Yulia Navalnaya, known as the “first lady” of the Russian opposition, widow of the almost certainly murdered Alexi Navalny, has vowed to take on his struggle. Although avoiding the spotlight for years she was always there. She said in a video address this week “I was by Alexei’s side all these years: elections, protests, house arrest, searches, detention, prison, poisoning, protests again, arrest again and prison again.”
Born 24 July 1976, no birth time, Moscow, she is a trained economist and mother of two. “She isn’t just married to the man, she’s married to the cause,” said Guy Verhofstadt, a Belgian MEP and former prime minister.
Hours after learning of the sudden death of her husband, she spoke to world leaders at the Munich Security Conference last Friday and urged them to redouble their efforts against Putin. On Monday, she toured Brussels like a visiting foreign leader, meeting European Council president Charles Michel and Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief. In a speech she asked Russians to “share her fury” and not give up the fight to overthrow President Vladimir Putin, who she accused of ordering her husband’s murder.
She has her Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Venus in Leo square Uranus in Scorpio conjunct North Node opposition Chiron SN in Taurus. Her Leo stellium is also trine Neptune and sextile Pluto. A formidable lady, highly motivated, enduring, driven to push through reforms with persistence. Her Mars in hard working Virgo is in a courageous sextile to Uranus and an attention-seeking square to Neptune. Her Jupiter in late Taurus is sextile her Sun.
Her Sun is conjunct her confident/lucky Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and her Uranus squares it. But she also has her Pluto conjunct her Saturn/Neptune midpoint leading to depression and a difficult struggle in life. Her Pluto is also conjunct her Mars/North Node midpoint which is associated with violent separations.
She is having a tough struggle ahead with tr Pluto opposition her Sun and then Saturn over the next four years. With one lucky blip of triumph and relief from tension in July, October 2024 and May 2025 when tr Uranus will conjunct her Jupiter. Her Progressed Mars, Prog Venus and Prog Pluto are all conjunct now and have been seen Alexei was sent to Siberia last year – passionate in the face of danger and destruction.
I am always amazed at the courage of people like her and Alexei and other dissidents. We complain endlessly about our woes in the politically broken west but it is paradise compared to what they face.
She will become President of the Russian Federation, at least five years away. Putin will be no one. Looked in my crystal ball.
Craig Hamilton Parker has said the same thing. Though he couldn’t say when.
I noticed her Jupiter is conjunct Algol and I read from some astrologers that when Uranus conjuncts Algol in mid-July it will cojoin with Mars and fire up many women, activating them to take their cause to the next level. Interesting that Yulia’s Jupiter is at that degree!
I have often thought that Putin’s fall would be precipitated by a woman but I never imagined it would be her. As you say, she has always remained out of the spotlight. Now her fury is driving her into it. She is indeed courageous as she also has to think of her children. I have been pondering why P chose this moment to rid himself of Navalny and I can only imagine that it was to demonstrate that all opposition is futile. Although now with Pluto edging into
Aquarius I think he might find that his heavy handedness has the opposite effect. Let’s hope Navalny’s vision for a better Russia finally gains traction.