24 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie, wondering if Pluto’s last 4 years in Capricorn is part of this Covid-19 spread
    and preparing us for the late 2020s and 2030s?
    Thank you if you comment, look into.

  2. Would you be interested in looking at Taylor Swift & Joe Alywn’s relationship (splashed across the Daily Mail today) as some light relief?

  3. Hi Marjorie
    Please check out Charley Ross’s astrology chart. Charley was born on may 4, 1870 disappeared July 1, 1874 in Philadelphia. Charley was the first child missing & the kidnappers demanded ransom in the u.s! C.R. was never seen again! Can astrology tell what happened this child? Was he adopted by another family? Did he end up murdered?

  4. Hello Marjorie

    The great French chef Michel Roux snr has died, 19.4.41. If you can please can we look at his chart? He and his brother totally transformed the restaurant scene in Britain. Bet Taurus is prominent……

  5. Hi there. Job agencies and recruiters are asking me about the virus status in Seattle, as it is affecting their business dealings here. I tell them “just read the news”, no matter the source. Tho if confusion continues to spout from the WH, in tandem with Boeing’s demise, this place could become a kind of ghost town. residents huddling together in fromt of their flat panel TV screens, wringing hands together 😉

    Might it be possible to ask about Seattle/kirkland and the outcome from the virus panic? Healthcare professionals insist I “be alert”…but alert to what, exactly? Thanks.

  6. With all that’s going on (and a lot happened yesterday!) and NYSE opening again in 10 minutes,
    any thoughts on the UK Banks and their outlook? Pretty sure you covered Bank of Scotland, Lloyds, RBS in the past
    so have their inception dates etc.
    Thank you if you look into!

  7. Plenty of articles on Ivanka for President in 2024. “The chances are better than you think!”


    Someone tell me it ain’t gonna be…

    • Ivanka Trump will never be President….and Donald Trump will NOT be reelected this year. Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams (or Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) will win this November.

      • She has one of those “lucky” chart, just like her dad. That said, she comes from Saturn and Pluto square to her natal Pluto and Jupiter, a period on which she might have felt somewhat in control. But she also does have lots of Scorpio and Sadgittarius personal planets that will receive square after square in the next 4 years or so. This usually indicates a period things are not generally speaking going one’s way. Also, Neptune is about to square her Natal (precise) Neptune/Venus in 2022. This ongoing “girl boss” larp explaned perfectly by this aspect won’t feel as attractive when it includes some actual accountability in a post-covid19 World. She might even divorce Jared, who will feel his FILs wrath after stockmarket plummets due to the address he helped to draft (I think Steven Miller may fall on this sword, too).

        Finally, American Electorate truly seems misogynist. See Biden’s success in Midwest and even Washington, compared to Hillary against the same candidate with exactly the same agenda 4 years ago. I remember discussing this with white suburban American ladies, and their hatred of Hillary was palpable. The reason was not what you’d think – they were not mad because of Beghazi or her e-mails, but because she hadn’t divorced Bill. They will similarly hate Ivanka for not denouncing her father.

        • Thanks Solaia. Why Hillary stuck with Mister Bill is amazing. Many of us suspected at the time that it was Bill’s back door to another presidential run.

  8. Interesting about Mercury in Aries and the race-car driver. I have Mercury in Aries. I’ve tended to drive on the fast side all my life–have collected a good number of speeding tickets over the years. Both an astrologer and a handwriting analyst once told me that I’d make an excellent race-car driver (LOL!) I am actually very adept behind the wheel, effortlessly averting scrapes, etc. But with age I’m not nearly as hell-bent as I used to be on the road…or off.

    • I looked his chart up once, because of an April 10th Aries I know. He was born the same day as Mike Hawthorn, a race driver who was killed a couple of months after retiring from F1. My working theory on Hawthorn was that he had Aries Mercury on aspect to MC. Mercury /MC somehow pops up with race drivers a lot.

  9. stores of nyc filled
    jaunty blase Asian and european tourists and their buses
    union Square filled with yuppies.
    THEY don’t take this seriously

    • I would like to know who are these Europeans and Asians? China basically makes you quarantine after a trip abroad now. Same in Japan and South Korea. Italy is in a lockdown. Maybe Russians, they have just 17 cases, after all (lolz). Can’t think of Asians travelling at the moment.

  10. I’ve seen elsewhere a forecasting that a woman of prominence may pass on this year. I find it peculiar that not many genuine astrologers have written about RBG. Given her current health and the fact that the elderly are more prone to die from Covid-19, how is her future situation looking Marjorie?

  11. right now investor activists are starting to go after twitter, do you see ceo jack dorsey staying in the role, and what future do you see for the company over the next few years?

    Jack Dorsey
    November 19, 1976
    St. Louis, MO

    Twitter Goes Public
    Nov. 07, 2013
    10:50 a.m. NYC
    source: https://business.time.com/2013/11/07/live-updates-twitter-goes-public/

    Twitter Surges After Activists Seek to Replace CEO Dorsey
    Elliott Management Corp. = Paul Singer, born August 22, 1944, New York

    …and thank you for updating this site and writing so frequently!

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