UK economy & politics – TMay and TBlair (urgh)



The noise around the Brexit-will-it-bankrupt-the-UK debate has an irritatingly low sense-to-sound ratio. I wondered whether Solar Returns for the UK might give any pointers. The 1993 Solar Return when the UK crashed out of the ERM certainly showed up strongly with Uranus Neptune in the financial 8th opposition Mars; with Sun also in the 8th, and Saturn in the 10th square a 6th house Pluto.

Looking back over the recessions of the 20th Century, the Solar Returns do seem to point up a financial crisis with most often Mars in the 8th, sometimes Uranus; though there were a couple which didn’t show up much.

This year the UK 2016 SR (from January 1) has a successful (or confident) Jupiter in the 10th, plus a pressured Sun Pluto in the 2nd. The 2017 SR looks upbeat where international and business finances are concerned with Jupiter in the 8th; though there’s an erratic, insecure Mars Uranus in the 2nd; plus a get-serious Saturn in the 10th. 2018 looks enthusiastic on the speculation front with Mars Jupiter in the 5th; hostile relations with neighbours from Sun Pluto in the 7th which figures; a directionless Neptune conjunct MC and unpredictable Uranus also in the 10th. 2019 looks marginally more ominous with Uranus in the 8th and a worrisome Moon in the 2nd; with a depressed population Saturn in the 4th. 2020 looks challenging but basically OK, as does 2021.

So not much of an indication of a total nosedive there. Where financial unpredictability kicks in will be as tr Uranus moves into the UK 8th in 2019 to stay until 2026/7. That’s not necessarily disastrous, just roller coaster. Especially when tr Uranus meets the conjunction to the UK 8th house Mars in 2021/2 and then continues to rattle round the other UK Fixed planets for several years. That will certainly start with a financial shock of sorts (as well as other effects). The EU is also in serious shtook at the same time as tr Uranus hits their 8th house Taurus Moon and squares their Uranus.

With major aftershocks in 2023/2024 with Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the UK Mars; and Solar Arc Sun square the 2nd house Neptune.

Previous times of tr Uranus in Taurus are not much help since the previous one was conjunct Uranus and square Pluto during WW11; and the one before that in the mid 19th Century was part of a triple conjunction with Pluto and then Saturn.

Before Uranus moves into Taurus in 2018, the UK chart does have some questionable Solar Arcs hitting on the 8th house UK Mars with tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars; plus the Bank of England looks to be in some disarray in 2017.

The state of mind of the population is either 4th house or Moon aspects. Tr Pluto now in the 4th until the end of the next decade and tr Saturn moves through the 4th from 2019 to mid 2021 – both of which suggest a fairly tough time then, especially during Saturn’s stay. And even before then tr Pluto opposing the Moon in 2017/18, followed by tr Saturn opposition the Moon in 2019 also points to a challenged and discouraged electorate.

But all in all it doesn’t look like a terminal meltdown. And these influences would still have been in place with or without Brexit, though perhaps taking a different form.

Theresa May’s Government chart will have some wobbles in February 2017 with tr Uranus square the Sun; and a fair amount of confusion and uncertainty through 2017 with tr Neptune square the focal point Saturn; but it’ll also be bullishly confident and probably successful to a large degree with tr Pluto trine Jupiter in 2017/18. The challenges will start to mount with tr Pluto opposition the Govt Sun in 2018/19; and the most likely fall-off-perch-time will be mid 2019 when the Sun moves by Solar Arc to square Uranus exactly.

As if life is not beset by enough horrors, the dreaded Tony Blair’s itchy-fingered megalomania is turning a focus on returning to UK politics, swooping in like batman to save the day. He’s dropping his money-earning work for third world dictators, partly because they’ve stopped piling cash his way, so will have a few hours to spare to save UK Inc. His chart certainly indicates a major change of direction in 2017 with tr Uranus square his Capricorn MC. Regrettably he’s not finished completely, with his peak starting in 2020 for a few years. Though he’s got some devastatingly stuck Solar Arcs across 2017/18 and 2021/22. But he might try.

His relationship chart with the UK is control-freaky to start with – a composite Mercury opposition Uranus squaring onto Mars Pluto; with Saturn trine Mars Pluto – that’s fathoms of hostility. It looks very limp and lacklustre until late 2018 with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Sun Venus, so he won’t make any headway instantly. But it’s just possible his narcissism is such that he throws caution to the winds and arouses a great deal of angst by pushing on in 2019 for a few years.

Twitter – into its swan song phase?




Could you survive without Twitter? Despite a $15 billion capitalization from its 2013 IPO, it is struggling to find ways of making money on the 300 million who use it. Advertisers are lured away by the 1.7 billion users of Facebook and 500,000 on Instagram, with new competition coming up fast from Snapchat and others. Shares are today down by a fifth amid worries about a lack of takeover interest.

The 7 Nov 2013 10.52am New York IPO chart is certainly in trouble now and through 2017 with tr Saturn square Mars after mid this month; and tr Neptune opposing Mars through 2017/18. There’ll be some lift in Dec/Jan 2017 from tr Uranus square the IPO Jupiter, perhaps if they find an unconventional buyer, but it won’t help thereafter.

The original Twitter chart, 21 March 2006 1.02pm San Francisco, CA, is in no better shape with tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on Uranus Mercury square Mars, through 2016/17 with a worse dip in 2018.

Jack Dorsey, the founder, 19 Nov 1976 1.30 am St Louis, Missouri (Sly Schofield), who recently returned as CEO, hasn’t been making much headway with his ambition to monetize and retain control of the company. He’s very up and down through the next eighteen months, panicking at setbacks, but staying bullish throughout. But his relationship chart with Twitter 2006 looks mired in confusion at the moment and there’s a parting of the ways in 2017/2018.

Hurricane Matthew – Haiti & Florida reeling



Hurricane Matthew, the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade, has done considerable damage in Haiti, leaving at least 300 dead, and is heading now towards Florida as a Category Three storm (120 mph/190 km/h.)

Haiti is no stranger to tropical hurricanes but has still not recovered from the devastating 2010 earthquake. This September Lunar Eclipse located to Haiti had Pluto conjunct Ascendant square Uranus conjunct IC, so putting it in the centre of the disruptive Uranus Pluto effect.

The Haiti, 1 Jan 1804 independence chart, at the moment has the Solar Arc Saturn opposition the Haiti Jupiter with Solar Arc Mars square Jupiter – so battering at confidence and optimism. With tr Pluto moving this year backwards and forwards in square to the Haiti Uranus, so more jolts and upsets.

The country chart is tough to start with having a Capricorn Sun Mars square Saturn; and sextile Pluto. The January 2010 quake which killed anywhere between 50,000 and 300,000 people happened when the tr Pluto in Capricorn square tr Saturn in Libra was hitting on the Haiti Mars square Saturn, so a brutal outcome.

It isn’t clear who is running Haiti at the moment after the previous President resigned and an interim government was formed. With tr Pluto continuing to square the Haiti Uranus till late 2017 and picking up the conjunction to Mercury in 2017/18 it looks like endless wrangles and an unsettled period ahead.

Florida state, 3 March 1845, is now experiencing the effects of the hurricane with warnings about threat to life. The Solar Arc Mars is square the Florida Pisces Sun, which always accompanies a collision of sorts; with tr Saturn opposition the Solar Arc Mars now, before moving within days to square the Florida Sun. Tr Neptune follows in 2017/18 to conjunct the Sun as well. That may not all be hurricane damage, but it looks less than upbeat.

UKIP – flaming their way into burnout



Despite scoring a spectacular victory with the Brexit vote, UKIP (the UK abandon EU party) is still a car crash. Which given that its start chart of 3 Sept 1993, has a Mars Jupiter square Uranus Neptune is not too surprising. Mars Jupiter is gung-ho, Mars Uranus explosive and erratic, Uranus Neptune fanatical and highly strung. Having got themselves in a tangle voting a replacement leader for Nigel Farage, they forced Diane James in under duress, who resigned 18 days later this week. A major donor Aaron Banks described some of the top executives as ‘circus clowns – who’d be out of their depth in a paddling pool.’

Now Steven Woolfe, one of the possible replacements for the replacement leader, has ended up in hospital after a heated exchange in Strasbourg amongst UKIP MEPs, in which he allegedly called one of the other members outside to finish the argument like men, received a punch, fell down hitting his head and then collapsed with a seizure two hours later. You couldn’t make it up. Almost on a par with the then leader Nigel Farage nearly getting killed in a light aircraft crash campaigning for the 2010 election when the UKIP banner got tied round the propeller.

The UKIP chart had this September Eclipse conjunct the Virgo Sun which usually indicates a crisis; and the UKIP Sun has also been suffering from the downbeat tr Saturn square, just finished, and is facing the undermining tr Neptune opposition through 2017. Plus an over-heated tr Pluto square the Mars Jupiter now which would lead to inflamed passions along with an overly-intense Solar Arc Pluto square Mercury, which is also picking up the tr Pluto trine at the moment. And it’s not going to get easier with tr Pluto conjunct the Uranus Neptune from early 2017 to late 2018.

Steven Woolfe, 6 Oct 1967, who according to Neil Hamilton picked the fight, is a Sun Libra opposition Saturn in Aries, but the diplomatic niceties of his Libra Sun will be outweighed by a fiery Mars in Sagittarius in a do-or-die determined square to Pluto and a no-compromise square to Uranus.

Another MEP, Mike Hookem, 9 Oct 1953, an ex-commando, was evidently incensed when he heard Woolfe was thinking of defecting to the Tories until Diane James resigned. Hookem is another Sun Libra like Woolfe, with a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in Virgo which is conjunct Woolfe’s Pluto and square Woolfe’s Mars, so an argumentative combo. Both have Mercury in sharp-spoken and distrustful Scorpio.

No complaints or charges have been brought and there’ll be no investigation unless that happens. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Ophichius, the 13th – are Virgos really Leos, and Pisces now Aries?

Below are a couple of pieces I wrote when this hoary old chestnut came up a couple of years back, for the umpteenth time.

Did my sun sign change?

Noooooo. You are precisely as you have always been. How could an intense passionately emotional Scorpio suddenly morph into an elegantly detached Libra? Not possible. Your sun sign (birthday sign) in Western astrology comes from a zodiac set by the solstices. The zodiac circle round the earth is divided into 12 exact segments each named after one of the 88 constellations in the heavens. These zodiac signs have been in use for thousands of years and aren’t going to change just because one astronomer got the wrong end of the stick.

Why are people talking about a new, 13th, sign? Astronomers like making mischief about astrology as a way of undermining its credibility. They imagine that pushing up the idea of a 13th sign will throw a spanner in the works. And the media especially on the internet loves a good argument. Astronomers don’t like astrology since they don’t understand it. They also feel it diminishes their lofty scientific status being even faintly associated with it via the stars. This is despite the fact that all the early astronomers – Galileo, Kepler, Brahe -and indeed early scientists were also astrologers.

What is the meaning of this new sign? The constellation Ophiuchus was in Roman times known as Serpentarius and associated with Ascelpius the healer who was reputed to be able to bring people back from the dead or keep them alive indefinitely. So it has a meaning somewhat similar to Chiron, the wounded healer.

Is this new news?

Nooo. It keeps cropping up every few years when yet another astronomer decides to try to rock astrology’s boat. One of astrology’s problems is it has bad PR despite being everywhere and accepted by two thirds of the world’s population. At the moment there is no explanation for astrology since it doesn’t fit in with any of the accepted scientific theories of the universe. And science in its arrogance says what we can’t explain can’t possibly exist. Hah.

How might I learn more?

When I first started doing astrology I knew I had to put aside the why question. Why does it work? We don’t know why is the simple answer. How it works is a different matter. People have been studying and practising astrology for several thousand years and a considerable body of knowledge has been accumulated. If you want to learn how astrology works then there are a huge variety of courses on offer – just go google. Find your country’s main astrological association and ask them.

For a general background on astrology my website has a brief summary of where it came from and just how many leading figures have used it.



Sigh. Astronomers do like to cause mischief on the basis of utterly no understanding of how astrology works. One has suggested because of the wobble of the earth on its axis we are all one sign out. And the Precession of the Equinoxes is news? And shock horror there is a thirteenth sign named after the constellation of Ophiuchus. This is a hoary chestnut that reappears every so often and is all beside the point.

Back to basics. Astrology works off a mathematically exact zodiac marked out from Zero Point Aries which is a line through the centre of the earth. That zodiac circle divided into twelve equal segments is named after twelve of the eighty eight constellations in the heavens which are roughly in a circle.

If you think of the astrological zodiac as a map grid reference it helps. Constellations vary enormously in size and distance from the earth so would hardly be useful for accurate predictions.

Where some of the confusion comes in is that 2000 years ago Zero Point Aries was very roughly against the start of the constellation of Aries. Two thousand years before that in the time of the Babylonians that line through the centre of the earth was against the constellation of Taurus. We have for the past two thousand years been moving through the Age of Pisces and now are hovering on the brink of the Age of Aquarius. But since the constellations are impossible to put a start and finish on estimates for the start of the Age of Aquarius run from 1966 to 2034.

In any event these great epochs as they are known have nothing whatsoever to do with the working of day to day astrology.

While for some it is reassuring to think of astrology working because we are ‘zapped’ by solar system energy, few serious astrologers believe there is a cause and effect mechanism working. The explanation has to be a good deal more complex than that. Since science has dismally failed to even start to grapple with the issue, other than throwing out silly smears once in a while we still have no idea why astrology actually works.

Which it undoubtedly does. Even at the simplest level of Sun signs it does make sense. Many early astronomers and indeed modern many scientists are Pisces. Comedians tend to be Aquarius or Sagittarius. Farmers and singers Taurus. Yes there are exceptions but anyone who knows astrology knows what their friends and family are like and most fit the rules of the thumb for that sign.

Birth charts can be startling accurate in pin pointing temperaments, talents, hang ups and life’s patterns. The examples are legion.

I wrote a book some years ago looking at the history of the past two thousand years and what was around astrologically during the great historical shifts. You can track the history of economics and the handling of money through times of Pluto in Capricorn which we have at the moment – 2008 to 2024. Pluto is about transformation. Capricorn is about governments and finance. Pluto melts down to produce a better system. The world went into a global financial spasm when Pluto moved into Capricorn. It occurs roughly every 250 years. Last time round Adam Smith was writing the free market bible ‘Wealth of Nations’. Prior to that currencies were re-organised, stabilised, banking was invented.

There is abundant proof that the kind of astrology we use, based on the map grid of the zodiac with the twelve signs we know and love so well, named after but not exactly matching constellations, does work. One day scientists will stop sneering and smearing and get on with their proper business of providing an explanation.

Pink Panther heists – well-planned, fast and brass-necked

There’s suspicion that the Kim Kardashian robbers were part of the Pink Panther group of East European criminals who have pulled off some astonishing jewellery heists in the past two decades all over the world. They are a loose network of about 200 it is thought, so if some are caught, which they have been, it does not affect the set up. They don’t use violence although they have been armed; are meticulously well prepared and disappear fairly instantly after audacious raids.

What is interesting is that the charts of four of the highest-grossing raids are reasonably similar, and all have Fire Suns (although not this one).

Carlton Hotel, Cannes, 28 July 2013, $136 million – a Water Grand Trine of Mars Jupiter in trine Neptune trine Saturn North Node, formed into a Kite by Mars Jupiter opposition Pluto. So certainly talented, but with the confident-chancer Mars Jupiter; with Mars Pluto highlighted which has criminal overtones. The Leo Sun was trine Uranus.

Wafi Mall, Dubai, 14 April 2007 -a Fire Grand Trine of Aries Sun trine Saturn trine Jupiter (Pluto), formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Neptune; with the Sun opposition the Saturn/Pluto midpoint and Uranus = Mars/Pluto.  Certainly entrepreneurial and risk-taking.

Graff, 6 Aug 2009, £40 million, one of London’s biggest robberies – a Leo Sun widely opposition the high-finance Jupiter Neptune; with Mars in Gemini on the point of a T Square to Saturn opposition Uranus.

Harry Winston, 5 Dec 2008, Paris, $110 million, called the robbery of the century by the French media – a Sagittarius Sun conjunct Mars on the focal point of Saturn opposition Uranus; with Saturn square the Mars/Pluto midpoint and Uranus = Mars/Saturn.

This Kim Kardashian robbery had the Sun square the Mars/Pluto midpoint.

So all have Fire Suns – inspirational and entrepreneurial; all have afflicted Mars, especially tied into Pluto; and three out of these four older examples had a Jupiter trine Saturn, which points to careful pre-planning; several had a heavily aspected and evasive Neptune as well.

Kim Kardashian – assaulted by Mars Saturn




Kim Kardashian was tied up by gunmen dressed as police, in a luxury Paris apartment in the early hours of this morning and robbed of around 8 million euros worth of jewellery. She was in town for the fashion shows and has since left France. Horrible experience and her security will no doubt be getting a sharp boot.

What’s showing most clearly on her chart is her Secondary Progressed Mars almost exactly square her Saturn (within 10 minutes which is a sixth of a degree). That is accident-prone, can be life-threatening and is certainly a huge setback. Tr Saturn has been conjunct her Mars in Sagittarius earlier this year, which can also attract destructive energies; and is heading for her Ascendant by mid this month. Tr Pluto is sextile her Mars/Pluto exactly now which is minor but high-risk. Her Solar Arc Venus is also conjunct her trapped Sun/Pluto midpoint so emotionally intense.

Given that mishaps/disasters tend to come in cycles – or one cataclysm is a harbinger of a run of bad luck, she does have trying times over the next few years. Tr Saturn into her lower-profile 1st quadrant from this April for several years may gradually persuade her to be less visible. Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars in 2018 which is a collision of sorts; at the same time as she has an undermining Solar Arc Neptune square her Sun; followed in 2019 by a jolting, high-tension Solar Arc Uranus square her Saturn.

I would marginally worry about her finances. I can’t think she’ll be short of a dollar or two but tr Pluto is now moving through her 2nd to be joined by tr Saturn from 2018. So there could be some major shift in her money situation.

PS. Other thought. This month does have what are euphemistically described as challenging influences.  First Sun Pluto Uranus; then as tr Mars in Capricorn draws to exact in the second half of the month a conjunction to Pluto and square Uranus.  These usually trigger early and are dangerous for some, and thoroughly frustrating and bad-tempered in general. So out in the world there’s likely to be more mayhem, murder and disruptions or upsetting incidents. A time to take greater care all round. [See Heavenly Headlines]

RIP Rosetta – went boldly into the unknown



Rosetta, the highly successful European Space Agency comet probe has reached its final resting place, 720 million kilometres (450 million miles) on the other side of the Solar System beyond Jupiter, and shut down. Its observations have transformed understanding of the mountainous balls of ice and dust that wander among the planets; and added to knowledge of the early Solar system.

Rosetta, a project started 30 years ago, was launched on 2 March 2004 at 7.17am UT Kourou, French Guinea, with a cosmic Pisces Sun Mercury Uranus in a Water Grand Trine to a Scorpio MC trine Saturn, formed into a Kite by Sun Mercury opposition Jupiter, making Jupiter the driving planet. So a talented and innovative chart, blessed with luck. Jupiter was also in a positive-thinking, new-project trine Mars and North Node in steadfast Taurus.

Ground control lost radio communication at 11.40am in Darmstadt, Germany on September 30 2016 indicating the craft had landed on the comet surface and shut down.

Tr Saturn square tr Neptune had this year been in hard aspect to the launch Sun Mercury; with tr Pluto trine Mars as the mission drew to a close. There was sadness about the end as well as jubilation for an inspirational achievement – with tr Pluto trine the Jupiter.

The Great EU Repeal Bill – history in progress



The Great Repeal Bill is Theresa May’s response to anxious UK citizens floundering in uncertainty about what comes next after the June 23rd referendum vote for Brexit. It will revoke the European Communities Act, given assent 17 October 1972, in preparation for the UK joining the then EEC on Jan 1 1973.

The EC Act 1972 has a Libra Sun Uranus – with tr Uranus exactly opposition the Sun over the referendum, splitting apart an always uncomfortable partnership, with UK laws becoming subservient to Brussels law. That’s a Half Return for tr Uranus, so a mid-life crisis which does often throw everything in the air. Tr Pluto will square the EC Act Uranus exactly when formal notification is given to the EU next March, at the same time as tr Uranus returns to oppose the EC Act Sun – and it all starts to rock n’ roll thereafter for the two years of tr Pluto on Uranus, which is always a game-changer in diplomatic terms. Tr Pluto will then catch up to the square to the Sun in 2020/21, so two years may not be enough time to disentangle a complex web of legislation and trade ties/tariffs etc.

It won’t be easy or pleasant. But at least the astrology is spot on.

The UK joining the EEC chart, of 1 Jan 1973 12am, has had a power-struggle-for-the-upper-hand tr Pluto conjunct Jupiter through 2016 and that continues through 2017; though 2018 looks swampy and confused with tr Neptune square the singleton Saturn on that chart. By 2018 tr Saturn into Capricorn is starting a downbeat, separating conjunction to the UK EEC Sun, the UK, EU and Germany Suns as well. With the disruptive tr Pluto square the UK EEC Uranus in 2019/20.

So the game is on. And with Frankfurt disappearing down a plug-hole bank-wise; and the Hungary anti-migrant push gaining traction in other Eastern European countries, whether today’s referendum wins or not; and France’s economy staggering, ditto Italian banks, the EU looks to be sinking under an avalanche of unresolvable problems. We live in interesting times.