as a way to tip the scale. Because he might be compromised somehow, but he is not stupid.

      • @ Solaia,

        I’m horrified that all of this is happening. I knew, astrologically, the courts looked ominous around this time. However, I didn’t put much stock into it until Ruth Bader Ginsburg announced her cancer had returned.

        I know Lisa Murkowski announced she wouldn’t confirm any new judges under after the election…and Susan Collins (who I’m still on the fence with) has reportedly said the same thing. There’s the possibility Mitt Romney might refuse too as well. However, if this scenario plays out, we would still need one more Republican to side with Democrats – AND we’d need to make sure Democrat Joe Manchin (who is the only conservative Democrat left in the Senate) sides with the Democratic Party on this.

        The U.S. Senate map looks shaky for Republicans this year. For example, Cory Gardener is in trouble in Colorado (a blue state) and he might consider holding off the SCOTUS vote.

        And there is the Senate race in Arizona. Republican incumbent Martha McSally has been trailing in every poll against Democratic challenger Mark Kelly. If Mark Kelly wins the Senate race this year…then he will get sworn in immediately after the election – he won’t have to wait until January. Reason being: Martha McSally is an appointed official; she was never elected.

        So, there are a few small rays of light…..but we’re going to need mass demonstrations, phone calls, etc. to keep the pressure on.

  1. *** Revised Post ***


    Former actress and model Amy Dorris alleges in an a recent and exclusive interview with The Guardian that back in September 1997 (a month before her 25th birthday), Donald Trump accosted her outside of a restroom in front of his VIP box at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament in New York.

    Dorris claims Trump tried to force his tongue down her throat (in an effort to French kiss her) while fondling her and holding her in a tight grip – all without her consent. She described the incident as traumatic and it left her feeling sick and violated.

    The story is being covered by The Guardian (where they provide video of the actual interview), Newsweek, Rolling Stone, and NBC News.

    I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding this breaking news story.

    I couldn’t find a birth time for Amy Dorris (I did spend a great time looking for it, but to no avail). However, information regarding her date of birth and place of birth are readily available.

    Amy Dorris was born on October 1, 1972 in Madison Heights, Michigan.

    Anyway, any thoughts or insights you could share would be greatly appreciated. I know you’ve done readings on a number stories similar to this one….but the reason why I’m specially curious about this case is because I really met with a psychic and Tarot reader who predicted seeing a “blonde woman” coming out with more allegations against Trump around autumn time. The timing was spot on.

    • I apologize for all of the grammatical errors in my post – I was typing from my smartphone and the auto-correction function was changing a number of words an spellings without my approval.

  2. Marjorie,

    Former actress and model Amy Dorris alleges in an a recent and exclusive interview with The Guardian that back in September 1997 (a month before her 25th birthday), Donald Trump accosted her outside of a restroom in front of his VIP box at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament in New York.

    Dorris claims Trump tried to force his tongue down her throat (in an effort to French kiss her) while fondling her and holding her in a tight grip – all without her consent. She described the incident as traumatic and it left her feeling sick and violated.

    I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding this breaking news story.

    I couldn’t find a birth time for Amy Dorris (I did spend a great time looking for it, but to no avail). However, information regarding her date of birth and place of birth are readily available.

    Amy Dorris was born on October 1, 1972 in Madison Heights, Michigan.





    Anyway, any thoughts or insights you could share would be greatly appreciated. I know you’ve done readings on a number stories similar to this one….but the reason why I’m specially curious about this case is because I really met with a psychic and Tarot reader who predicted seeing a “blonde woman” coming out with more allegations against Trump around autumn time. The timing was spot on.

  3. Hi Marjorie, On September 16, 2020, in the afternoon, the voting to designate the Prime Minister took place at both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. Member of the House of Representatives SUGA Yoshihide was designated as the Prime Minister. Prime Minister Suga became the 99th Prime Minister since ITO Hirobumi, the first Prime Minister of Japan. What is future of New PM through planetary observation?

  4. Hello Marjorie

    Today the Backto60/Waspi campaign lost their legal case, led by Michael Mansfield. QC. Born in 1956, I am one of these women. Would there be anything in the astrology on whether this is now a lost cause? Gutted for all those women in their 60s who are on the floor at this news. Thank you if you can take a peek.

  5. Hi Marjorie, without sounding too crazy?” It’s going to get colder” etc. I have been wondering about the effects of the solar minimum on the world leaders as we enter this period. For example during 1700’s the reign of the Louis 14th, or Cromwell reign a bit earlier and the Chinese ruler who expanded Chinese influence all through that time. They all had significant long lasting effects, I read your piece on The Great Frost of 1709 with interest and wondered if we can look at parallels with leadership?

  6. Good evening Marjorie,
    I’ve looked at various years ahead and note what I think (you and others may think otherwise)
    and extraordinary year ahead, i.e., 2026 and especially from July onwards when the Outer Planets
    are all making trines and sextiles to each other at around 4 degrees.
    Was wondering is this notable/rare?
    Thank you if you comment and have a good week!

  7. Lily Allen just got married to Stranger Things actor, David Harbour this week. It seems like an odd match but hey, maybe it has the very ingredients for a long term relationship, which is rare in Hollywood.

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