Tim Davie, the new broom Director General at the BBC, is picking up the reins this Tuesday with a rolling series of crises to handle – rows over funding, journalistic bias, audience loss to streaming giants. He evidently has bold plans to scythe through the corporation’s over weighty and expensive management, which has been a bone of contention for years, to unpick the metropolitan London mindset by connecting to audiences outside the capital – and last but not least is rumoured to be about to reinstate the words of Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia at the Proms.
Born 25 April 1967, he’s a Sun Taurus with Uranus Pluto in Virgo sextile Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio inconjunct Mercury in Aries which in turn opposes Mars in Libra. He’ll be determined, innovative, argumentative, not always easy to relate to. His Saturn in Aries will make him self-reliant and his Jupiter in Cancer squaring his Mars will give him confidence and enthusiasm.
He’ll start his new job at 8am in Glasgow which gives a crisis-ridden Saturn Pluto opposition Venus square an 8th house Mars in Aries – so he won’t go short on drama and high-stress, with money being a key issue. What may help on his DG term chart is an Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine Uranus trine Jupiter which should lead to sound business ideas. But it will be a rough ride – with internal resistance given Saturn Pluto in the 4th as well as external pressure and setbacks with joint finances being a hot spot.
His relationship chart with the BBC has a volatile Mars Uranus trine Pluto and Pluto opposition Sun – so there will be a few if not constant running tugs of war and outbursts.
However his personal chart does have some go-ahead, upbeat influences through 2021/22 from tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter; and his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto and then Uranus between now and 2023 so he will have more than a few successes with his radical overhaul plans.
The BBC is in an insecure and quarrelsome few months with tr Uranus square the Mars in unyielding Aquarius. And no sooner will that have moved on than after mid 2021 than a sharp-shock Solar Arc Mars opposition Sun will hit. So running collisions for a while. Assuming the start time is accurate of 6pm then there may be a minor easing of some financial pressures from this New Year. Though it’ll be 2025/26 before it’s out of the woods as far as funding is concerned.