Ylenia Carrisi – a dark Uranus Neptune mystery

Ylenia Carrisi, the grand-daughter of Tyrone Power and Mexican actress Linda Christian, is a tragic missing person, about whom recurring rumours circulate that she’s still alive. Though since she disappeared in 1994 and her father had her declared dead in 2014, it seems unlikely.

She was born 29 November 1970 12.25 pm Rome, Italy, the daughter of daughter of Italian singer/actor parents and had planned to become a novelist, having excelled at university in London. She took a break from her studies to travel the world solo with nothing but a backpack and her journal, beginning in South America, then to bus to New Orleans.  She was last seen there around January 6 and a security guard testified that he saw a woman vaguely matching her description jump into the Mississippi River saying the words “I belong in water”. But no body was ever found.

She had a full 9th house, which rules foreign travel, with her Sagittarius Sun and Neptune there as well as Jupiter in Scorpio. She would be a communicator as well as avidly interested in faraway places. Her Sagittarius Moon was conjunct her Midheaven with Mercury in Sag in her 10th – fiery, adventurous, not always practical. Her Mercury was also square a 7th house Pluto so she’d be intense and not inclined to listen to advice. She also had a full 8th house of Uranus, Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio so would be driven by forces she did not entirely understand or could control. Her Jupiter was in an up-and-down opposition to Saturn in Taurus. It is a troubled and also wild-and-way out chart.

The family background looms large with her mother Romina Power having had a peripatetic childhood in Mexico and Italy after her mother Linda Christian divorced Tyrone. Linda Christian was half-Dutch and half-Mexican with also a much-travelled childhood. Tyrone came from several generations of Irish stage actors. So drama was in her blood though a solo round-the-world jaunt was high risk.

When she disappeared the highly strung transiting Uranus Neptune conjunction was conjunct her Midheaven and square her Progressed Moon, which latter was moving through her 8th house at that point, which is always an intense time emotionally. Tr Saturn was conjunct her North Node on her Ascendant for a karmic moment of destiny. Oddly enough her Solar Arc Jupiter was conjunct her Moon (and Midheaven) and tr Jupiter was exactly conjunct her Progressed Mars, both of which are upbeat. I could quite see that not-entirely-stable transiting Uranus Neptune conjunction fuelling a delusional mood and sending her into a fit of mania.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the “I belong in water” tale wasn’t true.

3 thoughts on “Ylenia Carrisi – a dark Uranus Neptune mystery

  1. What a tragedy! Ylenia’s disappearance and the strain it put to her parents’ marriage ultimately ending it was The Story in Italy in the late 1990’s. If I’ll say there was a headline on one of the weeklies on this every week, I probably am not far off. I’ve always liked Romina Power – Al Bano & Romina Power were really big stars in Continental Europe in the mid-1980’s, it’s interesting actually how music “crossed over” back then -, and seeing her about as much in peace with this as a mother can be lately is calming. She does have other kids and grandkids, but this is a kind of pain that will never leave you. On the other hand, never was particular fan of Al Bano, not saying he is a clinical narcissist, but there is certain streak in him that’s more than a bit impassible. His sorrow seemed slightly more performative.

    • Albano her father has an 8th house Uranus Saturn opposition a Sagittarius Moon so probably is fairly battened down.

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